The Strongest Immortal Cultivator In City

C13 An Arduous Task

C13 An Arduous Task

Yang Jingtian was truly touched by the peach's action. The other party misunderstood that he had come to rob the bank. Under such circumstances, he did not call the police. Instead, he still took the risk of being implicated and rushed in to take him away.    


This concern made his entire body warm up. He could tell that the peach was genuinely concerned about him. There was also Ergou and the others, who were still standing behind the peach with their watermelon knives and stockings trembling. Although these people were ignorant and incompetent, at such a crucial moment, none of them failed.    


Yang Jingtian smiled and pulled the peach in front of him. He took off the stockings on his head and said with a smile, "Who told you that I'm here to rob a bank? Also, who told you to come with a watermelon knife? "    


"You're not here to rob a bank! Where did you get this money from? " Peach asked worriedly.    


"I earned it from working overseas! Alright, quickly ask them to take off their stockings. They should call the police later. " Yang Jingtian did not know whether to laugh or cry.    


Ergou and the others finally understood what was going on. They sat down on the ground and took off their stockings as they gasped for air. They were so nervous just now.    


The two security guards at the door also let out a long breath. This group of people really took out some money to create such a big scene?    


The other customers in the bank were also shocked and also thought that they had encountered a robbery.    


The customer manager sitting at the counter pressed his hand on the alarm connected to the 110 alarm center and almost pressed it.    


Everyone was stunned. This morning was really scary.    


When Yang Jingtian came back yesterday, he had made an appointment with the bank to withdraw the money today, so he came early in the morning. He thought that it would be a waste of time to bring the money back. Who would have thought that these people would misunderstand and rush into the bank with a watermelon knife and stockings.    


Yang Jingtian had Ergou put away the watermelon knives, and then everyone gathered in the customer rest area.    


Yang Jingtian established a WeChat group and pulled everyone in.    


"Today I will give everyone a difficult task. If you can complete it, you'll be paid and rewarded when you go back tonight. If anyone fails to complete the task, they'll automatically quit, understand? " Yang Jingtian knew that Ergou and the others were used to being lazy, so he had to provoke them.    


"Mr Tian, don't worry!" Ergou was the first to pat his chest and promise.    


"Alright. I'll send the money to you guys first. " Yang Jingtian opened his handbag and sent each of them a bundle of cash.    


After sending the money, Yang Jingtian took out his phone and started sending messages to everyone. He had processed these messages last night. He just had to wait until today to send them directly to everyone.    


"Each of you will be in charge of a region. I have clearly stated how many welfare lottery stations there are in charge of the region. All you need to do is to convert all the cash you have into lottery tickets according to the number I sent you. Do you understand? "    


Ergou and the others were dumbfounded.    


Brother, with so much money, how many lottery tickets do we have to buy? With so much money, what was wrong with it? Why did he have to buy the lottery? It makes it seem like you will definitely win the lottery.    


"What are you all standing there for? Hurry up and go to work. " Yang Jingtian urged.    


A Volkswagen CC was parked in front of the bank. The car's membrane was dark, so they could not see what was going on inside.    


The bodyguard who had followed Hu Tao yesterday was sitting in the car, and he could clearly see what had just happened. He was so scared that his hand that was holding the phone was shaking.    


My mother! What is this big miss doing!? She actually brought a bunch of hoodlums to rob a bank!    


He quickly called Hu Tiancheng and told him the situation as quickly as possible.    


Hu Tiancheng was also confused when he said that. Although peaches had a rebellious personality, at least they were not bad children! Furthermore, their family was not short of money, so how could they rob a bank?    


"Are you sure they really went to rob a bank?" Hu Tiancheng did not believe it.    


"Boss, it is absolutely true. The young lady even wore stockings. They even rushed into the bank with watermelon knives. "    


"This. . . Then why are you still calling? Hurry up and go in and stop them!" Hu Tiancheng roared angrily on the other end of the phone.    


"Come. . . It's too late. They have already snatched the money and ran out. " The bodyguard was about to cry because he saw that each of those guys was holding a bundle of money in their hands. They quickly ran out of the bank and soon disappeared into the crowd.    


What was going on!? A young lady with a net worth of billions actually ran into the bank with a bunch of hoodlums to rob. How could he, the bodyguard, not worry?    


However, what happened next made the bodyguard want to die even more.    


Hu Dacheng quickly called.    


"Let me ask you again, did Peaches really go to rob a bank?"    


"Boss, it's absolutely true! How could I lie to you!?"    


"I just contacted the police station. They didn't get the bank's report. "    


The bodyguard was dumbfounded. How was this possible? He clearly saw that the person who spent all day with Peaches had run out with money!    


Ergou and the others went to settle some matters. Yang Jingtian and the peach also walked out of the bank.    


There was basically no problem with the lottery. It was time to proceed to the next step. Ergou and the others were pure no-name troops. If they wanted to make good use of them, they would have to put in some effort.    


"Brother Yang, where are we going?" Hutao asked Yang Jingtian.    


"Let's go buy some equipment! Since we are people who want to do big things, we have to keep up with the pace of the times. " Yang Chao said with a smile today.    


Yang Jingtian brought the peach to an electrical appliance store and bought fifteen of the latest models of mobile phones. The rest of the bluetooth earphones and other accessories were all equipped.    


If you want to work well, you must first make the best use of it.    


Through today's matter, Yang Jingtian knew that if Ergou and the others used it well, they would still have a lot of achievements. Therefore, he needed to fully equip these people so that they could have a better job.    


After buying the things, he took the peach and had a sumptuous lunch. In the afternoon, he accompanied the peach to stroll around the streets for a while. Today, he had to return some of the favors he owed her, even though Yang Jingtian knew that she didn't need him to.    


In the evening, Yang Jingtian and Peach took the lead and returned to the shantytown.    


Yang Jingtian didn't go home this time. Otherwise, it would be terrible if his family saw what he was doing. Peach brought him to a nearby river. This was their gathering point.    


The WeChat group kept going on. Someone sent a message. Ergou bought two plastic bags worth of lottery tickets and even squatted at the back to take a selfie. However, his big bun face looked very wretched. However, he didn't know about it, so he changed the picture to his profile picture.    


"Brothers, do you think my profile picture is awesome?" Ergou shouted in the group.    


"Yes. "    


"It really looks like it. "    


- The content came from [Miegu Reading]    


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