The Strongest Immortal Cultivator In City

C311 The Most Straightforward Revenge

C311 The Most Straightforward Revenge

Ding Xiaoxiao knew Miao Yunfei very well. In her eyes, Miao Yunfei was a playboy who committed all kinds of crimes. He had done countless things that harmed others but did not benefit himself. He had done countless immoral things. If it was not for the fact that his family was rich and powerful, It would have been more than enough to shoot him a few times.    


Miao Yunfei was very arrogant. He would never allow anyone to challenge his authority, not even indirectly. Ding Xiaoxiao felt that if she could provoke Miao Yunfei, the latter would definitely fly into a rage!    


However, she did not expect that Miao Yunfei would be angry before she could finish her sentence. Unfortunately, his anger was directed at her, not George and the others.    


Could it be that Miao Yunfei was afraid because the person who broke his leg was Yang Jingtian?    


No matter what, Ding Xiaoxiao's plan to use Miao Yunfei had failed. She could argue with Yang Jingtian and the others and not have to worry about anything. But she did not dare to contradict Miao Yunfei. If that animal got angry, he might do something. Especially after Miao Yunfei's leg was injured, his temperament had changed a lot.    


Ding Xiaoxiao held a glass of fruit juice and drank it quietly. Seeing George smiling at her complacently, she was so angry that her body trembled.    


She finished the juice in her hand and got up to pour another glass of juice. When she came back and passed George, she suddenly staggered and spilled the juice on George's body.    


"Ah, sorry. " Ding Xiaoxiao apologized, but she could not hide the joy on her face.    


When George exploded, it was not something an ordinary woman could compare with. He exclaimed that it was at least a percentage. Instantly, all the passengers in the waiting room gathered at his place.    


"You did it on purpose!"    


"Why would I do such a childish thing? The conscience of heaven and earth. I really didn't do it on purpose. "    


"Yes, you definitely did. You evil woman " George stood up. He did not even clean up the juice on his body. He rolled up his sleeves. He was preparing to fight Ding Xiaoxiao for 300 rounds.    


"George, forget it. She did not do it on purpose. " Yang Jingtian saw that the matter had gotten out of hand, so he stopped it.    


George was a man with a personality. When his temper rose, he wouldn't listen to anyone. But that was in the past. Now, it was different. He knew Yang Jingtian. What Yang Jingtian said now was like an imperial edict to him.    


He was furious. He snorted and sat back on the sofa. He turned his head and ignored Ding Xiaoxiao, who was still smiling and apologizing.    


Ding Xiaoxiao was very happy that she had won a great victory. I will openly bully you. What can I do? 'How can a man like you beat up a woman in front of so many people?'    


Miao Yunfei, who had his eyes closed the whole time, opened his eyes. He looked at Yang Jingtian with a puzzled look, then closed his eyes again, pretending nothing had happened. However, he was very curious at this moment. Yang Jingtian actually didn't do anything this time. This didn't seem like Yang Jingtian!    


Chun Xiao took a tissue and helped George tidy up his clothes. George kept pouting. This was the first time he had suffered such a huge loss. However, Yang Jingtian asked him to forget about it. What else could he say?    


At this moment, George received a message. It was from Yang Jingtian, who had been unwilling to add him on WeChat.    




After reading the content, the smile on George's face bloomed. It seemed like he was still too inexperienced. Listening to Little Tian Tian was definitely right.    


Ding Xiaoxiao sat back in her seat and stole a glance at Miao Yunfei. When she found that Miao Yunfei was not angry because of her actions, she felt relieved.    


She finally took revenge on Yang Jingtian. Although the glass of juice just now did not directly touch Yang Jingtian's head, it was quite relieving to take care of George.    


At this moment, she suddenly saw a few models sitting opposite her with their eyes wide open in disbelief.    


What happened to them?    


Then, Ding Xiaoxiao finally understood why the other party had such an expression.    


She felt a chill on her head. The cold mineral water fell from the beginning to the end, drenching her entire body.    


"Ah, I'm so sorry. "    


Ding Xiaoxiao stood up angrily and looked at George who was carrying a bucket of mineral water behind her.    


"You still want to apologize? Is it fun for you to do this? Do you want to tell me that you didn't do it on purpose?" Ding Xiaoxiao roared angrily.    


"No! I did it on purpose. I was very unhappy that you poured juice on me just now, so I thought about it and decided that it was better to pour it back. Now we're even. "    


I poured a glass on you, you poured a bucket on me, and this is called even?    


"You'd better quickly change your clothes! Your whole body is wet from head to toe. " George reminded happily.    


Ding Xiaoxiao was wearing gauze clothing. When the water came, it immediately became transparent. It was clear what she was wearing inside. She originally planned to have a life and death struggle with George, but she suddenly did not have any other thoughts. She quickly pulled her suitcase and rushed into the bathroom to change her clothes.    


"George, stop messing around. " Yang Jingtian said.    


"Okay, I was just joking with her. " George happily sent the bucket back.    


Miao Yunfei opened his eyes again and closed them again. He did not say anything. It seemed like nothing could make him angry.    


The current Miao Yunfei had made Yang Jingtian look at him in a different light. If it was the Miao Yunfei of the past, he would have been unable to restrain himself any longer.    


George had successfully gotten his revenge. He really admired Yang Jingtian. How could he think of such a vicious way to get his revenge? He really liked it. If he was given a chance to do it again, he hoped to use two buckets of mineral water. One bucket was really too cheap for Ding Xiaoxiao.    


George was actually happy. Ding Xiaoxiao even wanted to cry. She wanted to rush out and die together with George, but when she came out, she found that it was time to register. Yang Jingtian and the others had left long ago, and everyone in the Hongfei Group was waiting for her.    


"I'm sorry, Director Miao. I've delayed everyone. "    


"If you act recklessly without my orders next time, get the hell out of here right now. Do you understand?"    


"I know. . . I know. " Ding Xiaoxiao's heart instantly jumped to her throat. She could see that Miao Yunfei was angry, and very angry.    


There was no love for no reason, let alone hatred for no reason.    


Miao Yunfei did not let go of hatred. Instead, the hatred in his heart became deeper, but he knew how to hide the hatred in his heart.    


It was all thanks to Yang Jingtian that Miao Yunfei had grown up.    


Enemies meet on a narrow road. This sentence was fully expressed today.    


When they got up in the first class cabin, the seats of the two people were adjacent.    


"Do you need help?" Yang Jingtian saw that Miao Yunfei was still sitting in the wheelchair and asked kindly.    


"I don't think that's necessary. I haven't reached the point where I need help. "    


"You're right. If you need my help, I think my hand will definitely slip. "    


“. . . ”    


Yang Jingtian, you b * tch!    


The content came from [Miegu Reading]    


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