My Fiance Ran Away

C151 Opening Hours

C151 Opening Hours

"Yeah." Chai Murong nodded, "That is to say, these mysterious people are likely to open a Bodyguard Company in Ji Nan... Although they may not dare to provoke you, you must not let your guard down.    


How about this, after you go to work, go to the police station and check if there is a new Bodyguard Company opening in Ji Nan recently."    


"Yes." Ling Hsing paused for a moment and then replied, "At six o'clock in the morning, I have already spoken to Bureau Chief Wang of the Industrial and Commerce Bureau. He told me that in the past three months, There's only one Bodyguard Company in Ji Nan that has registered."    


"Which family is it?"    


" Chu Yang's Security Consultant Company. "    


... ""    


9: 30 PM. Just as Chu Yang, Yeh Liusu and the others were busy with the opening work in the hall, Four brand new Audi cars and a half-new Buick business car stopped at the entrance. After the five ordinary-looking young men got out of the car, they walked to the steps. With a respectful expression, he asked coquettishly who was playing at the entrance, "Little friend, may I ask if this is Chu Yang's safety consultant company?"    


"Yes, who are you?" Xiao Xuan vigilantly took a step back and turned to look at Zhang Dashui, who was dragging the floor.    


Zhang Dashui walked over with a tow stick. "This is Chu Yang's safety consultant company, but we can only open it later. Do you need anything? "    


"Are you an official employee of this company?"    




... Oh." The young man in the lead reached out his hand with a bunch of car keys in his hand. "These are the keys to the car. Please give them to Boss Chu Yang. Sorry to bother you."    


After the young man in the lead handed the keys to Zhang Dashui, he turned around and made a hand gesture. The few of them got into the Buick business car and drove away.    


They gently came and left, leaving behind four brand new Audi A8.    


"What's going on?" Little coquettish's eyes lit up as she looked at the car keys in Zhang Dashui's hands.    


"I don't know." Zhang Dashui looked at the business car that was disappearing into the distance. "Let's go in and tell the boss that perhaps this was arranged by him."    


Xiao Xuan grabbed a bunch of keys and quickly ran into the hall. She raised her hand and shouted at Chu Yang, "Chu Yang, there were a few idiots outside just now. They left four cars behind and left without saying a word.    




If it were not for Xiangling and the other girls, Chu Yang would definitely have cursed, Fuck! Don't you know how polite you are when you talk to me?    


Yeh Liusu looked at Chu Yang in embarrassment and said apologetically, "This child was spoiled by me. Those cars, did you get someone to send them over?"    


"Yes, let's buy these four cars for now. When business is booming in the future, we will buy them again." Chu Yang said, "Leave one car for yourself to drive. As for the other cars, you just have to look at the distribution.    




"Hey, Brother Dashui and the others don't need to drive their own cars when they go out as bodyguards anyway. How about you leave one for me?" Xiao Xuan held the car key tightly in her hand, turned around and said, "I want that one... Eh, what kind of car is this? Chu Yang, did you get someone to send it over again? Ah, there's a foreign woman in the car! "    


Everyone followed Little coquettish's hand and looked outside. They saw a Mercedes-Benz parked at the entrance. A foreign foreign woman dressed like a hooligan was walking down from the car with her 1.5 meter long legs.    


Why is she here? Chu Yang smiled bitterly when he saw this foreign woman.    


"Is she here for you?" Yeh Liusu asked in a low voice.    


"Yes, I am. Other than running the Bodyguard Company, I also want to open a model company. She is the chief model of my future model company. Her name is Vlanda. Maybe you have heard of her before."    


While Chu Yang and Yeh Liusu were talking, Vlanda twisted her sexy waist and pushed open the door. When she saw Chu Yang, she opened her hands exaggeratedly. "Oh, Chu, you are indeed here!"    


Vlanda wanted to give Chu Yang a hug, but was blocked by Little Seduction, who was as tall as her long legs. " Hey, who are you? You want to touch me when you come up?"    


Vlanda was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Little friend, I am Chu Yang's friend."    


"Friend?" Little coquettish eyes stared at Vlanda's long legs that were exposed in front of her nose and curled her lips, "Why don't I know her?"    


"Little coquettish, move aside, let me introduce to everyone." Chu Yang patted Little coquettish's head and carried her to the side. He pointed at Vlanda and said to Yeh Liusu, "This is the partner of my model company, Miss Vlanda."    


"I have long heard that Miss Vlanda is as beautiful as a flower. I did not expect that the Huaxia language is also so fluent." Yeh Liusu forced a smile and stretched out her hand, "My name is Yeh Liusu, I am the partner of Chu Yang's Bodyguard Company..."    


"Yeh Liusu is my girlfriend, we are a family." Before Yeh Liusu could finish, Chu Yang introduced her like this to Vlanda.    


Immediately, Yeh Liusu, who was forcing a smile just now, heard what Chu Yang said and her eyes changed to genuine joy. As for Little coquettish Zhang Dashui and the others, they also heaved a sigh of relief in their hearts.    


"I'm so envious of you, Miss Ye." Vlanda looked at Chu Yang with a very profound look. With a sincere smile on her face, she reached out and gently shook hands with Yeh Liusu.    


"Miss Vlanda, please sit." After happily shaking hands with Vlanda, Yeh Liusu invited her to sit down. "Last night, Chu Yang had already told me. He wanted to partner up with someone to open a model company in the left hall, but I did not expect his partner to be so beautiful."    


This was the first time the two women met. As long as Yeh Liusu and Zhou Shuhan did not attack each other that morning and usually praised each other for being young and beautiful, there would definitely be a qualitative leap in their relationship.    


Chu Yang had only smoked one cigarette and Yeh Liusu and Vlanda already looked very intimate on the surface.    


"Boss Chu, the opening hours are up." Zhang Dashui walked in front of Chu Yang and pointed at the stone bell hanging on the wall.    


"Then let's start the opening." Chu Yang snuffed out his cigarette and said to Xiao Xuan, who had been waiting at the side with firecrackers, "According to the prohibition of firecrackers in Ji Nan City, we cannot set off firecrackers during the opening.    




"Since we can't set off firecrackers, why do you want me to hold this thing here?"    


"I'm just trying to make you happy. Anyway, firecrackers don't cost much." Chu Yang smiled and rubbed his head. "Sigh, not only can we not set off firecrackers for our opening, but no one will come to support us... Eh, they really came to support us. But it seemed that they came with ill intentions. It's a police car. "    


Little coquettish opened Chu Yang's hand, which was touching his head, and turned around to look outside. She saw two Passat police cars parked at the entrance, and five or six policemen in police uniforms walked out of the cars. Among them was the deputy captain of the Criminal Police Team in the city, Wang Wenjie, and a female police officer who was about 26 or 27 years old. Looking at the card on her shoulder, it was actually a rank 2 police officer.    


When these police officers entered, including Wang Wenjie, they all followed behind the mature and enjoyable female police officer. It seemed like she was the leader of this group of people.    


"Boss Chu, it hasn't opened yet." Once he walked into the hall, Wang Wenjie greeted him warmly.    


"Hehe, Officer Wang, didn't you come just when you wanted to put up the sign?" Chu Yang greeted her with a smile and looked at the policewoman. "This is..."    


"I am the captain of the City Bureau's Criminal Police Team, Liang Xin." The policewoman briefly introduced herself and then asked Chu Yang, "Are you the boss of this security consultant company?"    


Liang Xin was famous for her cold demeanor. She was known as a rose with thorns in the police community of Jinan City. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also very capable. In the three years since she joined the police force, she had relied on her own strength to climb up to the throne of Criminal Police Team. She had always been valued by the leaders of the bureau.    


One. A policewoman, a beautiful policewoman who did not have a man to accompany her when she went to work. If she obtained such an eye-catching result, it would inadvertently attract people's attention. In particular, the male reporters in Ji Nan who were involved in lawful news and held grudges on November 11th every year "doted" on her. They directly said that Liang Xin was the ambassador of Ji Nan's police image and would come to interview her whenever there was a chance. Although there were many times when they encountered nails, they were still happy and tireless.    


Half a year ago, the leader of City Bureau sent Liang Xin to the party school to further her studies. As if... He trained her as the backbone of the City Bureau. If it wasn't for the fact that Ji Nan was going to face assassins from all over the world coming to visit, Lee Wendong wouldn't have urgently transferred her back from the party school.    


On the day Liang Xin returned, there was a mysterious kidnapping case in Ji Nan. As the leader of the Criminal Police Team, she naturally had the responsibility to investigate this matter thoroughly.    


When they were at the station this morning, Liang Xin and her colleagues had already determined the result. It was the same as what Chai Murong and Ling Hsing had deduced. Hence, she began to investigate which Bodyguard Company was going to open up in Ji Nan. Furthermore... Soon, she found Chu Yang.    


In fact, before they came, whether it was Lee Wendong or Wang Wenjie, However, when she said "a prince is breaking the law, and a commoner is guilty of the same crime," she pushed back their good intentions and rushed over with her men when Chu Yang was about to put up the sign.    


"Yes, Officer Liang. I am the boss of this company. What do you want from me?" After hearing Liang Xin announce that she was the patriarch of Criminal Police Team, Chu Yang knew why she had come. The reaction of the people from City Bureau was really fast. Lao Jiu and the others had only been messing around for two nights. The police had already found me.    


"I have some things I want to discuss with you. Can you find a quiet place to talk?" When Liang Xin saw Yeh Liusu and Vlanda, her eyes paused on them for a moment. Then she expressionlessly raised her request.    


Find a quiet place to talk? Alright, I like to chat with beautiful women. After Chu Yang fantasized for a while, he asked with a little confusion on his face, "Find me to understand the situation?"    


"Boss Chu, we came today because we want to know a little about the situation with you. Don't think too much." Wang Wenjie had helped Chu Yang a lot when he started the company. When he found out that the suspicious points of the mysterious kidnapping case were gathered on Chu Yang's side, he was also very nervous. He was afraid that Chu Li would deliberately make such a move for the sake of his company's business. That was why he volunteered to follow Liang Xin to understand the situation.    


Before Chu Yang could say anything, another group of young men entered the hall. The one in the lead was Vice Mayor Ma's precious young master, Ma Jian.    


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