My Gorgeous Fiancee

C495 Steamed Day in and Day out

C495 Steamed Day in and Day out

With that, Wu Shangwen was about to untie his belt, but Paris hurriedly covered her burning face and cried out: "No! I was wrong! I was wrong!"    


Wu Zewen's hand stopped, and he snorted coldly: "That's more like it. Don't worry, Big Brother Wu, I'm definitely strong in that aspect. Otherwise, how could I have satisfied my huge harem?"    


Paris touched her burning face, and somewhat embarrassedly said, "I didn't mean that. Big brother Wu, then how do you want me to make it up to you?"    


Wu Zewen smiled and said, "Forget it, why would I need your compensation? Honestly speaking, when I first saw you, my heart had already started beating wildly, so the reason why I left you here is not only to help you, but also to help myself. "Right now, I will not take you. I will only take you when you are willing. Don't worry, I will patiently wait for that day to come."    


Paris looked at Wu Shangwen with some curiosity and asked: "Are you speaking the truth?"    


"Hehe, our country has a saying: 'A man cannot keep up with a horse's back'. Although I am not a gentleman, I cannot keep up with a horse's back either.    


"Oh, I've heard your Chinese words. Do you mean that everything you say is true?"    


Wu Shangwen laughed and said: "That's right, that's exactly what you mean. Such a smart Miss Paris."    


I even know that during the feudal dynasty, especially during the Tang Dynasty in China, you were the center of economic culture in the whole world, just like how we are now in the United States. Furthermore, when you were at the time of Genghis Khan, you took control of the world's largest territory, but it soon broke down. My father said before that your China was a colossus and there was nothing wrong with that. "    


Wu Shangwen laughed: "I know your country, your country likes to study or understand the culture of other countries, and then look for flaws in them, so they use their country's culture area to influence them. Alright, let's not talk about this for now, after all, I don't have any ill intentions towards your country, and I don't lack good feelings for you Americans, especially after meeting the beautiful Miss Paris. After meeting you, my good feelings towards your country rose up a lot. Oh, of course, I mean a good impression of your people, not of the government. "    


Paris shyly nodded her head and said, "I know."    


Wu Shangwen smiled and said: "At the very least, I don't like this kind of way, which is always trying to invade the territories and cultures of other countries. Well, let's not go on talking about it. I promised Miss Paris that I would not send you back, and that I would not possess your body until you were willing to do so. Oh, although I took a huge risk to make you stay here, for the sake of the girls that I'm interested in, these risks are not completely worthless. "    


Paris gratefully said, "Mr. Wu, I'm very grateful and touched by your kind intentions."    


"Hehe, don't continue to call me Mr. Wu. With our Chinese culture, it would be better if you called me Brother Wu."    


"Oh, then I'll call you Brother Wu."    


"Right." Wu Zewen nodded, looked at the time, and smiled, "I can accompany you for another ten minutes or so, then I have to go out and meet someone. Oh, that's right, you know this person as well. He's the fatty who was bidding with me in the hall. "    


Paris frowned slightly and asked, "Him?"    


"That's right, he knows that the person who took your picture is me."    


Paris said with some unease, "He won't know my identity, will he?"    


"No, that's not the case. After all, he has only met you in the Sacred Hall, and has never spoken before. He doesn't even know your character, but I can't offend him if we were to be careful with the ship for ten thousand years, just in case. "    


Paris said somewhat apologetically, "Big Brother Wu, I'm really sorry. It was I who caused you some trouble. I sincerely apologize."    


"There is no need to apologize, there is no need to be polite. "Alright, let's end the conversation here for today. I will come over to see you more often in the future."    


Wu Shangwen stood up, but just as he was about to leave, Paris suddenly called out: "Big Brother Wu, I want to know, do I have to always be trapped in this villa? "Actually, I am very interested in leaving the villa and taking a walk around your city."    


He hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Paris and said, "Alright, I'll come back when I have the time. I'll accompany you out when the time comes, and at the same time dress up, otherwise, if you go out like this, it'll definitely cause a commotion. I have to say, you're too beautiful, an unbearably beautiful man."    


Paris shyly said, "Big Brother Wu, thank you for your praise."    


"No need for formalities. If you have any orders, you can just instruct the servants and bodyguards of the mansion. They will serve you well and do anything for you." I'll go see that person first, and come back when I have time. "    




Paris personally sent Wu Zewen to her own room, and after hearing his words, she didn't directly send him out. Wu Zewen walked out by himself to the courtyard and slowly drove away.    


It just so happened that he didn't have much to do today. Since Aileen had gone with Baby Fan, he could have just gone to see Paris instead. Before this, Wu Lie had thought that no matter how tempting it was, he couldn't take over Paris' body, and as a rational person, he knew that if he really took over this woman's body, especially if the other party didn't willingly take over her body, then it would bring him a lot of trouble in the future. And the reason why Wu Cong-wen left this beautiful young girl, Paris, was not only because of her temptation, but also because of her other intentions.    


He went straight to the private room, pushed open the door, and just happened to see that Schidley was already sitting inside, and only Schidley was by himself. As Wu Shangwen closed the door, Schidley immediately came over to welcome him with a smile, "CEO Wu, CEO Wu, you've finally gotten over it. This brother of mine has been looking forward to seeing you come over, so the two of us can have a good drink together. Haha, it's only noon now, you can casually drink for a few hours. At night, you can just go back and sleep, and then you should be fine, right CEO Wu's afternoon? "    


He smiled and said: "There's nothing much to do in the afternoon. Since Director Shi wants to drink too much, I, Wu Zewen, will accompany you to drink as long as you can. Hehe, it's rare for me, Director Shi, to be such a straightforward person, I, Wu Zewen, will make you my friend."    


Shi Dai laughed, "Since that's the case, why do you continue to call me Boss Shi, we are called this way, it seems like we are on a different level, this way, I see I am also a lot older than you, you can call me Brother Shi, I will call you Brother Wu, just treat it as me taking advantage of you, hahaha, what do you think?"    


"What's there to take advantage of? It's my honor to have a brother like Brother Shi."    


"Haha, I like what you said. This is also my honor. In order to celebrate our brotherhood, let's have a good drink together right now."    


Shi Dudley opened two bottles of beer and poured the glasses for Wu Zewen and himself. He raised the glasses and smiled. "Come on, bro. Let's have a drink first."    


"Alright, Brother Shi is straightforward!" Wu Cong-wen raised his glass and clinked it with Schidley's, and the two of them drank it down in one gulp.    


"Brother, let's see if we have enough dishes. If we don't, I'll take a few more."    


There were a total of six dishes on the table, three meat dishes and three vegetables. Wu Zewen looked and immediately smiled, "We are just two people, there is no need to be so courteous. Old brother, you don't have to be so polite with me. It's enough to eat."    


"Alright, alright then. Come on, let's chat while we eat, haha." Bro, you're getting more and more popular, I'm really envious of you! "    


Wu Shangwen smiled and said, "What's so big that it's not big? It's actually just like that. It's mainly because a group of employees under me are rather good and helpful, which is why business is booming every day."    


"Haha." "Boy, what you're saying makes me want to sneak into your corner."    


"Alright, Brother Shi, if the salary you're offering is high enough, then come and dig it up. I hope that all my employees will have the best development, and the higher the salary, the better."    


"Haha, I'm joking. I'm joking. Actually, employees were indeed important to companies, but the core aspect was still the boss of the company. "Come on, let's get another drink. Don't just focus on eating, we forgot to drink."    


The atmosphere was unusually harmonious, as if two good friends that he hadn't seen for a long time were having a heart to heart conversation here. Wu Jianwen always felt that today, Schidley probably had something else to say to him, but since Schidley didn't say anything, Wu Shangwen naturally wouldn't ask.    


Finally, after the two of them drank five or six bottles of wine, Schidley suddenly put down his chopsticks and the cup in his hand. He looked at Wu Shangwen with a serious expression and said, "Brother, I want to ask you about someone."    


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