My Gorgeous Fiancee

C241 Destiny must Not be Disobeyed

C241 Destiny must Not be Disobeyed

Listening to Shao Feng's words, Wu Shangwen felt a little mysterious, but he could also understand that in reality, there were many unsolved mysteries in this great natural world, such as the Egyptian Pharaoh's curse, and even the theory of whether humans had souls, many of which did not have a clear answer.    


Since ancient times, snakes had always carried with them a strong sense of legend, just like the familiar legend of the new White Wife. Of course, apart from this movie and TV series, there was also the emperor of Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, who first beheaded the White Snake, why didn't he behead the Green Snake or the Yellow Snake, but the White Snake instead.    


According to the historical records, the White Snake was a descendant of the White Emperor. It was an allusion to Xiang Yu being killed, which meant that the final victor was Liu Bang.    


Of course, these were all wild records, and they were not trustworthy. However, this could be used to prove that the worship or fear of snakes had existed since ancient times.    


For example, when Wu Zewen destroyed Zishan villa, in order to catch Chen Xiaotian, Lu Wange had led a team for him. However, when they were passing by the basement, they received the help of a python.    


Therefore, when Wu Shangwen heard that the other side of the road had this custom, he immediately expressed his respect and ordered the entire convoy to wait in place until a few snakes had crossed the road before starting the car and continuing to drive forward.    


Because of its slow speed, it had proceeded forward for more than twenty minutes and still hadn't left the mountain road. After making a big turn, several bright lights appeared on the opposite side of the road, causing people to be unable to open their eyes.    


Wu Zewen squinted his eyes and carefully observed the situation on the other side. Soon, he noticed that the lights on the other side weren't moving, but were fixed at one point. It seemed like they were here specifically waiting for him.    


The cars in front had already stopped, and so did Wu Zewen and a few other cars behind them.    


He didn't expect the other party to receive the news so quickly. They had already stopped him long ago, so it seemed like all of the Happy Keke drinks were already in the other party's control.    


At this time, his phone rang. It was Shao Feng who called. Wu Zewen pressed the answer button.    


"Brother Wu, it's someone from the Black Turtle Sect. It seems that they are monitoring our every move. What should we do now?"    


Wu Zewen said, "Don't act rashly, just wait for my order."    


After saying that, he hung up.    


After that, he called the leopard head and Li Chuan respectively, and left them on the spot to prevent any scams from happening. Meanwhile, he got off the carriage with Shao Feng and the few subordinates he brought along to walk forward.    


The lights on the other side weren't turned off, however, and were shining brightly on the two of them. Because the brightness of the lights overshadowed the lights on their cars, the two of them couldn't see the situation on the other side.    


Moreover, the other party seemed to be intentionally provoking him, and even kept honking his horn.    


This made Wu Shangwen very unhappy, making him feel like he was being scrutinized from a vantage point.    


Immediately, with a wave of his hand, a few rays of golden light shot out explosively. With a few crisp sounds of glass, the lights of the other party were extinguished.    


As a result, the situation was completely reversed and the other party was completely exposed under their lights.    


The other side came with a total of three big trucks, and the back of each truck was filled with people. At this moment, they were jumping down one by one, when suddenly the lights were extinguished, making them move for an instant, but they quickly returned to normal.    


Five or six black-clothed men with long, sharp blades were standing in the middle. The blades in their hands flickered with bursts of cold light under the light of the lamps.    


In the middle of them all sat a person, both hands in front of him, his golden blade was like a mountain king, he was about forty years old, his hair was bright green, his nose was flat, and his eyes were small, but they were flickering with hostility.    


What he sat on wasn't a bench, but a person. Kneeling on the ground as his chair, behind him stood a black-clothed person holding a long blade. Clearly, this knife was specially given to him.    


This person had been staring at him ever since Wu Shangwen walked over, but his eyes were filled with a dazzling light.    


Suddenly, his leg moved, and with a few sharp sounds of tearing through the air, Wu Shangwen hurriedly pulled Shao Feng to dodge, and his hand shot out beams of gold light as well.    


Both sides collided, producing a loud bang bang sound. However, there were still a few times when Wu Shangwen failed to block it. Immediately after, he heard the sound of lights breaking. The surrounding scene darkened as Shao Feng's car lights were extinguished.    


"Is that fair!?" "Kid, as usual, put down the goods and get lost. I can even spare you once."    


The man in the middle seat said proudly.    


"Are you guys from the Black Turtle Sect?" "What's your name?"    


Wu Shangwen didn't care about the other party's threats at all.    


The black clothed man was stunned, obviously not expecting Wu Zewen to have the courage to ask his name. He looked up at the sky and laughed, saying: "That's right, I'm a member of the Black Turtle Sect, my name is Xiao Chuan."    


Xiao Chuan came from the Island Country. Originally, the reason he came this time, other than searching for half of the lost treasure, was to find the whereabouts of his lover Jing Jing.    


However, because the Black Dragon Gang had close ties with them and the Black Dragon Gang needed manpower to expand their strength, Xiao Chuan was ordered to come to the Phoenix Perch City to help the Black Turtle Gang purchase the beverages at a low price before heading to the capital.    


Wu Chengwen stared at Xiao Chuan and helplessly shook his head and smiled.    


At this time, Shao Feng came close to Wu Chengwen's ear and whispered, "Boss Wu, this person hijacked a lot of our goods here and he's very skilled. However, from his accent, he doesn't sound like a Chinese, but an islander. You have to be careful."    


Wu Zewen nodded. He had long recognized that the other party's accent was the same as Black Biao's and Black Dragon's, so he must be someone from the island.    


"What are you laughing at?"    


Xiao Chuan rolled his eyes and asked with an unfriendly tone.    


Wu Shangwen said: "You are clearly from the Island Country, yet you want to pretend to be Chinese. Could it be that your people are following behind us like this, imitating us? If so, that would be too sad. "    


Wu Zewen shook his head and said with pity.    


Xiao Chuan didn't expect that his words would attract so much mockery and ridicule. In front of so many people, he could not help but feel embarrassed.    


Suddenly standing up, with an ashen face, he pointed at Wu Zewen and said, "I originally only wanted to keep your goods, but now I've changed my mind and even want to keep your goods and people. "Humph, when the time comes, I will send you all to become slaves on the island so that you people can beg for your lives, and live the rest of your lives in torment."    


Wu Zewen continued to ask, "I think Le Keke didn't offend any of you. Why did she do all these things to kill everyone?"    


He had only taken away 1 million yuan worth of goods, but he had already been intercepted by the other party. It was obvious what would happen if he took too much of the goods.    


Xiao Chuan laughed sinisterly, raised his chin, and said arrogantly: "Our island nation is a high level race, it is your honor to have us act. If I were you, I would quickly put down the machete in my hand, and surrender obediently. "As the saying goes, 'A mantis can block a chariot with its arms, but it doesn't know its own limits'.    


Xiao Chuan spoke in broken Chinese. After he finished, he looked at Wu Shangwen complacently.    


Wu Zewen suddenly laughed out loud towards the sky. It wasn't only Xiao Chuan that was laughing, but everyone present was baffled.    


After a long while, Wu Shangwen finally stopped laughing, pointed at the Black Turtle Sect people behind Xiao Chuan, and said: "Are you people from the Black Turtle Sect still Chinese people? Do you even have the guts to be a man? They're already pointing at our noses and talking about us. If I were you guys, I would have already run my head into the wall.    


As he spoke of the people behind Xiao Chuan, everyone's faces began to heat up. The words Xiao Chuan had said just now had completely disregarded their face. Fortunately, it was night and his opponents could not see their blushing faces.    


However, he couldn't disobey the leader's order. In the Black Tortoise Sect, the leader was a duke of a certain region, and anyone who disobeyed his order would be severely punished.    


"And this island country of yours, a place the size of a sparrow's egg, where you spend all day pretending to be an elephant with a pig's nose. "What are you talking about? If I don't teach you a lesson, you might as well look at your reputation. If I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know the power of the Chinese people."    


Xiao Chuan scolded angrily in the national language of the island. Then, he waved his hand and the thirty odd people behind him chopped at Wu Zewen and company with machetes in their hands.    


These Black Tortoise Gang members were all valiant, and their eyes were fierce. One could tell with a glance that they had seen blood on the road, and they were completely different from normal hooligans.    


They only knew how to carry out orders, and they had no national ideas at all.    


Pah pah pah!    


Three pebbles were lifted up by Wu Ziwen's feet, and he hit the knees of the three people in front like a sharp arrow. The three people immediately fell to the ground, and the few people behind were tripped because of their speed.    


Taking advantage of the opening, the few people behind Shao Feng had already taken out a sharp machete and distributed it to everyone. The leopard leader's group had also jumped down from the car with machetes in hand and quickly caught up.    


The two groups of people quickly clashed.    


Although Xiao Chuan's subordinates were all fierce, but they were, after all, less than Wu Chuan's subordinates, and the few people that Shao Feng brought were all from the prison as well, and they were all ruthless people. There were also the subordinates of the Leopard Head that had undergone a week of intensive training, and their overall combat strength had increased by a few steps.    


As a result, in less than ten minutes, Wu Shangwen's men had completely suppressed the other party's arrogance.    


Wu Zewen had even cut five to six people beside him. These people were basically injured on the back or behind them and didn't even have a fatal wound.    


Although the former didn't mean to be cruel, Xiao Chuan's underlings were always forcing him to be ruthless. The injured people who were on the ground struggled to stand up and continued to swing their sabers towards Wu Zewen's head. It looked like they wanted to chop off his head.    


"You asked for it."    


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