My Fiance Ran Away

C122 Compensation and Apology

C122 Compensation and Apology

"Hey, guys..." Boss Liu was complaining in his heart about why Yeh Liusu didn't run away, but he had the responsibility to protect her in the bar. Just as he was about to shamelessly say good things again, he saw a handsome gigolo... Yes, a standard gigolo. Because when he squeezed through the crowd, there were a few beautiful sisters who dreamed of using Lanco cosmetics every day. They even smelled a familiar scent on his face.    


"Liusu, let me do it." After naturally calling Yeh Liusu's name, Chu Yang walked over with a smile. He seemed to casually pick up a bottle of beer from the beer cart and suddenly raised his hand and smashed it on Lee Bao's head.    




When Chu Yang used a beer bottle to blow up someone's head, his technique was much more professional than Yeh Liusu's. Although the blood on Lee Bao's head dripped down, it did not cause any substantial internal injuries to him. There was not even any symptoms of dizziness.    


An expert would use a bottle of wine to blow up a person's head. What he wanted was a visual stimulation.    


Wow, a handsome man is indeed a handsome man. Even his punching motion is so cool! The big-eyed sister who received Chu Yang put her hands into a fist and placed it by her mouth. Her eyes were full of stars. She completely ignored the blood dripping down from Lee Bao's head. That was what people should care about.    


"We are all civilized people, what can't we talk about properly? Does it feel good to scold others?" After smashing someone's head until it bled, Chu Yang clapped his hands. He pulled over a chair and sat down. As if nothing had happened, he took a bottle of beer from the beer truck. After ferociously biting it open with his teeth, he raised his chin and gulped down two mouthfuls.    


A civilized person? Which country's civilized person would use a wine bottle to blow up someone's head the moment they came up?    


Chu Yang's carefree manner of looking at the people in front of him as if they were ants made Lee Bao and the others who were beaten up, as well as those who were watching the show, mutter in their hearts, Who is this person? He beat people up like this and even said such philosophical words?    


"F * ck..." After backhanded wiping the blood that dripped down, Lee Bao just wanted to curse at Chu Yang. However, when he saw the bottle in Chu Yang's hand, he immediately turned to a hooligan next to him and shouted, "What are you f * cking standing there for? Hurry up and call my uncle!"    


"Oh, oh." The hooligan hurriedly took out his phone. "Brother Bao, what's Bureau Director Lee's number?"    


On one side, there was an uncle of the bureau chief, and on the other side, it seemed that he was very rich. If tonight's matter was not handled properly, Dream Bar might very well close down. When he saw Lee Bao making a call, Chu Yang was still drinking like an old man. Boss Liu felt that it was necessary to remind him and ask him who he was. He wanted to see if he had the right to be used as a shield. "Sir, do you know who the person you beat up is?"    


"Who is he?" Chu Yang glanced sideways at Lee Bao, who was complaining loudly on the phone. He reached out and grabbed Yeh Liusu's hand. He did not care whether Yeh Liusu was willing or not. He pulled Yeh Liusu to his side and said lightly, "I don't care who the person who beat him up (the person who specializes in beating him up in Ji Nan's dialect) is. I only know who dares to mess with my woman. I will beat them until they bleed. "    


I am your woman? After hearing Chu Yang say these words, Yeh Liusu's eyes suddenly lit up, but then it dimmed down. Even if I am your woman, you are already married.    


The party is your woman? Oh, I know, you have kept her as your mistress. Boss Liu gave Yeh Liusu a meaningful look and said in a low voice, "His uncle is Director Lee Wendong of City Bureau. If you have any relatives or friends in the government, then... It would be best to make an exception as soon as possible to avoid suffering a loss. "    


"Oh, so he is Lee Wendong's nephew. No wonder he is so arrogant." Chu Yang had seen Lee Wendong before at Zhou Shuhan's birthday party.    


"You know Bureau Director Lee?"    


"I have seen him once, but I am not familiar with him." Chu Yang shook his head. "Bureau Director Lee is in the government, and I happen to have a friend who eats this bowl of rice. Then I will trouble her to handle it. "    


Although I do not want to compete with a scum like you who has a better background, we are all civilized people. Let's use a civilized method. Chu Yang said as he took out his phone and found Zhou Shuhan's phone number. Just as he was about to call, he hesitated for a moment before jumping over. He dialed another number.    


He was wearing Versace's clothes and rubbing his face. However, he was using an old-fashioned phone, which was why he kept a low profile. When they saw Chu Yang take out a mobile phone that was broken and had no space to repair, not only did the people present not feel that he was pretending to be cool, but they also felt that he was also not pretending to be cool. On the contrary, they felt that he had a lot of personality.    


The world was like this. If Chu Yang took out this phone in a month's time, everyone would definitely not even look at him.    


"Hey, who are you? Ah, I am Chu Yang. I have encountered some trouble here. Remember to tell me to call you when I'm in trouble, so I called. " Chu Yang smiled at the phone and said, "Haha, okay. I'll wait for you. It's at Dream Bar on Chaoshan Street. It's very easy to find."    


After hearing from Boss Liu that Lee Bao's uncle was the director of City Bureau, Chu Yang originally wanted to call Zhou Shuhan. He believed that as long as he called Zhou Shuhan, she would rush to the Dream Bar as fast as possible. Her mother, Faan Jing, was a Jinan Mayor, even if the director of City Bureau came personally. I have to give Miss Zhou face.    


However, Chu Yang felt that it was best not to let Zhou Shuhan and Yeh Liusu meet. If she knew that he called Yeh Liusu his girlfriend just now, wouldn't that hurt the child's heart? So he called the two female guards who were protecting Chu's mother. Anyway, they only promised to look for them tonight because they had something to do. Furthermore, the guards who came out of Beijing were all very impressive. It was more than enough to deal with the director of City Bureau.    


Oh, both sides were calling for help. There was going to be a show tonight. When the onlookers saw that Chu Yang had also called, they were all very excited. Beer girl, this pretty boy clearly knew that Lee Bao was the nephew of the director of the City Bureau, yet he was still so calm. They really didn't know which big shot's son or brother he was.    


"Chu Yang, let's go. If there's anything, we can settle it ourselves." After Chu Yang put away the phone, Yeh Liusu struggled out of his grip. She said in a low voice, "At most, we will apologize to him first, and then we will settle the score with him later. I don't want you to cause trouble for others because of me. "    


" Liusu, we have to be civilized people in the future. Don't use the method you said in the future. " Chu Yang gently patted Yeh Liusu's hand and said with a seemingly earnest tone, "Don't be afraid. The person I found specifically to solve my problems."    


This person really liked to pretend. Sigh, how could he sometimes give me a sense of security when my brother-in-law was in the past? Yeh Liusu looked at the man in front of her and pursed her lips tightly before she stopped talking.    


After hearing Chu Yang casually say those words, that Boss Liu immediately bent down and looked at him with admiration. Who exactly is this person? There are even specialized people working under him to solve his problems. Could he be the second generation young master of the provincial or city council?    


Lee Bao and the others also saw Chu Yang's calm and composed manner. They also began to suspect that this guy was the son of a high official. However, since things had come to this point, it was impossible to communicate with him through words. Besides, he was the "victim," there was no reason for him to be discouraged.    


To be honest, Chu Yang really had no interest in competing with a ruffian who had more power. He had always been passionate about using his fists to solve problems. However, he also knew very well that he was now in Huaxia. One. A country that loved peace. He wanted to live here for a long time, the way to solve problems in the Middle East... It was not appropriate to stay here anymore. So, he wanted to compete with an ignorant and fearless hooligan to see who had a better background. It was a form of helplessness and a form of entertainment for him. In any case, it was a long night without sleep, and there were so many enthusiastic audiences and little sister Liusu by his side. It was not a bad idea to show off occasionally.    


Everyone was waiting, waiting for Chu Yang and Lee Bao's reinforcements to arrive first and who had a greater background.    


Waiting would always make one feel annoyed.    


Fortunately, after ten minutes or so, just as the onlookers were annoyed by waiting, a siren sounded outside the door. It made everyone excited, as if a good show was about to start.    


Although Lee Bao had an uncle who was the director of City Bureau, this guy was not stupid. He knew that Ji Nan was a provincial city, and there were many people who held higher positions than his uncle. Before he had a thorough understanding of Chu Yang's background, he didn't dare to casually smash someone with Lee Wendong's signboard. Otherwise, he would not have called the police and not his gang of scoundrels. At this moment, after hearing the siren, he knew that reinforcements had come. After the opponent gave him a look that said, "Don't let that gigolo slip away in the chaos," he quickly walked out.    


There was a saying that said the wicked person should complain first. Lee Bao was undoubtedly this kind of person.    


The OF killer platform suddenly raised Chai Murong's prize money to 111 million USD. This gave Lee Wendong, the director of City Bureau, a headache. It also made the few colleagues who came from the Asia Headquarters of the Tokyo International Criminal Police Department feel nervous. They could also predict with their feet that as long as this woman did not leave Ji Nan... The Ji Nan police would face a huge pressure from the assassins, Assassin Group, and even the mercenary army. And those crazy mercenary troops might disregard the lives and properties of the people for the astronomical reward.    


Lee Wendong had no choice but to make these difficulties clear to the leaders of the province regarding the grim situation that Ji Nan's police force was about to face.    


After the relevant leaders of the province heard Lee Wendong's report, they immediately gave the following instructions: Z Country Government would never allow any evil forces to stir up trouble in Ji Nan, no matter which evil force they came from. As long as they dared to ignore the laws of China in Jiannan, they would receive the cruelest and most severe blow. At the same time, in order to protect Chai Murong's safety in Ji Nan, The City Bureau would transfer a heavy case team consisting of twenty-seven elites to protect her for twenty-four hours. Until the threat that was directed at her completely disappeared, or she... safely left Ji Nan.    


On the evening after the meeting ended, Lee Wendong went to visit Chai Murong. However, what made him puzzled was that Chairman Chai, who had always treated people warmly, Tonight, he seemed very unhappy and had always forced a smile. He had always been absent-minded while talking to him. Furthermore, according to Bureau Director Lee, who was a criminal police officer, he secretly observed that her eyes were red and swollen. She must have cried.    


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