My Gorgeous Fiancee

C56 An Inexplicable Sense of Security

C56 An Inexplicable Sense of Security

Ye Mengyi heard it and a faint trace of melting appeared on her face.    


"Cough, cough …"    


Wu Shangwen didn't think that his influence would be so profound.    


"What's the matter, Department Head Wu, do you want some water?"    


One of the female secretaries passed Wu Shangwen a bottle of mineral water.    


Wu Zewen opened the lid and found four unmarked BMW passing by them. After four or five minutes, the four vehicles came back.    


"He went and came back, especially on the highway."    


Wu Zewen immediately felt a wave of depression in his heart.    


At this moment, the Hummer in front of them came to a screeching halt.    


The two cars behind also had to stop.    


Through the window, Wu Cong-wen saw that the four BMWs were blocking the front of the Hummer.    


Four doors of the BMW opened, and a total of twenty young men with shaved heads alighted from it. Some of them even had tattoos engraved on their bodies, indicating that they were no pushovers.    


At this time, Zhao Tielin and the four bodyguards also got off the car.    


"Your Hummer just whacked the tails of all four of my carriages. Cut the crap. Take four hundred thousand and you can leave immediately."    


The leader was a young man wearing sunglasses and had a black viper tattooed on his neck. He pointed at the broken taillights of the BMW as he arrogantly spoke.    


Zhao Tielin thought to himself, 'I've met someone who has a magnetic influence. I intentionally drove my car into someone else's car to extort money.'    


Because there were basically no police patrols on this stretch of highway, and there were only a few cars coming and going. It was also a place where accidents happened frequently.    


Zhao Tielin cursed in his heart. Two days ago, he had heard that there were many incidents where the BMW touched magnetism on the highway, but he didn't notice it at the time. He didn't expect it to happen to him now.    


The task now was to rush for time, and he had to reach his destination within half an hour.    


"Bro, everyone is out here to mess around. I'll give you twenty thousand yuan, how about it?" We are still in a hurry. "    


"You can think of twenty thousand yuan to pay for this, but you're trying to get rid of the beggar. If you don't take out four hundred thousand yuan today, none of you can leave. Brothers, plunder this fellow for me."    


Following the order given by the man in shades, the people behind him opened the trunk of the BMW one by one. Hualala, some of them took out big machetes, some held titanium rods, and a few men with rifles at the back of the queue.    


Zhao Tielin was dumbfounded. Originally, if the opponent only had sabers, batons, and the like, then it would have been fine. However, if they fought head on, a one-sided situation was bound to happen.    


Ye Mengyi saw that there was no intention to give way in front of her car, so she called Fan Yongjian who was in the car behind her.    


"CEO Fan, I don't care what happens up ahead. I'll give you ten minutes to settle it immediately."    


Ye Mengyi hung up the phone after she finished her sentence. Her voice sounded like the queen giving her orders from a high vantage point.    


He saw the Hummer's door open and Yu Yongjian alighted from it. Anxiety could be seen on his face.    


Once he understood what was going on, he said angrily, "Huang Tianhua, what's the difference between your actions and robbery? I'm going to call the police."    


After he finished speaking, he was about to make a call.    


"Pa!" Before he could put the phone to his ear, it was slapped away by the man in shades.    


Immediately afterwards, a cold gun barrel was pointed at Fang Yongjian's forehead, and the man in shades bellowed, "The police will be here for half an hour. By the time they arrive, your father will have long escaped." If he didn't hand over four hundred thousand today, he would use this Hummer to pay the bill. "Of course, there are also the beauties in the car in the middle, hehe …"    


The man in shades laughed lewdly as he walked towards the car Ye Mengyi was sitting in.    


The two secretaries shivered in fear while Ye Mengyi remained calm, showing the bearing that a female boss should have.    


"Don't lock the door!"    


Wu Shangwen said on the side in a low voice.    


Ye Mengyi nodded silently.    




The man in shades opened the car door. When he saw Ye Mengyi, the eyes behind the glasses went straight. He had never seen such a beautiful girl before. He smiled lewdly as he extended his hand to pick up Ye Mengyi's round chin.    


Unexpectedly, when his hand was halfway there, a cold light flashed, and a sharp dagger was pressed against his throat.    


He and Ben didn't even have time to react as the cold knife had already blocked his mingmen. It was Wu Shangwen who had taken advantage of the split-second when the opponent was distracted to make his move.    


"Put the gun down! Otherwise, you guys just wait to collect his corpse. " Wu Shangwen said in a loud voice as he slightly pressed on the blade with his hand, causing a trace of blood to flow out from the other party's neck.    


The man in shades shouted in fear, "All of you, hurry up and put down the bounty. Brave men, we can talk it out, but we can talk it out. Please don't get excited."    


The man in shades' throat was ice-cold. The dagger in Wu Zewen's hand was tightly pressed against his throat, and traces of blood slowly seeped out. If he used even a little bit of strength, blood would immediately splash out.    


However, when Wu Shangwen's gaze swept across the group of bandits, he found that none of them had any intention of putting down the gun. His sword-like eyebrows immediately creased slightly.    


Judging from his posture, he was not here to rob them. He was here for Ye Mengyi!    


This thought suddenly popped into Wu Zewen's mind, scaring him out of his wits.    


Sure enough, one of the bandits raised his rifle and aimed at Ye Mengyi, who was sitting in the car, and shot.    


Zhao Tielin felt slightly better, but his leg muscles had also turned. In the past, they had never seen a bandit armed with a gun while protecting Ye Mengyi, so it was certain that he had come prepared this time.    


Sitting in the car, Ye Mengyi had never felt so close to death before. The two female secretaries covered their ears and screamed in fear.    


In that instant, everyone's heart felt as if it was tightly grasped by death itself.    


Just at that moment!    


Wu Shangwen raised his hand and threw out a golden beam of light.    


Boom! *    


Sparks flew in the air as the bullets were hit by the golden light. The bullets grazed past the roof of the Land Rover's carport, leaving behind shallow marks.    


Actually, that golden light was just an ordinary bronze button. This was the concealed weapon Wu Zewen had placed in his pocket, specially made for him by the old man. It was heavier than an ordinary button, and of course, even if it was occasionally found by someone else, they wouldn't notice it.    


Although the robber didn't see what the shot was, it was still an incredible feat for a hidden weapon to blast the bullet out of the way. However, it actually happened.    


After a brief moment of shock, the robber pulled the safety catch and prepared to fire a second shot.    


This time, how could Wu Zewen give him another chance? Chi chi chi chi. Three golden lights shot towards the three bandits.    


Screams sounded as the trio's wrists were cut open. Blood gushed out as panic spread among the bandits.    


At this time, Zhao Tielin had finally reacted. He led Wang Dahai and the others and rushed towards the bandits, creating a chaotic battle.    


Wu Zewen snorted and kicked the sunglasses man away, smashing the three criminals that were about to charge up to him onto the ground.    


Then, Wu Ziwen rushed forward and snatched a titanium rod from the bandit's hands, swinging it towards his knee. Anyone who got hit by the rod fell on the ground without even having the chance to get up.    


Puff puff puff! In the blink of an eye, it had been put into the hands of several bandits. On the other side, when Wang Dahai saw how ruthless Wu Shangwen was, he was also secretly speechless in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't fight with Zhao Tielin that day, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


Wu Zewen was like a valiant cheetah charging into a herd of deer. Wherever he went, no one would stop him. His attacks were vicious and straightforward, often suppressing his opponent within an extremely short amount of time.    


Zhao Tielin, who was standing on the side, was secretly shocked. Without a doubt, he was the best in the security department, but now, he was faster at suppressing the bandits than the other party. Obviously, Wu Shangwen's skill was better than his, even though he didn't want to face this reality.    


Because of the addition of Wu Zewen, the battle turned into a one-sided battle. The bandits were forced to flee, even the leader of the bandits, the sunglasses man, was carried away.    


"Are we letting them run just like that? Should I call the police? "    


After fighting off the bandits, Wu Shangwen walked to the side of the Land Rover and asked Ye Mengyi. Ye Mengyi shook her head. She had encountered too many assassination attempts today.    


He knew that even if he tried to force them, there would be no end to it. If he called the police, his trip would be delayed. In short, it was better for people to have nothing to do than anything.    


"No need, let's get in the car and go. "Don't waste time."    


Ye Mengyi said. From the beginning to the end, she didn't get off the car. With this man here, she felt an inexplicable sense of security and reliance.    


Wu Caiwen was about to turn around and walk away, but he was stopped by Zhao Tielin. The latter patted his shoulder and smiled at him, then returned to the car without saying anything.    


However, from the look in the other party's eyes, Wu Shangwen could see the gratitude in the depths of his eyes.    


There was no need to say too much between men. Sometimes a single glance was enough.    


Wu Zewen returned to the car, and the team started moving again, leaving in a cloud of dust.    


Ye Mengyi discovered that although Wu Shangwen had gone through a fierce battle, his clothes were spotless.    


"Didn't scare you just now, right?"    


Wu Shangwen said.    


Ye Mengyi felt a bit of gratitude in her heart. The first sentence this man said when he got on the car was not to boast about his achievements, but to care about himself.    


"It's fine. I'm already used to this kind of life."    


Ye Mengyi pursed her lips and smiled. However, there was a trace of bitterness in her eyes as she looked at Wu Zewen.    


After hearing this, Wu Shangwen suddenly felt that the other person's heart wasn't as strong as it looked on the surface.    


"It seems like it is not easy for the famous celebrities who are in the limelight to do the same. Actually. "From the time your son was kidnapped to the two assassins we met that night, these people were actually here for you, right?"    


Wu Shangwen looked at the other party and asked.    


Ye Mengyi stared at her with her devastatingly beautiful face and suddenly laughed, "What's wrong? Are you scared?"    


"It's not that I'm afraid, I'm just sighing emotionally!"    


Wu Shangwen said.    


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