My Fiance Ran Away

C191 Meet at Lake Daoming!

C191 Meet at Lake Daoming!

On the other side, Xu Mao, Zhang Xu, and a few other men had long spotted a few beautiful women outside that they couldn't move their eyes away from. It was just that Vice President Zhou was here, so he was too embarrassed to go over and chat with them. At this moment, when they saw them muttering to each other, they immediately said magnanimously, "Brother Yang, go and work with Vice President Zhou. Just remember to come back and pay the bill."    


"Little person." Chu Yang pointed his middle finger at Xu Mao and gestured. Then he walked to the table and took out a stack of money from his wallet. There were probably a few thousand. He threw it on the table and said, "Here, if it's not enough, add it yourself."    


Xu Mao grinned and took the money in his hand. He patted it a few times and gestured to Zhou Shuhan, who had her back to everyone, and said, "Go and do your work. I know what to do."    


"Hey, everybody eat first. I'll be right back."    


After greeting everyone, Chu Yang followed Zhou Shuhan out of the room and went straight from the stairs to room 4007 on the fourth floor.    




Michel, graduated from Ber University's Business Administration Master's (MBA). After working for two years in the Brava Machinery Factory (Bmw) company, with his flexible mind and unique vision, He had received the favor of the company's upper echelons and had specially hired him to be the assistant of the president of the Bmw company's Asia headquarters, Harvey. An annual salary of 2.2 million euros belonged to the super gold collar family.    


Due to the fierce competition between the Cloud Water Group and the Mantian Industry, this year's Ji Nan Autumn Automotive Exhibition would be held in Ji Nan. They had all sent invitations to the Bmw Company over a month ago and promised that as long as the Bmw Company could introduce their latest concept car at the Car Exhibition, not only would the organizer not charge them for the exhibition, but they would also not accept any fees. Moreover, they would advertise them on the media for free.    


After the company's upper echelons received the invitations to the two car shows, they were confused and disoriented at that time. They felt that this matter was really inconceivable.    


The upper echelons knew that the Z People was intelligent and capable. They were afraid that they would fall into their trap, so they sent out professionals to head to Ji Nan for a secret investigation.    


The results of the investigation made President Harvey very happy. However, he, who was well-versed in the ways of the world, did not immediately choose which car exhibition to go to. Instead, he chose to go to a car exhibition. At the same time, How much did he earn from this? Furthermore, after some investigation, the other two companies in D Country (Mercedes-Benz and Audi)... Thus, they secretly communicated with each other. They reached some kind of agreement that said, If you have money, you are a fool. Everyone just sat there and watched. Or wait for the price to be sold.    


However, contrary to Harvey's expectations, when there were still a dozen or so days left before the Jiannan Autos Exhibition, The other two families took the initiative to send people to negotiate with the Cloud Water Group's Auto Exhibition. Not only did they give out expensive exhibition fees, but they also sent people to negotiate with the other two families. Moreover, they promised to show the latest model of the car exhibition.    


Just as Harvey was feeling puzzled, he received orders from the CEO of D Country's main company, Mr. Barok: There is no need to ask for any reason. On the day of 826, a few new models of the concept car from the Bmw were released. It must appear at the car exhibition held by the Cloud Water Group of Huaxia. As for the price of the exhibition, He can discuss with the person in charge of Huaxia.    


Instantly, President Harvey of the Asia headquarters was stunned. However, it was a good tradition of the German people to resolutely obey orders from their superiors. Hence, he sent his capable assistant, Mr. Michel, to take his place in China's Jiannan to discuss this matter.    


Michel was in charge of the investigation of the two car exhibitions in Jiannan. He was clearer than President Harvey about the Mantian Industry and Cloud Water Group. He wanted to use them to suppress his opponents. This was supposed to be a great thing that could be done for free. Who would have thought that the headquarters would suddenly issue such a puzzling 'Imperial Decree'?    


Mr. Michel did not understand.    


However, just now, it had been said that unconditionally obeying the orders of their superiors was a good tradition of the German people. Mr. Michel had no choice but to do as he was told. It was only on the morning of August 22nd. He had an appointment with Vice President Zhou Shuhan of the Cloud Water Group to discuss this matter in detail at Crown Grand Hotel.    


But who would have thought that when it was close to noon, Vice President Zhou called? He said that he could change the hotel and go to Bright Lake Grand Hotel at noon... This made Mr. Michel very dissatisfied. One had to know that the reason why he chose the Grand Crown Hotel this time was... In addition to this matter, he also wanted to go with Miss Nanzhao Xixue from R Country's Toyota Company. He wanted to discuss some issues related to cooperation.    


Although Mr. Michel was not satisfied, he still remembered to obey his superior's orders unconditionally. He could only follow Vice President Zhou's words and prepare to go to Minghu Hotel.    


Of course, out of courtesy, Michel still called Miss Nanzhao Xixue to explain the matter.    


After Nanzhao Xixue heard Michel's explanation, she was not unhappy. Instead, she asked if she could come with him. Because Toyota Company also had a few concept cars that were going to be launched.    


Although they were in the same industry, they should be enemies. However, Mr. Michel had a good impression of the beautiful Miss Nanzhao Xixue. Furthermore, regarding the car exhibition this time, It was not related to trade secrets, so he pondered for a moment. He agreed.    


Therefore, at 11: 50, the handsome and talented Mr. Michel... Along with the tall and slender Miss Nanzhao Xixue, who didn't seem like a person from the R Country, they arrived at private room 4007 of the Bright Lake Hotel. They sat and waited for Vice President Zhou, who had a very big attitude, to arrive.    


Chu Yang followed Zhou Shuhan down the stairs to the fourth floor.    


After coming to the corridor on the fourth floor, Chu Yang saw a few men standing on both sides of the door of a private room. From their black suits, white shirts, and large-headed leather shoes, it could be seen that they were the bodyguards' professional suits.    


Under these vigilant gazes, Zhou Shuhan walked in front of them according to the room's door number.    


"Excuse me, Miss, who are you looking for?" A black suited man on the left side of the room took a step forward. His words were very choppy.    


It turned out that they weren't Z People. No wonder they looked so awkward. Without waiting for Zhou Shuhan to reply, Chu Yang looked up at the room's number plate and asked, "Is your Mistress not inside?"    


"We were invited by Mr. Michel, from the Cloud Water Group of Hua Xia." Zhou Shuhan saw that Chu Yang's words were not polite, so she quickly explained.    


The bodyguard looked at Chu Yang from head to toe, then nodded and signaled them to wait. He turned around and pushed the door open and walked in.    


When they were going upstairs, Zhou Shuhan had briefly introduced Michel to Chu Yang, including his annual salary of 2.2 million euros per year. This made Chu a little envious.    


However, when Chu Yang saw these bodyguards, He naturally thought of them as Michel's bodyguards. He immediately felt that this guy was a bit too arrogant: You only earned two million euros a year, and you dare to wear bodyguards when you go out. This was definitely a disgrace to the wealthy and professional killers. Although Ma Jian and Young Master Ma were showing off with bodyguards, he was one of the small shareholders of one of the four big families in China. How could someone like you compare to him?    


Half a minute later, the man in the black suit walked out and made a welcoming gesture to Chu Yang and Young Master Ma.    


Zhou Shuhan thanked him in a low voice, then pushed open the door and walked into room 4007.    


In private room 4007, the tall and handsome Mr. Michel was accompanying a woman in a hand-cut white short skirt with a white waist-length skirt, whispering and laughing at the window. He didn't seem to care much about Zhou Shuhan and Chu Yang coming in. She just casually pointed at the sofa and continued to stare at the woman with her back facing the door, trying to please her.    


Zhou Shuhan frowned, but still smiled politely and said, "You must be Mr. Michel. I am the deputy head of the Cloud Water Group's Jinan Company, Zhou Shuhan. Welcome to Jiannan."    


"Oh, deputy head Zhou, please take a seat. Please take a seat." Michel turned around and found that Zhou Shuhan herself was many times more beautiful than the photos in the documents. She was a beauty that was on par with Nanzhao Xixue. He enthusiastically walked over.    


That woman also turned around at this time.    


When he saw her young and tender face, Chu Yang's eyes lit up. He immediately felt as if he had seen a princess in a manga. He could also tell that she wasn't a woman. She was a girl with a very exotic appearance.    


No wonder this Michel kept trying to please her. It turned out that this girl was so beautiful... almost as pretty as Tangtang. Chu Yang glanced at the girl and then looked away.    


According to the customs of Europe and America, it was nothing for partners to hug each other when they met. However, since Michel was the assistant of the president of the Asia headquarters, he naturally understood the customs of China. He knew that in this ancient and civilized country, if he were to hug a beautiful girl like Zhou Shuhan, Must be treated as a gangster. Although he really wanted to do that, he still reached out his right hand like a gentleman. "I am President Harvey's assistant, Michel Farrak."    


He had already said that Ms Zhou disliked physical contact with men. Even if it was a handshake. But at this moment, Michel politely stretched out his hand, even if she was unwilling. I have to be perfunctory... Before Zhou Shuhan could raise her hand, Chu Yang, who was beside her, reached out his hand first. "Haha, Mr. Michel, I am Deputy Zhou's assistant. His name is Chu Yang. Let's get to know each other first. Sit. Take a seat. Everyone, please take a seat. Don't stand on ceremony."    


If Chu Yang was the assistant of the chairman of Cloud Water Group, Chai Murong, everyone would get to know him as an assistant. Michel had nothing to say. But the most important thing was that Zhou Shuhan was a deputy director of a branch company under the Cloud Water Group. Her assistant... actually took the initiative to compare herself with him, the assistant of the Asian CEO. Wasn't this a bit too arrogant?    


However, since Chu Yang had already extended his hand for Zhou Shuhan, Michel could only shake his hand unwillingly and say a few polite words.    


Damn it, if you knew that today was shaking hands with the chairman of one of the four big families in China... I'm afraid you won't be able to wash your hands for a month! Chu Yang naturally understood what Michel was thinking in his heart. After letting go of his hand, he squinted his left eye at Zhou Shuhan.    


Zhou Shuhan smiled sweetly, nodded to the girl who looked like an anime, and walked towards the sofa. In her and Chu Yang's hearts, they thought that girl was Michel's secretary or colleague.    


However, the girl quickly walked over. Before she could say anything, she gave a 90-degree bow to Zhou Shuhan and then said in stiff Mandarin, "Hello, Vice President Zhou. I am Nanzhao Xixue from the Mitsui Conglomerate of R Country. Please excuse me for meeting you with Mr. Michel this time. "    


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