My Fiance Ran Away

C341 Violence in the Bathroom(1)

C341 Violence in the Bathroom(1)

You want to frame the Z People?" Lee Xiaomin's expression changed," Shen Yunzai, have you ever considered such an outcome? It doesn't matter if I die, but with my father's temper, Once he thinks that Z People killed me, then it might cause a conflict between the two countries!" That's right, this is the result I want to see! Our K Country is a country that loves peace. The people of K Country will not like a president who has a grudge against China for killing his daughter, right? Hehe, in that case, the chance of my father succeeding in his election is... It will greatly increase..." Although Xiaomin was still soaking in the hot water, her body started to feel cold. She trembled coldly. "Shen Yunzai, you are too despicable. For the sake of your father's election success. You actually did not hesitate to cause conflict between the two countries! You, do you still have the interests of the Republic of Korea in your heart? " I don't care about that. As long as my father can succeed in his election, I'm willing to do anything for him!" Shen Yunzai said as she pressed the trigger with her finger and said with a smile, "Miss Lee Xiaomin, I wish you a good journey.    


Don't worry, as long as you die, I will send the news of you dying in Z People's hands back to the country immediately." Yunzai had an angelic smile on her face. Her finger pressed on the trigger of the phone and the muzzle was pointed at Lee Xiaomin.    


Who knew Shen Yunzai better than Lee Xiaomin, just like how Chai Murong understood Hua Mannyu.    


She knew that since Shen Yunzai had already decided to kill her, there was no possibility of letting her go.    


She did not expect that she would die like this... Lee Xiaomin sighed in her heart and closed her eyes, waiting for the moment when the gunshot sounded.    


A loud sound rang out and Lee Xiaomin's body froze. I am dead! No matter what kind of terrifying environment she was in, as long as she was dead, she would not be afraid anymore.    


Lee Xiaomin, who died for her, immediately opened her eyes after hearing a loud bang.    


Xiaomin had once read in books that after a person died, two situations would appear in front of her eyes: one was the endless night, and the other was in the sky above and below. Looking at it, it was like the wind and clouds.    


When she opened her eyes now, she did not see the night sky nor the wind and clouds in the sky. Instead, she saw a person.    


The person Xiaomin saw was Chu Yang, who wore Shaang Lige's stockings.    


... Yang did not expect to encounter such a thing after he went through so much trouble to sneak into Lee Xiaomin's room.    


A woman called Shen Yunzai, in order to help her father run for the K Country President, actually hid in the ceiling of the bathroom before him, waiting to assassinate Lee Xiaomin.    


Xiaomin deserved to die.    


Generally speaking, it could explain Chu Yang's view of Lee Xiaomin.    


Pass. Chu Yang had sneaked into 1509 this time to give Lee Xiaomin a warning. In his heart, he did not want to kill her.    


There was no other reason. He was afraid that after she died in China, she would cause international conflict between the two countries because of her special identity.    


Usually, accidents would happen in the world.    


Yang Chao didn't want Lee Xiaomin to die in China, but there were people who wanted her to die here.    


And this person was Shen Yunzai. She wanted Lee Xiaomin to die here for the sake of her death. It was as if she wanted to use her death to incite Lee Huize's hatred towards China and affect his presidential election.    


Chu Yang was a notorious killer, but there was a very strong China plot in his bones. This could be seen from the fact that he, Rong Deng, Assassin King, had never killed a Z People for money.    


A patriot like Yang would never allow anyone to do anything that would harm China under his watch.    


Therefore, even though he did not like Lee Xiaomin, he could not watch her die on China's land.    


Therefore, Chu Yang had to stop Shen Yunzai from assassinating Lee Xiaomin for her father. This would affect Lee Huize's plan to run for president.    


It was very f * cking annoying to talk about saving a person he wanted to kill. However, the current Chu Yang had no other choice. Before Shen Yunzai finished speaking, He kicked open the bathroom door and rushed into the bathroom. His right hand had already forcefully pulled down the door handle, and the corner of his eye flashed. Then, he threw the door handle out with a swoosh! The bathroom door handle that was broken was thrown down by Chu Yang, who was in a hurry to save someone. With a whistling sound that pierced through the air, it accurately hit the Browning pistol that Shen Yunzai was about to pull the trigger on.    


Ah! " When Shen Yunzai was about to pull the trigger, the smile on her face became even brighter. In front of her eyes, there seemed to be a bloody hole in Lee Xiaomin's forehead, but who knew that just as she was about to enjoy this visual feast, First, the loud sound of the door being knocked open interrupted her thinking of pulling the trigger. Then, the right hand holding the gun suddenly shook. Her entire right arm immediately felt as if it had been electrocuted. She stared blankly at the Browning gun. She was sent flying by a shiny object and crashed into the wall with a bang. Then, it bounced back and fell into the bathtub.    


There was an ambush in Lee Xiaomin's room! Yunzai's reaction speed was not slow either. After her gun was sent flying, After this thought flashed through her mind, she immediately pulled out a dagger from her waist with her left hand. With a shout, she stretched out her left hand and stomped on the ground with her right foot. Her body flew up diagonally and stabbed towards Chu Yang's chest! Chu Yang was like a divine soldier that crashed into the bathroom, until Shen Yunzai's gun was sent flying. Then she took out her dagger and did not wait to see who the person was before she took the initiative to launch a fierce attack to judge. She was indeed a super fierce girl who was decisive in killing.    


Moreover, when she attacked Chu Yang, whether it was the angle of the dagger, its speed, or its strength, it was worthy of the word expert. It was not a disgrace to her title as the champion of the K Country's Amateur Group Taekwondo.    


Shen Yunzai, the champion of the K Country's Amateur Female Amateur Group in Taekwondo. The target of attack today was not anyone else, but the killer expert - Chu Yang Master Chu! In other people's eyes, Shen Yunzai's reaction after being 'frightened' was... But in Chu Yang's eyes, this beautiful baby-faced girl... She dared to take the initiative to attack him, that was purely because she was old and tired of living.    


It was not because Shen Yunzai's assassination target was the Lee Xiaomin that Chu Yang especially hated, if it was not because of the goodness of heaven, if it was not because she looked pretty and cute... It made him feel a little bit of love for Lee Xiaomin. Just based on the way she wanted to frame China after assassinating Lee Xiaomin. Chu Yang would definitely grab her left wrist that was holding the dagger. He would also smash her throat with a punch and let her 'cool' away.    


The thing that annoyed the System the most was Shen Yunzai, this kind of scheming woman. Chai Murong was like this. Hua Mannyu was like this... Damn it, what exactly is wrong with this world, why are there so many delicate beauties. Do they all like to play tricks? Yang was very puzzled and very indignant.    


Regardless of whether Chu Yang was puzzled or indignant, he still snatched Shen Yunzai's dagger with his right hand, grabbed her slender neck with his right hand, and quickly moved forward with his feet, pressing her against the wall beside the bathtub. He barely suppressed the urge to kill her.    


The feeling of having his throat pressed against the wall by a big hand was very unpleasant.    


Pass. Shen Yunzai was a smart girl. Ever since the dagger was easily taken away and immediately restrained, She gave up the idea of kicking someone's crotch. She just raised her chin up high. Someone was holding her neck with his hand! She lowered her eyes slightly and looked at the guy wearing stockings. She actually revealed a smile. "You are not Lee Xiaomin's lackey." It was over. She looked at Lee Xiaomin, who was in the bathtub, dumbfounded. When he saw her snow white breasts exposed in the air, Chu Yang's heart skipped a beat and he quickly looked away. He smiled at Shen Yunzai and said, "Hehe, what is Lee Xiaomin? Is she worthy of being my superior? Oh, and you. When a girl speaks, it is best to learn to be civilized.    


I hate women smiling at me.    


What, does it feel good to be pinched by me?" Not good. " Shen Yunzai really wanted to shake her head and tell the truth, but her neck was pinched. She could not shake her head, so she could only smile sweetly," Since you are not Lee Xiaomin's subordinate, then you came here to harm her. " YES! " Chu Yang nodded honestly." I came to find trouble with her. " Since you are also here to cause trouble for her, then you have the same purpose as me lurking here. We are the same.    


But why did you stop me from killing her? If I kill her, won't I no longer need to trouble you to make a move?" Shen Yunzai's eyes were wide open.    


She deluded herself to let the man in the stockings lower his guard through their conversation and then seize the opportunity. She kicked him hard on the bottom of his heart! I'm only here to cause trouble for her, but you want to kill her. " Chu Yang shrugged and slowly let go of his hand." Actually, I also want her to die, but she cannot die in China. " This guy doesn't want to kill me, or else why would he let me go? Hehe, kid, it's your business if you don't want to kill me. But I want to kill you! Shen Yunzai took a deep breath, her large eyes filled with innocence and confusion, "Why can't she die in China?" Your grudge with her will be settled after returning to your country. Don't delude yourself with thinking that you will pour the dirty water on our Z People. " Chu Yang was very disgusted by Shen Yunzai's way of asking things that she knew the answer to. He frowned and waved his hand. "There's nothing else for you here. You should leave quickly." It was true that Yang was an assassin, but if this person did not touch his interests, no one would give him a large sum of money. He did not kill people casually. This was his principle.    


The previous Shen Yunzai, although she also wanted to use a dagger to pierce a transparent hole in his body, he destroyed the other party's good intentions first, so he forgave her unwise actions.    


Furthermore, he had no enmity with Shen Yunzai for a long time. Letting her go could be considered as showing the magnanimity of men, right? After waving his hand, Yang no longer paid any attention to Shen Yunzai.    


In his view, this girl would definitely knock on the door from the gates of hell before tactfully leaving.    


If not, after she returned to the country, she might even give him three incense sticks of morning, middle, and night because she was grateful for Third Prince Chu's mercy. Yang's thoughts were very perfect, but Shen Yunzai did not cooperate with him.    


Yunzai saw Chu Yang turn around as he spoke. Just as she lifted her right foot and was about to walk towards the bathtub, she saw the flaw in his crotch at first glance.    


She still had a sweet smile on her face. Her right foot, which had been ready for action a long time ago, suddenly aimed at his crotch and fiercely lifted it!    


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