My Gorgeous Fiancee

C338 It's Important to Keep Your Life First

C338 It's Important to Keep Your Life First

As for Wu Zewen and Fan Jieyi, they paddled with all their might. Fortunately, there weren't any large waves on the surface of the sea. Furthermore, the wind was blowing smoothly. As a result, the raft's speed was much faster.    


After a full five minutes, Wang Zhitao and Fan Zhen Yi vaguely saw some light and immediately cried out in excitement. At the same time, the gazes they used to look at the Master and disciple became filled with admiration.    


This was especially so for Fan Shaoyi, whose eyes were filled with admiration and adoration.    


Very quickly, Wu Zewen and the others rowed the wooden raft to a place less than 100 meters away from the boat. By now, the outline of the boat could be clearly seen.    


This was an ordinary freighter with a length of fifty meters or so, and it was heading in another direction. The four of them were rowing the boat and shouting for help, but a strong wind was already blowing on the sea. Their voices could hardly be heard, making them hard to detect.    


When they saw the hope, Wu Zewen and the others' rowing speed became even faster. In addition, the other party's boat was traveling rather slowly, so they were able to catch up with it. Very soon, the distance between them was shortened to thirty meters, and at this moment, the boat seemed to have discovered their small raft. He changed course and headed in their direction.    


Slowly, Wu Shangwen rowed the small raft until it was less than ten meters away from the boat.    


On the opposite side of the deck, stood a middle-aged man around thirty years old. At this moment, that man looked at Wu Zewen and company warily and asked: "What are you guys doing?"    


However, when he saw Fan Jieyi, his eyes lit up, followed by a flash of greed.    


He was actually using the language used by Garfield. Wu Shangwen and the other three were immediately stunned. It was really a narrow path for enemies. They never expected to meet with Garfield on his boat.    


But soon, Wang Zhitao walked out with a face full of hope, and said to the man, "Friend, we were originally fishermen fishing in the sea, but who would have thought that we would run into a typhoon and lose our way. Please take us on a journey, we are extremely grateful, of course we are grateful, and we will give you a hundred thousand yuan."    


Wang Zhitao spoke fluently in Garfield's language.    


The other party often came to Garfield to smuggle, so it was not strange that they could speak the other party's language.    


However, he couldn't seem to make the decision. He said to Wang Zhitao, "Wait a moment, then he turned around and entered the cabin. After a short while, a man around the age of fifty walked out with a dark complexion and a big belly.    


"Where are you from?"    


That potbellied middle-aged man asked loudly. Obviously, he didn't feel at ease with Wu Shangwen and the others.    


Actually, when Wu Chengwen found out that it was a Garfield ship, he had wanted to rush up and occupy it. However, because he was afraid that the other party had a gun in their hands, he didn't act rashly and instead observed it silently.    


Naturally, Wu Shangwen didn't understand what he was saying.    


Wang Zhitao quickly said, "We are fishermen from the first generation of the suburb of Green Neo."    


Wu Congwen secretly laughed at the names of the cities in Garfield. If they couldn't hear clearly, they would think that the names were 'donkey piss'.    


After the pot-bellied man heard this, he said, "Okay, I will give you two a ride, but one hundred thousand is too little. I want two hundred thousand. Hehe, looks like it's going to rain heavily soon. "    


The threat in his mouth was self-evident. Wang Zhitao knew that there was no bargaining right now. It was more important to save his life. He immediately said, "Okay. Two hundred thousand is fine. Hurry and pull us up."    


Seeing that the other party had agreed, the potbellied man's lecherous little eyes sized up Fan Yingyi once more. Then he waved to the man beside him before turning around and entering the cabin.    


The middle-aged man bent down and picked up a ladder from the deck. Wu Zewen rowed the small raft over. Wang Zhitao went up first, followed by the old man and Fan Jieyi. Wu Zewen followed behind him.    


When the four of them got on the deck, their hearts were finally at ease. The man looked at Wu Zewen and twisted his finger. Wu Zewen knew that he was asking for a tip, but he didn't have any money on him right now.    


He could only shrug his shoulders helplessly. The man's face immediately darkened, but he still turned around and led Wu Zewen into the cabin.    


He knew that it had been arranged by the potbellied man, and followed him into the cabin.    


When he arrived at the cabin, he carefully observed the situation inside the cabin. When he was surprised, he actually didn't find anyone inside the cabin, making it seem very empty, causing him to be very surprised. He exchanged a look with the old man and warned him to be careful.    


At this time, Wang Zhitao and that potbellied man were in front of them, chatting with each other. Not long later, that man led them into the dining room. Then, he turned around and walked out.    


Seeing that the other party had walked far away, Wang Zhitao lowered his voice and said to Wu Zewen and the other two, "Just now, that fat man is the captain and this man is the crew member. He said that the captain will let us eat our fill first before he takes us to rest." In about ten days, you will be able to bring us back to Garfield. "    


While Wang Zhitao was speaking, a man dressed as a chef came over with a small rectangular tray. He placed some cold dishes and some soy sauce on the table, said, "Please enjoy, then turned around and walked out.    


Although the four of them were hungry, no one dared to touch these food. At this moment, they weren't sure if the captain could tell that they were Chinese and among all these food, who knew if there was poison.    


As Wu Zewen surveyed his surroundings, he found that there were cameras at several corners of the restaurant. In other words, his every movement here was monitored by the other party.    


He then invited everyone to sit down and looked at the old man. The old man understood and quietly took out a silver needle from his bag and inserted it into the food. Soon, the needle changed color and turned gray.    


"It's Ecstasy." This bunch did not have any good intentions. "    


The old man clenched his teeth and whispered.    


"We didn't reveal any flaws. We really don't understand why they would do such a thing."    


Puzzled expressions appeared in Wang Zhitao's eyes.    


Wu Zewen thought for a moment and said, "It's easy to know, so we might as well do as we see fit."    


The other three nodded and pretended to lower their heads to eat. After a while, they all fainted on the table.    


Two or three minutes later, the sound of footsteps could be heard outside the restaurant, mixed with the voices of a few men talking.    


Of course, what did he say? Wu Congwen didn't hear it clearly.    


However, judging from the speed of the other party's words and tone, he was probably very excited.    


Bang! The door of the restaurant was opened. A dozen men rushed into the restaurant under the lead of the potbellied man.    


Wu Zewen's face was facing the door of the restaurant, and his eyes slightly opened. He saw that the man behind the captain didn't only hold a dagger but also a rope, he was obviously here to deal with them.    


Amongst them, there were three others who had hunting rifles in their hands.    


Then, he heard the captain mumbling something, as if he was giving out orders.    


The subordinates then walked towards Wu Zewen and prepared to tie them up with ropes.    


However, before the subordinates even touched Wu Zewen and company, they only saw the shadow of a person leap from the table, first knocking one of the crew members away, then directly pouncing towards one of the crew members holding a gun on the captain, his speed was as fast as lightning.    


By the time those crew members reacted, Wu Zewen had already hit that person's stomach with his fist. That person's gun immediately fell to the ground, but was kicked away to a corner of the restaurant by Wu Zewen.    


As for the other two crew members with guns, just as they were about to raise their guns and shoot Wu Lie, two rays of cold light pierced through their throats. They clutched their bloody necks, made a few gurgling sounds, and fell face first onto the ground.    


It was precisely when the old man made his move that he also made his move, instantly suppressing the two people that were trying to tie him up before sending out two rays of cold light.    


It was easy for the master and disciple to deal with these crew members. The remaining few finally reacted and revealed faces of shock. They looked at Wu Zewen but didn't dare to take a step forward.    


The fat captain was first surprised, then he directed his men to say something extremely fast. It was obvious that he had become flustered.    


Under the captain's command, those subordinates looked at each other as they surrounded Wu Shangwen and the old man, their hands trembling a little as they held their daggers.    


At this time, Wu Zewen discovered that the captain had already turned around and ran. He quickly ran over and knocked over the two crew members who tried to stop him. Then he grabbed the captain's back collar and directly lifted him up like lifting a chicken.    


At this moment, the rest of the crew had already been subdued by the old man. They laid on the ground, screaming incessantly, as if they were slaughtering pigs.    


At this moment, Wu Zewen stomped his foot on the fat captain's face and angrily said, "Speak, why did you put a bewitching drug in the rice bowl?"    


Then, he worried that the other party wouldn't understand, so he asked Wang Zhitao to translate it for him.    


Wang Zhitao then stood up and translated Wu Zewen's meaning to the captain.    


The captain's eyes flickered as he stared at Wang Zhitao and said something.    


Wang Zhitao's eyes revealed a hint of despise. He turned around and said to Wu Shangwen, "This guy said that he coveted Fan Jieyi's beauty and wanted to keep it for himself, but was afraid that we would resist. That's why he wanted to get rid of us."    


Upon hearing this, Fan Jieyi glared hatefully at the captain, while Wu Zewen wordlessly held his dagger and walked to the captain's side. He raised his knife and cut his ear, causing blood to gush out.    


The captain covered his ears and frantically rolled on the ground, letting out waves of inhuman screams.    


Wu Zewen grabbed the captain's collar, lifted him up, and slapped him on the face with his dagger. He said fiercely, "If you're still not telling the truth, the next cut is towards your throat."    


Wang Zhitao hurried over to translate it for him.    


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