The Strongest Immortal Cultivator In City

C313 I Told You to Do This

C313 I Told You to Do This

Miao Yunfei felt that it was too embarrassing to be with Yang Jingtian. He twisted his wheelchair and prepared to leave Yang Jingtian.    


"Please, don't follow me. " Miao Yunfei said. He moved the wheel with both hands and walked to a table in the corner. There was only one woman sitting there. He would rather sit with strangers than sit with Yang Jingtian awkwardly.    


"Miss, do you mind if I sit down?" Miao Yunfei said to the girl sitting on the seat in French, wearing a baseball cap and playing with her phone with her head down.    


"I don't mind. Please do as you wish. " The girl looked up and smiled at Miao Yunfei.    


Miao Yunfei was stunned because he was attracted by her beauty. How could there be such a beautiful woman in this world? He had only seen her once and her soul had already been completely drawn away.    


In the past, he had also seen Yu Mei on television and knew that she was very beautiful. But after all, there was a sense of distance between watching and watching. When he saw her in close proximity, he was truly shocked to the point of being a celestial being.    


Beautiful, too beautiful. He had never thought that he would meet Yu Mei in a foreign land.    


"Excuse me, are you Miss Beauty Yu?" This time, Miao Yunfei spoke in the national language.    


Yu Mei was still fiddling with her phone when she heard Miao Yunfei's question. She raised her head and put her finger on her lips before nodding.    


Miao Yunfei cooperated with her and moved the wheelchair forward a little. He said in a low voice, "Miss Yu, I really like you. Can you sign for me?"    


At this time, Miao Yunfei was just an ordinary fan. He really didn't have any crooked thoughts. He was completely conquered by Yu Mei's appearance. Some women could make men have desires, while some women could make men purely like them. Yu Mei belonged to the latter. No matter if it was a woman or a man, they would involuntarily fall in love with her.    


"Sure. Where can I help you sign?"    


Miao Yunfei thought for a while. He did not seem to have an autograph book on him, which made him a little worried. After thinking for a while, he straightened the clothes in front of him. Now, he could only sign at this place.    


"OK, give me the pen!"    


Miao Yunfei wanted to die, but he didn't have a pen. It was totally a coincidence that he met Yu Mei. Usually, he wouldn't prepare these things on him!    


Now, he could only ask the waiter for help.    


He had just turned around, and before he could greet the waiter, he saw two black men over 1. 9 meters tall appear in front of them.    


They were black and strong, like two black towers. To Miao Yunfei who was sitting in a wheelchair, they were very oppressive.    


"Miss, can I invite you for a drink?" One of the black men sat opposite of Yu Mei.    


"Sorry, I don't drink. " Yu Mei put away her phone and politely rejected him.    


"Oh, I don't mean any harm. I just want to see. You want to buy me a drink alone? If you don't want to drink, we can play something else. I'm very familiar with this generation, maybe I can be a good guide for you. " The black man wasn't discouraged.    


Just now, the two of them sat at the side, observing Yu Mei for a long time. When they saw Yu Mei's appearance by chance, it immediately attracted their attention. We saw that the westerners were all the same, so it wasn't a good time to separate. Similarly, the Westerners look at the oriental people the same way.    


But the beauty of Yu Mei has successfully conquered them, causing them to involuntarily walk over and chat with her.    


"I'm not interested at all. Please don't disturb the chat between me and my friends. " Beauty Yu said indifferently.    


"Oh, it makes me sad. I am very sincere. I thought I could spend a romantic night with you tonight. You should cherish this opportunity. I believe you won't regret it. "    


Miao Yunfei's blood was boiling when he heard this. Wasn't this the friend that Beauty Yu was talking about just because of her 'friend'?    


Although it sounded like a shield, it seemed like he could use this opportunity to improve the relationship between the two of them!    


Two black people were two scoundrels. This kind of shameless flirting was too lacking in taste. How could our goddess be picked up by such a vulgar method like yours?    


He originally wanted to help resist the two black people, but before he could say anything, he felt his body fall back. The other black man pulled the wheelchair and moved backwards, then turned around and pushed with all his strength.    


Miao Yunfei was forced to leave just like that. He didn't even have the time to say a word.    


Damn, I have such a violent temper!    


Miao Yunfei turned his wheelchair around and prepared to go back and argue. Damn it, black donkey, how dare you treat me like this? He tried to move the wheelchair, but the wheelchair did not move forward.    


"Why are you pulling me?" Miao Yunfei turned his head. He did not know when Yang Jingtian had appeared behind him. He held the wheelchair with his hand.    


"Are you going to save the damsel in distress?"    


"I'm doing this for myself. I want you to mind my own business. "    


"Wow, that sounds really nice. I think your sperm has gone to your brain, right? You're in a wheelchair, do you think you can beat them? "    


" I'll reason with them. " No, Miao Yunfei said. He had not thought of the most important problem just now. He was almost a disabled person right now. How could he help Beauty Yu? If he had a bit of deterrence, he wouldn't have been pushed away like trash just now.    


But at this point, how could he not do anything? Then was he still a man? In the future, if he wanted to improve his relationship with Yu Mei, it would definitely be impossible.    


Damn it, what should he do?    


'Eh, that's not right!' 'I can't, Yang Jingtian can do it! '    


Miao Yunfei turned his head and said to Yang Jingtian with a serious face, "No matter what, she is right! She is from the same country as us, and now she is being teased. As fellow countrymen, we have a reason to stand out! I am not their opponent, but you have no problem at all!"    


" If anything happens, I won't be able to participate in tomorrow's lingerie show! It's not worth it. " Yang Jingtian shook his head.    


"F * ck, are you still a man? How can someone like you be my opponent? If you go ahead and do it, I, Miao Yunfei, will take responsibility for any accident that happens. When the time comes, I will tell you that I asked you to do it. That should be enough, right?" Miao Yunfei was furious.    


"OK. Deal!"    


While the two of them were discussing, Yu Mei seemed to have reached the next step. Seeing that Yu Mei didn't care about them at all, the two black men were somewhat angry. They started to make moves.    


Logically speaking, if such a thing happened, someone would definitely step forward to stop it. But because Beauty Yu was a woman with an eastern face, it seemed to have become a joke.    


It was precisely because of everyone's attitude of watching the fun that the two black men became even more fearless.    


Beauty Yu also did not expect this kind of thing to happen. She secretly sneaked out tonight and did not bring anyone with her. Every day, she lived a life that seemed to be monitored. Finally, she came overseas and didn't have much attention. She originally wanted to relax, but she actually encountered this kind of thing.    


The only person who could help her now was Miao Yunfei, but he was a disabled person who couldn't do anything.    


What should he do?    


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Old West will regularly interact with everyone!!    


- The content came from [Miegua Reading]    


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