My Gorgeous Fiancee

C481 Smile at Each Other

C481 Smile at Each Other

Arroyo frowned. "The Pirates? They had actually gotten involved. The warriors of the Japanese are also not easy to deal with, hmph, but if they dare to become enemies with our Luo Ba Clan, then we must make them become more powerful due to the poison. "    


Wu Shangwen calmly said, "Third Elder, you can rest assured. I don't think that the Ou Nation will easily provoke you. Their attention is now focused on me!"    


"Oh? Are they here for you? "    


"Right." Wu Zewen nodded, "It's just that from the looks of it, these unruly people are obviously on the same side as the Miao Jiang Gu race, but at most they can only take advantage of each other at certain times, I believe they won't trust each other."    


"That's right." Arroyo nodded, "The people of Miao Jiang Gu have always had a strong sense of rejection towards outsiders, even when facing Chinese of the same race. They may temporarily cooperate because of the same interests at some point, but even if they did cooperate, it would still be impossible for them to be sincere. "    


Wu Zewen smiled and said, "In this world, as long as they are not united, what's there to be afraid of, no matter how many people there are?"    


Ye Chong also laughed and said, "What's more, City Lord, you're currently riding on an elite army and experts, how could that dog shit, Yukawa, possibly contend against you? You might as well send a few planes and use missiles to flatten Yukawa's A and B cities."    


Wu Zewen shook his head and said with a serious face, "That is not acceptable. Although I have never had any sympathy towards the pirates, but the people in these cities are still innocent. If we can reduce some of the casualties, then we can reduce some of the casualties." Furthermore, the peace treaty for three years hasn't expired yet, so there's no way for us to blatantly tear the treaty to do such a thing. This kind of thing can only be done by the people of the country first, so naturally, we don't have to worry about it anymore. The reputation of betraying one's will must be borne by them. "    


Ye Chong was somewhat indignant as he said, "These pirates have been plotting behind their backs nonstop. City Lord, what do you think we should do?"    


Wu Shangwen smiled and said: "It's a very simple matter, we should deal with him in the same way, but compared to his current strength, Su Teng Xinxiong no longer has the advantage, so he can only make small movements behind his back, and not brazenly tear apart the contract and launch a big attack, because they are not ready yet. It's fine for us if they try something small, but there's still half a year left of three years. They must be planning to accumulate their strength and actively prepare for battle, so if they are actively preparing for war, we will come and destroy them. Uncle Ye, make a call and have Zhou Yafu send someone to sneak into those two cities. We'll test them out and see what they are doing. "    


Ye Chong smiled sinisterly and said, "This is good. I like it. They are preparing for battle, so let's destroy their preparations. After three years have passed, let's see what they can use to resist us."    


Wu Zewen laughed heartily and said, "You're right, but don't let them find out when we get to the bottom of it. The bad people aren't as easy to deal with as we thought, so we have to be careful as long as we sail a ship."    


Ye Chong grunted and said, "No matter what, I have had quite a few dealings with the Ou Nation over the past two years. Ye Chong replied," No matter what, I have had quite a few dealings with the Ou Nation over the past two years.    


That's just because they weren't completely afraid of us. It's just like when America dropped atomic bombs on two of their little islands. Now, they're like dogs in America." As long as they understand that our strength is something they cannot contend against, there will be a day when they will be happy to accept it. Even if they had to lick their toes, they would laugh and lick their toes.    


Arroyo had always been a rather strong man, and he belonged to the hawk-faction in the clan. In his view, although Aileen was the heir to the clan that he had to support, it was obvious that after Aileen got married, the entire clan would listen to Aileen's husband, and now that Aileen had gotten married, the entire clan would listen to Aileen's husband, and with her background and personal strength, if Wu was still part of this strong faction, then perhaps the entire clan would truly rise up because of him!    


After a meal, they ate and chatted. After putting down the tableware, Aileen went back to her room to sleep as she had just finished her intense piston exercise with Wu Zewen. Wu Zewen, dressed neatly and was about to leave, but the leopard saw her and quickly went over and asked, "Brother Wu, are you going out to do something? Do you want me to bring someone to accompany you there? "    


It was obvious that the leopard head was scared because of this incident and was afraid of what would happen to Wu Shangwen if he went out by himself. Although Wu Shangwen was very confident in his own strength, when he saw that the leopard head was so courteous and that the leopard head was the same as him, no matter what he did, he would always keep his mouth shut and follow him for a long time. He also knew how to cooperate with him, so he nodded and let the leopard head follow him.    


Sitting in the car, Wu Zewen drove himself. He always thought driving was a pleasure and there was no need to hire other drivers. Of course, this didn't mean that Wu Zewen didn't have a driver, it was just that he couldn't use it in most situations.    


The leopard head sat in the front passenger seat while the other lackeys sat in the back.    


Wu Zewen stepped on the accelerator and the car drove out of the villa. Bao Tou asked subconsciously, "Brother Wu, where are we going?"    


Wu Zewen glanced at Bao Zi Zi, then smiled evilly and said, "Of course I'm going to the most exciting place in the entire capital."    


The Leopard Head's eyes lit up. "Essence Society?"    


The Essence Hall was the most famous place in the capital in the last two years. Most of them were places where the rich could spend their money. This kind of place could only be described with one word: erosion.    


Every Sunday night, there would be a masked party in the essence hall. Those who attended the masked party would have to wear the mask that suited them and wear the clothing provided. Of course, you could choose to wear the mask, but no one would be able to take it off during the whole party, no matter how rotten it was. After leaving, no one knew who was who, so it was the most open and crazy way of the party.    


When the announcement is made in the hall, everyone can choose the person they want. Of course, this person can only be found by feeling, after all, everyone is wearing a mask, and you don't know if the person is a dinosaur or a beauty, an ugly man or a handsome man. Once you find the person you like, you can dance, flirt, or even get a room.    


Because most of the people present were rich and powerful people, after they got into bed, if one of them took off their masks and revealed their real faces, then with their one-night stand, they could make the other party agree to a condition if the other party was willing to, so some people would encounter difficulties, and similarly, they would use the form of participating in a party to solve their own problems.    


Those who were willing to take off their masks were, after all, extremely rare. Although these people had become abnormally ugly after entering, all of them had their own identities. After doing those things, how could they be willing to let others see their true colors?    


He had also participated in two of these parties, Wu Zewen's current status in the capital was equivalent to an underground emperor, while the boss's status in the capital was like an underworld boss. With his status, he could be considered an important figure in the capital city, and Wu Zewen and the boss both had special membership cards, so the so-called special membership cards were also a symbol of status.    


He had been to such a rotten place once before, but seeing that the people inside were all willing to follow the rules, he didn't interfere and let them manage the place normally. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the backing of this building was, it would be difficult for Wu Shangwen to support it.    


The car stopped at the entrance of the Essence Hall. Wu Zewen told the bodyguards to stay in the car while he and the leopard head got off the car and walked towards the entrance of the Exquisite Hall. It was a joke.    


Wu Zewen and Baozi took out their gold membership cards and walked in under the respectful gazes of the two security guards.    


The moment he entered the Essence Hall, he immediately saw a fat man in his thirties who was smiling like a Maitreya. He chuckled and said, "Welcome, I didn't know that Boss Wu and Boss Leopard Head would come. I'm really sorry for the intrusion."    


There were a few people who knew that Wu Shangwen was the big boss of Le Keke, but very few people knew that Wu Shangwen was the underworld emperor of the entire capital. Therefore, this person didn't know Wu Shangwen's other identity, but even so, Le Keke was already the biggest beverage company in the country.    


Wu Zewen nodded. Bao Tou said with a smile: "Manager Wu coming over personally, we are also very embarrassed. How about it, are there any beautiful girls this time around?"    


The leopard asked for another highlight, and the masquerade party sometimes added some more exciting highlights.    


Manager Wu smiled mysteriously: "Speaking of the main event, there really is one today. You've come at the right time. Those guests who haven't come today might regret it for the rest of their lives."    


Wu Zewen and Baozi's eyes lit up as they looked at each other and smiled.    


The two of them went to each other's changing rooms, where they changed clothes and masks to wear with each other. At this time, not to mention the others, even Leopard Head and Wu Shangwen didn't know each other anymore, and Wu Shangjin himself was wearing a mask similar to Western Devils, but after entering the hall, he saw that although the hall was not crowded with people, there were already a lot of people inside. The man was on the left while the woman was on the right.    


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