My Gorgeous Fiancee

C51 Whimsical Thinking

C51 Whimsical Thinking

He immediately shook his head to get rid of the random thoughts running through his mind. Then, he told Ye Mengyi everything that had happened.    


The most important part of the document was to verify whether Ye Mengyi, the document in Zhao Wenshan's hand, knew or not.    


Ye Mengyi quickly opened her laptop after listening to Wu Zewen's words, and looked at the recent emails. Her long and seductive eyes narrowed into slits, and she said, "The manager of the ninth branch, Zhao Wenshan, sent a document over. You came here to see if the contents are in accordance with what you said?"    


With that, he turned his laptop over to Wu Shangwen, whose eyes fell on the document. As he watched his face turn ashen, the more he read, the more angry he became.    


Zhao Wenshan had actually said that he had colluded with the prisoner, Li Shi, to rob the goods and materials of the supermarket, and lost more than a hundred thousand yuan. Luckily, he had discovered this very early and promptly reported it to the police, saving part of the supermarket's losses and causing the suspect to be apprehended.    


In short, the whole document's content was to describe Wu Zongwen as a sinner who ate everything inside out, then he, Zhao Wenshan, would appear on the scene and turn into a hero who actively fought against criminals in order to protect the company's property.    


"Boss Ye, what do you think of this matter?"    


Wu Shangwen suppressed the anger in his heart and asked.    


Ye Mengyi said, "I gave him an answer, asking him to provide some practical evidence. I never thought that this Zhao Wenshan would secretly pass on the imperial edict and fire you."    


Ye Mengyi lit up a cigarette and took a drag, a cold light flashing across her long and narrow eyes.    


Wu Shangwen silently looked at the seductive and charming young woman in front of him and didn't say anything to disturb her.    


After a long while, Ye Mengyi finished smoking and crushed the cigarette butt in the ashtray. Then she said, "I will talk to Manager Gao Qiang about this. I believe that I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer. "    


After Wu Zewen heard this, the anger in his heart subsided a little. He placed the drink Wang Changlin brought along with him on the table and said, "This kind of drink called Le Keke was sold by a university student to treat his mother's cancer. It's been a dozen times already, but we haven't been able to find you."    


"I got it. You can leave it here. After that, I will investigate this supplier and wait for my notification. Oh, leave your contact details."    


Ye Mengyi said.    


Wu Zewen immediately left his phone number on the other party's phone. Seeing that he had basically achieved his goal for coming here, he stood up and said, "In that case, I won't disturb Boss Ye anymore. Goodbye."    


After which, he stood up and walked out.    


Ye Mengyi smiled and personally sent him out.    


Looking at the man's back as he left, Ye Mengyi tried to find the mysterious feeling in her heart, but it was hard to find it. She shook her head and sighed. Could it be that this feeling could only be found in dreams?    


When the beautiful ladies at the reception desk saw Wu Zewen walk out of Director Ye's office with a smile on his face, they started whispering to each other. They did not know who this man was, but it was their first time seeing him walk out of the office in person.    


In addition to Ye Mengyi's identity as the host, she also had an even more important identity.    


After the guests left, Wu Shangwen relaxed quite a bit. Although this Director Ye looked to be around 30 years old, he was very experienced in handling matters, and would definitely give him justice.    


"Brother Wu!"    


Wu Zewen heard someone calling for him and looked up to see it was Wang Changlin.    


Today, after Wang Changlin had taken care of his mother, he rushed over at around 9 in the morning to try his luck. However, as usual, he closed the door.    


Since he wasn't willing to give up, he sat here and waited for Wu Shangwen to come over. The two of them discussed and came up with a plan, and at that moment, Wu Shangwen walked out of the supermarket.    


"Brother Wu, you..." He had already entered! Have you seen the person we met? "    


Wang Changlin asked subconsciously.    


Wu Zewen laughed and said, "If I can't see him, can I stay inside for so long!?"    


"So you saw it. Well, what did he say?"    


Wang Changlin asked hurriedly.    


"Don't worry, she already left that bottle of beverage behind. If there's no big problem, I think there should be an answer soon. Go to the hospital and take care of your mother. Once there's any news, I will inform you." "Oh, by the way, which hospital is your mother in now?"    


Wu Shangwen asked.    


"At the Dongping Hospital in the northern part of the city. If it wasn't for the money you gave me, my mother would have stopped taking medicine. Thank you, Brother Wu, for the money. I will definitely pay you back."    


Wang Changlin's tone was sincere and from the bottom of his heart.    


Although the other party's conditions were embarrassing, at least he still had parents to be filial. Although he treated the old man like his own daughter, in his heart, he had always been envious of those children who could cuddle up and act like a spoiled child in his parents' arms. He couldn't help but feel a burst of jealousy in his heart.    


At this moment, the phone in his pocket rang. When he picked it up, he realized it was from Baby Fan.    


"I have urgent matters to attend to downstairs at my company."    


Baby Van hung up.    


Wu Zewen was surprised. The man sounded serious. Could it be that something had happened? He wanted to say goodbye to Wang Changlin, so he took a taxi to the Ou Group.    


Euclidean Group.    


Omin Jane was standing in front of the wide glass floor of her private office, looking at the parking lot in front of the building.    


Five minutes ago, as she was walking past Baby Fan's office in the bathroom, she overheard him on the phone.    


"No wonder you want to ask for a leave of absence, so you're going on a date!"    


After Omin Jie quietly returned to her office, she had been standing in front of the glass with a cup of coffee, wanting to see how this Wu continued to change after a few months had passed.    


A taxi stopped on the square in front of the Ou Family group. The car door opened and Wu Zewen got off. Her gaze swept around and found that baby Fan's land cruiser was parked not far away, so she walked over immediately.    


At this time, baby Fan came out from the building. He looked at Wu Shangwen with a smile that was not a smile, causing the latter to feel goosebumps all over his body.    


From the looks of it, the other party was still angry at Wu Shangwen for putting on her panties.    


"What's the matter?"    


Wu Shangwen pretended to be calm as he asked.    


Baby Fan reached out and pinched his waist, then rebuked: "You want to get over it like this with my panties on? I tell you it's not that easy. Get in the car. "    


After saying that, she opened the door and sat in the front passenger seat.    


Wu Congwen took the car keys from the other person's hand and started the engine. The cruiser let out a low roar and left in a cloud of dust.    


Actually, when Baby Fan got on the car, he felt a pair of eyes staring at the two of them from upstairs. The woman's intuition told her that her boss actually still had the shadow of Wu Zongwen in his heart.    


Upstairs, Ominous sighed inwardly as she watched the cruiser depart.    


"Where are we going?"    


Wu Shangwen asked as he drove.    


"Are you really dumb or are you just pretending? You give me my panties... It's worn out, causing me to not have any panties to wear anymore. In short, you'll have to buy a new pair with me today. "    


Actually, she wanted to say that you had broken my panties, but she felt that it was inappropriate.    


"Actually, I really didn't see clearly in the dark that day."    


Wu Shangwen tried to defend himself, but the more he described it, the darker it became.    


"Then why don't you turn on the light? You must have been worried about being seen by me. Who knows if you have been wretched with my other clothes? "    


Baby Fan said in an aggrieved tone.    


"No, I …"    


"I what me!"    


"I have nothing more to say."    


The grievance in Wu Shangwen's heart was enough to make a heavy snowfall in the June sky.    


"Since you have nothing to say, you must obediently follow me today to buy the clothes."    


"What an outrageous person, is there even any justice in this world!?"    


Wu Zewen muttered softly.    


"What are you mumbling about?"    


"Oh, I was thinking about what kind of panties I'd buy you. "Forget it, you'll know after you put it on for me to see!"    


The moment Wu Shangwen said those words, he realized that he had said the wrong thing and hurriedly shut his mouth.    


"Rogue!" I knew you think of all this nonsense in your head. "    


baby Fan scolded.    


In front of a high-end clothing store.    


"Go in and pick. I'll wait for you outside."    


Wu Zewen looked at the dazzling array of clothes inside and thought to himself, "How can a grown man have the face to go in there?"    


Who knew that Baby Fan would pull him and say, "Didn't you say you want me to see which one is suitable for me to wear? How can I not come in!"    


Wu Zewen was exasperated, so he had no choice but to follow Baby Fan inside.    


As soon as he entered, he smelled a faint fragrance, and Wu Shangwen's line of sight was immediately attracted by all kinds of ladies' clothes and pants.    


There were all sorts of colors, including a fiery red, romantic ocean blue, and alluring leopard stripes. It made his throat roll up and down.    


"Sir, a new batch of ladies are here to buy one for your lover!"    


The clerk was a woman in her early thirties.    


Since the girl was willing to let the boy accompany her to buy clothes for her, it would be a relationship of a man and a woman who were in bed, even if they weren't husband and wife.    


Wu Shangwen felt a burst of embarrassment as he thought: I'm still going to work alone. As for the man, if I were to go home and talk to the old man, he would definitely scold me like a dog that was spitting blood.    


"No need, I'll just wear it like this, that … It's too expensive! "    


Baby Fan said as he held a black mask in front of the mirror.    


On the other hand, Wu Shangwen was thinking that before he left the mountain, the old man had told him that if he really liked a girl, he had to think of all sorts of ways to fulfill all of her wishes.    


He immediately said, "No, no, no. Take us to pick that thing …" It's pretty funny, Little Yi. "    


Living in the mountains all year round, how could Wu Shangwen possibly know what Qing-jie Xiaoyi was!    


Baby Fan was shocked. He turned his head to Wu Shangwen and said in a low voice: "You ate the wrong medicine, right? You don't need that."    


Wu Zewen thought that the other party was saving money by saying this. He felt touched as he said, "Don't worry, I don't necessarily lose my job. I'll buy whatever you're optimistic about today."    


Baby Fan felt his head grow several times larger.    


When the two of them brought baby Fan to the Sale of Sweets, he realized that he had made another mistake.    


The tall plastic model was dressed in seductive and voluptuous clothes. Some of them were black, with two holes in the front and a gap in the lower abdomen; some of the low-waisted pants were just symbolic of having a poppy stitched in front; and some of the clothes, such as the flight attendants, nurses, and students' clothes, were seductive and sexy.    


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