My Gorgeous Fiancee

C379 Seductive Qi Yuqing

C379 Seductive Qi Yuqing

After Wu Zewen heard this, he could not help but sigh in his heart. It was indeed a painstaking effort for the Sect Leaders of the Jingmen Sect to prosper, and the fact that the Jing Men had existed for thousands of years was because of the Sect Leaders' painstaking efforts.    


All of a sudden, Wu Shangwen felt that the burden on his shoulders was really heavy.    


Under Jing Jing's lead, the ladies who had bathed gave off a fresh fragrance, like flowers that had been washed with rain and dew, as they bowed towards Wu Zewen.    


The shower ceremony quickly ended, and until now, Wu Zewen was considered the real head of the Jing Clan. In the history of the Jing Clan, Wu Zewen was one of the few male heads, and Jing Jing Jing had introduced him. From the previous generation of male heads until now, it had been three hundred years.    


After the shower, it was already 6: 40 minutes after midnight. Wu Zewen had already arranged a dozen tables of food and drinks at the East-rising Purple Qi Hotel, specifically treating these people from all over the country. After dinner, Wu Zewen and Jing Jing Jing left the hotel first.    


Returning to his residence, he told Baby Fan about the two sets of villas he had booked for the day. The latter was so happy to hear it that she danced with joy, saying that no matter what, he would have to send a message to her tomorrow.    


Wu Shangwen said he wanted to book a bed big enough for ten people so that he could have his women with him from day to night.    


When Baby Fan heard this, he repeatedly scolded Wu Shangwen for being too abnormal.    


The next day, Wu Zewen first went to Zhao Yuan's office to learn about the recovery situation of those t-virus patients.    


To his relief, these patients recovered and were discharged within three days after receiving the antidote.    


It was enough to put Wu Shengwen's worries aside, but when he was worried, none of the ninjas in the island had appeared since the failed assassination attempt.    


Wu Shangwen simply didn't care about that anymore. Sooner or later, what was supposed to come would come, and even if he couldn't stop them, he decided to leave for Island Country in a few days.    


Thinking of the island ninja, Wu Shangwen suddenly thought of Qi Yuqing. The other party had betrayed the island's killer, so they definitely wouldn't let her off.    


In the past few days, Wu Shangwen hadn't been in contact with her, but a sliver of unease appeared in his heart. He immediately bid farewell to Zhao Yaoyang and sped off in the direction of the other party's residence.    


At that time, Qi Yuqing had been sent to a five-star hotel in the capital called the Four Seasons Aroma. Those ninjas had suddenly appeared and disappeared, and it was hard to say if they could track her down.    


Wu Zewen parked his car downstairs and quickly entered the elevator. In less than a minute, he arrived at the eleventh floor where Huize was located. He walked out of the elevator and soon arrived at Qi Yuqing's room. Knock, knock, knock.    


But there was no sound coming from inside. Wu Zewen was anxious and took out the other party's phone to make a call, but no one answered.    


"Qi Yuqing, did you hear that? Hurry up and open the door."    


Wu Zewen knocked on the door and called out.    


However, there was no sound coming from inside. Helpless, Wu Zewen could only call the hotel's waiter and tell him that it had been a few days since there was any news of the guest staying in this room and that he couldn't get through? No, ask him to open the door.    


After the waiter heard this, he did not dare to be careless. He quickly went back to the bar to get the keys, and with a manager accompanying him, he opened the door. Wu Zewen stepped into the room and quickly scanned the living room and bedroom.    


However, this did not mean that Huize was not killed. He might have been kidnapped by the ninja of the island.    


"Sir, do you need us to call the police?"    


At this time, the waitress behind him asked.    


"Oh, no. I was looking for it, thank you. "    


After he finished speaking, he followed the two out of the room. As the three of them were walking towards the elevator, the elevator door opened and a beautiful figure walked out. It was Qi Yuqing.    


"Yes, Wu Congwen, what are you doing here?"    


Qi Yuqing's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise as she looked at Wu Shangwen.    


Seeing that the other party was safe and sound, Wu Shangwen's worried heart gradually relaxed. "Oh, it's nothing. I was passing by, so I came up to take a look."    


"Let's talk after we enter the room."    


After Qi Yuqing finished speaking, she walked towards her room. As she passed by Wu Shangwen, she left behind a fragrant wind.    


After seeing the two of them enter the room, the waitress and the manager, who were worried a moment ago, finally let out a sigh of relief. They turned around and walked into the elevator.    


Wu Zewen and Qi Yuqing walked into her room.    


"Wu Congwen, do you know that those T virus patients are now in danger?"    


Qi Yuqing took off her white down jacket, which was covered with a loose, low-necked leopard-print sweater. Because she was sitting opposite to Wu Shangwen, she could see through the loose collar that was wrapped in the small black clothes. The black lace made it even whiter, and even the green capillaries on it could be seen clearly.    


Seemingly aware of the fiery gaze of the wolf, Qi Yuqing's face blushed a little. However, she reached her hand under her skirt, an unnatural look flashing across her face.    


It was very tempting for a woman to make such a gesture in front of a man. Wu Zewen's gaze shifted from the front of the man to the bottom of the skirt Qi Yuqing had lifted.    


Although it was the middle of winter, many women still wore silk stockings, just a down jacket.    


However, just as his gaze fell on the depths of Qi Yuqing's beautiful legs, she realized something was wrong. She quickly reached out her hand and covered her legs with her skirt. Finally, she glared at Wu Zeqing reproachfully.    


Wu Shangwen felt guilty for being caught being a thief, so he quickly shifted his gaze elsewhere and coughed: "I just came back from Professor Zhao's side and found out that the patients' lives were no longer in danger. However, I have not come here for this matter. "    


"Oh, not for that. "Then what is it that you want?"    


As Qi Yuqing asked, she couldn't help reaching her hand deep into her leg as if there was something inside that made her feel uncomfortable. At the same time, an unnatural expression flashed across her face.    


Wu Shangwen wanted to tell the other party: How about I scratch it for you?    


Even though he thought this in his heart, he didn't dare to say it out loud. If that was the case, then the other side would really think of him as a hooligan.    


"The ninjas of the island have made their move. They have already arrived in the capital city. You have to be very careful."    


Wu Shangwen stared at Qi Yuqing as he spoke.    


"What!?" The Ninja is here. Terrifying. They were extremely terrifying. You won't be a match for them. Those are not people, they are devils. "    


Qi Yuqing had a fierce temper. Wu Shangwen had seen this before when her opponent was under the control of Ichiro Gao, but now he was also afraid of the ninjas of the island.    


"When these ninjas fight face to face, they might not be as good as the assassins of the island, but when it comes to the use of insidious methods, they can kill people without them noticing. These ninjas are like poisonous snakes, and they will be able to take a bite out of you anytime they want."    


As Qi Yuqing spoke, her eyes were filled with fear.    


Wu Shangwen said: "Whether they are venomous snakes and fierce beasts, or fiendish demons and evil spirits, that doesn't matter. I'm going to exterminate them all and stomp them under my feet. "    


"It seems like you have a grudge against them?"    


Qi Yuqing asked.    


Wu Shangwen snorted and said, "There's more than enmity, there's simply no way to live under the same sky. Do you know where they are hiding on the island? "    


(Qi Yuqing shook her head and said, "Although I am very familiar with island countries, they have come and gone without a trace. I've only heard of it, but have never seen it. "    


As Qi Yuqing spoke, she kept scratching her skirt, but it was as if she was scratching the heart of Wu Shangwen, wanting nothing more than to scratch him.    


"Wu Shangwen, I …" "It's too uncomfortable over here. It seems like something bit me. Can you help me take a look …"    


Qi Yuqing bit her lips and finally made up her mind.    


Wu Shangwen was stunned at first, but he quickly recovered and said, "Of … of course. There's no problem."    


She was still fine when she went out today, but when she caught a taxi back, she felt a bit of pain coming from inside her leg, as if she had been bitten by a mosquito or something. However, when she thought about it, it was winter now, so she didn't care. When she returned to her room, the inside of her leg was itching more and more.    


In fact, she was also a doctor of medicine. She wanted to see for herself, but as the saying goes, a doctor doesn't know his place!    


As Qi Yuqing spoke, she lifted up her skirt to reveal her two black silky legs. Naturally, she did not lift up her skirt completely; it only reached the base of her legs.    


On the inner part of her right leg, there was a black line that had been torn open, revealing a fair skin the size of goat fat. In the middle of her right leg, there was a piece of black line that had been torn open, revealing a fair skin that was as white as goat fat.    


Qi Yuqing couldn't hold back the bashfulness in her heart as she watched Wu Shangwen stare at her leg. She wished she could find a hole to hide in.    


"Can you see the reason?" Professor Zhao said that you have great medical skills, hurry up and help me think of a way. "    


After Qi Yuqing finished speaking, she couldn't help reaching her hand out to scratch the inside of her swollen leg a few times.    


"You were stung by a wasp called the Rainbow Hornet. This wasp is extremely toxic, and after being stung, you'll feel dizzy and nauseous two hours later. If you don't get a cure within three hours, you'll be in danger of dying."    


As Wu Shangwen spoke, Qi Yuqing felt her eyes grow heavy and her consciousness grow hazy. She also felt an unbearable pain in her stomach. Suddenly, her vision went black and she fell onto the bed.    


"Hey, hey, Qi Yuqing, Qi Yuqing, you better not fall asleep."    


The man's face grew pale and he began to shout. Qi Yuqing had fainted.    


Wu Zewen looked at the hibernating area on the other party's leg. The color had already become darker and darker, and it was still constantly spreading.    


Don't call me a hooligan, I'm trying to save you!    


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