My Fiance Ran Away

C437 Don't Forget I Am the Commander!

C437 Don't Forget I Am the Commander!

You're such a good...    


When Ye Chuqing heard Ye Chuqing at this occasion, she shouted loudly, Soldiers are not afraid of death. After hearing Ye Chuqing shout A soldier is not afraid of death at this time, Chu Yang really wanted to push this naive girl to the side. But seeing that she was very reliant on him, he could not bear to do it again. Sigh, when I first saw this girl, she acted quite manly. But now, why is she acting so bashfully all the time? Could it be that she has been influenced by This God? She wants to change her appearance and be a lady?    


Retracting his gaze from Ye Chuqing, King Hongming waved his hand. "Now, distribute the weapons and paint them. We will officially take action in ten minutes!"    


Everyone squatted on the ground and took out some gun parts from the big bags prepared by the National Security. Move! They skillfully assembled the eight M8 light Assault Rifle and took out enough magazines. He began to paint his face.    


Chu Yang wiped his face a few times with the paint on his face. Just as he stood up, he saw King Hongming bend down and take out a black thing from his left leg. He handed it over.    


Chu Yang's hand touched the cold steel and a long-lost feeling of familiarity rose in his heart. This was his Soul Remnant Army Thorn.    


"I think you should be very good at using it, so I specially brought it for you." King Hongming put down his hand and said faintly, "This Army Thorn has pierced many people before, it already has spirituality, hope..."    


Chu Yang continued, "In my hands, it has always been killing those who should be killed."    


"That's good." King Hongming looked at his watch again and said in a deep voice, "Move!"    


Before King Hongming finished his words, a few clear gunshots sounded on the mountain in front of them.    


Tap, tap, tap...    


Had they been discovered!?    


With the sound of gunfire from Qinta Mountain, Qin Chao's finger was pressed onto the trigger. He knelt down and pointed the muzzle in Qinta Mountain's direction.    


"Don't panic, the gunshots aren't aimed at us." Chu Yang waved his hand and listened carefully. "Judging from the sound, this is the Type 89 5.56 mm rifle of the R Country Self-Defence Force."    


Qin Chao searched the front of the line through the infrared scope of the M8 light Assault Rifle and asked, "How can you tell?"    


"Launch at three points when firing. This is the characteristic of the Type 89 Assault Rifle in R Country." King Hongming took the sentence and raised his binoculars to look at the front. "Could it be that the R Country agents are here again?"    


Chu Yang weighed the Army Thorn in his hand and laughed lightly. "This time, there is a crash... Should we wait for them to explore the way first and then press on? If we are lucky, we can pick up a few Type 89 rifles. You have to know that the cost of a single one of those rifles is more than three thousand dollars."    


Ye Chuqing whispered," Even if you pick it up, you can't take it away. Don't forget that this is overseas. "    


"Nonsense. Can't you tell that I am joking?" Chu Yang rolled his eyes at her. "In the future, without my permission, don't speak nonsense. Otherwise, you will embarrass me."    


Ye Chuqing opened her mouth and then closed it again. She nodded obediently.    


"No need to wait. Let's move!" King Hongming waved his hand. He lowered his body and ran towards the north.    


Bei Gongcuo, Xue Tao, and Shaang Buting followed closely behind.    


Hua Canyu walked quickly to Chu Yang, patted his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Please take care of Qin Chao."    


"You don't need to tell me."    


"Take care." When Hua Canyu said those two words, he was already five meters away.    


Putting down the gun, Qin Chao slowly stood up and said lightly, "What did he say to you? Did he ask you to take care of me?"    


"He said that if you don't want to cheat, he will die for you." Chu Yang turned his hand and placed the Army Thorn on his calf. He shouted in a low voice, "Let's go!"    


"Hold on!" Qin Chao grabbed Chu Yang's arm and said, "The gunshots are getting more and more intense. We should confirm the route. Also, from now on, you have to listen to me! Don't forget that I am the commander... "    


Chu Yang swung his arm, opened Qin Chao's hand, and sneered, "Bullshit! You still want to command me with your unstable state of mind? If you want to stay, then stay. I don't want to bother with you. Ye Chuqing, let's go!"    


" Oh!" Ye Chuqing nodded and reached out her hand to pull Qin Chao, who was angry. "Instructor Qin, let's listen to him first."    


"Okay." Qin Chao gritted his teeth and stomped his foot lightly. He followed Ye Chuqing and flew into the darkness.    




35 meters below the back mountain of Qinta Mountain, in a brightly lit room, there were a few men wearing white coats and masks standing in front of some glass containers and microscopes, carefully observing something.    


Behind them stood Akino Anzu and Ruth, who were carrying a strange-looking gun. The two of them crossed their arms and looked at the biologists in the base.    


In the center of the room was a bed that could be raised and lowered freely. On the snow-white sheets, there was a woman lying.    


The woman's eyes did not have the slightest bit of intelligence as she stared blankly at the lamp stick on the roof.    


The woman looked very sweet. If her eyes were more spirited and her hair wasn't as white as before, if her skin was slightly red, then she would be a heavenly beauty that could topple all living things.    


That Yeh Cuicann.    


This woman whose hands and feet were not tied but did not make any resistance was R Country First Beauty, who was held hostage at home more than a month ago, Yeh Cuicann.    


During the days she was kidnapped, she had resisted and struggled, but the trouble she caused for 2012 and the others was not much better than an ant trying to push an elephant.    


After her resistance was completely ineffective, Yeh Cuicann also had the idea of biting her tongue to commit suicide. But the woman who seemed to be from R Country told her, If you commit suicide, we will put your corpse in perfect shape. Let a few shepherd dogs from the D Country and your corpse, then make a video and send it to your family. We have reason to believe that the entire Great R Country Imperial family will be proud of you. Of course, you can also choose to die after the experiment. But that way, we can let you die with dignity. You can choose between these two ways of death.    


If it wasn't for Akino Anzu and Cantambos's change in front of him... Yeh Cuicann definitely wouldn't be frightened by her words.    


However, she saw it and very naturally confirmed a fact. It was just a bunch of changes that did not know what shame was. Performance, not to mention bringing a few dogs after her death to humiliate her. Even if it was something shameless, they could still do it. Waiting for death might be the best outcome for her to survive.    


Waiting for death while alive sounded very ironic, but it was the truth.    


Hence, from that day on, Yeh Cuicann stopped thinking about seeking death. She just ate and rested daily, waiting for the day she sacrificed herself for 'science'.    


Her eyes looked empty as she looked at the roof. Yeh Cuicann once again lost herself in the illusion. Under the sun, she held her daughter Nanzhao Xixue's small hand. She ran happily on the beach by the beach. Not far away, the handsome and handsome Nanzhao was holding a camera in his hand. He shouted for his daughter to catch up to his mother.    


" Yay!" Just as the corner of Yeh Cuicann's mouth curled up into a dreamy angle, a biologist who was fully focused on observing the microscope. The biologist suddenly clenched his fist and punched in the air. He shouted excitedly, "We succeeded! Through Plan 5413, we successfully combined the HIV-1 variant serum with the natural low IGG embryo serum!! "    


After hearing this person's cheers, the other biologists all put down their work and ran over with excitement on their faces. "Professor Sam, is what you said true?"    


Professor Sam nodded vigorously and took a step back. "All of you, come and take a look!"    


A few biologists rushed to the front of the microscope and carefully observed a drop of blood under the lens. They exclaimed in low voices, "Unbelievable, this is unbelievable! A human serum and a cow's serum are perfectly combined. This is definitely a huge leap in the history of biogenetics! From now on, we will no longer be ravaged by hepatitis!"    


Akino Anzu was also very happy to see these biologists with wild joy on their faces. She walked to Sam's PhD and confirmed again," Dr. Sam, do you mean that we have what we want? "    


"Yes!" Dr. Sam said,, "We thought we could need at least six experimental subjects, but who knew that five would be enough to complete this great experiment. It could completely reverse the condition of the patient with hepatitis in a few weeks. It could turn their blood from Yang resistance to Yin. The only flaw was that the cost of the blood production was too high. It was not something ordinary people could bear. However, I believe that as long as we continue to work hard, we will soon find a new solution! "    


" But only treating hepatitis is not the result that we spent six years and tens of billions of dollars to get. " Akino Anzu quickly said, "What we need is an infectious virus that can be quickly transmitted through the air, and an antidote to treat this kind of virus!"    


"It's very simple," Dr. Sam said. "We just need to temporarily name this kind of... blood serum 5413, because this is the 5413th experiment. We just need to follow the ratio of 630: 1."    


He walked quickly to the computer next to him. He tapped a few times and pointed to some data on the screen. "Combining 5413 with the SARS special IGM and IGG serum from a few years ago will produce a mutated SARS virus. Then inject the virus into the mouse, and then spread it outside through the wind media. At the latest, it will take four weeks for it to become 'popular' in the world! The infected will have a fever of 38 degrees and above for seven days, and then die..."    


" Then how do we prevent and save them? "    


"Using antibiotics of quadruple antibiotics and 5413 compounded according to the ratio of 2.56: 1.03, it will only take 17 hours to completely cure them."    


"After the patient is cured, will there be antibodies in his body?"    


Dr. Sam smiled and shook his head. "No. In this world, people who could produce antibodies... So far, you have only sent us five people. Furthermore, those who have been cured by the poison will need to be injected with the antidote every three years or so. Talent Regular maintenance of their liver's ability to produce blood. "    


Akino Anzu turned her head to look at Yeh Cuicann and smiled gently, "This lady has made an indelible contribution to our great cause. We must make good arrangements for her... Dr. Sam, make all the experimental data. With 5413. Oh, no, with the 'MD' based on the virus samples. After sorting it all out, I will immediately head back to headquarters, Congratulations to Lord Bishop! "    


"Alright." Dr. Sam agreed and walked to a row of glass cabinets by the wall. He carefully took out a test tube with a label of '5413' and poured the blood inside into a disinfectant stainless steel cylinder. He then tightened the lid and took out two USB disks from the computer. He placed a serum and a blood serum into the explosion-proof password box that Ruth handed over.    


"Miss Xing, for safety's sake, all the experimental steps and data are stored in two USB disks respectively." Dr. Sam placed the USB drive on the password box. He held it with both hands and handed it to Akino Anzu.    


"Very good, you are very thoughtful!"    


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