My Gorgeous Fiancee

C162 Find the Enemy

C162 Find the Enemy

After a short ten minutes had passed, Feng Kangting had finished applying the needles. His forehead was already covered in sweat, and he didn't even have time to rest before Feng Kangting brought Wu Shangwen to treat the other two poisoned students.    


Since the three of them were poisoned by the same poison, Feng Kangting treated them the same way as Du Huanyu did.    


When the treatment reached the last student, Feng Kangting's face turned pale, and even his hand holding the needle began to tremble slightly.    


Wu Zewen couldn't help but remind him, "Uncle Zhao, how about we rest for a bit before applying the acupuncture?"    


Feng Kangting waved his hand and said, "The poisonous gas only attacks the heart for an instant. It can't be delayed in the slightest."    


After he finished speaking, he took a deep breath and lowered his wrist to ensure that it was no longer trembling before he continued with the acupuncture.    


And he also noticed that the consumption of true energy in his body from this level of treatment was also extremely huge. If it wasn't for the fact that the Sun Force has reached the intermediate stage, he would have already been exhausted after the fierce battle on the road and the rescue.    


When the two of them walked out of the last ward, everyone surrounded them.    


Wu Congwen walked behind Feng Kangting on his own accord. In this rescue case, the commander in chief was still Feng Kangting, so his words were the most authoritative.    


Seeing the urgent look in the patient's family members' eyes, a sense of pride and a sense of accomplishment arose from the bottom of his heart for no reason.    


"The three of them are temporarily stable. They are no longer in danger of dying."    


With these words, the patients' families all shed tears of excitement.    


Putong! Putong!    


Following that, he kneeled down towards Feng Kangting and Wu Shangwen.    


"We thank you for saving us!"    


After saying that, the parents of these students, including Wang Guilan, kowtowed. The sound of their kowtowing was so loud that it caused the cement to bang loudly. When they raised their heads, their foreheads were covered in bruises.    




They were regarded as the most important etiquette in China. As the saying goes: Kneel before the heavens, kneel before the earth, and kneel before the parents.    


Even a thousand gold coins would be hard to buy!    


Now, they had offered the most important form of etiquette to the Feng Kangting duo. It could be seen that in their hearts, they had already pushed the two of them to a supreme status.    


Because other than this, they didn't have the money to buy any other expensive gifts for Feng Kangting and Yutang. After all, they came from poor families.    


At this moment, a black shadow disappeared from a corner of the corridor and he took out his cell phone and made a call.    


"Hello, Fourth Brother. "Oh no, those three students were saved by someone called Feng Kangting."    


At this moment, Ol 'Four was comfortably lying on the bed in the office suite with his eyes closed.    


His mouth let out a comfortable sound, and one could see that he was coerced into doing so. An enchanting female secretary was kneeling on his legs …    


And Ol 'Four's face was filled with comfort, it was clear that he enjoyed this feeling.    


Right at that moment, his cell phone rang. When he picked it up, his expression immediately changed.    


"What?! Those three students were saved?!" He … "Fuck, Xiao Qiang actually let them run away."    


Ol 'Four sat up, hung up the phone and started dialing Xiao Qiang's number.    


"Sorry, the number you dialed is not in the service area …"    


Ol 'Four slammed his phone onto the ground in anger, causing the shell to separate from the battery.    


Startled, the female secretary was about to rush out of the office, but Fourth Bro grabbed her by the hair and pushed her head down.    


Then, Ol 'Four took out another phone, dialed a number, and ordered, "Watch Feng Kangting's every move closely. Report to me immediately if anything happens."    


With that, he hung up the phone.    


He started to press down on the female secretary's head and move up and down in a rhythmic manner.    




At the municipal hospital.    


Because Feng Kangting had just given Du Huanyu and the other two needles, he had consumed a large amount of his physical strength. At this moment, he was resting in a separate room with Wu Zewen by his side.    


After drinking the cup of water that Wu Shangwen handed to him, Feng Kangting's spirit improved a lot. He slowly said, "Although the three of them have controlled the virus in their bodies, if they want to remove it further, they still need a deeper and continuous treatment. Because this HUY virus, even in America, is quite a headache for the medical community. I really didn't expect it to infect China. "    


This caused him to be extremely shocked in his heart. At the same time, he thought of an old friend he had met twenty years ago in the capital, and he immediately could not help but ask, "Wu Shangwen, I wonder if you know a person with the surname Xue?"    


Could it be that he was referring to his own master, but he had only known Feng Kangting for a short period of time, so he didn't know the other party's background. It wouldn't be good for him to casually mention his master's name, lest he cause unnecessary trouble.    


He calmly replied, "There are quite a few people around me with the surname Xue. I wonder what his name is?"    


Feng Kangting said: "His name is Xue Haowang, and he is a close friend of mine. However, after the calamity twenty years ago, he had been lost. After I went to America, I searched bitterly for a long time but couldn't find him. "    


Wu Zewen's expression changed when he heard this because Xue Haohan was his master. Logically speaking, before he left, his master should have given him the addresses of these friends of his so that he could contact them later.    


However, he did not do so. Wu Shangwen knew that he was worried that he would go and find those people to understand what had happened twenty years ago, and then look for his enemies.    


"Xue Haohan is my teacher!"    


Wu Zewen stood up and bowed to the other party.    


Since the other party was a good friend of his master, then even if he was his elder, this act of courtesy was only natural.    


Although Feng Kangting was faintly aware of this, when he heard it from his own ears, he was still very surprised and pleasantly surprised. He heavily held onto Wu Shangwen's arm with both hands and said, "The heavens truly do not disappoint those who are willing, and have painstakingly sought out your master for twenty years. Today, there is finally news of him. Hurry up and tell me, has your master's health been well all these years? "    


Wu Liangwen carefully observed Feng Kangting's expression and found that other than joy, there was no other impurities contained within Feng Kangting's eyes. Only then did he believe that Feng Kangting truly seemed to be his master's good friend.    


"Master is in good health, what a pity. He never told me about his good friend. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been kept in the dark all this time. "    


"Well, that's great. Haha, it seems like this trip back to China wasn't in vain. Right, do you live with your master now? It's been a long time since the two of us had a drink together. "    


Feng Kangting asked.    


"No. His Master had always lived in the mountain village. I haven't been back for half a year. "    


"Oh, I see. "As expected of Xue Haohan's disciple, he is full of true energy. You coordinated well with him just now. If it wasn't for you, those three students would have been dead for sure."    


"The grudge between you and Fengyuan fruit juice, Brother Fa told me. It's really hard for a young person to have such a broad mind like yours. "    


"Uncle Zhao, you flatter me." To be honest, I had no choice. "It's not easy for those poor students either. Just let them go and let them go."    


In reality, if Wang Guilan hadn't brought too much shock to Wu Shangwen's heart, he wouldn't have cared about the three of them. After all, they had brought this upon themselves.    


"But if it was anyone else, I'm afraid they would have left it at that."    


Wu Shangwen scratched his head and smiled.    


"Right, then what should we do next?"    


Wu Shangwen asked.    


"I still need to give them a few more injections. If everything goes well, I estimate that they will be able to get off the bed and walk around in less than ten days."    


Feng Kangting said.    


When Wu Zewen thought of this, he was kidnapped by Xiao Qiang and crushed into pieces by him. It was impossible that the other party didn't notice this, but at this moment, he just stayed in the dark and waited for the opportunity to launch a fatal attack.    


Thinking about it here, Wu Zewen felt that staying in the hospital wasn't safe. If Du Huayu and the others were harmed by the people sent by Fourth Bro, then he would have failed.    


"I think it's better if we change places. It's not safe to stay in the hospital. "    


Feng Kangting naturally understood Wu Shangwen's meaning. "Why don't you go to my house? The place is big and spacious, so it's more convenient to treat it."    


Wu Shangwen had just made this suggestion, but he didn't have the nerve to say it out loud. Even though the other party was his Master's good friend, they had only just met.    


And now that Feng Kangting had said it himself, Wu Shangwen also nodded his head.    


Afterwards, Wu Shangwen heard the other party talk about some of the things that happened between him and his master back then, but it was nothing more than a conversation about how the two of them shared similar feelings and shared similar aspirations.    


Wu Zewen originally wanted to ask about his family background, but seeing the other party's zealous and talkative attitude, he didn't have the nerve to interrupt. In any case, the two of them already knew each other, so it didn't matter if he asked later.    


There was no time to lose.    


After Feng Kangting had finished resting, Wu Congwen went through the discharge procedures for Du Huayu and the other two. Because of Feng Kangting's golden signboard, the discharge procedures were quickly completed.    


When he told the families of the three students, he only said that in order to make it more convenient to treat them, he brought them to Divine Doctor Feng's house so that they could observe them closely.    


When Wang Guilan saw that her grandson had finally recovered his life, the burden in her heart finally dropped. As for where she was going for the diagnosis and treatment, it didn't matter.    


With the help of the hospital nurse, the three students were set up on the platform, and then they were pushed out of the ward and into the elevator, directly to the bottom floor of the hospital.    


Zhao Mingzhi drove her bumblebee in front with her father, Feng Kangting, while Wu continued to sit in an ambulance sent by the hospital to protect Du Huayu and the others, along with Doctor Wang, who was in charge of the treatment.    


Just after they left, an unmarked van quietly followed.    


Half an hour later, he arrived at Feng Kangting's residence. It was a villa leaning against a large river, and at this time, it was already evening. The villas by the river were connected together, speckling one by one, reflecting in the middle of the large river and forming a beautiful night scene.    


Doctor Wang arranged for Du Huayu and the other two to stay at Feng Kangting's home before taking his leave.    


"Don't go tonight. There are a lot of empty rooms in my house, so I'm free. "    


Feng Kangting said.    


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