My Fiance Ran Away

C243 Red Flag Red Flag!

C243 Red Flag Red Flag!

So that's how it is.    


Suddenly, Zhou Shuhan's mood became better. Her previously pale face instantly turned red. She grabbed Chu Yang's hand with both hands and shook it a few times. She pretended to be angry and said, "Chu Yang, how can you think like that? Don't you know that you are the only person in my heart right now? If you are worried about me, and my will is not firm, then tonight we can, we can... "    


Seeing Zhou Tangtang's face getting redder and redder as she spoke, Chu Yang's heart skipped a beat. He asked in a low voice," What can I do? "    


"You understand." Zhou Shuhan's voice was like the buzzing of a mosquito as she said, "Mom also does not object."    


"Hehe." Chu Yang's heart began to itch and feel uncomfortable. At the same time, he also blamed himself for the idea of leaving Zhou Shuhan alone in the hotel.    


After laughing evilly twice, a certain man lifted her chin without restraint. He kissed her and used his hand to scratch her little nose. "That's what you said. However, I'm not in a hurry right now. Anyway, we'll have plenty of chances in the future... Let's go. I'll take you to see my grandfather."    


" Alright. " She looked around and did not see anyone paying attention to them. Zhou Shuhan agreed softly. She held Chu Yang's arm and walked out of the departure hall side by side with a happy face.    


Faan Jing secretly let out a sigh of relief when she saw her daughter and Chu Yang coming out passionately.    


When they walked over, she used a negotiable tone to ask Chu Yang, "Let's take a taxi and directly go to Chu family, right? Look at me. I was so busy that I forgot to say hello to my friends here and asked them to come and pick me up. "    


Chu Yang looked at the parking lot and smiled. "No need. I have already arranged it. Come, follow me. " After saying that, he held Zhou Tangtang's hand and walked towards the parking lot first.    


In a red flag car with a yellow license plate hanging from the red background, the driver saw Chu Yang and the other two walking over. He looked at the picture of Chu Yang on the screen of his phone, then pushed the door and got out of the car. He took a few steps forward quickly and did not wait for Chu Yang to ask anything. Immediately, he bowed slightly and said in a respectful tone, "Young Master Chu, I am here to pick you up. My name is Sun Jiahai."    


Chu Yang extended his hand to Sun Jiahai and said, "Master Sun, sorry to trouble you."    


Sun Jiahai shook hands with Chu Yang and said repeatedly, "No trouble, no trouble. Can we leave now?"    


"Yes, let's go." Chu Yang nodded and changed his ruffian attitude from when he was in Ji Nan. He walked to the front of the car and opened the door behind. He made an inviting gesture to Faan Jing and her daughter. "Mayor Faan, Miss Zhou, please."    


Seeing Chu Yang's gentlemanly demeanor, Zhou Shuhan held back her laughter and gave him an amorous supercilious look. However, she enjoyed it very much and got into the car first.    


Zhou Shuhan got into the car without feeling anything, but Faan Jing saw the red bottom yellow license plate of the red flag car on the surface. The huge excitement made her move a little out of shape. If not for her daughter reminding her in a low voice to be careful when we meet, she would have definitely hit the top of the car door.    


The car was a red flag, and its license plate was red with yellow characters.    


What did this mean?    


This meant that not everyone could sit in this car, including Faan Jing, the provincial capital city's Mayor!    


The license plate was red and yellow, and there was a garrison number below. It was usually the front car of the Central Committee, the State Department, and the Central Military Commission. It was less distributed, and it was a level one garrison. It had the right to control the roads.    


When they encountered a small car with a Garrison Distribution Vehicle license plate, they tried to stay as far away from it as possible because many passengers were equipped with firearms.    


If there was a blind person who stopped a car for no reason, the drivers would take out their guns and kill them without saying a word. However, they would not have to bear the responsibility.    


In China, if there was a car that could be above the law, then it was a car with such a license plate.    


After sitting in this car, Faan Jing's originally nervous heart immediately calmed down. Since Chu Longbin used this car to pick up the plane, it was enough to show Chu Yang's position in his heart!    


After closing the door for Faan Jing and her daughter, Chu Yang sat in the front passenger seat.    


Sun Jiahai slowly turned the car around. The airport security guards who had been watching the car for a long time immediately started to loudly order the car in front to move to the side.    


"We should change the car." Chu Yang said lightly, "I am not used to showing off."    


Zhou Shuhan, who was looking out the window, heard what Chu Yang said and said curiously, "Chu Yang, I think this car is very ordinary. Why do you say it is showing off?"    


Indeed, in the eyes of many young people, especially Miss Zhou, who was used to driving Ferrari sports cars, Although the red flag car had its own unique meaning, it was just a car after all. In terms of appearance, it was far from being as cool as her Ferrari. That was why she raised this question.    


"Tangtang, don't speak nonsense!" After hearing her daughter say that this car was very ordinary, Faan Jing's heart skipped a beat. She hurriedly looked at Sun Jiahai and said with a smile, "Master Sun, my daughter is young and doesn't know how to speak. Please don't blame her."    


Eh, what happened to mother? Today she was actually so polite to a driver who came to pick up Chu Yang. Zhou Shuhan looked at Faan Jing with some confusion but saw that she kept winking at her.    


Sun Jiahai smiled, "It's fine."    


Chu Yang, on the other hand, did not care. He stretched his waist and pointed out the window, "Silly girl, don't look at how this car is not very long, but it is much better than your Ferrari. Here, look outside and you'll know. "    


What did it have to do with looking outside?    


Zhou Shuhan raised her head and looked out of the car in a somewhat strange manner. Her eyes immediately widened and her eyes were filled with shock and even a little fear.    


After the red flag car drove out of the airport parking lot and onto the main road, the two police cars parked at the side of the road rang their sirens at the same time. Maintaining a distance of more than ten meters from the red flag car, they opened the road in front of them. And behind them, there were also two brave off-road vehicles slowly following behind.    


If it was just the police cars opening up the path and the military vehicles protecting them, then it wouldn't be a big deal. But what if half of the road in the direction of the red flag car was blocked, and only these few cars were allowed to drive? Furthermore, there was a traffic policeman standing on both sides of the road every few dozen meters... Then, this would be a big deal, wouldn't it?    


Zhou Shuhan had encountered such a situation before when she was in Ji Nan.    


At that time, it was a Vice Premier of the State Department who went to Ji Nan to inspect work, which was why the road was blocked. However, he was the leader of the Central Government. Although she was the mother of a Mayor, she was still the leader of the Central Government. However, it was impossible for him to enjoy such treatment! More importantly, he was currently on the streets of China's capital!    


This kind of treatment, should only be able to be enjoyed when important country leaders go out.    


But now... Zhou Shuhan looked at her mother, who was similarly stunned, and then looked at Chu Yang in front of her. She felt that all of this was like a dream.    


Chu Yang smiled uneasily. "Tangtang, do you know why I said it was obvious?    


Although this Chu person was arrogant, he knew his own limitations. He was very clear that he did not have the qualifications to enjoy such treatment. At most, he could only say that he was a descendant of an aristocratic family.    


When he felt uneasy, Chu Yang also understood why his grandfather arranged for his private car to pick him up. It was nothing more than announcing Chu Yang's high-profile return to the outside world.    


Sure enough, Sun Jiahai explained at this time, "Young Master Chu, all of this was arranged by the old chief. The old chief said that this was your first time returning to your home in the capital. It should make you feel proud of being a part of the Chu family. Actually, if it wasn't for the fear that it might affect your reputation, the extravagance would have been bigger than this. "    


Chu Yang didn't speak immediately. He just looked outside and was silent for a moment before saying," I don't like it. This feeling is unfamiliar to me. "    


Sun Jiahai was stunned for a moment, then he asked tentatively, "How about I inform the people below and tell them to leave?"    


"Hehe, forget it. If that's the case, the old man will be unhappy. I'll give him face once." Chu Yang smiled bitterly and shrugged his shoulders.    


He knew that with this high-profile trip to the capital, he would probably lose the life of an ordinary person.    


Seeing that Chu Yang was not in a high mood, the people in the car stopped talking. The speed of the car gradually increased. Under the worshipping gazes of the pedestrians on both sides, it quickly and steadily drove towards the old city of Beijing.    


Zhou Shuhan felt like she was dreaming. The Red Flag car had left the escort team at some point and turned on a road that was not too wide.    


After driving forward for a few hundred meters, they arrived at a checkpoint and stopped. Two soldiers holding steel guns walked to the front of the car and saluted the car.    


Sun Jiahai handed out a pass from the window and smiled. "Young Master Chu, the next time I come, it will not be so troublesome."    


Chu Yang smiled. "Yes, I know."    


The soldier who checked the ID carefully looked at the ID and then bent over to look at the car carefully. He then returned the ID to Sun Jiahai and saluted him before waving his hand to let him pass.    


The car continued to move forward. After a few hundred meters, there was another checkpoint...    


When the car stopped in front of an antique looking courtyard, it had already been checked three times. ???    


Just as the car stopped, a few people standing at the entrance walked over quickly. Before Chu Yang could open the car door, he found a person sitting in the front passenger seat. He opened the door for him and took a step back. He said in a low voice, "Young Master Chu, please get out of the car."    


"Thank you." Although Chu Yang did not like this kind of serious occasion, seeing the respectful expression on the other party's face, he was too embarrassed to say anything. He thanked him in a serious manner and got out of the car.    


Were all the powerful young masters and brothers in the capital so extravagant? After Sun Jiahai opened the car door, Zhou Shuhan got out of the car. She felt her legs go weak from nervousness and looked at Chu Yang with a strange gaze.    


Chu Yang knew that Zhou Shuhan was very nervous now, so he walked over and held her hand.    


When her hand was held by Chu Yang, Zhou Shuhan's heart immediately calmed down. Her face naturally exuded some of her temperament that should have belonged to her, making Yun Ruoxi, who had already rushed back to Beijing from Jinan Countryside, sigh softly in her heart as she stood at the door. Sigh, silly child, bring her home. If the Chai family knew about this, what would they do?    


Apart from the old man, old lady, and Chu Tiantai, no one else in the Chu family, including Chu Yong, the political and political commissar, knew about the trivial matters between Chu Yang and Chai Murong. If he wanted to know, there was nothing that could escape his eyes and ears. Therefore, when the people who came to greet Chu Yang saw Chu Yang holding Zhou Shuhan's hand so intimately, They naturally thought of Ms Zhou as Brother Mr. Chu's girlfriend.    


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