My Gorgeous Fiancee

C276 Diabolical Hand

C276 Diabolical Hand

When the two of them turned a corner, suddenly, a black shadow came towards them, followed by three black shadows with sticks in their hands.    


The shadow running at the very front accidentally bumped into Wu Shangwen, causing his feet to slip and slide to the ground.    


Before he could even get up, the other shadows had already caught up with him. Bang! Bang! Bang! The shadows lashed out with their sticks.    


"Damn it, I'll let you escape again. "Go to hell!"    


The leading figure cursed as he pulled out a sharp knife from his robes and stabbed it towards the other party's throat.    


"No, no, don't kill me!"    


The black shadow covered its face and screamed in fear, but it did not find the knife.    


He could not help but lower his hand to take a look. The person who had wanted to kill him had already been captured by a tall figure, and the other two shadows had already fallen to the ground without a sound.    


This person was none other than Wu Chonglou.    


The moment he was hit, he pulled Omin Jie against the wall. The three shadows didn't care about the man and woman, and rushed up to them and gave them a good beating.    


Originally, Wu Shangwen didn't want to get involved with this matter, but he suddenly realized that the person lying on the ground was the long-haired attendant that he met by the red-haired youth's side when he was eating barbeque that night.    


The other side definitely knew about the mysterious disappearance of the red hair, so Wu Zewen saved him. Strictly speaking, this person was now his subordinate.    


"Big, Big Brother Wu!"    


The shadow that was lying on the ground shouted in surprise.    


Wu Zewen looked at Long-hair and asked, "What's going on? "What about the red hair?"    


The long-haired man pointed at the burly man captured by Wu Liuwen and said in fear, "It … It was all done by them. The red and red hair were taken away by them …"    


"Damn it! Besides, I'll cripple you, hmm …"    


The black shadow had only said half of the sentence when his neck was firmly grabbed by Wu Zewen.    


"Shut up!"    


Wu Shangwen said coldly.    


At this time, Long-hair had already climbed up from the ground, and his eyes were filled with fear as he looked at the burly man controlled by Wu Liuwen.    


The burly man struggled desperately, roaring as he rushed forward to kill the long-haired man.    


Wu Zewen grabbed the dagger from the other party's hand and placed it on the other party's neck, threatening: "You're struggling, I'll kill you. Long Hair, tell me, what happened? "    


The burly man smiled: "Kill me. Long-hair, I will tell you, if you dare to tell the truth, you will die a terrible death. The military doctor will not let you go."    


With that, the big sized man suddenly gritted his teeth, black blood flowed out of his mouth and he fell to the ground and died. At this moment, the other two black clothed men who were lying on the ground struggled to get up and escape, but were kicked to the ground by Wu Zewen.    


"Kill their Big Brother Wu, we can't let them escape!"    


The screams of the long-haired man sounded harsh in the night.    


Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the two men gritted their teeth and, like the burly man, spat out black blood. After struggling a few times, they fell to the ground dead.    


It was winter, winter, and the moon was in the middle of the winter. The northwest wind was blowing, but no one was moving along the road. All the doors and windows were closed, so no one had noticed what had just happened.    


Wu Shangwen brought Long-Haired to the road outside and hailed a taxi. It would be inconvenient to go home at such a late hour.    


In the end, he asked the driver to drive to Omin Jie's company, had the security open a meeting room, and brought three cups of hot water. Then, the security guard went out.    


The three of them sat in the meeting room, Long-hair tightly holding a cup of hot water. His body was still involuntarily trembling, and his teeth were chattering.    


When Wu Congwen saw the long-haired man earlier, he had the feeling that the other party must have been involved in some mysterious and never-ending incident.    


"Big Hairy, you're safe now. Drink some hot water and slowly talk about what happened."    


Wu Zewen said softly.    


Long-hair looked around to make sure he was safe. Then, he drank a mouthful of water and suddenly grabbed Wu Shangwen's arm. He wanted to say something, but he stopped himself when he saw Omin Jie sitting on the side.    


"Don't worry, they're on our side."    


Wu Shangwen could see the apprehension in the other party's heart.    


Long-hair then said anxiously, "Brother Wu, you have to save Red Hair. He was taken to the base by the Black Dragon Gang. He was specifically responsible for burying the body."    


When the two heard this, they were extremely shocked in their hearts.    


"What!? Burying the body, burying what? "Slow down."    


Long-hair nodded and began to talk from the beginning.    


It turned out that not many days after he had gotten to know Red Hair as his lackey, Big Brother Ah Gong suddenly came to visit him late one night, and told him to gather his lackeys and follow him to a secret location. At that time, when he asked him where the lackey was, he said that he didn't know and that he had just received a call from above.    


Long-hair thought the other side wanted to deal with you guys, so he did everything he could to find an opportunity to call you. However, the moment he got on the car, everyone's phones were taken away.    


At first, no one felt it was strange, because when there were important operations in the past, people were worried that something would leak out. However, before the operations began, they would put away everyone's cell phones and send them out after the operations were over.    


Soon, the car arrived at the west side of the capital city in a vast mountain range. In the depths of the valley, there were four to five rows of small wooden buildings, which were encircled by barbed wire. In front of the small wooden building, there was a 156-meter tall watchtower, and on it stood a member of the Black Dragon Gang with a machine gun.    


There were also Black Dragon Gang members patrolling nearby, many of them carrying guns, and Long-hair had been in Black Dragon Gang for a long time, yet he had never known that there was such a secret base in the Black Dragon Gang.    


When the red-hair and the others reached the base, they were even more astonished by what they saw.    


If one looked closely, they would see that one of the most common characteristics of these people was that they were sickly, lifeless eyes, the skin on their bodies had been festering in large chunks, and from afar, they could smell a stench. There were even a few people lying on the ground, not knowing if they were alive or dead.    


"Big brother, he … what happened to them? Why are they all locked up here?"    


The red-hair was still fearful as he asked Zhao Dazong, the big brother who was leading the team.    


Unexpectedly, you were slapped by the opponent, and said fiercely: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, everyone listen. From now on, your job is to clean up the corpses in this cage. If anyone wants to run away, I don't mind letting them send him to heaven. "    


"Alright, take out the corpses in the cages and throw them to the wolves in the back mountains."    


Zhao Dazong commanded loudly.    


Without any other choice, Long-hair could only bring his men into the cage and bring the corpses out.    


In the next few days, people who were caught would be sent to the base's small wooden pavilion every day.    


One or two screams would often be heard coming from inside.    


After a long time, Red Hair and the others finally realized that the Black Dragon Gang's base was specifically made for military doctors of the island countries to test their strength, and these sickly people who were about to die were all infected by a virus called T.    


During this period of time, some of the brothers couldn't take it anymore and those who tried to run were either killed on the spot or caught and experimented with it. After a long time, no one dared to run again.    


However, the red hair was planning to escape at all times and gave the news to Wu Zewen. Thus, in the process of moving the corpse, under the clever cover of the red hair, the long-haired man escaped. If he didn't meet Wu Zewen just now, he would've been killed a long time ago.    


"In this time, those missing people were all done by those scumbags. They actually dared to conduct such an inhumane and infuriating experiment in China. They must think of a way to get rid of this stronghold."    


Wu Zewen stood up, and his eyes flickered with rage as he spoke.    


"I think this matter should be reported to the police!"    


Ominous also stood up.    


Wu Zewen waved his hand and said, "If we call the police, the procedures to capture the islanders will be very complicated. By the time they complete the procedures, they would have long since escaped after hearing the news. "Tell me in detail about the security forces inside."    


Long-hair said, "The main inside is the Black Dragon Gang's security, a total of eighty people, ten of which are elites equipped with guns and led by Zhao Dagong himself, they are the backbone of the defense inside. If you want to get rid of the stronghold, the first step is to capture this squad, so that the casualties can be minimized in the following operations."    


When Wu Zewen heard this, his brows slightly furrowed. Dealing with eighty people shouldn't be a problem, but it would be more troublesome if the other party had a gun. After pondering for a moment, he dialed the number for Du Hualong in Yunhai City.    


"Hello, big brother. What can I do for you?"    


Du Hualong's respectful voice came from the other end of the phone.    


Wu Zewen said, "Can you get me a few guns now?"    


"No problem!" I wonder when big brother will want it? "    


Du Hualong didn't even think about it. What Wu Shangwen liked the most was this point of his, and he never asked what he shouldn't have asked.    


Wu Zewen didn't expect the other party to reply so happily, so he said, "Right now, while we're at it, get me 30 well-dressed young men from your place. I have something to do tonight."    


"Alright, I'll be there immediately."    


With that, Du Hualong hung up the phone.    


Then, Wu continued to call the leopard head, telling him to quickly bring seventy young men with good skills to the meeting room on the second floor of the tomb building.    


"Brother, the base of the Black Dragon Gang is very heavily guarded, and there are many hidden guards around the base. Moreover, there are two of the four great King Kong's guards, and this second brother is said to have reached the level of Black Belt Stage Nine last year. He's not that easy to deal with."    


The corner of Wu Shangwen's mouth curled up as he revealed a disdainful smile, saying: "Only challenges can be exciting, if it was easily completed, then what's the point of it." Furthermore, if we do not act immediately, who knows how many people will be harmed. "    


Long-hair and Ominous nodded.    


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