My Gorgeous Fiancee

C368 High Speed Driving

C368 High Speed Driving

Then, she said seriously, "So it's settled. We'll gather here at ten o'clock sharp tonight. Sect Leader Wu, what do you think? "    


Wu Zewen really wanted to ask how many beauties were in the bath with him, but when the words reached his mouth, he couldn't help but swallow it back down and say with a nod of his head.    


"No problem. I'll do as you say. "Oh yeah, have you heard from the assassins of the island?"    


This was the issue he was most concerned about.    


Jing Jing shook her head and frowned slightly. She said, "There's no news yet." "However, I have a feeling that they should be in the capital city. It's just that they hid it too well and our people didn't notice it at all."    


Wu Zewen frowned and heaved a long sigh. He told Jing Jing about the poisoning patient he had found in the Beijing Municipal Hospital for almost some time.    


After Jing Jing heard this, she was greatly shocked. "Then our time is very tight right now. If we were one day late to find the island's assassins, we don't know how many people would have died."    


Wu Zewen nodded and said, "Therefore, I suggest that tonight's baptism ceremony be cancelled. It won't be too late to hold it after we completely destroy the island's killer's T plan."    


In Jing Jing's impression, Wu Zewen had always been a pervert, but now that he volunteered to be like this, Jing Jing Jing also felt a burst of surprise, but, from this, it could be seen how serious this matter was. She immediately nodded and said: "Of course we will listen to the Sect Leader's orders."    


Actually, Wu Zewen couldn't wait to have a bath with all the beauties, but there was always a priority in everything. If he couldn't even differentiate between the two, how could he lead the entire Jingmen Sect?    


After the matter was settled, Wu Shangwen left everything to them, while he and the old man continued cultivating deep in the mountains.    


From what Yiro said, the mastermind behind the T plan was called Yiro, the number one expert of the island. If he wanted to completely destroy the T plan, it was inevitable a bloody battle with him.    


In the blink of an eye, he and the old man had cultivated in the mountains for three days. In the morning, just as they were about to start cultivating, the phone in Wu Zewen's pocket started to vibrate.    


Wu Zewen took out his phone and saw that it was from Jing Jing. He immediately picked it up.    


"Hey, is there any news from the assassins side of the island?"    


Jing Jing's news came from the other side and said, "There hasn't been any news yet. However, we have discovered a strange phenomenon in the past two days."    


Wu Shangwen said, "What strange phenomenon? Tell me."    


Jing Jing Jing paused for a moment and said, "These two days, I will always find a plane flying low above the capital city in the morning."    


Wu Chonglou said dejectedly, "What's so strange about that? It's normal for airplanes to fly through the city."    


Jing Jing said, "No, this plane's whereabouts are a little suspicious."    


"Oh, how?"    


Wu Shangwen asked.    


Jing Jing Jing said, "I can't say, it's just a feeling."    


"Just you wait, I'll be right back."    


Wu Shangwen put down the phone and coincidentally the old man also walked over at this moment and asked.    


"What, do you have news of the killer of the island nation?"    


Wu Shangwen said.    


"Let's get to the capital first."    


Then, he started to walk in the direction of the valley entrance.    


The old man quickly followed.    


In the direction of the valley entrance, Wu Zewen's Land Rover was parked there. It took them forty minutes to drive back to the Jingmen Manor.    


Jing Jing was already waiting inside. Seeing that Wu Zewen had come, she didn't say anything. Instead, she inserted an excellent disc into the computer. Then, she turned on the excellent disc and called out a video from inside.    


Wu Zewen looked carefully. The background of the entire screen was a city shrouded in darkness. Soon, a helicopter appeared on the screen.    


Wu looked closely at the plane and realized that it was always circling the most densely populated city center in the capital city, a full three times before it left, and for the next few days, it would always appear at the darkest hour before dawn. It would circle three times above the city center according to its usual trajectory, then leave, like a ghost disappearing without a trace.    


"This is a time when people are sleeping soundly. This airplane always appears at this time. The whereabouts of this plane is indeed suspicious. Did this plane appear yesterday? "    


Wu Shangwen asked.    


Jing Jing nodded and said, "That's right, it appeared yesterday as well."    


After saying that, she dragged the moving pillar of light with her mouse, and only let go of it when the video showed the date of yesterday. The scene from a few days ago was exactly the same; the plane had disappeared in the northwest.    


But because it was taken on a mobile phone, the picture wasn't very clear.    


Wu Congwen fell into deep thought after watching the video.    


Jing Jing turned off the computer and made Wu Zewen a cup of tea. She silently accompanied him at the side without disturbing him.    


After a while, Wu Shangwen drank a mouthful of tea and said, "I'll go take a look tomorrow."    


Then, Wu Chengwen borrowed a Lamborghini from Ye Mengyi, which was a super sports car with a limited number of LP570-4 cars. The entire car was black and quietly parked in Ye Mengyi's private underground car park.    


"Not bad, not bad at all."    


Wu Shangwen praised sincerely.    


Ye Mengyi, who was standing beside him, handed him the car keys, but did not ask what he was going to do with the car. In her eyes, everything that belonged to her and her people belonged to this man.    


Wu Shangwen joked and said to Ye Mengyi, "Such a good sports car, aren't you afraid that I'll run away and not come back?"    


Ye Mengyi pouted and humphed, "So, to prevent you from doing that, I'm going to get in the car and follow you."    


After saying that, he opened the door and sat in the front passenger seat.    


"Haha, this is even better. Beautiful incense cart, I will sell these two things for quite a bit of money."    


While he was talking, he had already driven out of the garage. Right now, it was the afternoon. The reason why he had driven out earlier was to test out the performance of this LP570-4.    


Ye Mengyi cast a sidelong glance at Wu Shangwen and said: "Okay, if you are willing, then we will sell it together."    


Wu Shangwen quickly drove the car out of the district and onto the highway outside. He reached out his hand to the black spot where Ye Mengyi's miniskirt was. She touched her silky leg and said, "How could I bear to part with a beauty like you?"    


Wu Shangwen chuckled as he reached for the depth of those two legs.    


Ye Mengyi slapped him away and said, "Take your hand away. We are driving. Be careful."    


Wu Zewen only wanted to tease Ye Mengyi a little, so he took the opportunity to withdraw his hand and said with a smile, "Then I'll go back tonight and take care of my business."    


Ye Mengyi looked at Wu Shangwen with a pained and loving expression and said, "All day long, you don't have any proper manners."    


"Who said that? The last time we went to your office, we had some serious matters to attend to. Did you forget?"    


Wu Shangwen looked meaningfully at Ye Mengyi.    


It would be good if he did not say that, but once he said that, his face turned red and he said, "Who wants to do business with you? "Scoundrel!"    


Wu Zewen pretended to understand, "Oh, so Director Ye has forgotten about it. It's alright. When we get home tonight and do it a few more times, it will be a real combat exercise. You will remember it."    


Ye Mengyi's pretty face turned red like a puddle of red wine. She stared at Wu Shangwen and said, "Such a hooligan's habit has never changed."    


Her angry and shameful appearance made Wu Shangwen's heart beat endlessly. If he didn't drive now, he would have long flipped under her and watched her tossing and turning beneath him.    


Very quickly, Wu Zewen drove his car out of the city and arrived at the highway in the suburbs. He quickly increased his speed to 240 mph and the scenery on both sides rapidly retreated. The sports car was like an arrow that had been shot from a pulled up bow as it sped along the highway, attracting countless gazes of envy.    


Ye Mengyi sat in the front passenger seat and occasionally let out a few excited shouts. She herself often drove this sports car, but her speed was still only 180 miles. She had never dared to drive so fast before.    


It was the first time Wu Zewen drove a car so fast, and he felt as if all the blood in his body was burning up with the car. The cars on the road looked like a turtle crawling and were quickly overtaken.    


The two of them sped along the highway for nearly an hour before they finally drove out of the highway and returned to Ye Mengyi's underground parking lot.    


After a short hour of familiarity, Wu Shangwen had already understood the Lamborghini's capabilities well. He followed Ye Mengyi back to their living quarters, and just as he closed the door, Wu Shangwen's hands disobediently grabbed her from behind and pulled up her miniskirt, revealing her endless enticement. Black with confusion. "F * ck!" Wu Zewen grabbed Ye Mengyi with both hands and carried her to the bedroom. Under Ye Mengyi's screams, he threw her onto the bed and pounced on her like a hungry beast.    


After making love with Ye Mengyi until around 8 PM, Wu continued to drive back to his house in his Lamborghini. Baby Fan had already left for home.    


"Why are you off work so early?"    


Wu Shangwen asked.    


At this moment, she was wearing a large beige nightgown, and beneath her wide collar were two bulging jade peaks. A deep gully was revealed, and the bottom of the fish tail was just covering the root. The long legs of the stocking were exposed.    


baby Fan put his snow-white arms around Wu Shangwen's neck and faintly said: "It's been a long time since you've accompanied me alone."    


Seeing the other party say this, Wu Zewen remembered that it had indeed been a long time since he had accompanied baby Fan by himself. A sense of guilt arose in his heart, and he gently said, "Tonight, let me accompany you properly."    


Saying that, he lowered his head, and placed the two pieces of baby Fan's mouth, which was covered in crystal lipstick, into his mouth.    


His hands had already unzipped the zipper on the other party's nightgown...    


Wu Shangwen practiced the 'Flaming Sun Real Scripture'. Recently, his power had steadily increased, and his body's energy had been limitless. Therefore, he was still as lively as a dragon and as a tiger after coming out from Ye Mengyi's place.    


At three in the morning, Wu Shangwen opened his eyes, quietly put on his clothes, shoes, and socks. Before going out, he lightly kissed baby Fan's forehead, then closed the door and walked out.    


He went downstairs, opened the door of the Lamborghini and got into the car. He started the car and sped in the direction of the Purple Clouds Hotel.    


On the way down, he had already called the old man and explained the situation to him, telling him to wait for him downstairs at the hotel.    


In the end, it was still Wu Zewen who walked into the hotel, knocking on the door of the other party's room with a bang. Only then did the old man curse and get out of bed, extremely reluctantly following Wu Zewen to the hotel entrance. After getting on the car, they headed towards the city center.    


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