My Fiance Ran Away

C408 A Group of Hooligans Ah!

C408 A Group of Hooligans Ah!

Ouyang Lianlian, Yang Min, and the other girls had already called for a meeting to 'eliminate dissidents' when Chu Yang and Ye Chuqing were being punished by the horse stance.    


In this meeting, everyone agreed unanimously.    


First, although that guy was destined to be unlucky, But on account of his forced nature, on account of the fate of 'a hundred years of cultivation on the same boat, and ninety years of cultivation on the same boat as a comrade', When everyone called out to him, they were not allowed to launch fatal attacks on a certain 'spot' of his young body.    


Secondly, in order to avoid accidentally injuring his' critical part ', all the sisters were f * cking barefooted.    


Three: This time, we must make him submit in one go, and make him a warning to everyone!    


The sisters had discussed it this way, and they had also done it this way.    


When Chu Li was about to open the door and enter, and Ye Chuqing was about to rush in first, the girls hiding in the lounge room on the first floor. They were afraid that the basin would be soaked with more than ten feet and a dozen bottles of carbonated ink soup would be poured into it. ' He would let Ye Niu 'drink' it.    


Fortunately, just when the girls were worried that Ye Chuqing would come in first, a guy who did not understand the principle of a lady giving priority to a woman rudely snatched it in. Only then was he really taken advantage of.    


When the sisters saw that the conspiracy succeeded, they were happy and also took advantage of the darkness to kill him!    


Before Chu Yang retaliated, the girls' plan could be said to have been completed perfectly. But no one expected that... A certain man... Under the cover of the night... Taking advantage of the girls being unable to distinguish between friend and foe, he adopted a rather roguish approach. In one go, he turned the entire situation around. Even after turning on the light and Ye Chuqing joined in, it was still because of the stinky water wiping the black face. It made that immoral man like a fish in water...    


In the end, it was fortunate that Ye Chuqing had a flash of inspiration and used the 'Arhat' method to finally suppress this fellow under the 'mountain of flesh' of her sisters, and thus established victory and defeat!    


Furthermore, under Ye Chuqing's command, Yang Min very bravely took off her belt and tightly tied up the two feet that were wearing army boots together.    


Seeing that after the sisters stood up, they could beat up a certain guy until he became a pig head before throwing him out. But who would have thought that the meritorious official of this campaign, Ye Chuqing, would... When she got up and hurriedly retreated, she realized that her right foot and one of the man's feet... It was tightly bound together.    


Because Ye Chuqing's speed when retreating was too fast, she sat down on the ground with a bang when she was unprepared.    


When the girls got up, Chu Yang was ready to fight back immediately. Damn it, do you think you can let me take care of you just because you tied up my feet? Cheh! Just you bunch of silly girls, don't say you tied up my legs. Even if you tie my hands up again, I can still do the same to you all!    


When Ye Chuqing squatted on the ground, Chu Yang did not notice. After the pressure on his body was greatly reduced, he suddenly flipped over. He lifted his hand to grab Ouyang Lianlian, who was about to die from the pressure, and threw him to the side. Then, like a carp hitting a fish, he didn't get up.    


In the chaos just now, Chu Yang also heard Ye Chuqing's order to tie his legs up. But because there were six or seven girls pressing down on him at that time, he was the same as Ye Chuqing. He did not even feel that one of his legs was tied up. The reason why he was able to stand up like a carp was because he subconsciously thought that his legs were tied up. He could bounce up with his legs tightly closed and immediately throw himself into the fight against his superior enemies.    


However, who would have thought that after Chu Yang's body was lifted up about half a meter, his left foot had completely lost mobility because of Ye Chuqing's right foot. His left foot only received half of it before he had no choice but to fall to the ground again.    


One. After the carp did not get up, Chu Yang thought that someone was holding his left foot. He didn't have time to think and reached out his hand to grab the pants of the girl closest to him. He pulled... God could testify for Chu Yang that when he pulled on someone else's pants, He just wanted to stand up. He didn't even want to take off his pants for a girl without a belt!    


However, no matter who was the witness, the truth was right in front of everyone's eyes.    


"Ah!" Following Yang Min's scream, Chu Yang grabbed the hand that grabbed her pants. His movements were very smooth as he pulled her long pants and her underwear... to her ankle!    


Instantly, a pair of white and black thighs (black water seeped through her pants) It dyed the long legs of a certain girl a little black. Including the most mysterious area, it was' naked 'exposed under the light just like that. Chu Li, who had taken advantage of the situation, suddenly sat up from the ground and placed his head on her thighs and whatever she was talking about.    


Do you know what' staring blankly 'means?    


Just by looking at the entire house of 'black people' in Asia, it was a very vivid interpretation of this word.    


Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them. As for the instigator, Chu Li, when he felt that something was wrong, he immediately let go of his hand and raised his head... but it was too late. He saw everything that he should and should not have seen!    


To tell the truth, when he saw Yang Min, he did not see clearly at all because he had been contaminated by dirty water after the incident. Chu Yang wished he could become blind!    


If this was in ancient times, you would be responsible if you saw her daughter's most mysterious place!    


"Pervert!" Yang Min screamed in a low voice with a sobbing tone. She swung her hand and gave Chu Yang a slap!    


Yang Min was about to pounce on him and give him the harshest punishment when Ye Chuqing, who understood the situation first, quickly reminded him loudly, "Don't beat him up first. Quickly put on your pants!"    


After Ye Chuqing's reminder, Yang Min woke up from a dream and hurriedly bent over to pull up her pants. Just as she wanted to say something, she realized that there was a large group of stunned goods in front of the door and window!    


Immediately, Yang Min let out a hair-raising scream, "A group of hooligans... Wuwu... "    




It turned out that after Chu Yang was plotted against, those birds who had long known that there would be a good show to watch tonight... Wait! They watched Chu Yang enter the 12th house as if he was carrying out a secret mission. He quickly and quietly snuck to the window at the entrance.    


At first, there was no light in the resting room on the first floor of building 12. He could only hear the shouts coming from inside. At this time, Ye Chuqing was still standing at the door, so no one dared to show their faces. When someone turned on the light, Ye Chuqing was pulled into the room by Chu Yang and put down on the ground. Only then did everyone sigh in their hearts, This person is really brave! In the meantime, they rushed to the door and window.    


When these birdman appeared at the door and window, it was precisely at the moment when the battle inside the room was at its peak.    


Although the fight inside was very enjoyable, these birds who were watching the show... At the same time that they were cheering in their hearts, they were also somewhat unwilling. Why? Because everyone only saw a group of black people rolling and crawling on the ground. They couldn't tell who was beating who at all.    


Later on, when Ye Chuqing and the others used the method of overlapping arhats to firmly press Chu Yang down, the bird people felt that the good show was about to begin. They rubbed their eyes and prepared to see how the girls were going to deal with this Chu man.    


But what everyone did not expect was that Yang Min, this silly girl... When she took off her belt and tied Chu Yang up, she accidentally tied Ye Chuqing up as well. Then... Yang Min's pants were ripped off and her most precious place was completely exposed.    


Yang Min's pants were suddenly pulled off. It was not only Chu Yang, Ye Chuqing and the others who were shocked, but also those fellows outside.    


Oh my god, this trip to the base was not in vain. Just as the group of birdman subconsciously stared at the room and could not breathe, Yang Min suddenly shouted out like a resentful wife, A group of hooligans!    


After hearing Yang Min's scream, the flock of birdman seemed to have woken up from a dream. They turned their heads and were about to retreat when they heard someone shout from behind, "All of you, stop right there!"    


The flock of birdman immediately took a look and all of them shouted out their bad luck.    


The person who came was none other than Qin Chao, Instructor Qin, who was in charge of the entire base's political and ideological work!    


Qin Chao scanned the flashlight in his hand and shouted loudly, "In the day, I have already said that after the lights are turned off at nine o'clock at night, Everyone must return to the dormitory on the third floor! But it was already nine o'clock and three o'clock. The lights had been turned off long ago. But you are still here. Hmph, humph, then don't blame me for following military law! "    


The lights went off? Why didn't I hear it? The group of birdman looked at each other. First, they were confused. Then, they realized something. Just now, because the show was too interesting, they didn't hear the lights turn off!    


"The lights have been turned off for three minutes, and you are all still gathered here. It seems like you aren't tired." Qin Chao turned around and used his flashlight to illuminate the field. "Since you are not tired, then strengthen your physical training. Go over there and do four hours of horse stance!"    


What bad luck! There were so many people, why didn't they notice her just now? But fortunately, she only did four hours of horse stance, and she even watched an exciting show, so it was worth it...    


Because of Qin Chao's domineering attitude during the day. So after she displayed her might this time, No one raised any objections. They all had satisfied, strange, and lascivious smiles on their faces. They ran into the sports field - Horse Stance.    


After those fellows went to pose, Qin Chao walked to the entrance of building 12 with a frown on his face. He was stunned for a moment before he even stepped into the building. Immediately, he could not help but laugh. Why were the people here in such a state?    


However, Qin Chao immediately realized that these were the nine girls from the 12th group. Under his suggestion, they played tricks to deal with Chu.    


Aiyaya, you guys take care of him, then take care of him. Why did you make yourself like this? Wouldn't that be a loss... Eh, why is there someone crying while squatting, and there are two people sitting face to face, busying themselves? After Qin Chao laughed out loud, he quickly stopped smiling and stood at the door with a stern face. He asked, "What's going on?"    


No one answered Qin Chao's question. The person standing only took a few steps back to the wall. The person squatting was still crying. The person sitting seemed to remember but could not get up.    


"Who... who is the team leader, Chu Yang?" Qin Chao gestured with the torchlight that had been turned off.    


When they saw Qin Chao appear, Chu Yang and Ye Chuqing did not care about anything else. They hurriedly tried to undo the belt that bound their feet. But firstly, they were scared. Secondly, when Yang Min was tied up, She used a typical special forces soldier's method of tying up enemies. So, after Qin Chao drove those birdman to the field and took a horse stance, They still hadn't untied their belts.    


However, since Qin Chao had pointed out Chu Yang's name, the Chu man had no choice but to stop what he was doing. He sat on the ground and raised a small black face. He answered loudly, "Reporting to Instructor Qin, I am Chu Yang."    


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