My Gorgeous Fiancee

C340 Dry Firewood and Fire

C340 Dry Firewood and Fire

However, she got Wu Shangwen to drive her over to the supermarket. He bought quite a few pieces of clothing, as well as some cosmetics and the like for the ladies.    


From the time she was captured by Garfibin until she was rescued by Wu Zhuiwen, then caught in a storm on the sea and wandered to the deserted island, she had not had a chance to dress up for more than two months, let alone change her clothes.    


Twenty minutes later, Wu Zewen parked the car in front of the hotel's parking lot and booked a room at the front desk. After getting the room card, she brought Fan Jieyi inside.    


The first thing she did after entering the room was enter the bathroom to open the door of the washroom and take a bath.    


Wu Zewen sat outside and switched on the television. He began to watch the local news and saw a few pieces of news about Yellowstone's Sand Island and Garfield.    


Other than an official who, in a righteous speech on television, strongly condemned Garfield for personally seizing the hostages of China in an attempt to take over the island of Yellowstone and then asking him to publicly apologize to China on the International Joint Commission, there was nothing else.    


Wu Zewen sneered. The remote control in his hand had switched channels. Other than a few TV talent shows, there was nothing else to watch. He turned off the TV.    


At this moment, Fan Jieyi had already finished her shower and came out of the washroom. She was like a flower petal that had just been washed by the rain, and her entire body was emitting a sweet smell.    


Perhaps it was due to the fact that Wu Shangwen was in the living room, but she didn't use a bath towel to wrap her body, instead, she wore the skinnier nightgown that she had just bought. The wide, round collar allowed her white, slender, jade neck to see the fruits in a single glance.    


At the top of the two mountain ranges, there was a small dot that was faintly visible. The outline of a person's body was outlined by this nightgown, and it revealed a bewitching aura.    


This skintight nightgown could barely cover her figure, and her two legs were almost completely exposed in front of her. Although they weren't as long as Ye Mengyi, they were still just nice, as if they were meticulously carved out of warm jade.    


Wu Shangwen swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He felt as if a ball of fire was burning in his stomach, igniting all the blood in his body and rampaging about without restraint as he urgently needed to find a way to vent.    


Noticing Wu Shangwen's fiery gaze, Fan Zhen could not help but turn around with a towel in one hand as she wiped her wet hair.    


However, as she lifted both her arms, her nightgown was also lifted.    


However, the opponent's actions only lasted for a short three seconds before he realized something was wrong. He quickly put his hands down and when he saw Wu Caiwen's blank and blank expression, Fan Zhen said in surprise, "Big Brother Wu, you … how did you get a nosebleed?"    


After hearing the other party's reminder, Wu Zewen finally felt the wetness under his nostrils. He quickly raised his hand to wipe it away, but it was enough to make his hand bleed.    


He couldn't help but curse in his heart that he was too unpromising. He immediately stretched out his hand to grab the wet towel that Fan Jieyi had placed on the table. He hastily pulled out a handkerchief and began to wipe it.    


Looking at Wu Shangwen's appearance, the expression on Fan Jieyi's face was very complicated, and her face was as red as a maple leaf.    


"I'm sorry, maybe the air here is too dry. You know the principle of dry firewood and fire."    


He felt that his words were inappropriate so it was easy for people to misunderstand him.    


"No, no, you must not misunderstand. What I mean is …"    


Fan Zhen Yi smiled shyly and nodded. "I understand what you mean. Brother Wu, you don't need to say anymore. The wet towel is here, and the one you took …"    


After she finished speaking, she reached into another paper bag and took out a large bag of wet towels. She opened it and took out a piece and handed it over to Wu Zongwen.    


Wu Zewen was surprised for a moment, then he slowly stretched out the wet towel that he had made into a ball. The two ends of the cloth were round, but the center slowly shrunk. It was actually used by the woman.    


After Wu Zewen saw the blood clearly, his face turned green and he became even more embarrassed. He quickly threw it away and said with an embarrassed smile, "This, this, once I saw you bleeding, I panicked, so I didn't … I didn't see clearly."    


Fan Jieyi smiled shyly as she lowered her head. She walked straight to Wu Zewen's side and said, "Big Brother Wu, it's alright. Come, let me help you wipe it. There are still traces of blood left here."    


After saying that, Fan Zhen Yi stood in front of Wu Shangwen and carefully wiped him with a wet towel. Such close contact made Wu Shangwen's heart beat wildly, making him sniff out the temptations the other party was emitting. The moment he raised his head, the two towering mountains in front of him happened to be facing Wu Zewen's face.    


He knew that he couldn't stay here any longer, otherwise, he would have to deal with beasts.    


Thinking of this, he hurriedly got up to bid farewell while the other party was still in the midst of wiping away his wounds.    


"It's getting late, Lin Xiao-jie, you should also go to bed early." "Oh, that's right. If you have time tomorrow, come with me to a quarry and help me survey the stones there."    


Wu Congwen did not go into detail about methylmercuric benzene, so it would not be too late to talk about it when he arrived at the quarry tomorrow.    


Although there was a landslide, it was not a problem to find one or two stones.    


Seeing that Wu Zewen was about to leave, a look of reluctance flashed in Fan Jieyi's eyes, but she nodded her head and said, "Of course I have time. Brother Wu, you saved my life. From today onwards, I will do whatever you want me to do, and even if you want me to die, I will listen to you."    


Seeing the stubbornness and determination in Fan Shaoyi's eyes, how could Wu Shangwen not know what she was thinking? He stretched out his hand to stroke her hair and said: "That is too serious. I saved you because I hope that you can help me."    


"It's about going to the quarry tomorrow, right? Okay, I'll do my best."    


Wu Zewen nodded and said, "Alright then, I'll be going now."    


Then, he started to walk towards the door.    


After leaving the hotel, Wu Zewen let out a long sigh of relief. Just as he was about to drive away, the phone in his pocket rang. It was from Baby Fan.    


Wu Zewen quickly picked it up. Only now did he know that while he was missing on the deserted island, the other side had called countless times, but they hadn't been able to get in touch with him.    


His current cell phone number was when he had set foot on the desert island of Huangyan Group. He had bought a new cell phone card, worried that he would be anxious if his son couldn't contact him, so when he bought the phone, the first thing he did was to call the other party. However, he told him that the other party's cell phone was turned off.    


Helpless, Wu Congwen could only send a text message to inform the other party that he had already changed his phone number.    


He didn't expect the other party to call him at this very moment.    


"Hey, you big scoundrel, what did you do a while ago? Why can't I get through to your cell phone? You're worried to death."    


Baby Fan's angry voice came through the phone.    


Wu Zewen was afraid that the other person would be worried about him, so he didn't tell her about the matter of going to Garfield. He only said that he went on a secret mission.    


Baby Fan was already used to the sudden disappearance of the girl and didn't want to ask too much. He just said that he had Omin Jie and the others who missed him a lot and wanted him to return to the capital as soon as possible.    


The two of them stuck together for a while. The moment before they hung up, baby Fan told him that he had bought a lot of interesting clothes and was waiting for him to come back and play games.    


He was so scared that Wu Shangwen quickly hung up the phone. If he didn't hang up now, he was afraid that he would rush back to Fan Jieyi's dorm and push her down. Fire.    


He immediately drove in the direction of Li Yu's home, and arrived at Li Yu's house in less than half an hour. He parked the car in the garage, entered the house, and returned to his own room.    


However, he found that there was actually someone standing in the room. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the old man.    


"Die, you scared me!"    


Wu Shangwen said.    


The old man laughed dryly and said, "If you don't do something shameful, you don't have to be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. "What, did you carry my old man just now and go out to have fun alone?"    


Wu Zewen rolled his eyes and said in a bad mood, "If there's anything good, I can let you go." It's already so late, why did you come here instead of sleeping in your room? "    


The smile on the old man's face vanished, and he said seriously, "We have just advanced into the advanced level of the Scorching Sun Sutra, so our strength is not stable. If we don't seize the time to consolidate our strength, it will be very difficult to increase it in the future."    


Wu Zewen thought about it and also agreed, "That's right. Why don't we go to Li Yu's old quarry? That place is filled with boundless mountains, so it's not easy for people to notice them."    


The old man nodded in agreement, then he quietly walked out of the courtyard with Wu Zewen and drove towards the quarry.    


After about 50 minutes, the car entered the mountains. Wu Zewen parked the car behind a hidden pine forest. Then, she got off the car with the old man. Two black shadows rushed up the mountain and instantly disappeared into the dense pine forest.    


However, Wu Congwen soon discovered a hazy light coming from the hillside. Moreover, the further he went, the more obvious the light became. There were faint tinkling sounds coming from the direction of the quarry.    


Master and disciple looked at each other and saw confusion in each other's eyes.    


Immediately, they shot towards the source of the light. In the end, the two of them hid behind a large rock and stuck their heads out to look. Although they were prepared, the two of them were still surprised.    


The crater that was originally buried by the rubble had been reclaimed. Moreover, the area was twice as big as the previous one. It seemed to be about fifteen to sixteen meters deep and about a hundred meters wide.    


At the bottom of the pit, hundreds of laborers were busy digging, and around them stood fifty to sixty men in black. At the bottom of the pit, hundreds of laborers were busy digging, and around them stood fifty to sixty men in black.    


And from their accents, Wu Congwen could already tell that the other party was an assassin from the island, not a Chinese.    


With so many of the island's assassins here, it was obvious that this quarry was extraordinary. There must be a secret inside.    


"This quarry is probably related to methylmercuric benzene."    


When Wu Zewen said this, he suddenly thought of something in his heart, so he dialed baby Fan's number.    


"Hello …" "Brother Wu, it's so late. Are you trying to call me? Are you missing that chair at home …"    


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