My Gorgeous Fiancee

C71 Recognize Difficulties

C71 Recognize Difficulties

"So, what month are the products in our warehouse?"    


Wu Shangwen asked.    


He had already noticed this when the other customers were investigating the beverages, and Wang Fei had warned him again last night.    


As expected, when this question was brought up, the anxiety between Zhou Xingda's brows increased even more. He let out a light sigh, saying sincerely: "Boss Shen, I won't hide it from you. The goods in the warehouse are all from March of this year."    


When Wu Zewen heard this, his eyebrows knitted together. It was December and this beverage shop only had a shelf life of 11 months. That meant it was only two months away from the deadline.    


In addition, it was the off-season when drinks were sold, so it was impossible to sell products in large scale supermarkets that were close to their shelf life.    


If Ye Mengyi hadn't gone through the back door, this old account wouldn't have been able to get in.    


It's still two months away from the guarantee date, and now is the off-season for the sales of drinks. Furthermore, Le Keke doesn't have much recognition in the market, Manager Zhou, if you were me, would you be acting as the agent for this kind of product?    


Wu Shangwen raised an eyebrow and asked.    


He looked at Assistant Jiang, who naturally knew what his boss was thinking, and said: "How about this, I'll give you two dollars per case, and goods that cost four hundred thousand yuan at once will save you twenty or thirty thousand yuan."    


Seeing that the real person didn't reveal his trump card, Wu Shangwen coldly snorted, stood up and said in a very stylish manner: "Secretary Wang, let's go. "It seems like the other party does not have the sincerity to cooperate at all."    


Finished speaking, he walked towards the door. Wang Fei, the leopard head and Zhao Tielin followed closely behind.    


He hurriedly stood up, blocking Assistant Jiang in front as he said with a smile: "Boss Shen, why did you leave just now? Assistant Jiang didn't understand the situation earlier, was the price easy to negotiate?"    


"Yeah, CEO Shen. I am indeed not too sure about the price.    


Assistant Jiang hurriedly said.    


"Humph!" Director Zhou, everyone knows what's going on. Truth be told, this batch of goods will all become useless in the next two months. They won't even have the worth of running water. It was already good that someone was buying it now. "Give me a 50% discount. If it's alright, then I'll give you a deposit today."    


When Wu Zewen finished speaking, everyone present was shocked. This was no different from extortion!    


Their expressions immediately changed. From the looks of it, if not for the fact that they were obstructing Zhou Xingda, they would have opened their mouths to send him off.    


Even Wang Fei, the leopard head and the rest were shocked. If it was them, they would not be able to say such a thing.    


The reason was very simple. It was just like when you went to buy clothes. For clothes worth a thousand yuan, you had to give them five hundred yuan. It was no different from scolding people.    


But Wu Shangwen dared to say it out loud.    


Just as he finished speaking, Sun Han, the financial manager who was sitting next to Zhou Xingda, said: "This definitely won't do. With this, our factory will lose more than 200,000 yuan."    


Ignoring Sun Han, he turned to Zhou Xingda and said: "Since you don't like to see losses, you can look for a partner who is willing to represent this beverage and offer a price higher than mine. I've already explained Director Zhou's reasoning very clearly, and I don't want to repeat it, you can consider it."    


Finishing his words, Wu Shangwen stood up and left, with Wang Fei and the rest following behind.    


"Why don't you give me more money? Honestly, I'll even give out the wages of the workers."    


Zhou Xingda hurriedly stood up and said.    


When Wu Zewen heard this, he was even more certain of his offer. With a troubled expression, he said, "To be honest, Director Zhou, your lot number is too long. No one wants it even for free."    


Although these words were rather unpleasant to hear, they were the truth. The main point of the supermarket was to protect the reputation and image of the entire store. Although Zhou Xingda and the others had an ugly expression on their faces, they had no choice but to admit this fact.    


"And I wouldn't have come if I hadn't been optimistic about the quality and market prospects of your drink. Of course, I never like to force people to call me when I'm ready. "    


On the other side, Zhao Tielin had already driven the car over. Bao Tou Tou opened the car door, and Wu Zewen sat in the back of the Range Rover, rolling down the windows to bid farewell to Zhou Xingda and the others. After Bao Tiejiao and Wang Fei got on, the Range Rover left in a cloud of dust.    


"Damn it, I never thought that Zhou Xingda would be so hard to talk to. Bro Shen, are we just going back like this?" If it's really no good, give him some eyewitness medicine. "    


Ever since he stirred up trouble last night, the leopard had always been thinking of ways to make up for it.    


"Assistant Wang, what do you think?"    


Wu Shangwen ignored the leopard, and asked Wang Fei, who was sitting beside him.    


The other party was still emitting a faint fragrance, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw the long slender legs with black silk underneath his short professional skirt. It was as if Wu Zewen had once again felt the charming atmosphere from last night in the other party's washroom.    


Of course, it's impossible for Wang Fei to know Wu Zewen's dirty thoughts at this moment. He muttered to himself, "Now let's see which one of us can remain calm." Honestly speaking, CEO Shen, from the bottom of my heart, I don't really approve of you acting on this beverage. The drinks on the market right now are all mixed up in different kinds of things, but the only things that consumers approve of are the big brands such as Fengyuan juice, Coca-Cola and so on. Since the other party does not agree, in my opinion, that's fine. "    


Wu Shangwen chuckled and said, "That's because I've never made Happy Coco before."    


This sounded a little arrogant at first, but it also exuded a domineering aura.    


Just as the two of them were speaking, Wu Zewen's phone suddenly rang. It was Zhou Xingda.    


"What is it, Director Zhou?"    


Wu Shangwen asked, even though he already knew what the other party was going to say.    


Zhou Xingda had originally wanted to raise the price a little, but seeing how Wu Shangwen was not letting go, after he had left for a dozen minutes, he had decided to sell all of the inventory to Wu Zewen at a fifty percent discount. Although this way, he would lose everything, it was still better than losing everything.    


When signing the specific contract, Wang Fei played a great role. She understood the law, so she took out several contracts that were unfavorable to Wu continued writing, and the two sides once again negotiated until she was satisfied with the result.    


Before leaving, Zhou Xingda patted Wu Shangwen on the shoulder and said in admiration: "Boss Shen is still young. I never thought that business discussions would be so shrewd and your future is so bright!"    


What he said was not polite, but from the bottom of his heart.    


"Director Zhou, you're too kind. If you want to make a merry drink out of this, you'll have to support me in the future."    


"Of course, of course, our interests are all the same!"    


Zhou Xingda said.    


Afterwards, the two of them chatted for a while longer with a smile before Wu Shangwen drove away.    


Regarding the goods, Zhou Xingda had already contacted the vehicles and said that they would be delivered to the headquarters' warehouse at the latest the next day.    


This was the first time he had talked about business. Although it wasn't a lot, the process was very complicated and it was not easy to negotiate.    


The next problem was how to sell the beverages in the next two months.    


It wasn't that Wu Zewen hadn't considered letting Ye Mengyi be his spokesperson. With such a top tier domestic celebrity as his spokesperson, there was nothing that he couldn't sell out.    


However, he did not do so. Firstly, he was a man. If he relied on a woman for everything, then wouldn't he be a pretty boy? Of course, deep down in his heart, he yearned to be cared for by a rich woman.    


Everyone yearned to live a life free of worries.    


However, the most important thing right now was that Ye Mengyi had taken an urgent mission and went to the movies. It was said that she had gone to Hollywood or something.    


By himself, he ate to his heart's content.    


The second day after the arrival of the goods, Wu Zewen immediately brought the leopard head and the other two people to drive a van that would be used by customers to replenish the goods of every branch in the system. But after a round of work, less than 300 boxes were distributed out of the 10,000 boxes of goods in the warehouse.    


He also tried to drive the two of them to every small supermarket, grocery store, and store, but the effect was very little. Even if they didn't want the money to be sold, a lot of them disagreed with it.    


A week passed, and less than four hundred boxes were sold in ten thousand cases.    


At this moment, Wu Zewen finally understood the difficulty of making a market. It was far beyond his imagination. At the same time, he knew how big of a backdoor Ye Mengyi had opened for him.    


In the evening, Wu Shangwen dragged his tired body back to his living quarters.    


Baby Fan had already prepared a sumptuous dinner waiting for him. The other side knew that he had been under a lot of pressure recently, so they came to reward him.    


Only then did he stand up and put away his leopard print pajamas. He then sat in front of the table and looked at Wu Zewen. He chuckled and said, "Hurry up and come over to eat. I've thought of a way to promote a merry cocoa beverage."    


Wu Zewen, who was still complaining in his heart, immediately got up from the sofa and sat at the dining table when he heard Baby Fan's last sentence. He asked curiously, "What's the idea? "Tell me about it."    


"Eat first. I'll tell you after we finish eating."    


"Tell me first, or I won't be able to eat it."    


If Wu Congwen's mental state was not resolved, there would be no taste in whatever he ate.    


Seeing the anxiousness between Wu Shangwen's eyebrows, Baby Fan couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart. After a struggle within his heart, he said: "I think you've been promoting in some small shops these past few days, so why aren't you going to a supermarket like the Oriental Trade?"    


Wu Shangwen knew what the other party was referring to as Eastern International Trade. It was also a large supermarket, and its size was comparable to a regular customer.    


"I've been there, but I can't find the purchasing manager."    


In his heart, he couldn't always be as lucky as when he met Ye Mengyi.    


"Such a small supermarket purchasing manager actually has such a big picture. How about this, you'll be there at around 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. If the other party isn't there yet, then give me a call."    


"Can I call you? Do you know the purchasing manager? "    


Wu Shangwen's face was filled with doubt.    


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