My Fiance Ran Away

C159 Big Selling Point

C159 Big Selling Point

She saw everyone in the house in a daze, especially Liang Xin. Her face turned white and then red, and Chu Yang felt very pleased in his heart. So he took out a cigarette and slowly lit it. You guys didn't think that I would take the initiative to give you guys a big gift, did you? Hehe, in any case, I had already guessed it. Even if I jumped up and scolded the Ji Nan police for being incompetent, In the end, I could only do as you said, so why should I take the initiative? What if I become a wise man? Besides, returning a favor with a peach has always been an excellent tradition of our China. I take care of the police's face like this. If I cause any trouble in the future... You have to take care of me too, right?    


"Chu Yang, this, this is what you really mean?" After a few minutes, Lee Wendong asked doubtfully.    


Chu Yang took the cigarette from his mouth and said seriously, "Mayor Faan, Bureau Director Lee, everything I said was the truth. If it wasn't for Officer Liang's wisdom and decisiveness, we wouldn't have found out that the two international police officers were fake."    


Fine, kid, you know how to cause trouble. No wonder Tangtang cares about you so much! At this time, Faan Jing let out a long sigh of relief. When she spoke to Liang Xin again, Her tone had become much softer, "Officer Liang, it is all thanks to you this time. This proved that the City Bureau comrades were still very vigilant. They can be the protective gods of the citizens."    


"Mayor Faan, Bureau Director Lee," Liang Xin's face was red and she said anxiously, "The truth is not what this Mixed, Chu, and Mr. Chu said..."    


Lee Wendong's face sank as he interrupted Liang Xin's words, "Captain Liang, now is not the time to give credit to each other, but for the reputation of the Ji Nan police! I think you should understand the importance of this, right? "    


"I, I understand." Liang Xin lowered her head.    


Do you want to be a hero and not accept my feelings? There is no door, the more you want to find trouble with me. The more I lift you up, the more effortless it is to call me a soldier of humiliation. Chu Yang looked at Liang Xin and proudly tapped the ground with the tip of his foot. However, he could not see the stubbornness in her eyes. The more you sell yourself like this, the more likely it is that you are the one who did those mysterious kidnappings. Just wait and see!    


"The directors," Faan Jing raised her wrist and looked at her watch. "It is already 10: 30. There is still half an hour before the press conference. Let's discuss it in detail."    


At 11: 00 PM sharp, the press conference held by the Ji Nan police for the international killers to kill Ji Nan was held in the hall of City Bureau on time.    


Nearly a hundred reporters from the various media outlets in Ji Nan looked excitedly at the temporary platform. After all, international killers were to the peaceful citizens of Ji Nan. It was a very distant thing. And today, those people who had always existed in legends... To actually be executed on the streets of Ji Nan, what did this mean?    


Other than proving that the Ji Nan police were brave enough to fight against criminals, it also proved that this was a big selling point!    


Regardless of whether it was the television stations or the newspapers, the viewership ratings and the bestseller rate could reach a new high in a short period of time.    


As for ordinary people, they had always been very interested in legendary figures.    


Sitting in the middle of the platform was Jinan Mayor, Faan Jing. On her left was the secretary of the municipal government and the director of City Bureau, Lee Wendong, as well as a few deputy directors of City Bureau. On her right was the director of Criminal Police Team of City Bureau, Officer Liang Xin, and on her right... The person who looked excited was obviously a guy who had never seen the world. It was said that he was the boss of Chu Yang's Security Consultant Company. Chu Yang.    


"A press conference was held at the last minute by the municipal government and the City Bureau because of the murder of two international killers in Ji Nan. The press conference officially began. Temporarily set the time to be half an hour. " Chief Lee Wendong stood up and said with a passionate tone," Next, please ask our Faan Jing and Mayor Faan to speak a few words for us! "    


Hualala, applause was heard everywhere.    


Faan Jing stood up elegantly and raised her hands to press down with a smile. Wait! After the applause died down, she cleared her throat and said, "Hello everyone. I know that there are countless questions in everyone's heart, such as why the international assassin appeared in Jiannan. As for how the Ji Nan police and citizens treated these cold-blooded killers and so on. To be honest, I don't know much about the profession of "killers," but I know that... Wherever they appear, death is inevitable!"    


When Faan Jing said this, the smile on her face faded away, replaced by a sacred and inviolable auspiciousness. Her voice also increased a lot, "For many years, those international killers have disregarded the safety of people for money. They have committed heinous crimes all over the world. The governments and police officers of various countries... In order to stop their greed, to bring them to justice and return peace to society, For this, they have paid a heavy price, including sacrifices!"    


"Today, those international killers who are very far away from us, They actually appeared in Ji Nan and tried to assassinate a very influential international entrepreneur in our country. " Faan Jing said as she raised her right fist and shouted in a deep and powerful voice, "But they were wrong! This is China, a country that loves peace! As long as they dare to come, we brave and quick-witted people's police. And those who are not afraid of violence will be attacked! We will not tolerate it! "    


" Today, the outcome of these two Belgian assassins who are known as the Male and Female Evil will be the declaration of war between the people of our country, the police, and the citizens against the evil forces! " Faan Jing suddenly swung her right fist forward and shouted, "If anyone dares to offend our country, there will only be one outcome. That is self-destruction!"    


Rustle... Thunderous applause.    


As expected of a Mayor, his words were filled with emotion. Seeing the reporters looking at the stars in Faan Jing's eyes, Chu Yang thought maliciously, Lord Mayor, you might not know, the number one assassin in the world. He is sitting beside you right now. Sigh, if you find out in the future, I don't know if it will be because your daughter likes me. Will you be able to avoid hurting me?    


"I'm done speaking. Now, reporters, please ask questions in an orderly and free manner. The answers are Officer Liang Xin from the Criminal Police Team of the City Bureau and the boss of Chu Yang's Bodyguard Company, Sir. " It didn't take long for them to finish their satisfying speech. Faan Jing sat down with satisfaction.    


"Officer Liang, I am Ji Nan Television Station's reporter, Wang Xiaoxin. May I ask how you saw through the true identities of these two international killers? What are the real names of these two killers?" A female reporter wearing glasses waited for Faan Jing to finish speaking. She took the initiative to raise the microphone in her hand. Behind her, her companion was carrying a camera on his shoulder.    


Liang Xin forced a smile and stood up. She held the table with both hands. She said clearly, "These two killers are Belgian. The man is called O'Neal. The woman is called Thea. Currently ranked 19th on the international ranking of assassins. According to the International Criminal Police Headquarters in Asia, when they were in the R Country, Tokyo, They killed two international criminal police officers who wanted to work in Jiannan and disguised themselves as international criminal police officers to Jiannan. They deluded themselves of the Jiannan police's trust. "    


Liang Xin then covered her chest with her hand and thought, It feels so embarrassing to lie while touching my chest.    


"Then, who exactly discovered the true identity of these two killers?" The female reporter asked.    


"The moment they came to the City Bureau in Jiannan, we were suspicious of their identities." Liang Xin's face was slightly red. "However, at that time, we did not get any confirmation from the Interpol. We were also afraid of alerting the enemy. Hence, Director Lee Wendong and a few leaders of the City Bureau came up with a detailed plan to make them reveal their true identities."    


Director Lee Wendong smiled and nodded.    


"When the two killers asked to see a famous entrepreneur in our city, they were afraid that they might suspect something. The City Bureau did not send out any police officers. Instead, they asked me to accompany them alone to see the entrepreneur. At the same time, the leader of the bureau secretly contacted Mr. Chu Yang of Chu Yang's Bodyguard Company... " Since she had already lied so much, Liang Xin's face did not turn as red as it was at the beginning. According to the original plan, she told him how to subdue the international assassin. She told him in detail.    


It was exactly the same.    


At the end of the story, Liang Xin began to doubt whether the incident itself was the same as what she had said.    


After Liang Xin answered a few more questions from the reporters, she nodded and sat down. The reporters understood and began to ask Boss Chu Yang questions in unison.    


"Mr. Chu, I am Bai Yu, a reporter from Ji Nan Times." Maybe all men in China were more gentlemanly. In any case, every time he asked a question, May I ask how much your Bodyguard Company will receive in this cooperation with the police? Or will you receive a bonus? "    


This question was a bit direct. Next time, pay attention. After Chu Yang lectured this reporter named Bai Yu in his heart, he replied shyly," No bonus or reward. "    


Without waiting for the reporters to speak, Chu Yang smiled and continued, "Of course, as a businessman, I still follow the famous saying left behind by the old ancestor," You can't get up early if you don't have any benefits. " Hehe. "    


" Ha, haha. " After a wave of friendly laughter, no reporters were in a hurry to ask questions. They knew that this pretentious man who appeared shy on the surface would say it himself.    


"The reason why I'm willing to cooperate with the police is mainly to advertise the Bodyguard Company that I opened." Chu Yang said, "Everyone, please think about it. Even the 19th ranked international assassin is such a powerful existence. They were all killed by my company's bodyguards under Officer Liang's wise leadership. Then... How many famous international killers would there be in the world? How many wealthy people in Ji Nan love life and love life? So, if you want to hire bodyguards in the future... Invite Chu Yang's Security Consultant Company. I will give you a 20% discount on the price. However, the quality of the bodyguards and the quality of their services will not change. "    


" Ha, you are here to advertise your company! " A reporter laughed and shouted, "No wonder you don't want the police's compensation. Smart, smart!"    


"Hehe," Chu Yang smiled embarrassedly. He said, "You have seen through my evil intentions. I am ashamed. I am ashamed."    


"No matter what, your company's bodyguards are powerful. Otherwise, you wouldn't have let the killers kill you."    


"You flatter me. You flatter me." Chu Yang cupped his fists and bowed repeatedly.    


"Mr. Chu, I am Ling Lin, a reporter from Quan City Night News." At this moment, a male reporter finally took the opportunity to speak. "I have a question for you."    


"Please speak."    


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