My Gorgeous Fiancee

C518 The Fanatic

C518 The Fanatic

Wu Zewen looked at Harper and asked, "Harper, do you think that this matter is impossible at all?"    


Since you came here for this matter, then you must already know the grudge between us and the Loba race. This grudge has been passed down from generations ago, and is not something that can be resolved in a day and a night. Every generation of Miao Jiang Gu race will tell their own descendents about this matter, and that is that the Loba race is the eternal enemy of our Miao Yue clan, and an enemy that they will never forget.    


Wu Shangwen said, "It's precisely because of this that I want to look for your Patriarch. Only your Patriarch, that is, your Imperial Father, by relying on your Imperial Father's authority, can he hope to truly dissolve this enmity."    


Harper shook his head and said, "Let's not talk about whether my father has the ability to do so for now. Even if he can do it with his prestige, but what right do you have to persuade him? My father, you know, was also a determined man to exterminate the Lobas, and that is not something you can do with just a few words. Furthermore, the hatred between us, the Miao Jiang Gu Clan and the Loba Clan is as deep as the sea. Sooner or later, one of us will be destroyed by another clan and there will be no room for compromise. "    


Wu Zewen said, "Ha Bei, I've long heard about the hatred between you and the Loba race. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come over to persuade you. What do you think of this hatred?"    


With a serious expression, Harper said, "My hatred is deep like the ocean, and I cannot live under the heavens. After I inherit the position of clan leader, the first thing I will do is to use the entire clan's power to wipe the Lobas from this world, to comfort my ancestors' heroic souls."    


Wu Zewen couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Ah Bei, ah Bei, before, I thought that it was a great blessing for you to succeed the position of the clan leader. But now, it seems that I was overthinking things.    


"Big Brother Wu, what do you mean by that?"    


Wu Zewen slowly said, "I always thought you were an enlightened person. From the moment you talked about the attitudes of the outsiders, I always thought that you were different from those stubborn old antiques, and that you would be able to lead the Miao Jiang Gu into a new glory. But what's the difference between your words now and those old antiques?"    


Ha Bei coldly snorted and revealed a face of displeasure. When Su Mengna saw that Ha Bei's expression had changed, she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. She was afraid that Wu Shangwen would offend her second senior brother, but Wu Zewen noticed that there was an unnoticeable peculiar glint in Ha Bei's eyes.    


Wu Shangwen slowly said, "In the end, who was right and who was wrong in those grudges? The truth is that the ancestors of your two races could never tell right from wrong, but because you are the descendants of each other, regardless of right or wrong, since you are enemies of life and death, then you have inherited this hatred and won't think about those things. But think about it carefully, do you two clans really have such a strong blood feud? To put it bluntly, it is merely a personal grudge between your ancestors. In the end, it has affected your ancestors for thousands of generations. I can guarantee that if your ancestors were to find out, they would definitely regret it for the rest of their lives. "    


Seeing that Harper is silent, Wu Shangwen continued: "Also, do you think that the personal grudge between your two ancestors will affect you two for so many generations, allowing you all to live in hatred? Isn't that a kind of abnormal development? If it's anyone else who doesn't understand, then that doesn't matter, but if even you, the next successor to the clan leader, doesn't understand, that will truly be the tragedy of your Miao Jiang Gu race. "    


Ha Bei remained silent as deep thoughts appeared in his eyes. Su Meng Na quickly took the opportunity to persuade him, "That's right, Second Senior Martial Brother, I think what Brother Wu said is very true."    


"Heh heh, a girl is born with an extrovert. As expected. Junior Sister, you've fallen for Brother Wu, right? " Ha Bei looked at Su Mengna and laughed. He spoke very straightforwardly.    


"Of course not!" Su Meng Na's face turned red and revealed a bashful expression.    


Ha Bei smiled again, then looked at Wu Shangwen with a serious face: "Brother Wu, I strongly agree with your words. Sigh, to be honest, this is a problem that I've been thinking about for the past few years, it's just that I don't have the courage to say it out loud. After all, I'm from the Miao Jiang Gu race, and furthermore, they're the successors of the Miao Jiang Gu race.    


Wu Zewen laughed coldly: "Ha Bei, from the first time I laid eyes on you, I was certain that you were a broad-minded and intelligent person. But, could it be that with your wisdom, you can only think of how to use bloodshed to settle the hatred? This caused the two races to suffer countless casualties. In the end, the hatred was resolved and their own Miao Jiang Gu tribe suffered a severe blow. So some of your friends and relatives were all turned into corpses.    


"We, the Miao Jiang Gu race, have an overwhelming advantage."    


"Hehe, since they, the Roba Clan, can pester you, the Miao Jiang Gu Clan, for so many years, this proves that they, the Roba Clan, cannot be easily underestimated. I think you should understand this principle."    


Although he said it out loud, he also knew in his heart that if the two great clans were to fight, the Miao Jiang Gu Clan might be able to kill off the Luo Ba Clan, but it was impossible for him to not suffer a huge loss.    


Wu Shangwen said, "Why don't you use your wisdom to resolve this hatred? This was what a wise man should do! "It doesn't matter if you, Miao Jiang Gu, start a war with the Loba Clan, or not, do you think this is a stupid action?"    


Ha Bei let out a deep sigh and looked at Wu Liuwen seriously: "You are right, I have been thinking about this all along, it's just that I lack the courage to say it, and this hatred does not rely on my current ability to dissolve, not to mention, even if our Miao Jiang Gu clan's hatred for the Luo Ba clan was dispelled, but their Luo Ba clan has been forced to hide and hide by us all these years, don't you hate us? If I get the chance, don't you want revenge? "    


Wu Shangwen said, "On the Arroyo side, naturally, I'll think of a way to dissolve them, because their clan leader's heir has a special relationship with me."    


It was indeed extraordinary. She was already his woman. Su Meng Na charmingly rolled her eyes at Wu Shangwen.    


"For the sake of the ancestor's personal grudge, the result is that this grudge has been inherited from so many generations of our Miao Jiang Gu Clan and their Loba Clan people." For the sake of the ancestor's personal grudge, the result that the grudge has been inherited from so many generations of our Miao Yue Gu Clan and their Loba Clan.    


Wu Shangwen smiled and shook his head as he laughed. Ha Bei asked, "What are you laughing about?"    


"What am I laughing at? Of course it was funny, so I laughed. "    


"What's so funny? Could my words be funny?"    


"No, there seems to be some truth in your words. However, Harper, there is one thing that you did not think of."    


"Oh?" Harper asked with a serious expression, "Which part of it did I not think of?"    


"Don't you understand that hatred has already passed from your ancestors all the way to this generation, and in reality, hatred is no longer hatred? Think about it, do you personally experience the conflict between your ancestors and his master? Can you really hate me from the bottom of your heart? "    


He seemed to have understood something.    


"So, in fact, when the hatred reaches your generation, it can even be said that your father's generation, it can be said that the hatred is no longer hatred, they can no longer hold it in their hearts, and the reason why they treat the Roba tribe as their mortal enemy is not because of the hatred, but because they want to complete a mission." So, in fact, when the hatred reaches your generation, it can even be said that the hatred is no longer the hatred of your father's generation, and the reason why they treat the Roba tribe as their mortal enemy, is not because of the hatred.    


Ha Bei suddenly understood and said loudly, "I understand. Actually, we, the Miao Jiang Gu race, have no hatred in our hearts. We only pretended to be very hateful to complete this mission, right?"    


"That's right. Perhaps this can also be said to be the dignity of a race. The dignity of a race forces them to hate it, even if that hatred is fake. It is very, very fake."    


Harper nodded and said with a look of admiration, "Big Brother Wu, your analysis is very logical. I admire it."    


"It's not that my analysis is reasonable, it's just that you guys are a mystery, your wisdom is not lower than mine. But you are the same as the other people from the Miao Jiang Gu race, you are a mystery, so you cannot see through me, and it is naturally easy for an outsider like me to see through you."    


Ha Bei smiled and said, "Your words just now are indeed very reasonable, but in this way, can you resolve all of this?"    


"Of course." Wu Zewen said, "That kind of hatred has actually faded or disappeared long ago. What has not disappeared is only the dignity of you Miao Jiang Gu people, so your dignity forces you to pretend to hate them. So now, you can only convince your father to let your father's influence affect the masses and tell everyone that since it's over, let's just forget about it. Your father is the leader of the Miao Jiang Gu tribe, and his words are the imperial edict. When that happens, this hatred will naturally end. In truth, you people from Miao Jiang Gu do not want to hate them anymore, to keep on provoking them and then killing each other, is not worth it at all. What you lack is a step, and what I want to help you find is a step, who is the best and strongest step for Miao Jiang Gu? Naturally, it is your father. "    


Ha Bei clapped his hands and laughed, "Wu Chun, Wu Chun, I admire you, I really admire you now, your analysis is too good. Although you say that the onlookers are a mystery, and you're just a spectator, the onlookers might not all have a clear mind and have such intelligent thoughts. Even if it's just the onlookers, you're still an unusual onlooker. My junior sister's friend is right."    


Wu Shangwen smiled and said, "I'm not only your Junior Sister's friend."    


Ha Bei laughed heartily and said, "That's right, you are absolutely right. Haha, you are still my friend, and also my friend. Come, let's toast!"    




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