My Gorgeous Fiancee

C316 Desperate and Helpless Eyes

C316 Desperate and Helpless Eyes

"Okay, but we're still a little too few."    


Finished speaking, Wu Shangwen looked at the old man with a beaming smile.    


Old man rolled his eyes: "Why are you looking at me?" I'm too old to bear it. "    


Wu Zewen walked up to the old man and pulled him to the side, saying, "You can endure all six of these girls, but you're trying to make things difficult for them with such a small matter." With your lack of enthusiasm, how am I supposed to arrange ten more girls for you when I return to Beijing? "And that green wave, the Toxic Dragon Drill …"    


Hearing this, the old man's eyes lit up again, but he quickly shook his head: "No, no, stop fooling around with me. I'm not fooled, but my life is more important." Moreover, who knows when we'll be able to return to the capital. "    


Wu Zewen nodded and said, "What you say makes sense. How about this? I'll treat you as an old man who's grown stronger. You have six girls' glorious deeds at once. Now tell it to everyone."    


Finished speaking, Wu Shangwen turned around, coughed once, cleared his throat, and was about to speak to everyone.    


The old man saw that he really wanted to say something, so he hurriedly covered Wu Shangwen's mouth and pulled him to the side. He angrily said, "Fuck, good." "I'm afraid of you. If you can't find ten girls for me when I get back to the capital, I'll break your bones."    


Seeing that the old man had agreed that this would be a viable option, Wu Shangwen told everyone to return to the Lobas first and wait for news of him.    


Seeing that Xue Haohan was staying, Jing Jing Jing was even more confident.    


Leopard Head and his men, along with Jigger, returned to the Lobas by the same route.    


"Any good suggestions?"    


The old man rolled his eyes and asked.    


Wu Zewen thought about it and said, "When it gets dark, we'll continue to return to the cave we just entered. They've already searched to the side, they definitely won't do it again."    


The old man nodded. "That makes sense."    


The two of them continued to hide behind the huge rock. After it got dark, they would go back to the cave they were staying in.    


This place was a complete mess with traces of having been searched.    


At that moment, the helicopter had already disappeared, but at eleven o'clock in the night, a powerful beam of light pierced through the night into the Snow Wolf Valley.    


After a while, a helicopter appeared in the sky above the Snow Wolf Valley. However, there was something different from the last time. There was a large container hanging below the plane, and it was unknown what was inside.    


The plane slowly descended into the Snow Wolf Valley. It first placed the container on the ground, then landed beside it.    


In less than 10 minutes, the entrance to the experimental base opened, a team of men in black uniforms with submachine guns walked out, they walked in front of the container, the leader opened the box and kept scolding from inside, but because they were too far away and the rumbling sounds of the plane could not be heard, the two couldn't hear him clearly.    


However, they soon saw a group of people walking out from the container. There were men and women, old and young, and they were all wearing all sorts of clothes. Everyone's hands were tied behind their back and then tied together with a thick rope.    


Under the strong lights of the helicopter, Wu Congwen could clearly see the panic and panic on all of their faces. There were even some able-bodied men who tried to resist, but were quickly beaten to a bloody pulp by the black-clothed men using the butts of their guns.    


These people were escorted into the cave. At this time, Wu Zewen's mind recalled the horrifying scene he saw at the experimental base department of the plan T in Beijing. The helpless eyes of those people who were infected by the virus, whose bodies were starting to rot, were like steel needles that strongly stimulated his nerves.    


Wu Zewen clenched his fists tightly and said to Jing Jing who was beside him: "We will split up, the old man and I will be responsible for attracting the attention of those bastards, you go steal the plane and try to save dad, these innocent people."    


In reality, Wu Shangwen was basically disguised as an ordinary person. He was arrested and brought to the experimental base, so he could take the chance to act. However, when he saw so many people being captured with his own eyes, he had no choice but to change his mind and save them first.    


"Alright, then you two must be careful."    


Jing Jing Jing looked at Wu Shangwen tenderly, then she rushed down the mountain like a ghost. As long as it was something Wu Shangwen wanted her to do, she would do her best to achieve perfection, even if the one she wanted to deal with right now wasn't the killer of the island nation.    


This was because everything about her was already his. He was the pillar of her entire spiritual world.    


Wu Shangwen also looked at the other party's back before quickly following the old man down.    


The two of them had already reached an agreement. The old man was in charge of dealing with the black-clothed men, while Wu Zewen was in charge of bringing those tied up back into the container.    


The old man's figure was in the lead, just like an agile ape. While he was still in the air, he could already see a dense amount of cold lights shooting towards those tight-uniformed men.    


"Tai! Grandsons, your grandpa is here! "    


The old man let out a loud shout and almost knocked Wu Shangwen to the ground.    


A miserable scream rang out as five to six men carrying guns fell to the ground dead, each of them with a seven-star dart stuck in their foreheads.    


The other dozens of gunmen fired a few shots at the black shadow that was charging at them. However, when they raised their guns, there was no trace of the old man.    


However, it was obvious that these black-clothed men had extraordinary skills. After a short period of panic, under the orders of a burly man, they all lied down behind some rocks on the side to block their own figures.    


"Hey, grandson. Grandfather is behind you. "    


The old man's erratic voice resounded in the night sky, knocking out the few men in tight-uniformed clothing. The next moment, a miserable scream was heard, a man who was about to turn around had his head pierced by a nail and fell to the ground without making a sound.    


The old man was like a ghost, attracting the attention of most of the black-clothed men.    


Wu Zewen also began to move. The dagger in his hand cleanly cut the throat of a man next to the group of captives.    


The remaining two people noticed that there was movement behind them and were about to turn around when Wu Zewen's hand shot out like lightning. After slicing that person's throat, he swung out his dagger and stabbed it into that person's back.    


But at this moment, the other man who was far away had already raised his gun. He was knocked to the ground by the middle-aged man beside him. A golden light shot out from Wu Shangwen's hand and hit the back of the man's head like lightning.    


"Everyone, hurry back to the container. We have to think of a way to get you out of here quickly. "    


Wu Shangwen shouted at the crowd.    


Seeing that someone had come to save them, the crowd immediately became restless. People could not wait to run back, but because they were tied up together, many people tripped and fell to the ground.    


At this moment, a large group of black-clothed men rushed out of the cave entrance. They raised their guns and fired towards the crowd.    


Several miserable cries sounded in the dark night. Five or six people fell. As a result, the entire team was like an explosion, as wails, screams, and everything else was mixed together.    


Red tongues of flame rained down from the sky, followed by four to five more people lying dead in a pool of blood.    


"Get down!"    


No one would listen to him and run towards the container like crazy. However, just after running a few steps, he was quickly dragged by the people lying in the pool of blood.    


More and more people rushed out from the hole. Although the old man was holding onto a portion of it, there was still a portion of people shooting at the captives without restraint.    


At this moment, there were already people in the crowd who realized that if they were to blindly run away, they would only end up being the target of the other party. They began to lie down on the ground.    


But at this time, those tight-uniformed men had already raised their spears and rushed over.    


Wu Zewen grabbed the submachine gun that he had just killed two people with, rolled behind a rock, reached out his gun and shot crazily. Immediately, six or seven people screamed out miserably, and one of them had his head smashed by the bullet's powerful impact.    


Although the AK-47's accuracy was average, its killing power was quite strong when dealing with a group of enemies. When facing Wu Zewen's crazy shooting, those people couldn't help but hide behind the rock, but they still had to guard against the old man's sneak attack.    


As the battle raged on, a rumbling sound could be heard from the Snow Wolf Valley. The two rotors on the helicopter stirred up a hurricane, followed by a powerful and glaring beam of light that illuminated the black-clothed men to the point where they couldn't even open their eyes.    


Wu Zewen took this opportunity to cut the ropes on those who were lying on the ground, allowing them to support each other. Especially those who were heavily injured and unable to move, everyone headed towards the container.    


In just four or five minutes, everyone had entered the container. Wu Zewen quickly closed the container and flew up to the top of the container. She hung the steel cables that were tied to the container firmly on the two supports of the helicopter.    


"Hurry up and come up, hurry!" "If you're too late, it'll be too late."    


Jing Jing said loudly.    


Wu Zewen didn't hurry up and instead turned around to flash towards the old man, who was currently fighting with over ten men in tight-uniformed clothing.    


Like a great roc, Wu Ziwen swooped down, the dagger in his hand drawing a piercing cold light, chopping off the heads of the two men in one fell swoop. With a "pu" sound, the two men's blood spewed out to a height of two meters, and their lower bodies were forced to walk four or five steps forward before falling to the ground.    


Facing such a vicious and merciless move, the few people behind were so shocked that they retreated a few steps.    


At this time, Jing Jing had already flown in the direction of the two of them. The strong hurricane lifted up the snow on the ground to form a snow dragon, which continuously circled around the helicopter, making it difficult for people to open their eyes.    


Wu Shangwen and his disciple also jumped onto the container under the pressure of the strong wind.    


However, just as the two of them were about to climb into the cabin, another group of men with goggles and heavy rifles came out from the entrance, raising their guns and shooting towards the plane and the two people inside.    


Wu Zewen had read about it on the internet when he was free. It had a powerful killing power. It was specifically used to shoot at aircraft. Once it hit the gas tank, it wouldn't be able to run away.    


Sparks were formed on the surface of the container. Luckily, with the big fellow as a cover, the plane would have been smashed into a sieve long ago.    


However, Wu Shangwen and the old man also held an AK47 in their hands. They grabbed the steel cables with one hand and pointed their machine guns at the ground with the other as they began to wildly fire.    


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