My Fiance Ran Away

C60 Killing Firewood Murong

C60 Killing Firewood Murong

Chu Yang was not unfamiliar with this kind of international assassin platform. He had "looked for a job" several times in the past. Now, he heard that the assassin platform had launched another target that was not cheap. Furthermore, it was in Jiannan City, so he was somewhat interested. He casually asked: "Who is the target? And it's worth ten million."    


"It's the chairman of Cloud Water Group, Chai Murong." The current Chu Yang was just an ordinary person in Yeh Liusu's eyes. She did not need to tell him these things. However, after hesitating for a moment, she still told him the target that was worth tens of millions.    


"What? Chai Murong? Someone actually hired a professional killer to kill Chai Murong?" After Chu Yang heard Yeh Liusu mention this target, the hand holding the cigarette suddenly trembled. Half of the cigarette fell on the table. A flash of light flashed in his eyes, or it could be said to be killing intent.    


When Chu Yang heard that the target would be Chai Murong, he cried out in surprise, completely attracting Yeh Liusu's attention. She did not notice the killing intent that Chu Yang revealed in an instant. She just asked curiously, "What, you know Chai Murong?"    


I don't just know her. She is my registered wife! When Chu Yang picked up the cigarette that fell on the table, he had already restrained his killing intent. Pretending to be a normal person surprised, he said, "Didn't I go to work today? The company that I work at is the Cloud Water Group's Jinan Branch. At noon, The head of the headquarters, Chai Murong, had just arrived in Jiannan! Hehe, I didn't expect that such a beautiful woman would be willing to kill her."    


Who was the person who wanted to kill Chai Murong? Could it be Hua Mannyu? That's not right. In the afternoon, I heard with my own ears that she didn't allow Lee Biao to do this. From this, it could be concluded that this person who offered a sky-high reward... It definitely wasn't Hua Mannyu. Who could it be? When Chu Yang was explaining to Yeh Liusu why he knew Chai Murong, he had already completely calmed down. He began to consider who was willing to spend such a high price to kill Chai Murong.    


"Oh, I was wondering why you were so shocked. So you are working there now. In that case, the creditor who looked for you everywhere. He is also a member of Cloud Water Group? " If Chu Yang was an ordinary person, when he heard that someone wanted to kill his boss, What? Therefore, the explanation he gave Yeh Liusu made her feel that it was very reasonable.    


Furthermore, Yeh Liusu had once reminded Chu Yang that the safest place should be hidden under his nose. Now that he was working in the Cloud Water Group, she naturally knew that Chu Yang's "creditor" was a member of the Cloud Water Group. However, she did not expect that the creditor of this Chu would be Chai Murong.    


"Hehe, that's right. That person is a significant figure in the Cloud Water Group." Chu Yang casually brushed this matter aside and then returned to the previous topic. "Who is it that wants to kill Chai Murong?"    


"The platform will not reveal who the client is." Yeh Liusu shook her head and said, "Chu Yang, since she is your boss, you have to stay away from her in the future. Although assassins will not kill ordinary people for no reason, sometimes there will be mistakes that will lead to disaster."    


"Yes, I will." Chu Yang knew Yeh Liusu said this for his own good, but he was not very grateful. Because he could see that Yeh Liusu seemed to be very interested in accepting this mission. So he asked, "Yeh Liusu, it seems that you want to accept this transaction?"    


"I have this idea." Although Chu Yang was just an ordinary person in Yeh Liusu's eyes, after what happened last night, She had subconsciously regarded him as one of her own, so after Chu Yang asked about the relationship between their landlord and the tenant, She did not think much about it and answered, "After all, it is a high price of ten million. This price has not appeared on the assassin's platform for many years. If I reorganize the Fallen Sword Sect this time, it will undoubtedly be an opportunity. "    


"Then have you ever wondered why other people would offer such a high price?"    


"I've thought about it." Yeh Liusu nodded her head, "This can only mean that Chai Murong is very difficult to be assassinated."    


"Then do you still want to kill her?" Chu Yang continued to ask. On the surface, it was as if the two of them were casually chatting.    


"Yes." Yeh Liusu nodded affirmatively, "That is ten million."    


"I advise you not to think about accepting this business." Chu Yang did not wait for Yeh Liusu to ask why, and then said lightly, "When I was at the company today, I heard from the colleagues who went to the airport to pick me up. Chai Murong had a few very powerful bodyguards accompanying her. They also said that the most powerful bodyguards by Chai Murong's side were not these few bodyguards. She's the one protecting her in the dark. Maybe this was just a legend. Anyway, those colleagues said that Chai Murong dared to take a few people and leave the headquarters. It was completely because the person in the dark was protecting her. The person responsible for her safety had never disappointed her. Never.    


That's why I advise you not to accept this business. "    


" Hehe, thank you, Chu Yang. I know you are worried about my safety. But don't worry, even if you accept this business, I won't do it myself. I will send my subordinates." Yeh Liusu thought that Chu Yang advised her not to accept the mission for the sake of her safety. She sincerely thanked him. She said, "Although I am also sure that Chai Murong will have a very powerful person by her side, no matter who it is. It can't be without fail. The legends that you heard might be the wind that they deliberately released. They made others not dare to offend Chai Murong."    


Sigh, why is it that whenever I tell the truth, no one will believe me? Chu Yang sighed in his heart and suddenly reached out his hands to hold Yeh Liusu's left hand. He said in a deep voice, "Yeh Liusu, I know you really want to take over this business. He wanted to use this to reorganize the Fallen Sword Sect. But I still advise you not to accept this business. As for why I'm advising you not to accept it, you'll know in the future."    


Yeh Liusu did not break free of Chu Yang's hand. When she was held by him, Instead, she felt a sense of security that she did not have since her brother-in-law died. She put her right hand on the back of Chu Yang's hand and said softly, "Although you have been unwilling to tell me your origin, what you have said... I will consider it carefully. "    


"I am not asking you to consider, but to not accept this mission. " Chu Yang wanted to tell her why he could not kill Chai Murong, but he hesitated in the end. He took out the cheque Hua Mannyu gave him from his pocket and put it on the table." If you need money, here is five million. You can use it. You don't need to ask me how I got it, and you don't need to suspect what I do because of it. Anyway, I don't want you to accept this business. Because I'm sure that no matter who wants to accept this business, The final outcome will be death."    


After Chu Yang finished speaking, he did not care about the huge shock on Yeh Liusu's face. He stood up and walked towards the stairs.    


"Chu Yang!" When Chu Yang stepped onto the stairs, Yeh Liusu called out to him, "Thank you. No matter what, I can't take your money."    


"You can throw it away. I never take back what I give." After Chu Yang said that, he quickly walked up to the second floor.    


Who was he? In order to prevent me from killing Chai Murong, he could easily take out this huge cheque? Since he could casually take out so much money to give away, how could he be willing to stay here with me? Yeh Liusu stared blankly at the staircase and her head hurt from thinking about it. But she still could not think of one, two, three...    


Chu Yang went to the room that Yeh Liusu arranged for him and closed the door. He then took out his phone, turned it on, and quickly pressed a series of numbers.    


Squeak, squeak. After the phone rang twice, someone picked up his phone, but no one said anything.    


"Koo Mingchuang, it's Chu Yang." Chu Yang let out a breath and said straightforwardly, "You can log onto the assassin's platform and see if there is a business deal worth ten million yuan."    


"Ha, Ghost Chariot, so it's you, kid." Only after Chu Yang introduced himself did the person on the other side speak. Although they were separated by the phone, the person's laughter was as bright as the noon sun in winter. It made people feel warm when they heard it. "You are out of your f * cking sea of suffering now, living your comfortable silkpants life every day. I thought you'd forgotten about me a long time ago. Hehe, why did you call me today? "    


" Don't talk nonsense with me. I have something to talk to you about. " After hearing the man call him brother, a smile appeared on Chu Yang's face. "What I said just now was serious."    


"Well, wait a minute. I just got up. My eyes haven't opened yet." After Koo Mingchuang agreed, he heard the sound of keyboard tapping. It seemed like he was operating a computer.    


Chu Yang lit a cigarette and leaned on the window, patiently waiting for the news.    


After a short while, Koo Mingchuang spoke with a surprised tone, "F * ck! When did this thread be uploaded? How come I don't know? Ah, damn it, ten million dollars, and it's still USD! This is a big deal. No wonder you came all the way here to call me. It turns out that you're interested in this deal."    


Chu Yang ignored Koo Mingchuang's nonsense and went straight to the point. "Is there really such a business?"    


"Yes, there is. And the target was a girl. Damn, who is this girl? She was so beautiful that her brother was captivated by her... "Koo Mingchuang said a few more useless words before he said," She is Z People, her name is Chai Murong, she is 24 years old this year... "    


After listening to Koo Mingchuang talk about Chai Murong's detailed information, Chu Yang now completely believed that she had been put on the killing platform.    


One. From the moment she had been hung up on the assassin's platform, this meant that before the thread had been deleted, he (she) had been there. He would always be in danger.    


Who was it that was willing to pay ten million dollars to buy Chai Murong's life?    


Just as Chu Yang was thinking about this question, Koo Mingchuang spoke again, "Ghost Chariot."    


"Yes, I am. Koo Mingchuang, when you call me in the future, don't call me that again. You need to know that I'm a good citizen now." Chu Yang flicked the ash off his hand." I have already withdrawn from that organization. Other than you and Lao Jiu... I don't want to contact anyone else."    


"Tsk, stop pretending with me. But you're right, since you quit this circle, Then don't look back. " When Koo Mingchuang said this, there was a hint of helplessness in his voice. He paused and then said, "Chu Yang, you have already quit this circle. Why do you still care about this business? Don't tell me you lack money to spend right now. Others might not know. But I know that Sophie, that rich little lady, is your Imperial Finance Department Director. "    


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