My Gorgeous Fiancee

C227 First Kiss

C227 First Kiss

The boss seemed to be discussing something, but in reality, he already had a chain similar to the one that Omin Jie had hung and passed it to Wu Lie.    


Wu Shangwen looked at Omin Jie, but she didn't say anything. However, her face was a little flushed, and a little awkward was added between the two of them.    


"Okay, then."    


Wu Zewen nodded and took the chain. The boss's eyes immediately narrowed into slits. He turned around and said to Omin Jie beside him, "Little girl, you're so lucky. Your boyfriend looks so handsome and dashing."    


This time, Omin Jie's face was even redder and quickly explained, "No, he isn't my boyfriend."    


The owner was stunned at first, but then he realized something and said, "It's the same with the couple now. My neighbor has a boy who brought a girl back for New Year at the end of last year. Everyone thought it was a relationship between a man and a woman, but when they came back last month, even the children had been born. "It looks like it's popular among young people these days.    


Omin Jie was greatly embarrassed. Wu Shangwen, who was standing to the side, was also exasperated. This person really had a mouth full of trains.    


Omin Jie immediately pulled Wu Zewen along and ran. If they continued to stay here, it was unknown what shocking words this guy would say.    


However, Ou Minjie's reaction just now was fully captured by Wu Congwen.    


Could it be that this girl had feelings for him?    


Otherwise, he wouldn't have been called to her bed last night. Although he was her bodyguard now, there was no reason for him to be on her bed.    


Of course, this didn't exclude the fact that after being kidnapped twice, the other party had developed an extreme sense of insecurity in their surroundings, and hoped that someone could protect them.    


It seemed that he needed to test if Ominous was interested in him.    


At noon, the two of them began to find a place to eat.    


Only now did Wu Zewen realize that there weren't any large 3-star or 5-star hotels in this temple fair. There were only a few specialty snacks and teahouses along the streets, most of which were refurbished from the ancient times, giving people a feeling that they had gone back to the ancient times.    


"This is my first time here, what are the specialties?"    


Wu Shangwen asked.    


Ou Min Jie said, "I know there's a special store called 'Ruyi Soup Dumplings' in front of us. The soup dumplings there are especially delicious and are said to have been made since the Ming Dynasty. It's half past ten, and if we're too late, we won't be able to place the number. The boss only makes eighty drawers a day. "    


"Are there so many that can be sold?" However, if you say it like that, then I will really go and have a taste and see how the Soup Dumplings, which have existed for five to six hundred years, tastes. "    


When Wu Congwen said this, he couldn't help but let out a bit of laughter.    


"Eighty trays is a lot! "You'll see when the time comes that there are still a lot of people who are not on the list."    


Ominous said.    


The two of them chatted as they walked. After ten minutes or so, they arrived at the special store called 'Ruyi Soup Dumplings' mentioned by Omin Jie.    


Wu Zewen took a look and saw that the store's red tiles and red walls were exactly the same as those of ancient times. In front of the store, there was a line of Mercedes-Benz and Hummer parked in front of the parking lot.    


"Not bad, there should still be seats for us."    


Ominous quickly pulled Wu Cong-wen to the back of the line.    


However, just when the two of them stood still, Omin Jie suddenly felt that she was still holding onto Wu Zewen's hand. She quickly let go of her hand, her heart thumping like a little rabbit.    


The whole process seemed very natural, just like a polite handshake between a normal person.    


Soon, the two entered the store. It was the same inside as the outside, it was a retro building with an ancient style.    


Omin Jie skillfully ordered two bowls of Soup Dumplings and four dishes. Then she found a table near the window and sat down.    


After a short while, two steaming hot plates of soup dumplings were served and placed on the table in front of the two of them.    


Two small bowls of vinegar were also served at the same time, one in front of each of them.    


With a glance, Wu Congwen found that there were a total of ten dumplings, each of which was small and exquisite. Each of the dumplings was small and exquisite, and the puckering and puckering were evenly matched, as if they were blossoming flowers.    


Omin Jie rubbed her hands and said, "Good soup dumplings are not only as thin as paper, but they are also very thick-skinned. They shouldn't be broken even if you lift them."    


After she finished speaking, she first breathed out towards the soup box, then while the steam was dissipating, she carefully took out a soup dumpling and placed it in the vinegar bowl in front of her, then lowered her head and blew on it. When it wasn't too hot, she used her cherry lips to hold the dumpling's head and lightly sucked the soup from within.    


"This taste is too delicious, hurry up and try it. Be careful not to burn it. "    


She lowered her head and slowly began to eat the soup dumpling in front of her.    


Wu Zewen also lightly picked one up and placed it in a vinegar bowl. After sucking on the soup, he nodded his head repeatedly. The taste was indeed delicious.    


"This is pretty good, I didn't expect to be able to eat such a distinctive snack here." No wonder it's been circulating for five or six hundred years. "    


Wu Zewen nodded and stuffed the finished Soup Dumplings into his mouth with a single bite.    


"However, the only problem is that the soup dumplings are too small. It would be better if the two of us had six drawers. "    


Wu Shangwen once again put another soup dumpling into his mouth and said.    


Omin Jie laughed and said, "Do you think this is a wholesale operation? Everyone has a limited quantity. It's not bad for us. Look, there are still a lot of people who can't be counted on the list outside. "    


Hearing the other party's words, Wu Shangwen lifted his head and looked out the window. Indeed, he saw many people who came late and left disheartened instead of queuing up.    


The customers sitting in the shop, as expected, each of them had a plate of Soup Dumplings in front of them.    


Wu Zewen shook his head and said, "This is also a method of doing business. It has always been keeping you in suspense and making you forget about this place."    


Omin Jie wiped the grease on her mouth with a wet towel and said, "What's wrong with wandering around? Don't tell me you are obsessed with Yunhai City? Did you notice that there were a lot of beauties here in the past few days? Haven't you ever thought of capturing a target to make your move? "    


Omin Jie smiled playfully as she looked at Wu Shangwen.    


Wu Zewen angrily said, "How can you say that I'm the same as a pervert? I'm an honest man."    


"Just pull it, if you're honest …"    


She wanted to say, 'If you're honest, you could have peeped at me going to the lavatory.' As for Wu Chonglou, he seemed to realize from Omin Jie's expression what she was going to say. He coughed and said, "Of course, there will be some coincidences in life, it's fine if it's normal, it's no big deal."    




Omin Jie was exasperated by Wu Shangwen's words immediately. This guy was way too cheap to be a good person.    


He had peeked at the other party's girl several times, and he even asked her to act normally. He said that it wasn't a big deal, how was that possible?    


Ominous suddenly stood up and walked outside.    


"Hey, hey, wait for me. What do you mean you can just leave? "    


Wu Shangwen hurriedly stood up, went to the bar to pay the bill, and chased out.    


After Wu Zewen finished his meal with Omin Jie, he casually strolled around the temple. It was already 4 PM.    


The afternoon in winter was exceptionally short. By four o'clock, night had already begun to fall.    


Omin Jie bought some more girls' accessories before following Wu Ziwen back. Since they wanted to return to their residence as soon as possible, the two of them took a shortcut.    


It was a small alley with high walls on both sides, especially in winter. The sun could not shine on the road, so the snow from the previous days had just melted. Because the path was bumpy, some mud and water could not help but gather inside.    


As the two walked side by side, they heard the roar of an engine coming from behind them. Wu XIanwen turned around to see a motorcycle speeding towards them, its wheels splashing mud and water everywhere.    


Moreover, this alley was very narrow, and could only fit three people side by side. If a motorcycle came from the back, it would be very easy to bump into people.    


At this moment, Omin Jie was standing outside Wu Shangwen, on the side of the road. When the motorcycle came over and splashed the mud everywhere, Omin Jie instinctively hid in Wu Shangwen's arms like a little bird.    


However, what she didn't expect was that Wu Shangwen was currently looking at his phone, thinking to call baby Fan and tell him that he would be able to return to Beijing tomorrow.    


Who knew that suddenly, a gentle and soft beauty entered his arms, shocking him for a moment. However, almost at the same time, he reacted, quickly holding Omin Jie tightly against the wall.    


One of them kept his head lowered while the other just happened to raise it. Coincidentally, the two actually touched lips.    


Right at this moment, the motorcycle whizzed past them, bringing up a strong wind that caused Wu Shangwen to involuntarily move two steps forward, directly pushing Omin Jie against the wall. Then, this guy's tongue also unsteadily stuck out, reaching into Omin Jie's small mouth.    


Omin Jie was immediately shocked. She had never kissed a man before. Although she had seen it on TV, it was now her turn to test the waters.    


As a result, Omin Jie felt like there was a snake inside her mouth. It wrapped around her tongue and sucked it up.    


After a brief moment of absent-mindedness, Omin Jie came back to reality with a trace of panic in her eyes. This panic was captured by Wu Lie, so when Ou Min began to struggle in his arms, she let go.    


Throughout the entire process, Wu Shangwen allowed nature to take its course, and he looked just like something he had coincidentally encountered in his life.    


Omin Jie lowered her head and blushed. This was her first time kissing since she was born, and this strong woman had fantasized about how romantic the first time was.    


However, he didn't expect it to be in such an environment. Moreover, it seemed like just now, this guy took advantage of the motorbike's passing to kiss him.    


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