My Fiance Ran Away

C63 Changes

C63 Changes

Wang Ya did not know what Big Boss Chai and Vice President Zhou were thinking about, but she tried her best to speak up for Chu Yang. "Although he did not tell me that he regretted quitting, she said, shaking her head. I can tell. But he was too embarrassed to come to you alone, so I told you on his behalf. Vice President Zhou, you also know that it's very difficult to find a job now. It's a bit of a waste for a young man like him to work as a handyman, but it's very hard to live without a job... Do you think we should let him come back to work? Oh, he's waiting for my news outside."    


" Mm, since the Wang Group is pleading for him, then alright. I'll give him another chance. Besides, the Advertising Department can't do without a handyman. " Because Chai Murong was there, Zhou Shuhan tactfully said that she wanted Chu Yang to come back to work. After all, he was the owner of the company.    


With a ding sound, the elevator came down.    


"Then I'll have to trouble you to call him over, Group Wang." Zhou Shuhan smiled and nodded to Wang Ya before walking into the elevator side by side with Chai Murong.    


Yay! After the elevator doors closed, Wang Ya clenched her fists and called out in her heart. As if she had made a great contribution, she hurriedly walked out of the hall. She was still far from Chu Yang when she waved excitedly at him. "Chu Yang, Chu Yang! Come here quickly."    


It was so awkward. He had to hire someone to be her bodyguard for free. He was suspected of being a cheater. Chu Yang looked at himself in disdain for a moment, then quickly walked towards Wang Ya.    


As if she was worried that Chu Yang would be shy and embarrassed to come in again, Wang Ya grabbed his hand and hurried into the advertising department.    


Actually, you don't have to be so enthusiastic. Since I came back this time, Even if you chase me out, I won't leave. Chu Yang really wanted to say this to Wang Ya, but he couldn't bear to dampen her enthusiasm. He could only lower his head and pretend to be "shy" and let her lead him into the advertising department. However, just as he stepped into the door, he felt a chill run down his spine. He looked up and saw Zhou Shuhan who was arranging the task for her subordinates in the room. She was staring at him coldly.    


Ah, Vice President Zhou wouldn't have seen me holding Chu Yang's hand. Did he think too much? Wang Ya also noticed the anger in Zhou Shuhan's eyes and quickly wanted to let go of Chu Yang's hand. But she did not expect that Chu Yang who let her hold his hand just now. But she grabbed her hand with a backhand and whispered beside her, "There are many people in front. Let's stand here and listen to the officer's lecture."    


When Wang Ya heard Chu Yang describe Zhou Shuhan as an officer, she could not help but want to laugh but did not dare to. She could only use her other hand to cover her mouth and roll her eyes at someone.    


Hmph, you still say there is nothing between Wang Ya and you? If you keep watch over me and hold my hand to make love, then you will have nothing to do with me? Zhou Shuhan saw Chu Yang and Wang Ya's every action and action. She was annoyed in her heart. However, she was embarrassed to flare up with more than twenty of her subordinates, so she could only stop looking at them. She continued to speak with a straight face, "Yesterday, Chairman Chai told me that for this Autumn Car Exhibition, The company has officially formed a car exhibition preparation team. The members of the team will be selected from the Advertising Department and the Public Relations Department. Now, let me announce the members of the Advertising Department who will enter the preparation team. "    


Zhou Shuhan said as she picked up the folder in her hand and opened it." Because Chairman Chai attaches great importance to this car exhibition, the people chosen must be elite soldiers and generals. I will not talk about the Public Relations Department. Just talk about the people selected from the Advertising Department. The first group leader Xu Mao, the second group leader Wang Ya, and the handyman Chu Yang. As for the two team leaders that have been transferred, the deputy team leader will temporarily take up the role."    


Tsk, what's wrong with you seeing me holding hands with other women? I already returned your bank card yesterday, and the employment contract between us has been terminated. Who do you care who I like to be with? You are not my wife. It was precisely because of this thought in his heart that when he saw Zhou Shuhan's angry gaze just now, That was why Chu Yang deliberately grabbed Wang Ya.    


Just as Chu Yang saw Zhou Shuhan helplessly withdraw her gaze and be pleased with herself, he heard her recite her name when she read the name list of the preparatory team members. He was immediately stunned. It can't be, right? How can I be in this so-called elite team?    


Not only was Chu Yang surprised that he had entered the preparation group, but even Wang Jin, Xu Mao and the others were also surprised. Eh, didn't Chu Yang just resign yesterday? Why was he recruited into the preparation team as soon as he appeared here today? Oh, I almost forgot, he's a lover. It's normal to divide and combine. However, she was able to use her authority to get a handyman into the preparatory team. It seemed that this relationship had to be "very deep, very deep."    


Brother, since you are Vice President Zhou's Lan Yan, Why do you still dare to guard her and her husband and concubine relationship? Strong, you are really strong. Xu Mao looked at Chu Yang and Wang Ya with a playful expression. He squinted his left eye and quietly gave a thumbs up.    


"Alright, Group Wang and Group Xu, you and the deputy team leader will take over the work." Zhou Shuhan closed the folder and looked at the confused Chu Yang again. She said lightly, "Chu Yang, come with me to the office."    


Oh, so Deputy Zhou had planned for Chu Yang to come to work a long time ago. Otherwise, why would he be dragged into the preparatory team? It's funny that I was so hardworking when I talked to him just now. Ah, now she misunderstood. Seeing Zhou Shuhan walk into the office, Wang Ya quickly shook off Chu Yang's hand. She whispered, "Chu Yang, Vice President Zhou asked you to go to her office. You, you have to explain to her properly so that she won't misunderstand again."    


"Haha, okay. Thank you, Group Wang." Chu Yang knew what Wang Ya was thinking and did not explain anything. He and Wang Jin, who was standing there, nodded with a smile and walked into Zhou Shuhan's office.    


Because they were moving to the new Vice President's office today, when Chu Yang went in, Zhou Shuhan was packing the teacups and other things that she brought yesterday.    


"Vice President Zhou, I am just a little handyman. What would other people think if you put me into the preparation team?" Chu Yang closed the door and leaned against it. He took out a cigarette and lit it up. He said slowly, "You may not be old, but you must be an official. Because you were very good at putting on airs just now. You don't look like a newbie who has just gone to work for a day. "    


Do I need you to say these things? Don't forget that my dad is behind us. Zhou Shuhan completely ignored Chu Yang's sarcastic remarks. She only said after putting the teacup into a cardboard box, "It was not my idea to recruit you into the preparation team. It was Chairman Chai who told me this morning. If you have any questions, please ask your old classmate. When I was in the elevator just now, she told me to wait for you to go to work. She asked you to go to her office."    


"Oh, I knew you wouldn't be able to recruit me into the preparatory team with your little guts. So it was Boss Chai's idea. Ah, it seems that Bo Le has finally paid attention to my thousand mile horse. My life and tomorrow will have a tremendous change." Chu Yang made some irresponsible remarks, turned around, and was about to leave.    




"What? Is there something else?" Chu Yang turned around in confusion. "Didn't you tell me to go to Boss Chai's place after work?"    


Zhou Shuhan exhaled and sat on the chair. She said seriously, "Chu Yang, although Chairman Chai and I are about the same age, you are also old classmates. But you better call her Chairman Chai. Don't be so presumptuous behind your back just because she looks at you differently and recruited you into the preparation team. "    


" Impudent? How can I be impudent? Could it be that I said something wrong? Is there anyone in the Cloud Water Group who has a higher position than her?" In fact, calling her Boss Chai was much more impressive than Chairman Chai. Chu Yang thought to himself, It's just that you don't know the true strength of this woman.    


"I'm serious. I hope you will listen to me." Zhou Shuhan did not answer Chu Yang's question. She continued, "Last night, my father told me not to look down on Chairman Chai's age. However, she was very powerful in Huaxia. As for these things, you might know them in the future. So, don't rely on your relationship with her as an old classmate. You dare to be spoiled and proud."    


Seeing that Zhou Shuhan was sincerely thinking for him, Chu Yang felt a little touched in his heart. However, he still did not care and said, "Thank you for your reminder. But it's fine."    




" Because the Prince Charming she had a crush on in her heart when she was in school was me. " Chu Yang said proudly, "So, she might be angry with others, but she definitely wouldn't dare to do anything to me."    


"Tsk, who would believe that!" Zhou Shuhan curled her lips and looked at Chu Yang from head to toe. "If you were like this, would you be the Prince Charming in Chairman Chai's heart? I think it would be her nightmare at night."    


"One cannot judge a book by its cover. What do you know?" Chu Yang said, "Alright, I will remember what you said. You must be careful in the future. Are you alright? If you're alright, I'll go see Boss Chai. "    


" There is one more thing. "Zhou Shuhan paused for a moment and said," In the future, be less like Wang Ya in front of others. At the very least, you have to give me some face. "    


"What happened to me and her? Didn't we just pull hands?" Chu Yang frowned and said, "Besides, we are now even. There is no longer any employment relationship, even if I openly pursue Wang Ya. It does not seem to be a problem for you, right?"    


"But, but last night." After hearing what Chu Yang said, Zhou Shuhan remembered that he had indeed returned the bank card to her. After being stunned for a while, she said with a stutter, "Last night, my mom said that on the weekend, She asked you to come to my house to eat, and I have already agreed..."    


Could this be the legendary mother-in-law wanting to see her son-in-law? Chu Yang was also stunned, but then he smiled indifferently and said, "Alright, I was worrying about not having a place to eat this weekend. It's just nice to go to your house and freeload. But I have something to say first, what kind of decent gift do you want me to buy? I don't have the spare money."    


Isn't it just giving this girl some face? For the sake of her support during my most difficult time, Just satisfy this small request of hers. Anyway, it's fine as long as she and Lao Zhou tactfully say that we aren't suitable. Chu Yang thought this way in his heart, but Zhou Shuhan did not think this way. In her view, Chu Yang had changed his mind again. His mood immediately became better. "Okay. This is what you promised. You are not allowed to go back on your word. It's the weekend the day after tomorrow. When the time comes, don't drag things out and say that you can't go. As for whether the gift is present or not, you don't have to care. Leave it to me."    


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