My Gorgeous Fiancee

C70 I Owe You a Favor

C70 I Owe You a Favor



Before he could finish his unique cry that even the birds were terrified of, the double-jointed stick in his hand was grabbed by Wu Congwen. No matter how hard he tried to pull it back, he couldn't move it at all.    


It turned out that while evading the rod, Wu Liuwen reacted quickly and grabbed onto it.    


Bang! With a kick, Lin Zhenren fell flat on his face.    


Wu Zewen grabbed the double-jointed stick and casually danced with it. "Let me show you what a true double-jointed stick is!"    


He wanted to say, "Let me show you what real Chinese kung fu is!"    


After thinking about it, the other party was not a pirate, and he was not some national hero, Chen Zhen. Besides, it was just a kidnapping case, and it had not reached such a high level yet.    


"White Snake!"    


Wu continued to shout, and with a swish of the pole under his arm, he crushed a large rock on the iron shelf in front of him without any warning, just like a snake spitting out a snake's core.    




There were actually a few small fries who couldn't help but clap and cheer.    


"Su Qin's Back Sword!"    


「 Whoosh! Whoosh!」 In the time it took to blink a tenth of a second, Wu Ziwen's hands had already exchanged a pair of two-pronged sticks. The wind that he brought along was as sharp as knives in the faces of the small fry closest to him.    


"Overlord, lift the cauldron!"    


"The desert is desolate, the river is full of suns!"    


It was as if the double-jointed stick was given life in the hands of Wu Zewen. Lin Zhenren was unconvinced, so he stood up and led his men over, but before he could get close he was already knocked over. They didn't even see the shadow of the double-jointed stick.    


If Lin Zichen-Shuai's double pole from before was just to look good, then now Wu Shangwen was playing better and more practical.    


"You've lost!"    


Wu Cong-wen threw his double stick in front of Lin Zi-Shuai.    


"A martial arts master of his generation, Xiaolong Li, who has established his boxing skills, swept the world, shaking the ancient era. He is of noble character, what qualifications do you robbers have to worship him? It is not shameful."    


After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the leopard's head which was tied to the back of the chair. However, Chen Wei was still holding onto the leopard's head, as the dagger was pressed against his neck.    


It turned out that Chen Wei had realized that things were not going well and had taken the initiative to control the panther's head. As long as he had the hostage, he would be able to extort the money.    


"Stand there and don't move. If you come over again, I'll kill him!"    


At this point, Chen Wei already knew the power of Wu Shangwen. He only allowed him to stand ten meters away, not daring to stand too close to him.    


"Oh? "What do you mean?"    


Wu Zewen turned around to ask the Lin Zhenren, who was groaning in pain, who was lying on the ground.    


Lin Zhenren stood up and pointed at Chen Wei as he berated him, "Let him go! Lose the battle and you won't lose the battle. If you do that, how am I going to survive on the streets?"    


Chen Wei's facial expression changed. After some hesitation, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "Big brother, I'm afraid that I can't listen to you today. We have no choice but to earn the money.    


"Let him go."    


Lin Zichen-Shuai's face instantly darkened. There was nothing more shameful than your little brother betraying you in public.    


Chen Wei ignored him and shouted, "Leave the money, you — ah!"    


Before he could finish his sentence, he screamed as a bruise appeared on the back of his hand. With a clang, the dagger fell to the ground.    


A figure jumped in through the window. It was Zhao Tielin.    


The two of them had already discussed the countermeasures. Before Wu Shangwen drove into the unfinished building, Zhao Tielin had actually already got off the car, sneakily sneaking to the window where Lin Zhenren and the others were sitting, preparing to wait for an opportunity.    


Seeing this, Wu Zewen rushed forward and kicked away Chen Wei. He picked up the dagger from the ground and cut the rope on the leopard's head.    


Without saying a word, the leopard walked towards Chen Wei. He grabbed the collar of the leopard and smacked the leopard's mouth a few times. Blood was spurting out from the corner of his mouth.    


Seeing that Baozi was fine, Wu Zewen didn't say anything more and picked up his briefcase before leaving.    




Lin Zichen-Shuai stopped Wu Shangwen.    


Wu Zewen turned around and looked at the other party in puzzlement, not knowing what he wanted to say.    


"Wu Shangwen, your martial arts are indeed much higher than mine. I wholeheartedly admit my defeat. However, I will definitely find something for you in the capital city one day." "Let's go!"    


As he finished speaking, Lin Zhenren led Chen Wei away.    


"I have another question to ask you, brother?"    


Wu Zewen suddenly asked Lin Zhenren's back.    




"I just arrived at Phoenix Perch City, I don't have any enemies here, I wonder who paid for you?"    


Although he had already guessed the answer in his heart, he still wanted to confirm it further.    


Lin Zichen-Shuai turned around, although he was reluctant to face the man who had defeated him.    


"I, Lin Zhenren, have never betrayed a friend. "But I also respect you for being a man. Let me remind you, think about who you offended in Xifeng City."    


With that, he led his men away.    


Even though the other side didn't say it explicitly, Wu Congwen was certain that this was what the manager Liu of Fengyuan juice did this afternoon.    


"Big Brother, I'm really sorry!"    


Leopard Head lowered his head and said.    


"Now is not the time to talk about this. Let's hurry back to the hotel, Wang Fei is still there, don't fall for his opponent's trick to lure him away."    


Wu Shangwen's words reminded the two of them that if anything happened to Wang Fei, they wouldn't be able to go back and explain things to Ye Mengyi.    


Just as Lin Zhenren left and Wu Zewen and co. went downstairs, dazzling car lights pierced the dark night as they sped towards them. One could vaguely see the flashing lights in the car.    


Seeing the two of them not coming back for a long time, Wang Fei was worried that something might have gone wrong, so he called the police and tracked them down here.    


Seeing that the kidnapped hostage had been successfully rescued, the police made a statement and took some photographs.    


But when they asked about the criminal's identity, Wu Congwen didn't say anything, he only said that the criminal didn't see the criminal's face clearly in the dark.    


The reason why Wu Zewen didn't tell Lin Zhenren was because he knew Lin Zhenren would keep his word and wouldn't go back on his word.    


On the other hand, he had a longer term plan. In the future, he would definitely go to Phoenix Perch City to take a drink for Le Keke. Once this enemy was established, there would always be a hidden danger; in any case, the other party was hired by someone and had no enmity with him.    


Besides, even if he told them, no one could guarantee that he didn't have a relationship with them. As the saying goes, a strong dragon won't crush a snake on the ground.    


Wu Shangwen naturally knew what was going on in his heart.    


The police, seeing that they could not get any answers out of him, decided to pack up!    


Wu Zewen and the others left as well.    


Lin Zhenren, who was hiding in the dark, watched as Wu Shangwen left. He had clearly heard the other party's words just now.    


"Brat, I, Lin Zhirong owe you a favor!"    


On the way back, Wu Shangwen didn't blame the leopard, as everyone had their own shortcomings. In the future, they would just need to eat a little bit and grow some intelligence.    


The more he was like this, the more Bao Tou felt like he owed Wu Lie.    


After a false alarm, everyone was speechless for the entire night.    


On the second day, Wu Zewen and company arrived at the Le Keke beverage factory on time.    


Assistant Jiang had been waiting in front of the door for a long time. When he saw Wu Zewen's car come over, he hurriedly greeted it and arranged for people to open the car door for Wu Zewen.    


"Chief Shen, our Boss has been waiting for a long time. "Please come in!"    


Wu Zewen's heart stirred as he asked, "What is the surname of your CEO?"    


"Surnamed Zhou."    


"I wonder if this person is Zhou Hongchang's son, Zhou Yongxin?"    


Wu Zewen thought to himself.    


Assistant Jiang and the others invited Wu Shangwen, Wang Fei, and the others into the factory.    


Just as everyone was walking in, a young man with his hair standing on ends walked out of the dilapidated office. He walked towards Wu Zewen and company with a smile on his face and stretched out his hands from afar to show a warm welcome. This person was about the same age as Wu Zewen and had an ordinary appearance, but his eyes were especially bright and spirited.    


However, Wu was able to detect a trace of anxiety between his brows, and this person did indeed look a little similar to Zhou Hongchang.    


Hehe, this must be CEO Shen! Hello, hello. "I'm the general manager of Le Coco Drink. My surname is Zhou, and my name is Zhou Xingda. Here's my name card."    


After saying that, the other party handed over the name card with both hands. A sliver of disappointment appeared in Wu Zewen's heart as he received the name card with both hands and handed one over to him.    


Zhou Xingda hurriedly stretched out his hands to receive it, then he and Assistant Jiang brought Wu Zewen and the others into the office and sat them down.    


After a few pleasantries, Zhou Xingda smiled and said, "Boss Shen, your assistant Jiang Yi has already told me that you're able to choose our Happy Cocoa Drink. This shows that you have a good eye. Here are some ingredients. Please take a look."    


As he finished speaking, Zhou Xingda handed a stack of materials over to Wu Shangwen, and Wang Fei who was beside him reached out to take it. Wu Shangwen glanced at it, and found that it was about the product certificate, hygiene certificate, and quality inspection report of the merry cocoa beverage, which was stamped with the official seal of all levels of government of Xifeng, proving that the beverage had been sold after a strict quality inspection.    


This point had already reached the bottom of Wu Shangwen's heart, because in the process of Le Cocoa Drink being sold in the Bentonite supermarket, there were no complaints from consumers about the quality of their products.    


But now that he thought about it, he had some lingering fear. Back then, he did not know much about this product, yet he dared to bring it into the supermarket and push it into the market.    


Ye Mengyi must have realized this, but when Wu Congwen brought up the idea of pushing Le Keke into the supermarket, the other party had readily agreed to this completely unfamiliar drink. He knew that Wu Shangwen was doing this out of respect for him.    


Wang Fei read through the documents in detail, then nodded at Wu Zewen, implying that all of the documents were real.    


"How much money does it take to be an agent?" Wu Shangwen asked straightforwardly.    


When Zhou Xingda heard the question, he knew that the other party was definitely interested in cooperating. Otherwise, he would not have asked this question, and would have said it sincerely.    


"Director Shen also knows that we, Le Keke, haven't been in the market for that long. If we're going to be an agent, we won't be as impulsive as the other big drinks manufacturers, who can buy millions of products. Our initial investment should be enough for a first-tier city like Beijing with four to five hundred thousand yuan."    


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