My Gorgeous Fiancee

C326 Chatterbox

C326 Chatterbox

Li Yu said as he slammed the teacup in his hand onto the table.    


After hearing what Li Yu said, Wu Shangwen immediately felt interest towards the people he spoke of.    


"Who are those people? Are they locals?"    


Li Yu shook his head and said, "They are not us locals. From the sound of their accents, they seem to be from the north. Furthermore, from their ferocious looks, we can tell that they are not good stuff. Iron Cheng, listen to me, don't look for methylmercuric benzene here. I haven't even heard of this material. It's more important to stay alive and leave this place tonight. Otherwise, it will be too late tomorrow morning. "    


Li Yu bitterly persuaded while holding Wu Tiecheng's hand. He believed that if their relationship was not good enough, no one would care about such things.    


Besides, if they just left like this, Old Zhao San would definitely come back to take revenge on Li Yu later on. He would never do something that would implicate his good friend.    


Wu Zewen patted Li Yu's shoulder and said, "Brother Li, you don't have to worry about us. We know what we're doing. "    


Seeing that he could not persuade them, Li Yu said: "Alright, since that's the case, then I won't say anymore. Let's start eating now. Originally, I wanted to invite you all to the hotel, but it's not safe outside right now, so we should eat inside, and let you guys have a taste of my hungry cooking skills! "    


Wu Tiecheng followed, "Right, right. Li Yu used to be a chef at a three-star hotel. His skills are definitely not ordinary."    


When he heard that everyone started talking about cooking, Li Yu's spirits rose again. As he cooked, he even started humming a little tune.    


Soon, a sumptuous dinner was prepared. Everyone sat around the table, and Li Yu even took out a bottle of Wuliangye Liquor that was said to be sixty years old. It was unknown if it was real or fake, but when he opened the bottle, he could smell a strong aroma of wine.    


Seeing Li Tiecheng take out the bottle of Five Grains Liquid, Wu Tiecheng's eyes suddenly became wide open as he said, "Okay, Li Yu. When I came here two years ago, I was worried about your bottle of Wuliangye Elixir. How come you didn't take it out today?"    


Li Yu said, "Of course. From what I can see, Brother Wu and this senior aren't ordinary people. Since the two of you have come to my humble abode, of course you can serve me good wine and good meat."    


Wu Tiecheng was only speaking on the surface, but in reality, he felt very proud of Li Yu's words.    


The old man was so greedy that he almost drooled.    


As the circle fell, more than half of the bottle of Wuliangye Elixir was poured in.    


"Come, thank you everyone for coming to my humble abode. If there's anything you don't want, don't forget it. I'll be the first to drink this cup of wine."    


Li Yu stood up and held his wine cup. After he finished speaking, he raised his head and was about to dry the wine in his cup.    


However, he was stopped by Wu Tiecheng: "Wait, wait." I think we can only pour this wine once. If we dry it once, we'll feel a little reluctant. Why don't we slowly taste it? Don't eat ginseng fruit — you won't know what it will taste like if you swallow it. "    


"This suggestion is good. Good wine needs to be tasted slowly. I agree."    


After the old man finished speaking, he lightly took a sip and smacked his lips with his eyes closed. He seemed to be enjoying the aftertaste.    


Wu Zewen also lifted his glass and took a sip. He immediately felt the wine in his mouth was fragrant and long. Even after a long time, there was still some lingering fragrance in his mouth. As expected of one of the top ten famous wines.    


Wu Tiecheng and his comrades were also full of praise.    


Most of the time, this table of dishes was filled with wine.    


At ten o'clock, everyone finally finished eating. Li Yu's house was a small building on the second floor, and there were plenty of places to sleep. They had already arranged for Wu Shangwen to live with the old man in two separate rooms.    


In the dead of night, Wu Zewen and the old man took advantage of the darkness to arrive at the mine that Li Yu had mentioned to them before.    


About five kilometers away from his residence, the two of them performed their lightness skills and danced in the night sky like two ghosts. In less than half an hour, they arrived at a mountain range and could faintly see the light from the mountainside and the rumbling sounds of quarrying stones.    


Wu Shangwen and the old man looked at each other, then Wu Shangwen puzzledly asked: "How could there be a gathering stone at night? It's usually done during the day, so there must be something in it."    


The old man nodded and said, "It might really be related to that methylmercuric acid."    


Wu Zewen felt that what his master said wasn't unreasonable, so he headed up the mountain. In this kind of terrain, there was no need to intentionally hide his body. There were a lot of pine trees blocking the way.    


Quickly, the two touched the edge of the quarry. Lying behind a large rock was just enough to look over the entire quarry, but what disappointed them was that the ores mined here were just some of the most common stones.    


At first, the two thought that there were hidden traps inside the stone, but they quietly took a piece and smashed it open. There was nothing special about the stone.    


It could be said that if it was placed together with a normal rock, it wouldn't even seem to blink.    


The old man was very knowledgeable, but he was also very confused. There were hundreds of people mining in the pit, and even if they were in a tight spot during the construction period, there was no night for dangerous work like digging.    


Thus, the two of them touched a row of brightly lit wooden houses not far from here. The person in charge should be inside.    


Before the two of them got close, they heard the sound of a woman coming out of a house.    


"So annoying. His legs are going numb from you …"    


Following that, a man's deep voice could be heard saying, "It's only the beginning. Darling, tonight, I will make you …"    


After the old man heard this voice, he could tell from the expression on his face that this bottle of 60 year old Wuliangye Elixir was definitely much more powerful than Li Yu's bottle of 60 year old Wuliangye Elixir.    


The two of them slowly reached to the back window and crawled through the gap. They were rolling.    


"Damn, I still want 10 more when we return to the capital."    


The old man looked at the two and his eyes went straight. He swallowed his saliva and said to Wu Zewen in a low voice.    


Wu Zewen immediately felt speechless and said, "Boss, what time is it?" Okay, if we can find what we want this time, I'll find you twelve, okay? "See, I won't tire you to death."    


The old man rolled his eyes at Wu Shangwen and said, "What do you know?" Back then, the Duke of Qin, Ying Zheng, had three thousand beauties in his harem, but he still annexed the six kingdoms and became the greatest emperor in all of history. "    


Wu Zewen looked at the old man with a strange expression. He shook his head in disbelief and said, "When did the sun rise from the west? When did you start talking and become so cultured?"    


The old man glared at him, and without another word, the two of them moved to the other side of the house. The room was filled with smoke, and four men were playing mahjong around the table, and the man facing the window had high cheekbones and long ears. He had a cigarette in his mouth, and his face had a ferocious air to it.    


"Brother Huang, when are we going back?" Brother Huang, when are we going back?    


Right at this moment, a man in a black suit, who was sitting on the right side of the man with long ears, said.    


After the man with ears to the wind played a card, he took a long drag on his cigarette and said: "What's the hurry? The money is coming over every month anyway." If I go back early, I won't have that much money to take. "    


The other three nodded, and one of them said, "That's right, what big brother said is reasonable. After all, this place has basically stabilized, and we can be carefree here, and we still have women to play with. "F * ck, is Feng finished yet? I can barely hold my breath."    


"F * ck! Don't be such a beast, let me catch my breath!" However, Big Brother, I really don't understand what's the use of having so many woolen rocks on top. Even if they were all sold, it would still not be enough to cover the expenses here. "    


Another person said.    


The man with moving ears said: "Why do you care so much." "Even if they were to use stones to add to the excrement, it would not matter to us. Our job would be to organize the workers to mine the stones. That would be great news."    


When Wu Zewen heard their conversation, he became more suspicious. These stones were definitely not simple, but since he didn't need to figure out the truth, he naturally couldn't take any action. The two of them picked a stone and quickly left the place.    


The next morning, he asked Li Yu to come over and see if there was anything different.    


Li Yu didn't even need to look to know what the rock that came out of his quarry looked like, but seeing the two of them, he still looked at it carefully, then said to the two of them, "There's nothing special about it. It's just an ordinary rock like before. There's nothing special about it. "    


After saying this, in order to further prove it to the two of them, he found a hammer and smashed the stone into pieces. He still didn't find anything of value.    


Wu Congwen was very disappointed, but he still had a sliver of hope. Thus, he took a picture of these stones and passed it to Dr. Huize through his Bluetooth mobile phone.    


However, the other party did not immediately reply with a text message. Instead, half an hour later, Wu Zhui's phone vibrated. When he opened it, he saw that it was a text message from Dr. Hui Ze.    


It was written that these stones could only be detected by professional detectors and could not be seen by the naked eye. She hoped that Wu Cong-wen would bring these stones to her laboratory, only then would she know the results.    


However, now that Wu Shangwen was on a desert island in the Huangyan Group, it would be very troublesome if he went back.    


But there was no other way, he had also thought of sending it to Jing Jing, so that she could think of a way to send it to their experimental base.    


However, he could not be at ease with Jing Jing doing such a dangerous job. Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Wu Zewen decided to take a rock back himself and let the old man and Wu Tiecheng stay here first.    


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