My Gorgeous Fiancee

C376 Don't Know How High the Sky Is and How Deep the Earth Is

C376 Don't Know How High the Sky Is and How Deep the Earth Is

When the saleswoman saw that Wu Zewen was interested in these two villas, her eyes lit up, and she began to introduce the two villas without end. It was as if she wanted Wu Zewen to buy them.    


"How much is one square meter?"    


Wu Shangwen pointed to the mansion on the right side.    


"Sir, you have a good eye, either one of these villas is the best in this district." Of course, this price was 20% higher than the other villas, so the initial estimate was 18 million. Of course, if you like, I can give you a half discount of nine. "    


After the sales clerk finished, she quietly watched Wu Shangwen.    


Wu Zewen raised his eyebrows and said, "Then what if I buy both sets at once?"    


The sales clerk thought she had misheard. In the past, there had been many customers who had looked favorably upon these two villas. But after asking about the price, they all stopped. Otherwise, this villa would have been sold long ago.    


The sales clerk actually wanted to buy two sets at once. The young miss quickly calculated in her mind. If she sold both sets at once, she would at least raise the price by 200,000 yuan.    


A sliver of joy immediately appeared in his eyes, and he became even more passionate towards Wu Zewen, saying, "If you pay the deposit today, I can give you a 20% discount." Two sets were worth thirty-six million, and after the discount was completed, the price would be around twenty-nine million. Sir, this is already the lowest price. "    


At this moment, the old man pulled at the corner of Wu Lie's shirt. The two of them came to a corner and the old man said, "Brat, are you really planning on buying this villa?"    


Wu Zewen nodded and noncommittally said, "The environment here is pretty good. It just so happens that you can stay here and enjoy your old age. There's nothing bad about that."    


The old man complained, "At my age, living in an empty four story building, if you want to suffocate me, you might as well go to a normal residential district and buy a house or a house. The residential district is bustling with people, you can see that there's no one here for a long time."    


The old man had raised him for twenty years in the mountains. Now that he was rich, he naturally had to repay the old man well, and so he said, "It's fine, just treat it as an investment. Just do as I say, and your job will be to live here in comfort. Of course, if you feel lonely at night, you can keep a few girls. "    


"Stinking brat, your dog mouth won't be able to spit out any ivory. In a few words, you're going to bury me here." Forget it, just do whatever you want to do. I don't care. "    


Although the old man scolded him on the surface, his heart was warm, from the moment he raised Wu Zewen, he poured all his effort into him. Now that his disciple had a future and bought a villa for him to retire to, the old man felt a great sense of comfort in his heart, as if his efforts for the past 20 plus years had not been in vain.    


Wu Shangwen knew that the old man said so, so he agreed.    


After the two finished discussing, they walked out.    


"I wonder how the two of you are doing?" "Today is the deadline for the special event. Tomorrow, the price will be raised. If you like it, then settle it today."    


The real estate agent, Big Sis Wu continued to encourage her on the side.    


Wu Shangwen ignored her and walked to the side to make a call to Omin Jie. After a series of ringtones, someone quickly picked up.    


"What is it?"    


Ominster asked as she picked up the phone.    


Wu Zewen teased intentionally, "Do I have to call you if I have something to do? When I think about you, I can't call you."    


"You're so annoying. When we get home tonight, you can see how I'm going to deal with you. "Hurry up and say it, I still have urgent matters to deal with."    


Omin Jie rebuked.    


"I just want to ask which company developed the Ming-Yue sector."    


Omin Jie said, "What's wrong? Why do you ask? "    


"I've taken a liking to two villas here. Let's see if you have any acquaintances."    


Ominster laughed on the phone.    


Wu Zewen was baffled when he heard that and asked, "What are you laughing about?"    


"You know this person."    


"Who is it? "Don't keep me in suspense here, okay?"    


Wu Shangwen said.    


"Do you still remember the young master of Shengji Group? This Zi Hua Mingyue sector was developed by his family, when I give him a call, he'll definitely give you an internal price. "    


"Alright, then hurry up. I'm waiting here."    


With that, the two hung up the phone.    


The sales clerk at the side had a lot of experience. She could tell that Wu Zewen really wanted to buy them, so she invited the two into the office and started talking about them in detail.    


However, when the sales clerk found out that the other person was calling an acquaintance, he sat on the side and waited quietly. In a situation like this, if an acquaintance called out to them, it would have little effect on their commission.    


Just as Wu Shangwen and his disciple were sitting in the sales office waiting for the call, a middle-aged woman around the age of forty walked in. She was as fat as a water jar, and her entire body was shining with jewels.    


She was fat, but she was still wearing a tight suit, which made her fat ribs look like a life buoy.    


With a single glance, Wu Shangwen recognized this woman as the president's wife who he had teased in the main hall of the East-rising Purple Qi hotel.    


Unexpectedly, after not seeing her for half a year, the amount of flesh on her body had increased without any decrease. It was like a market that was rapidly rising.    


"Hello, may I ask you …"    


The sales clerk, young miss, saw that a customer had come in and naturally stood up to greet them. In the entire sales office, only she was a sales representative.    


However, the president's wife did not pay any attention to him. She just walked straight in. She pushed open the door to the manager's office and walked in without knocking.    


Although a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in the eyes of the sales clerk young mistress, she still felt even more embarrassed. She gloomily sat back down.    


The master and disciple duo acted as if they didn't see anything.    


"The person who just went there has quite the manner of walking. Is he a fan of yours?"    


Wu Shangwen mocked the old man.    


The old man snorted and said, "I'm so fat that I'm like a sow. I'm more like a fan."    


Wu Zewen sneered and told the old man about how he would play with him. The old man couldn't help but clap on the table and laugh out loud.    


Just then, the manager's door suddenly opened. The president's wife walked out first, followed by a middle-aged man with a face full of smiles. He wore a black suit, making him look like the manager.    


"Little Wang, this is Madam Du. She has fallen in love with the villa on the east side of the artificial lake. It's 7: 50 discount. Quickly, bring her to the procedures."    


The middle-aged man said to the sales clerk called Little Wang.    


Normally, Little Wang would have already been grinning from ear to ear, worshipping the other as if she were a god.    


But now, Wu Zewen had a good impression of the house, and he sold two sets of them at once. Even if he looked for acquaintances and made the price very low, the commission for these two sets of letters was definitely more than just one set.    


"What are you waiting for?" Did you not hear what I said? "    


The middle-aged man scolded in dissatisfaction.    


The sales clerk with the surname Wang muttered: "Manager Zhang, Manager Zhang, these two guests also have their eyes on the villa, and they bought two sets at once."    


"Oh, I'll buy two sets."    


Manager Zhang pondered for a moment. At the same time, his eyes also looked at Wu Zewen and Zhenwen. Although they didn't look like rich people on the surface, but nowadays, true rich people were all low key and wore stalls with thirty to forty dollars on them to act poor.    


It could be said that those who could afford to stay in Zi Hua Mingyue's house were not people he could afford to offend, let alone those who dared to buy two sets from him. He absolutely could not afford to offend such a person.    


Immediately, Madam Du, Master Wu, and the disciple were invited into the office, including the saleswoman surnamed Wang.    


As soon as she entered, Madame Du asked with her eyes wide open.    


"Manager Zhang, do you still want Director Deng to call you again?"    


His tone was overbearing, as if he was reprimanding his subordinates.    


Although manager Zhang was a bit annoyed, he still pretended to be friendly on the surface: "Mrs. Du, please calm down and let me mediate the matter. If you are not satisfied then you can call Chief Deng."    


Lady Du snorted and tossed her head to the side.    


Manager Zhang didn't pay any more attention to the other party.    


"How should I address you, boss?"    


Manager Zhang asked politely with a smile.    


"My surname is Wu!"    


Wu Shangwen said.    


"Boss Wu, you've seen the situation today. Madame Du's husband is the president of the Merchants' Bank, so I can't let her go empty-handed, but you came first after all. I think it's better this way, why don't you order two sets and give one to Madame Du? As for the price of your set, I promise I'll give you a 7: 50 discount, how about that?"    


Eighteen million yuan of houses were reduced by 0.50%, which was 900,000 yuan. It was enough to buy a house in a normal neighborhood.    


Before Wu Zewen could say anything, Madam Du mocked him, "Buying two sets at once! "Hmph, boasting doesn't mean you're afraid of losing your tongue. You really overestimate yourself. You don't know your place. Zi Hua Mingyue is not a place for people like you to live."    


Her words were laced with scorn and mockery. Wu Chonglou had already teased her before and felt guilty in his heart. He wanted to use this opportunity to teach her a lesson, but who knew that this person would be so rude and rude when speaking? He couldn't help but feel angry in his heart.    


"Manager Zhang, there's always a first come first served. I want both sets of the house. When I pick up a phone call, I'll pay the deposit immediately."    


Wu Shangwen's tone was filled with determination.    


Manager Zhang knew that both sides were not people he could afford to offend, so he directly said: "Please forgive me. How about you both agree to come to my place."    


"Does manager Zhang even need to be discussed?" From the looks of it, these two are just fooling around, buying two villas at once. Why don't you tell me where you bought the entire Violet Flower Moon? Let's see where you can go. Don't mess around here. "Manager Zhang, you don't need to care about people like them. Hurry up and get your people to take me through the formalities."    


Madam Du was commanding and speaking in a rather domineering manner.    


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