My Fiance Ran Away

C261 I Was Forced Forced!

C261 I Was Forced Forced!

Oh? Does that mean that Chu Cai is already married?" Xie Chunlun's second son, the deputy secretary of Shuzhong Provincial Party Committee, Xie Yun said, "A few months ago, Chu Tiantai of Chu family lived in Shuzhong for a period of time. I think it was because of the marriage.    


But this isn't right either. If he and Chai Murong were husband and wife... Then why did he dare to openly be with Faan Jing's daughter? Isn't he afraid that this will offend the Chai family? " As for the specific situation, he had to investigate carefully.    


What I want to tell everyone now is," Xie Yaotong said, "The four girls of the Hua family and the boss of the Mantian Industry, Hua Mannyu, are now in Ji Nan because of the Jinan Automotive Exhibition. The villa area she lived in was called the Sunshine Lingxiu City villa.    


Hua Mannyu lives in Villa No.15, Faan Jing lives in Villa No.11, and Chai Murong and Chu Yang live in Villa No.18.    


These people are neighbors." After Yaotong finished speaking, the people in the study once again fell silent.    


These people were all smart people. They did not need to spend much brain cells to calculate that the reason why the four families of Chu Chai and Qin supported Faan Jing was because of this! And it was definitely because of Chu Yang.    


If Faan Jing could get along well with Hua Mannyu and the others, she would not have gone to the Ji Nan of the Central Discipline Inspection Committee and rushed into the capital.    


Although Xie Yaotong didn't mention anything about the Qin family, it definitely had something to do with this Chu Yang.    


Yang was the mastermind behind this incident.    


Once he found out the relationship between Chu Yang, Chai Murong, Hua Mannyu and Zhou Shuhan, it would become more important.    


Xie Yaotong had just said that Chu Yang lived with Chai Murong, so it was very likely that they had already married in secret.    


Since the Chai and Chu families were already married, how did Chu Yang get hooked on the opposite relationship between the Chu family and the Hua family? Furthermore, this time he brazenly brought Faan Jing's daughter into the capital. Was he not afraid that the Chai family would think of him? He had to thoroughly investigate this matter.    


He had thoroughly researched this matter. If he could push the issue of this sensitive relationship between men and women a little, what would happen to these few families? Meaning.    


Chunlun smiled and nodded. "Yaotong, I will leave this matter to you.    


However, don't be too extreme.    


Losing some things isn't that big of a deal. Only if you lose something will you gain something." Grandpa, I know how to do it. " Xie Yaotong said and nodded to the elders. She turned around and left the study quickly.    


Xie Yaotong did not care what benefits the Xie family would give the Chu family and how they would deal with Lian Yuncheng.    


Now, she only needed to hurry to the secret office of the Red Three Bureau to assign tasks.    


She believed that Ninth Young Master Xie, who had caused a huge trouble, must have already rushed there.    


Ninth Brother, when will you mature and not need Big Sister to worry about you anymore? After Xie Yaotong sighed in her heart, she jumped onto a blue Maserati. Since Chu Xuanwu was present in this matter of the Magnificence Sect, Chu Yang was not suitable to be present.    


He brought Zhou Shuhan and Chu Ling back to the living room of Chu family. Before he could sit down, he heard Yun Ruoxi say, "Yang, your grandfather wants you to go to his study room after you return home." I will go too. " Chu Ling said and walked out.    


Your grandfather said that he would only let Yang go alone. " Tsk, forget it if you don't want to go.    


Third Elder Brother, don't forget that I am paying tonight." Chu Ling shrugged in disappointment, hinting Chu Yang not to forget about being the scapegoat. She held Zhou Shuhan's hand and said," Ms Tangtang, let's go. I will bring you to my house. Let's go play games. " Hehe, don't worry. I have always been the most loyal to my customers. " Chu Yang smiled and nodded in agreement.    


Looking at his smiling face, he looked like a profiteer." Shuhan said with a smile," Yes, he is such a person. " Chu Yang curled his lips indifferently when he heard the words of the two girls. Then, he quickly walked towards the inner residence.    


Before he reached the study room of the inner residence, Chu Tiantai opened the door from the inside before he even raised his hand to knock on the door. "Come in." Hehe, Dad, you haven't rested yet? " Chu Yang asked this nonsense when he walked into the study room.    


Tiantai ignored him and sat down on an armchair by the wall.    


Chu Longbin, who was reading Mao Choosing, put down the book. He took off his glasses and pointed at a stool in front of him. "Sit down and talk." Seeing Chu Xuanwu making such a big noise outside, Chu Yang believed that it was his grandfather who instructed him to do all of this behind his back. So he told him what happened in detail. He placed Chu Ling's phone on the desk. "There's a recording inside." However, since he had already promised Chu Ling that he would take the blame for her, He would definitely take the blame.    


Pass. Chu Longbin, on the other hand, understood his granddaughter's habits very well. He guessed that Chu Ling might have made the first move.    


But he did not point it out.    


When a girl was in danger outside, he could solve the problem by himself. This was what Chu Longbin wanted to see.    


After Chu Yang finished speaking, Chu Longbin nodded and did not take his phone. Instead, he looked at him with a deep look. "Yang, grandpa will ask you again. Are you interested in being an official?" No." Chu Yang rejected him directly.    


When his son answered so straightforwardly, Chu Tiantai, who was standing at the side, felt very happy in his heart. He felt that this kid deserved to be his son. He firmly followed him, who was his father, and said, Good son, good son! En, that's up to you. "Chu Longbin sighed in disappointment." Ai, Chu Yang, although what happened tonight will be very helpful to the development of Chu family. However, I believe that from now on, you will face a lot of problems.    


If it really doesn't work, then go back to Beijing and develop.    


The Black Tortoise now has some capital and experience in business. I believe that as long as you don't violate any policy, you can become a red capitalist." In Ji Nan, I can beat my chest and say that I'm the boss.    


But if I return to Beijing, I'll have to be the boss behind the scenes like the Black Tortoise. It's boring." Chu Yang shook his head." Grandfather, besides, I want to build my own career based on my own abilities.    


When my career becomes bigger, I will consider coming to Beijing to develop.    


Don't forget, you promised to give me this mansion during the day. " Hehe. " Chu Longbin smiled in relief. "Alright, I'll do as you say." However, "Chu Longbin continued," After tonight's incident, Xie family will definitely pay attention to you. They will even investigate you in secret and stop you in the business world. Don't forget that the Long Wind Group is behind Xie Yaotong.    


This way, your path of development in Ji Nan won't go smoothly.    


Of course, with Murong's help, you can still persuade Hua Mannyu to speak up for you, so you don't have to worry about them.    


The only thing I'm worried about right now is that the Xie family will be between you and Murong and Hua Mannyu. Pick out some things..." At this point, Chu Longbin looked into Chu Yang's eyes and said, "Yang, Hua Mannyu did not care about the conflict between the Hua family and us, but she still supported Faan Jing for you. Tell me, during the time she kidnapped you, Between you two, right? Ah? " When the old man mentioned this, Chu Yang became a little bashful.    


He said that after he was drugged by Hua Mannyu, he 'raped' her fiercely, but in the following days, he had been receiving her 'rape'.    


Before he had time to carefully enjoy the feeling of conquering, Hua Mannyu even took back her original interest.    


A man's pride was trampled all over, a secret that he would never want to reveal in his entire life.    


After seeing Chu Yang's expression, Chu Longbin felt a headache coming on. "You, you touched a woman other than Murong?" When Longbin saw Chu Yang bring Zhou Shuhan home, he knew that Chai Murong was not the only woman outside.    


He asked this because he wanted to know if his precious grandson had anything to do with Hua Mannyu.    


If only Zhou Shuhan and Yeh Liusu were the women Chu Yang 'touched' with, Chu Longbin would easily take care of them for him. At that time, it would be nothing more than doing Chai Murong's work. If it was really not possible, he would secretly send Zhou Shuhan and the other girls out of Earth. Anyway, for the benefit of the family, there was nothing that could not be sacrificed.    


But if he 'touched' Hua Mannyu, then this matter would become very big.    


No matter what, Manyu was the third generation leader that the flower department deliberately nurtured in the business world. Her identity and Chai Murong's importance to their respective families were the same. If Chu Yang really had that kind of relationship with her... Chu Longbin really could not think of what to do. If he did not handle it well, He would push the Chu family to the opposite side of the Hua family and Chai family.    


It was painful, a headache.    


Yang secretly glanced at Chu Tiantai, whose face had turned gloomy. He moved the stool towards Chu Longbin. He answered shyly in a low voice, "I, I was forced." Forced!? " Although Chu Yang's voice was very soft, Chu Tiantai, who had his ears perked up, could hear him clearly.    


With a thud, he jumped up from the chair and took a big step behind him. The pride in his heart when he was praising Chu Yang as a 'good son and good son' had long disappeared. He raised his hand and was about to hit him.    


Chu Tiantai!" Longbin shouted," In front of me, you still have the right to fight? " Dad, you can't spoil this bastard anymore! " Chu Tiantai raised his hand and waved it a few times in the air, then he put it down. He poked Chu Yang's head and said, "You betrayed Murong and Zhou Shuhan, but how dare you do such a thing to a girl from the Hua family? Do you know how many strong enemies you will bring to the Chu family once this happens? Roar!? " The feeling of poking his head was really not good, even though this person was his own father.    


Furthermore, Chu Yang had always thought that he was forced to do so.    


Therefore, he had no idea where Chu Yang got his courage from this time. He stretched out his hand to open Chu Tiantai's hand and stood up with a thud. He faced his nose and shouted at his father, "Dad! Did you hear me clearly? I was forced, forced!! " You! " He never thought that his son would dare to talk back to him like this. Chu Tiantai was so angry that his face turned green. He waved his hand and wanted to slap him, but when he saw the 'determination' on his face, He hesitated.    


Bastard! I'm not dead yet. Are you not going to listen to me? Huh?" Chu Longbin slammed his hand on the desk. His originally hunched body... His body emitted a dignified aura that only those who had experienced the slaughter of thousands of soldiers and horses would have. It scared Chu Tiantai and his son so much that they both lowered their heads.    


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