My Fiance Ran Away

C62 Rich

C62 Rich

"Sigh, let nature take its course. Anyway, I didn't mean to embarrass you." After thinking for a long time, Chu Yang shook his head and used the set of teeth that he spent five million to buy to clean his mouth. After hastily washing his face, he calmly went to the hall in front of him.    


On the table in the hall, there was already a bowl of rice. In front of the seat that Chu Yang was used to sitting in, there was also a cheque. Yeh Liusu, however, was not there.    


Women were just like that. They would throw tantrums at random times. Didn't you say that you still have a chance to hug the waist of the person you love, but it was so difficult for me to even see Qin Chao once? Chu Yang thought narcissistically and sat at the front of the table to start his rice bowl. He started to snore and eat.    


Chu Yang hastily finished his breakfast, picked up the cheque, and walked to the door of Yeh Liusu's room on the second floor. He knocked twice on the door for Yeh Liusu, and without waiting for her to say anything, he pushed the door open and walked in.    


"You, you are full?" Yeh Liusu heard his footsteps when Chu Yang walked into the corridor. She knew that he might have come to her room. She had originally decided to ignore him, but she did not expect him to push open the door and come in. He quickly wiped the corners of his eyes. He was so nervous that he forgot to blame him for coming uninvited. He forced a smile and said, "Aren't you going to work after you're full?"    


"What's going on?" Chu Yang did not answer her nonsense. He raised his hand and waved the cheque in his hand. "Just because I rejected you earlier, you don't want this cheque anymore?"    


"What identity do you think I should use to accept such a large sum of money?" Seeing Chu Yang mention this matter directly, Yeh Liusu did not want to be perfunctory anymore. She slowly stood up from the bedside. "When I received this cheque last night, I had the thought that you would be with me. So I can accept it confidently. But now that I know you have a wife, you will have to return to her sooner or later. In the future, if she mentions this sum of money, how will you answer? Hehe, you can't possibly tell her that you have a mistress outside, right? "    


" Hey, what you said makes a lot of sense. Since I am so rich, Why can't I take care of one?" After Chu Yang heard Yeh Liusu's words, he had a look of enlightenment on his face. "If I can keep the boss of Fallen Sword Sect as my lover, this should be a very honorable thing."    


"Chu Yang, don't think that you..." Yeh Liusu's expression changed. Just as she was about to say something, she saw Chu Yang walk in front of her. He stared at her and said, "Do you want to warn me not to think that just because I see that you like me, I can say such words to you?"    


Yeh Liusu's heart skipped a beat when she saw Chu Yang's warm and angry gaze. She guiltily turned her head to the side and snorted. What?" Hmph, you only need to know this."    


Just like those silkpants who were walking on the street with bird cages, Chu Yang stretched out a finger and lifted Yeh Liusu's chin. His tone was very frivolous as he said," Girl, although I have a wife, I have taken a liking to you today. I want to keep you as my mistress. These five million will be left with you today. If you want it, you have to tear it up. But from now on, you are my man."    


With Yeh Liusu's skills, she could totally dodge or reject Chu Yang's way of treating her. But for some reason, she made him raise his chin. Even if he resisted, his words were so weak and powerless. "You have to know when to stop. Don't forget what I do..."    


Before Yeh Liusu could finish speaking, she felt her mouth heat up. Then she stood there as if she had been shocked by electricity. She stared blankly at Chu Yang, who had moved away from her mouth. A voice rumbled in her head, Chu Yang kissed me, he kissed me!    


"Cough, cough." Chu Yang himself did not know why he kissed Yeh Liusu. Anyway, after kissing her lips for a while, He immediately coughed dryly and took a step back. He was ready to be slapped. "This is my first kiss today. I'll let it go for you."    


Yeh Liusu looked at him in a daze. Her eyes were big, like dolls sold in a toy store. The only thing that was different from a doll was that she was much more beautiful and enjoyable than a doll.    


When I saw you hug me in the morning, I thought you had a lot of experience with men and women. So you're not much better than me. After despising Yeh Liusu in his heart, Chu Yang placed the cheque on the table of the Eight Immortals. He said in a manly tone, "This is the betrothal gift and the betrothal gift I gave you. You will be mine from now on. According to the rules of a woman, you have to tell me anything you want to do in the future. For example, what business do you want to take? If you dare to resist, be careful that I won't show you any mercy. "    


Before Yeh Liusu could recover from her shock, Chu Yang finished speaking and quickly walked out of the door.    


After closing the door for Yeh Liusu, he rushed down the stairs as if he was flying. He rushed through the hall like a thief who had stolen something, until he walked out of the door of the Luck Coming Gate's store and came to the alley. He patted his own chest and muttered to himself, "Did I get possessed by something? Why did he take the initiative to kiss a woman other than Qin Chao? Amitabha. Buddha is protecting me. For the sake of letting go of my butcher's knife... Amitabha. A woman's lips seem to be even more fragrant than before..."    


After sincerely confessing to Buddha in his heart, Chu Yang walked out of the alley.    


If it wasn't because he heard that someone wanted to kill Chai Murong, she would have invited him with her sedan chair. Chu Yang wouldn't have gone to the Cloud Water Group branch to work... Of course, he couldn't just go back like this. Don't forget that the person in charge of the advertising department yesterday had just resigned from his position with Zhou Shuhan. If he went back just like this now, it would be too shameful. One had to know that Master Chu wasn't that kind of shameless person.    


"Damn it, after I resigned yesterday, you guys even texted me to ask something. But why didn't you call me today? If that's the case, wouldn't you give me a way to go back? " Without waiting for the call, Chu Yang got off the bus in advance. He walked to the building of the Cloud Water Group branch, but his phone didn't ring. This made him wonder if his phone was broken, or if a woman was the type of person who would forget everything after a night.    


I can't wait here forever. I should just give in and give Zhou Tangtang a call. As for Chai Murong, let's not bother about her for now. Just as Chu Yang couldn't help but want to take the initiative to call Zhou Shuhan, a sky blue QQ was stuck on the side of the sidewalk. Wang Ya was looking at him from the car with a surprised look. "Hey, Chu Yang? Where are you going? Did you find a new job?"    


The things that should not appear and the things that should not appear would always appear in front of one's eyes. Chu Yang muttered in his heart. His face was full of a sunny smile. "Ah, I, I haven't found a job yet. I have nothing to do, so I have to take a stroll. Are you going to work? "    


"Yes, I'm going to work." Wang Ya drove QQ and slowly followed Chu Yang. She said with a guilty face, "Chu Yang, it was my fault yesterday that you lost your job. But don't worry, I have already explained the situation to Vice President Zhou. I believe she will not misunderstand you again. I think you should go to work. Anyway, you didn't hand in your resignation letter. "    


" Hehe, forget it. I'll look for a job somewhere else. " Chu Yang smiled bitterly and thought, If you did not see me, I would thicken my skin and call Zhou Tangtang. I don't work, why would I wander around here if I didn't work? The key was that there had to be a reason to go back to work.    


Seeing that Chu Yang was about to turn around and leave, Wang Ya hurriedly stopped him. "Hey, Chu Yang, don't go. Just wait here. I'll go in and say something to Vice President Zhou." After Chu Yang resigned because of the sanitary pad incident yesterday, Wang Ya felt guilty in her heart. It was probably because she didn't know Chu Yang's phone number and address, or else she would have apologized last night. Seeing that he was still wandering around the company today, she knew that he wanted to come back to work but was too embarrassed to go. So she was determined to help him.    


After hastily instructing Chu Yang a few words, Wang Ya did not wait for his reply. She hurriedly drove the car into the company's parking lot. After parking the car, she did not care about wearing seven-inch high heels. Just as she walked into the hall of the branch building, she happened to see Zhou Shuhan and a girl standing at the entrance of the elevator waiting for the elevator.    


Eh, what a coincidence. She told her here just in time to avoid attracting attention when she entered the office. After seeing Zhou Shuhan, Wang Ya was delighted in her heart and quickly walked over, "Vice President Zhou!"    


Zhou Shuhan, who was whispering something to that girl, heard someone call her and the two of them very naturally turned around.    


"Ah, Chai, Chairman Chai, hello." When she saw that the girl standing with Zhou Shuhan was actually the group's Chairman Chai, Wang Ya became nervous.    


Chai Murong did not know Wang Ya, but after seeing her greeting, she still nodded and smiled warmly, "Hello."    


"Chairman Chai, I will go to your office later to tell you about the specific situation." Zhou Shuhan thought that Wang Ya had an emergency report and after whispering to Chai Murong, She smiled and said, "Hello, Group Wang. Is there anything I can help you with?"    


"Yes, it is a small matter." When Wang Ya saw that Chai Murong was also there, she did not dare to directly plead for Chu Yang. However, she was even more clear that if she kept guarding Chai Murong and squeaking again, So she forced a laugh and simply said, "Vice President Zhou, didn't Chu Yang resign yesterday?"    


After seeing that Wang Ya seemed to have something to do with Zhou Shuhan alone, Chai Murong turned around. But when she heard Wang Ya mention Chu Yang, she immediately perked up her ears.    


"Ah, yes, yesterday he resigned." Sigh, wasn't it because you asked him to buy you sanitary pads? Zhou Shuhan, who had been unhappy the whole night because of Chu Yang's resignation, heard Wang Ya mention him. Her face immediately darkened.    


"Vice President Zhou, Chu Yang is outside right now. Do you think we should let him go back to work?" Zhou Shuhan's expression changed. Even she did not notice it. However, Wang Ya saw it in her heart. Yes, Vice President Zhou cared a lot about Chu Yang. Then this matter would be easy to handle.    


"You saw him outside? He said he wanted to come back to work?" Zhou Shuhan's eyes lit up, and then she began to mutter in her heart, If he wanted to come back, he just had to call me. Why did he want to see you? Scared, it seems that the relationship between the two of you is not ordinary.    


Zhou Shuhan thought so in her heart. Actually, Chai Murong also thought the same in her heart at this time. But she was much more angry than Zhou Shuhan and was even more jealous. If it was not because she was guarding someone, she would definitely have snorted coldly.    


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