My Gorgeous Fiancee

C383 Action Planning

C383 Action Planning

Wu Zewen smiled and said, "Then you might as well not go back to Huaxia. When you've thought it through and when you'll leave again."    


The old man let out a dry howl as he loudly cursed Wu Shangwen for having a heart of a dog and lungs of a dog.    


Zhou Weiqing watched the two bickering with relish. In a blink of an eye, three days had passed. During this period of time, Wu Shangwen had spent bickering with the old man almost every day.    


On this day, Wu Liangwen suddenly received an unfamiliar phone call, telling him that there were goods waiting for him at the dock.    


Wu Zewen knew that the T-virus had been shipped here, so he gave this unfamiliar cell phone number to Sun Jianmei to arrange for the people at the dock to pick it up and then secretly transport the goods to the branch.    


Sun Jianmei did not ask as she started to make the arrangements by phone. She soon came in and respectfully said to Wu Zewen, "Leader, the goods will be delivered here in three hours."    


Wu Zewen nodded and said, "Very good."    


"Leader, I've already ordered some people to take a walk outside, but there's still no news from the assassins of the island. What should we do?"    


Wu Zewen thought for a moment before saying, "If you release the news, then that batch of cultural relics will officially arrive at Dragon City tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the morning. They will only stay here for half a day before being transported to America.    


"Alright, I'll make the arrangements."    


After Sun Jianmei said this, she turned around and left. As expected, about three hours after the other party had left, four business vehicles with reflective film on them stealthily drove into the alley. Naturally, there were some people from Jingmen Sect who opened the door and let the cars in.    


Jing Jing came out and commanded the Jing Clan to unload the goods. Here, besides the female disciples, Sun Jianmei was also actively developing her male disciples, and these manual labor were naturally done by the male disciples.    


One hundred and thirty boxes of T virus, not a single box was missing. Jing Jing had already ordered people to hide it in a hidden location.    


On that night, Sun Jianmei carefully selected 500 disciples and stealthily hid within Dragon City. The male each held a sharp machete while the female held a small dagger.    


The next morning, Wu Zewen, the old man, and the others appeared at a business hotel opposite Dragon City. From here, they could see the situation below.    


However, by eight o'clock in the morning, there was nothing out of the ordinary on the street. As usual, the traffic continued until nine o'clock, with nothing out of the ordinary.    


Very soon, Wu Shangwen's phone rang. It was Sun Jianmei. Wu Shangwen knew that she couldn't hold it in anymore, so he tried to comfort her by saying that she would wait patiently for a while. Then he hung up the phone.    


Another half an hour passed. Suddenly, a group of people from the island with banners appeared on the streets. They were aggressively rushing towards the Dragon City. As they walked, they were waving their fists and shouting something.    


Even after having interacted with the other party for such a long time, he could still hear the intentions behind the other party's words. So the other party was here to demonstrate and ask the government to boycott Chinese goods.    


Wu Shangwen called Sun Jianmei to tell her to quickly arrange some people to stop these people from entering Dragon City and then report to the police.    


Very quickly, the procession arrived at the entrance of the Dragon City, but it was blocked by the people from the Jing Clan. The men from the Jing Clan were all tall and big, almost a head taller than the people from the small island.    


After about ten minutes, they saw two police cars quickly drive over and pull to the side of the road. A dozen policemen got off the cars and walked to the crowd of demonstrators. They had a perfunctory expression on their faces.    


Sure enough, after they finished recording the incident, they turned around and left. Puzzled, Wu Shangwen asked Qi Yuqing, who was standing beside them.    


"Why don't these cops care?"    


Qi Yuqing turned around and looked at Wu Shangwen, "You don't know, it's legal to demonstrate in an island country. As long as they don't smash things or hurt passers-by, the police won't care. Plus, they looked at Ken Weasley. Seeing that they would side with their countrymen, it is natural for them to just say a few simple words to fool those who are close to them. "    


"So that's how it is."    


Saying that, he looked towards the entrance of the Dragon City. Right at that moment, he saw 30 to 40 business cars parked in front of the Dragon City entrance parking lot. The doors opened and nine men in black jumped out with sharp blades in their hands, rushing towards the Dragon City.    


After rushing in and hacking and smashing, the customers inside had all disappeared without a trace due to fright. After waiting for all the assassins from the island countries to charge in, Wu Zewen ordered the door to be closed while he went in through the back door with the old man and Zhou Yafu.    


When the trio arrived at the main hall, the men from the Jing Clan had already rushed out and were fighting with the assassins from the island. The island's assassins numbered no more than three hundred, and they were obviously at a disadvantage.    


Only then did he realize that he had been tricked. There were no precious artifacts here, and upon realizing this, he turned around and tried to escape. Unfortunately, the door was already locked, and it was completely made of stainless steel.    


Although they were at a disadvantage and surrounded in the middle, they still tried to put up a resistance. They acted like trapped beasts and put their backs against each other, just like an iron bucket. Moreover, they had become even more vicious than usual.    


In a short period of time, the people from the Jing Clan did not get any advantage, and the few people at the front were all severely injured by the killers from the island.    


At this rate, even if they could win in the end, their side would have to pay a heavy price. These five hundred people were the elite of the Jing Clan. Thinking of this, Wu Shangwen walked forward, separating the men from Jing Men who were surrounding him. Soon, they arrived in front of the assassins from the island countries, with the old man and Zhou Yafeng following behind them.    




Amongst them, one of the island assassins standing at the very front chopped his knife towards Wu Shangwen's face, who grabbed his wrist and twisted in the opposite direction. With a 'kacha' sound, that person let out a miserable scream like a pig being butchered.    


Wu Zewen grabbed the machete in the opponent's hand. With a wave of the machete, a head flew into the air and spurted out a large mouthful of blood. The person even took a few steps forward before crashing onto the ground.    


Swish swish!    


After two more slashes, the one on the left who was about to launch a sneak attack was sliced in half. Blood and intestines were flowing all over the place. This kind of merciless killing caused the island's assassins to involuntarily retreat, their eyes filled with fear.    


The old man and Zhou Yafeng had long since charged in with their machetes. The two of them were like the undead who reaped life. Wherever they went, large numbers of island assassins would fall, tearing a hole in the encirclement.    


The Jing Clan's men at the back brandished their sabers and rushed forward, completely cutting the island's assassins into several sections and encircling them. This way, the Jing Clan would have the upper hand.    


Seeing that these island assassins were all devilish devils and demons, Wu Shangwen told his men to capture them alive as much as possible.    


An hour later, the battle was over. Wu Zewen took a quick glance and discovered that there were about seventy to eighty island country assassins that were captured. The rest were either dead or heavily injured and fell to the ground, unable to get up.    


As for his side, there were more than four people who had lost their lives. Nearly a hundred people had been injured.    


Wu Lianwen whispered to Sun Jianmei who was behind him. Sun Jianmei was stunned for a moment and then quickly revealed a hateful expression. She gritted her teeth and looked at the captured assassins from the island and left with more than ten people behind her.    


As for here, Jing Jing had already ordered people to come over to clean up, and to move all these corpses out through the back door.    


In less than half an hour, Sun Jianmei had already returned with a group of people. However, the two people behind her were carrying a large box with a hideous skull painted on it.    


The island assassins who were captured just now were generous enough to die, but when they saw the virus, their faces all turned green.    


Wu Zewen stared at them and laughed sinisterly, "Your island country's assassins are full of evil. Today, I'll let you guys suffer the consequences."    


After Wu Shangwen finished speaking, he gave Qi Yuqing a meaningful glance. Qi Yuqing understood his meaning, so she took out a mask from her pocket and wore it on her face. Then, she motioned for the others to step back while she carefully opened the box …    


She was familiar with the T-virus as if it were her own fingers. She knew that the virus sealed in the box could be converted from gas to liquid. If someone didn't want to destroy it, it would only speed up the spread of the virus.    


A short while later, Qi Yuqing had a syringe in her hand. Inside the syringe was a black liquid. After getting up, she slowly walked towards the killer from the island.    


When the latter saw the black liquid in Qi Yuqing's syringe, it was as if they saw a peerless berserk beast walking towards them. Their faces were filled with fear, and some of their legs went limp as they fell to the ground.    




When Qi Yuqing injected the T-virus into an island killer, that person let out an inhuman scream.    


In less than half an hour, Qi Yuqing had injected all seventy assassins she had captured with the virus. Then, Sun Jianmei ordered someone to escort them into two carts and transport them to the territory of the island assassins.    


Seeing that these island assassins who committed all sorts of crimes finally had a day where they had to suffer the consequences for their own actions, Wu Shangwen felt the anger in his chest lessen by a lot.    


At this moment, Qi Yuqing walked up to Wu Shangwen and looked at him with a hint of reverence in her eyes.    


"Wu Zewen, I really didn't think that you would actually have such a robust power in Island Country. Can you tell me your true identity now? What exactly is your sect's Sect Leader? "    


When the other party had left the plane with him, he had naturally heard Sun Jianmei calling him by his name, as well as that respectful expression on his face. Everything that had happened before his eyes had already made it impossible for him to hide it, and in reality, he did not need to hide it.    


Now, after hearing Qi Yuqing's question, Wu Shangwen immediately sneered and said: "Alright, I don't mind telling you. I am the Sect Leader of the Jing Clan." However, as to what kind of sect Jing Clan is, I can only tell you that it is a very ancient sect. "    


Qi Yuqing nodded, as if she didn't quite understand what he was saying. However, at this moment, Wu Shangwen had already put on a mysterious coat in her eyes.    


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