My Gorgeous Fiancee

C508 Don't Care about That

C508 Don't Care about That

Wu Shangwen was overjoyed as he said with a smile, "You really think so?"    


"Of course it's true." "I once thought that if I fell in love with a man, then I would pay for it with everything I had, including my body, which you could always possess."    


These words are simply too enticing, his body can be possessed at any time. Wu Zewen thought to himself, these words are what I want to hear the most.    


However, thinking about this Paris' terrifying family background, Wu Shangwen temporarily dispelled that thought in his heart. Although this Paris was the most tempting woman he had ever seen, and her body exuded an irresistible charm, if it was his own personality, he would have already forced himself to push her down a long time ago. Not to mention, the other party himself had already said those words, but there was one thing he couldn't not think of, this was the top rich young miss in the United States, if he didn't deal with her well, he would offend that giant.    


The most important thing was that Wu Shangwen didn't want to offend this behemoth. If he could pull this behemoth to his side through Paris, that would be what he wanted. Of course, the reason why Wu Shangwen wanted to get close to Paris wasn't because of the family backing Paris, but because of his interest in this woman.    


Wu Chengwen looked at the sexy beauty in front of him and said with a serious face, "Paris, to be honest, you are the most beautiful and sexy woman I've ever seen, the woman who makes me want to have the most. But right now, I still can't have your body."    


"Why?" Paris was a little puzzled, "Since I'm so charming, why don't you want to own me? I know all the men in America want my body. "    


Wu Zewen gently pulled on Paris' soft little hand and softly said, "It's because I love you that I have to respect you. Only after receiving the approval of your family will I truly do those things with you. This is my respect to you. "Even though I have already fallen to such a state of despair and I find it hard to control myself in front of you, I still have to do my best to control myself. Because I love you, I love your soul, and I don't simply love your body."    


When had Paris ever seen a man with sweet words like Wu Shangwen? Upon hearing this, she immediately felt overjoyed, and her face flickered with the light of happiness.    


Wu Zewen took advantage of this happiness and suddenly sighed deeply. "But I feel that it's actually not appropriate for you to be together with me. I've truly wronged you."    


Paris hurriedly said, "I don't feel wronged. As long as I am with the man I love, I will never feel wronged."    


Wu Zewen sighed, shook his head, and said, "Paris, you don't understand. You don't know what I mean."    


"Then tell me, what do you mean?"    


Wu Zewen said, "What I mean is, apart from you, I already had many women before, and I have to marry every woman."    


"Oh." Hearing Wu Shangwen say that, Paris actually let out a sigh of relief, and smiled, "What did I think it was? Isn't it just a normal thing? An outstanding man having three wives doesn't mean anything to me. I won't take it to heart. "    


Obediently going into the hole, did smoke come out of my ancestor's grave? I didn't expect that Paris didn't even care about this. But speaking of it, Paris is an American, and the people there are all open-minded. Moreover, Paris is from the Wealthy Class, and in the Wealthy Class, polygamy is a thing of the past.    


When Wu Shangwen heard that Paris didn't care about these things, he was naturally overjoyed in his heart. Wu Shangwen's favorite was those women who didn't care about their three wives and four concubines, and their tender feelings towards Paris …    


After a long while, she finally opened her mouth and asked, "Paris, I suddenly thought of something important. You're also from America, see if you know it or not."    


"Hmm, what is it? Tell me!"    


Wu Zewen gently hugged Paris and asked, "Has you heard of any high-tech Battle Mecha armors appearing in the United States?"    


"Mecha armor?" Paris slowly nodded her head, "When I was inside, there were guests at my house, so we talked about this armor with my father and made this one.    


and they're so rich, I've heard of them. "    


"Oh, tell me how much you know about this."    


Paris curiously asked, "Big Brother Wu, why are you so interested in this? Well, let me tell you something. I actually don't really understand it." He only knew that he had attacked the Iraqi nation that year …    


After that, although it was finally occupied, it was attacked by human bombs many times and suffered heavy losses. And the president was so angry that he ordered Congress to think of a countermeasure, and the National Academy of Sciences began to study it    


It was said that these high-tech armors were based on some high-tech movies. Ordinary people might not be invincible after wearing these, but they still looked similar …    


when it's scary, it's equivalent to a weakened version of Superman or Spider-Man. "    


"Oh!" Wu Zewen nodded. He thought that if Saito and his men acquired this batch of battle gear, a large group of supermen and Spider Warriors would attack his Dragon City. At that time, the situation would not be looking good for them.    


Fine, no matter what, this batch of armor will not fall into the hands of Saito.    


Noticing Wu Shangwen's unsightly expression, Paris curiously asked: "Big Brother Wu, what's wrong? Speaking of this battle uniform set, I found that your complexion isn't very good."    


Wu Zewen slowly explained the situation. He mainly explained that his enemy was currently negotiating with the United States and probably wanted to buy that batch of armor.    


"Oh!" Paris angrily said, "When we first made this set of armor, we had the strong support of our family. Otherwise, I'm afraid we wouldn't have been able to make it.    


Boss Wu, don't be afraid. I'll call the family and let them manage this matter. "    


Wu Shangwen knew that if Paris came forward, or if he could get Paris' family to come forward, this matter would be resolved easily. It was just that the crux of the matter now was, Pari!    


With Si in his hands, how could his family not worry?    


Seeing that Paris wanted to make a phone call, Wu Zewen couldn't help but ask, "Paris, your family is looking for you everywhere right now. If you make a phone call, won't you be exposed?"    


However, in the end, she rolled her eyes and said tenderly, "Big Brother Wu, don't worry. I can tell them that I've already cooked some rice and become ripe."    


"I'm already Brother Wu's man. Let's see if they still want to make things difficult for us. When the time comes, even if we don't want to help them, we won't be able to."    


Wu Shangwen looked at Paris, and couldn't help but bitterly smile: "You think this method of yours can work? I'm afraid that in his rage, your clan will treat me as an enemy? "    


Paris smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't. My father has always doted on me. Since I'm already your woman, no matter how unwilling he is, there's nothing he can do."    


I can only watch on helplessly. "    


Wu Ziwen thought for a moment, then asked a very serious question: "In your United States, would a non-virgin be looked down upon?"    


Paris shook her head and smiled, "Big brother Wu, why did you ask me such a question? I also understand Chinese culture, I'm afraid that even in modern China, if one is not a virgin, one might not necessarily be able to accept it.    


You're finally looking down on me. "    


Wu Zewen said, "Since that's the case, what's the use of cooking the cooked rice?"    


Hearing Wu Shangwen's words, Paris was also stunned, but she quickly shook her head and said, "This is different. Our family is, after all, one of the top families in the entire United States.    


That is the reputation of our family, so they can't possibly not care about that. "    


What Paris said wasn't without reason, it was just that in his heart, Wu Shangwen was hesitating whether he should take such a risk, and the cost of such a risk would be in two different situations. The first was that he would suffer a fatal blow, and the second was that he would establish a relationship with this top family and disrupt the beautiful affairs of Saito.    


While Wu Zewen hesitated, Paris said from the side, "Big Brother Wu, I know what you're thinking, but if you really want to be with me, this matter can't be concealed sooner or later. You are also a well-known figure in China, right? Unless you want to send me back to America. "    


Wu Zewen asked, "If they find a way to bring you back to the United States after they find out, what will you do? I thought you didn't want to go back? "    


Paris said, "I won't go back. No matter what, I want to stay with big brother Wu. If I want to go back, I want to go back with him."    


"Right." Wu Shangwen nodded and said, "Alright, then contact your family members. Just tell them that I'm taking care of you here."    


Hearing this, Paris took Wu's cell phone and began to call home.    


After the phone rang a few times, a calm voice came out. It was a tired voice. The owner of this voice was none other than the current head of Rockefeller Family, Camby Rockefeller.    


Cumbersome and exhausted, he said weakly, "Hello, who is this?"    


When Paris heard this voice, she felt wronged and said, "Father, it's me, Paris."    


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