My Fiance Ran Away

C173 No Talking

C173 No Talking

If not for the fact that the two handsome guys in front of him checked him up and down like state agents after they saw him, He then called his father to confirm that Lee Xiao was indeed a legitimate Jiannan person. He definitely had to have a good chat with them about the close relationship between the Bmw Fragrant Chariot and the beauty.    


After arriving at the Cloud Water Group Branch building, Lee Xiao followed the young man sitting in the passenger seat and took the elevator to the twelfth floor of the building.    


Ling Hsing brought Lee Xiao, who was about to become rich because of a video call, into the elevator of the Cloud Water Group's Jinan Branch building.    


The moment he walked out of the elevator, Lee Xiao was shocked by the black suits in the corridor and his stomach trembled. F * ck! I thought that the bodyguards I saw at the Sunshine Psychological Advisory Center were fierce enough. I didn't expect there to be so many fierce people here. Ah, this, this isn't some gang, right? That Chu Yang, could it be that he offended the people here to hide... What if they kill me to silence me?    


"Let's go." Ling Hsing saw Lee Xiao walking out of the elevator and holding onto the corridor wall as if his legs were soft. He frowned slightly, reached out his hand to hold Lee Xiao's arm, and walked towards the chairman's office in big strides.    


"After you go in, you answer whatever the people inside ask you. If you dare play any tricks, don't even think about getting out alive! " Ever since the last time the Male and Female Evil sneaked in, Ling Hsing had been extra careful with every outsider.    


Lee Xiao's face was pale, and his small mustache trembled under his chin. "Big, big brother, can you not scare me? I'm just a hooligan who makes a living in a nightclub. I'm really timid. "    


Ling Hsing did not pay attention to him. He just raised his hand and knocked on the door a few times.    


"Come in."    


Ling Hsing pushed the door open and pulled Lee Xiao's hand into the spacious and bright office. "Chairman, it's him who called."    


Lee Xiao looked up and saw the woman sitting behind the desk. Although his legs were still shaking, he still had the urge to give up. It couldn't be helped, that woman was too f * cking beautiful, and that sister he saw at the Sunshine Psychological Consultancy Center that day. It was simply a moment of yoga... However, it seemed like he would lose his life here if he wasn't careful. So he could only grit his teeth and endure that embarrassing impulse... He turned his head... Damn it, there was actually a top quality one sitting on the sofa next to him!    


Was he still going to let him live?    


"What's your name?" Chai Murong stared at Lee Xiao, whose face was pale and red. "Where did you see Chu Yang on the morning of August 13th? Oh, Ling Hsing, let this gentleman sit down."    


Ling Hsing walked to the sofa opposite Zhou Shuhan with Lee Xiao's left arm. He pressed his shoulder and let him sit on the sofa. He asked in a deep voice, "The chairman is asking you a question."    


"Ah." Lee Xiao trembled and stammered, "Oh, my, my name is Lee Xiao. I am 23 years old this year. I am unmarried. I have visual problems. When I see a beautiful woman..."    


"Who asked you this?" Ling Hsing raised his hand and slapped Lee Xiao on the back of his head. He said coldly, "Answer the chairman's words. There is no need to talk about anything else."    


"Yes, yes, yes!"    


Lee Xiao's appearance was very funny, but Chai Murong did not want to laugh at him now. She just asked the question again.    


Lee Xiao composed himself and talked about how he met Chu Yang in the morning of August 13th in the Sunshine Psychological Consultancy Center. He told her honestly. Finally, he said, "Because when I registered, I hung up on the 15th. So by the time the doctor called me, it was already past ten o'clock. But I didn't see Chu Yang walk out of the elevator. "    


"How can I believe what you said is true?" As expected, something happened there! Chai Murong and Zhou Shuhan looked at each other and nodded lightly.    


"This is very easy. When Chu Yang was sitting beside me, I was bored and used my phone to record the video." As he spoke, Lee Xiao quickly took out his phone and swiftly dug out the memory card. He handed it to Ling Hsing. "You can put it on the computer and take a look. You will know that what I said is true."    


Ling Hsing took the memory card from the phone and walked to the desk.    


Chai Murong quickly took out a card reader and connected to the computer.    


"Hey, I almost forgot. Hehe, the video from that day was saved in the third folder. You'd better not look at the rest of the folder. " Fortunately, I didn't delete the video from that day. Otherwise, the million would have flown away... Damn it, after you finish watching it, hurry up and tell me to get lost. It's so scary! Lee Xiao reminded Chai Murong, embarrassed, that he had a lot of children in his memory card that were not suitable for videos.    


Chai Murong remained silent and followed Lee Xiao's instructions to open the third folder.    


At this time, Zhou Shuhan also walked behind her and the two of them looked at the laptop monitor.    


The video started playing.    


Chai Murong and Zhou Shuhan did not personally go to the psychological consultation center but they saw it through the video. This was indeed a hospital. Because the content of a few minutes before the video was played always revolved around some female nurses wearing white coats.    


After the video was played to six minutes and 32 seconds, the man that made Chai Murong and Zhou Shuhan's eyes light up appeared on the monitor. The sound of his conversation with someone rang out.    


"Hey, brother, are you here to see a psychiatrist? Hey, buddy, smile. Your teeth are very white. You can go and film a highly-exposed toothpaste commercial. " This voice should be Lee Xiao's.    


"Yeah, you also see a psychiatrist?" This was what Chu Yang said when he pushed the camera away.    


"Ah, yes, I want to see a psychiatrist too," Chu Yang said.    


"What a coincidence..."    


"[That's right, what a coincidence.] My name is Lee Xiao, and I work at the Great Night Club. "    


"My name is Chu Yang, I work at the Cloud Water Group... Hey, do you know where the bathroom is?"    


"Go in and take a left. Do you want me to bring you in?"    




Along with this thanks, Chu Yang's hurried back appeared on the monitor.    


Then, Lee Xiao's voice was heard. "Beauty!"    


Then, the video was aimed at a silver-gray Rolls-Royce outside the window. A woman, a woman Chai Murong regarded as her mortal enemy, got out of the car and walked into the hall.    


The light in the video was a little dark. It seemed that Lee Xiao had already taken a selfie.    


After Hua Mannyu walked into the hall, she stopped and took off her sunglasses to look around.    


The bodyguard beside Hua Mannyu walked over and seemed to have said something to her in a low voice. Hua Mannyu shook her head and brought people up the stairs. Chu Yang's disappearance definitely had something to do with Hua Mannyu!    


After Chai Murong finished playing the video, she turned off the video and turned on Baidu. She typed "Ji Nan Sunshine Psychological Consultancy Center."    


After opening one of the messages, Chai Murong's eyes were fixed on a line of words: Ji Nan Sunshine Psychological Consultancy Center. It was a subsidiary company of Mantian Industry, one of the three major tycoons in Hua Xia.    


She stared at the line of words blankly for a long time. Chai Murong then said, "Ling Hsing, send someone to Ji Nan Sunshine Psychological Consultancy Center immediately. Take a copy of the video to City Bureau and go with Officer Liang Xin. She should know what to do."    


Finishing, Chai Murong copied the video and left it in her computer for backup.    


Ling Hsing agreed and took the memory card from Chai Murong's phone. He looked at the nervous Lee Xiao and asked in a low voice, "Chairman Chai, what should we do with this person?"    


Damn, he won't kill me to silence me, right? Lee Xiao, who had very sensitive hearing, heard what Ling Chen said. He raised his butt and wanted to stand up, but because his legs were too soft, he fell to his knees with a thud. He raised his hands high and sobbed silently. My grandparents are magnanimous. Please show mercy, alright? I have 80 mothers at the top, and a three year old baby at the bottom... Other than seeing a beautiful woman, I want to... "    


"Shut up! What are you talking about?" Ling Hsing turned around and glared at Lee Xiao. He was wondering if Lee Xiao was crazy.    


Chai Murong glanced at Lee Xiao and said, "Arrange him to the safest place. He is an important witness. We must not be careless."    


"Everyone, alright. I don't want to go to a safe place. I just want to go home!" As soon as Chai Murong finished speaking, Lee Xiao started to howl.    


The safest place? Wasn't the safest place the morgue? Only the place where the dead stayed was the safest place! This logic, for Lee Xiao who had the experience of peeking at the neighborhood auntie bathing since he was six years old, He knew it the best.    


Chai Murong ignored him and continued, "Give him a million dollars in cash. Let him count the money for fun."    


"Yes." Ling Hsing nodded and strode to the door. He opened the door and snapped his fingers at the outside. Two men in black suits walked over.    


Ling Hsing pointed at Lee Xiao, who was kneeling there. "Take him to the safest place. He will be under 24-hour supervision. If anything happens to him, you two can just jump off the building."    


The two men in black suits answered without any change in expression. They walked in quickly and each took one of Lee Xiao's arms and walked out.    


Seeing that Lee Xiao seemed to be about to pee his pants, Chai Murong felt that one million was not enough to make up for the mental blow of the child. So she said, "Lee Xiao."    


The two men in black suits stopped in their tracks. Lee Xiao turned around and opened his mouth wide, but he was so scared that he could not say a word.    


"When we find the person in the video, if you want to come to Cloud Water Group to work, we welcome you. Also, I will add another million yuan to your bonus. " Chai Murong waved her hand after saying that, "Go, treat him well.    




Oh my god, looks like he doesn't have the intention of silencing me. They just want me to be a witness... 'F * ck, I was so scared that I almost peed my pants.' But there's nothing wrong with that. At least the beauty added another one million yuan in empty cheques... Lee Xiao moved his mouth and really wanted to say a few words. But before he could think of whether he should use his nose or his mouth to speak, he was pulled out of the office.    


At 4 PM on August 19th, Ling Hsing knocked on the door of the chairman's office after running outside for a long time.    


After hearing Chai Murong let him in, Ling Hsing pushed the door open and walked into the office. He saw Zhou Shuhan sitting on the sofa in the morning, looking at him with hope in her eyes.    


"How is it?" Chai Murong asked in a deep voice.    


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