My Gorgeous Fiancee

C109 I'm Here to Save You

C109 I'm Here to Save You

"This is a secret passage, it leads to a cave in the back mountain. The women who were the victims are all locked up there."    


Without waiting for Lu Wangge to finish speaking, Wu Zewen walked down first. Chen Yufei followed closely behind, then Lu Wangge and then the two armed police officers. It was pitch black down there, and they couldn't even see each other's faces.    


Although Wu Zewen's vision was good, he still had to take care of the few people behind him. He took out a lighter from his chest and lit it up with a 'pa' sound. A cluster of flames dispersed the darkness, allowing everyone to barely see the path under their feet.    


After walking for a distance, he suddenly stopped. Because it was too sudden, Chen Yu Fei was caught off guard and crashed into his back. The two lumps of warmth in front of her heavily hit each other's body.    


Of course, Wu Zewen could feel the water bag's softness. With a jolt of his mind, he felt a sharp pain coming from his waist, and then Lu Wangge's voice rang in his ears.    


"Rogue!" Are you always thinking of taking advantage of me? "    


Before she could finish her words, the scene in front of her caused her to lose all color in her face. She saw that about three meters in front of Wu Zewen, a mottled python as thick as a bowl was coiled in the middle of the cave entrance, constantly hissing and spitting its core at everyone. Its ice-cold diamond-shaped eyes were filled with hostility as it stared at everyone, giving them a creepy feeling.    


Hiss …    


This mottled python kept spitting out its tongue at Wu Zewen and company, as if it was ready to attack the intruders at any time.    


Chen Yu Fei had never seen a python like this in real life. For a moment, her whole body was trembling slightly, and her hands involuntarily grabbed onto Wu Lie's letter.    


Wu Zewen had a bronze button in his hand and was just about to hit it when he heard Lu Wangge say from behind, "Don't fight with it, let me do it."    


After she finished speaking, Lu Wangge came out from behind Chen Yufei's back and arrived in front of the mottled python. After the mottled python saw Lu Wangge, it laid its raised head on the ground and continuously wagged its tail like a spoiled dog.    


"Be good, Little Flower, this is my friend. They won't hurt you. Go back to your nest and sleep!"    


Lu Wangge's gentle voice was like she was speaking to a child. She lightly patted the giant python's head, and the other person reluctantly rubbed her foot a few times before turning around and disappearing into the cave.    


"This is an extremely poisonous python that Chen Xiaotian fed to guard the cave entrance to prevent intruders. Because I have stayed here for the longest period of time, the job of feeding it fell on my body. Over the years, I have become familiar with this python." I call it Little Flower, and like to confide in it whenever I have anything on my mind. "    


Lu Wangge watched as the other party disappeared. This time, she walked at the front.    


Chen Yu Fei couldn't help but ask, "Since you have such an obedient python as your friend, Chen Xiaotian shouldn't dare to do anything to you, right?"    


Lu Wange gave a wry smile and said, "If Chen Xiaotian was afraid of this python, I would have left a long time ago. Why do you need to stay here for so many years?"    


Chen Yu Fei pondered for a moment, then continued following him, heading deeper into the cave.    


After about 10 minutes, the ground under his feet suddenly became flat and the dim light came from the front. He could even hear the sobbing of the woman.    


"Shh!" It's right in front of us. "    


Lu Wan Ge said in a low voice.    


Wu Zewen walked in front and closed the lighter in his hand, then walked towards the source of the light. After making a big turn, a stone room with an area of over 200 square meters appeared in front of him. Nearly a hundred young and pretty women were trapped here, beside them were seven or eight sturdy men with submachine guns patrolling back and forth, full of killing intent.    


Wu Zewen secretly grabbed a handful of stones and suddenly appeared at the door of the stone room. He whistled at the security guards before they could even react.    


Chi chi chi chi chi!    


Dozens of stones shot towards the security guards like bullets.    


"Ah …"    


A few miserable screams sounded out, followed by a burst of machine gun sounds. Three of the security guards had deep holes in their foreheads, blood and flesh splattered in every direction, and they died on the spot.    


The remaining security guards looked at their comrades' deaths with fear in their eyes. Their throats rolled as they stared at the stone chamber's door. They had only seen a black shadow flash past quickly before their companions fell to the ground, screaming in pain.    


They couldn't tell if this was a human or a ghost!    


"What the hell is this thing? It's sneaking around, come out if you have the ability!"    


Several security guards bravely said, and immediately after, the sound of a woman struggling could be heard inside the cave. Without asking, it was obvious that it was used by them as a shield.    


At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew in from the entrance of the stone room. A woman wearing a white dress suddenly appeared in the previously empty room. Her face was covered by her long hair, and her feet floated on the ground as she spoke with a hoarse voice.    


"I died so miserably. Give me back my life!" You were the one who pushed me off the cliff, return my life to me. "    


The voice seemed to come from the depths of hell.    


"Ah …"    


Some of the security guards couldn't bear the shock and started firing at the white-clothed female ghost, but there was no trace of her.    


Only the bullets made sparks on the wall.    


Just when they thought that they were seeing things, a shadow suddenly flashed by. Chi chi chi. Another three security guards fell to the ground without a sound, a bloody hole appearing in the middle of their brows.    


The remaining security guard was scared out of his wits. He held the woman in front of him and said while trembling, "Listen, listen, listen. I … I don't care if you're a human or a ghost. If you dare to come again, I'll kill her."    


The barrel of the gun was pressed against the woman's temple, causing her to scream in fear.    


Just as he was about to pull the trigger due to his extreme nervousness, he suddenly felt a cold object crawling up his feet, followed by a sharp pain coming from his gun hand.    


"Ah …"    


The security guard cried out miserably. Looking carefully, his arm was actually bitten off by a mottled python. The gun fell against the wall and the missing arm was swallowed by the mottled python in one gulp.    


The guard in pain covered his severed arm and kept rolling on the ground. Only then did Wu Zewen walk in with his men.    


It turned out that the ghost lady who appeared at the entrance of the stone room was the one who was using her qinggong to hug Lu Wangge from behind. Of course, he was watching the guards' every movement through the gaps of Lu Wangge's hair with great concentration. The moment they shot, he carried Lu Wangge and disappeared from the stone room's entrance.    


At this time, the frightened last guard was in high alert. At this time, a gun was most likely to go off fire, so with a series of soft grunts from Lu Wan's mouth, she summoned the mottled python and silently bit off the other party's arm.    


"Sisters, don't be afraid, I'm coming to save you!"    


When Lu Wangge brought Wu Zewen and company to appear in front of the group of women, no one dared to believe it. They all looked at Lu Wangge and company with disbelief in their eyes.    


"Sisters, we … we have come to save you. From today onwards, we will no longer have to live in the dark. We have been liberated …"    


The group of women in front of her also had complicated expressions on their faces. It was hard to tell if they were happy or sad, but all the grievances they had suffered over the years suddenly gushed out like a flood.    


She had stayed with these people for the longest period of time and had suffered the most humiliation. Her inhuman life for more than ten years had finally come to an end.    


Lu Wangge cried tears of joy and wiped her tears away. Suddenly, she turned around and smiled at Wu Shangwen. That smile was as beautiful and pure as a blossoming flower, and it made even Wu Shangwen's heart tremble.    


Suddenly, she hugged Wu Shangwen and gave him a deep kiss, her burning hot mouth imprinted on his mouth. Surprisingly, there wasn't a single trace of distracting thoughts in Wu Shangwen's heart, because he knew that the other party was using this method to thank him.    


This was a pure kiss on the soul!    


"Thank you!"    


Lu Wangge let go of Wu Shangwen and solemnly bowed to him.    


All of the women behind him kneeled down and said in unison, "Thank you, benefactor!"    


Then, he heavily kowtowed towards Wu Zewen and company, and when he raised his head again, his smooth and fair forehead had already become swollen, and traces of blood were seeping out.    


"Everyone, hurry up and get up. I appreciate your kindness! "    


Wu Shangwen and Chen Yufei hurried over to help the group of women up, but just as they were about to help them up, that person kneeled down again and anxiously said to Lu Wangge, "Evening song, hurry up and get everyone up. This isn't good!"    


Lu Wangge dried her tears and said, "Brother Wu, Officer Chen, it's hard for you to understand the humiliation we have endured all these years. If you came a little later today, some of them would have been sold to the Philippines or Vietnam, or their organs would have been dug out and sold. Now that you have saved us, even our reborn parents, we have nothing to be grateful for, so we could only kowtow a few times! "    


With that, Lu Wange kneeled down in front of Wu Zewen and the others, saying, "Benefactor, please accept my respect!"    


After he finished speaking, he heavily kowtowed. The hundred and ten women behind him followed suit and kowtowed as well. Each time, they heavily hit the ground and kowtowed three times. Their foreheads were already blurry, but they were still very excited. Perhaps only they themselves could understand this feeling.    


Even Chen Yufei, who had always been silent, felt her eyes moisten. At this moment, a sense of pride arose in her heart. She truly understood the true meaning of the three words, 'People's Police'.    


Finally, Wu Zeqing helped everyone up one by one. Looking around, she said, "It's not safe here. Officer Chen, why don't you send your men to a safe place first. Our most important goal right now is to capture Chen Xiaotian." This sentence reminded Chen Yufei.    


She said to the two policemen behind her, "Bring them back to the police station to record their statements!"    


"Yes sir!"    


After saying that, the two armed police officers prepared to bring Lu Wangge and the others away.    


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