My Fiance Ran Away

C231 Something Happened to Zhou Shu Han!

C231 Something Happened to Zhou Shu Han!

"The black market lady?"    


"Mhm, the black market lady" Shaang Lige repeated, then raised her chin and lightly touched Chu Yang's lips. She then opened the door and got off the car, instantly disappearing into the night.    


Chu Yang began to suspect that there was something wrong with the Feng Shui in his ancestral grave. Otherwise, why would so many things happen recently?    


Since the day he threw away the milk bottle, the twenty years that he had been in Ji Nan seemed to have arrived in the blink of an eye. There were only a few things that he could remember.    


However, it was different now. The things that he had encountered in Ji Nan over the past month were more than the sum of the previous half of his life.    


In particular, the fact that he was inexplicably interested in women gave him a headache.    


After sending Shaang Lige off with his eyes, Chu Yang drove towards the Xiuru City's villa. After carefully calculating the women around him, he felt that his character might have exploded.    


Otherwise, why would there be so many women around him?    


Other than Qin Chao, whom he had always admired, and Chai Murong, who he had finally gotten rid of, Hua Mannyu and Shaang Lige, who had already had a 'deep' relationship, were also present. Yeh Liusu and Zhou Shuhan, who had made him become a 'beast' at some point in time. It was really good to use his mouth to let him know that it was a woman! Vlanda.    


After careful calculation, other than Qin Chao who did not care about him, the other six women, including Chai Murong, seemed as if as long as he, Master Chu, slightly beckoned with his little finger, they would automatically take off their clothes and come up to him.    


Furthermore, they were all very beautiful women.    


The current situation not only made him feel proud of himself, but also made him feel uneasy.    


"Amitabha, good, good. Sex is emptiness, emptiness is sex." The proud and uneasy Chu Yang returned to the front and back of Chai Murong's villa. He gave a Buddhist proclamation and temporarily put aside the matters related to women. Only then did he drive into the villa's courtyard.    


As usual, after chatting with Uncle Zhou, who had come to open the door, Chu Yang walked into the living room.    


In the living room, the Tang Qi sisters were still watching television.    


Many times, when Chu Yang saw the Tang Qi sisters, he wondered whether they were here to protect Chai Murong or to take a vacation.    


A few days ago, when the killers were rampant, they were carrying the name of the top bodyguard in China, Silver Hook, and were sitting at home as guards.    


Now, the killers were no longer interested in Chai Murong, and they did not see them being summoned back to the capital. It was as if they were non-essential characters, and they did not feel that anything was wrong. They just stayed here every day with a clear conscience, which made Chu Yang waste his saliva to greet them every time he returned home.    


"Hehe, I'm watching TV." Chu Yang greeted them with a smile, then walked to the second floor.    


The Tang Qi sisters only nodded their heads. They did not speak to him, nor did they look at him. It was as if he was an invisible person.    


Chu Yang, who was used to it, didn't mind. He went to the bedroom door and pushed it open.    


In the bedroom, on the big bed that Chu Yang had slept on for a night, Chai Murong was holding her phone and making a call. There was a glass of red wine on the bedside table. It seemed that she was in a good mood.    


Seeing Chu Yang come in, Chai Murong lifted her right leg and pointed at him with her toes. It was a greeting.    


Chu Yang turned around and twisted his butt a few times to respond to Chai Murong's disrespectful actions.    


It was her turn to roll her eyes.    


Although the two of them had already parted ways, they did not feel that there was anything wrong with continuing to 'mingle' together. Instead, they enjoyed the current relationship.    


He then stretched out his right hand and pointed at Chai Murong as if he was using his thumb and index finger to make a gun. A gunshot rang out from his mouth. Seeing her curling her lips and turning her head to the side, Chu Yang then snorted with a victorious expression, The Love of a Yoked. He walked to the closet and took out a pair of trousers. He did not hear who she was talking to. He walked into the bathroom.    


Chu Yang always felt that what happened tonight wasn't real.    


First, it was because of Yeh Liusu that he provoked Little coquettish big boss. Then, he inexplicably 'took care' of Shaang Lige.    


Although when he thought of the words Little coquettish cried out, his heart would feel a kind of inexplicable pain. But when he thought of Shaang Lige's madness, he immediately threw away that guilt. He even felt that if it wasn't because of how coquettishly Little coquettishness treated him, he definitely wouldn't dare to use alcohol to 'force' Shaang Lige. He would also not have this kind of powerful conquering pleasure.    


"Everything has its pros and cons. Sigh, I have to think of a way to coax that little bastard in the future." Chu Yang sighed deeply. He moved his right hand to the east, which had a reaction. He felt that he was getting stronger and stronger in this aspect.    


Although the temperature at night was very low, Chu Yang still used cold water to take a bath.    


The cold water caused goosebumps all over his body. At the same time, it also made his excited head slowly calm down. Shaang Lige was right. Since some things were inevitable, Then let nature take its course. He believed that in the future, Xiao Xuan would also understand this.    


After five or six minutes of showering, Chu Yang wrapped himself up and walked out of the bathroom.    


Chai Murong was still on the phone. Her smile was so beautiful, so... obscene.    


In order to prevent Chu Yang from climbing onto her bed in the middle of the night because of the cold weather, Chai Murong switched on the air conditioner early in the morning, so that he did not feel cold when he came out with his arms bare.    


Lying comfortably on the sofa and lighting a cigarette, Chu Yang closed his eyes and began to reminisce about what happened today. The sound of Chai Murong calling someone else also reached his ears.    


"Oh, who and who are we? Although some conflicts are unavoidable because of different standpoints, Chai Murong said. But there will be no development without competition." Chai Murong picked up the glass and took a sip of the wine and continued, "Manyu, actually I know that if it was not for Chu Yang helping me this time, I would not have been able to win so much face in this exhibition. In terms of true strength, the two of us should be about the same... Hehe, that's right, who asked me to have a good man to help me? I can't help it, my life is good."    


It turned out that she was on the phone with Hua Mannyu. Damn, these two women were really strange. They clearly wanted to beat the other party down in one go. But now, they pretended to be a pair of good sisters and chatted here. It was really strange... Perhaps, this was what people often said about collusion.    


After determining the position of the two women who were arguing in his heart, Chu Yang was too lazy to continue listening to what Chai Murong said. He placed his head on his hands and crossed his legs. His right leg moved up and down. He spat out a few smoke rings and pretended to be mysterious.    


Chu Yang did not want to hear what Chai Murong and Hua Mannyu were talking about, but Chai Murong mentioned his name again. And her voice was very coy. "Alright, I won't talk to you anymore. Chu Yang is back now. We still have some secrets to talk about... Aiyo, I know you are alone. But I can't do anything about it. Why don't you come to my place to sleep tonight? The three of us will be in the same bed... F * ck you! Let's do it this way, if you are really bored, you can go and find 'Sir'. Anyway, you have plenty of money."    


After saying that, Chai Murong did not say goodbye and directly took off the phone.    


Although today was only the first day of the autumn car exhibition hosted by the Cloud Water Group, Chai Murong had already determined from the number of tickets sold and the news at night that this was definitely a successful car exhibition.    


What made her especially happy was that she used this car exhibition to ruthlessly attack her opponent, Hua Mannyu, and could be considered to have vented a huge amount of resentment. That was why she took the initiative to call Hua Mannyu and 'kindly' comfort her.    


After putting down the hot phone, Chai Murong played with the wine glass in her hand and looked at Chu Yang. She said, "I heard that at noon, those few kids from the Lian family and the Niu Family went to the exhibition to look for trouble?"    


When others mentioned Lian Yuncheng and Niu Pengju, even if they were behind their backs, they would not dare to call them 'kids'. At most, they would call their names.    


But Chai Murong did not care about that. Although her father, Chai Mingsheng, was not in the official circles, she had a grandfather who was in the political bureau and was in the permanent committee. Even if the elders who were guarding the two popinjays called them kids, they would still have to bow and shake their tails.    


It could not be helped. This was the benefit of having power.    


In China, having money was nothing special, the key was having power.    


Chu Yang turned around and said lazily, "A few arrogant silkpants didn't cause much of a stir."    


Chai Murong said with a smile, "Look at what you said. It seems like you are very mature. But you are right. They thought Qi Lu was like a character. Actually, in your eyes, it is nothing. If you learn from them and use the old man's flag to be a silkpants, they won't even have the right to carry your shoes. "    


It seemed like Chu Yang didn't want others to talk about him being a member of the Chu family. He just smiled and didn't say anything.    


Chai Murong was also very smart. Seeing that Chu Yang was not interested in this topic, she took back the words that she wanted to tell him to be careful that Lian Yuncheng and the others would harm him. She immediately changed the topic. "After the car exhibition, are you sure you have resigned?"    


"Yes, resign."    


"With Zhou Shuhan?"    


Chu Yang yawned. "Yes, didn't you already know?"    


Chai Murong pinched her foot, then put her foot under her nose and sniffed without any elegance. Maybe because she did not smell anything unusual, she smiled in satisfaction. She said, "First, let me tell you something. I'm afraid Zhou Shuhan might not be in the mood to help you manage the company in the near future. Something happened to her. "    


When Chu Yang heard this, he frowned. "What do you mean by this?"    


Shrugging her shoulders, Chai Murong looked as if she was taking pleasure in someone else's misfortune. She pretended to sigh and said, "According to the rumors, there was a dishonorable incident in Faan family that could affect their family's political status in Huaxia. Faan Jing, this Mayor, was probably at the end. Perhaps she could not even make it to the Mid-Autumn Festival. She might have to step down from the stage dejectedly. Sigh, what a pity. If the Faan family did not fall from the stage... Seeing that the old Muntle Party Secretary of Jiannan was about to withdraw due to his poor health, as long as the operation was appropriate... She would definitely be able to advance to a higher level. Tsk, tsk, tsk, such a capable woman was about to lose her position. If something happens to the mother, the daughter will definitely be in a bad mood."    


Chu Yang and his father had never been interested in politics. Otherwise, his father would not have left Beijing for Yun Ruoxi and lived in Jinan Countryside.    


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