Godly Scratch-Off System

C1179 Avenging the Master

C1179 Avenging the Master

At the moment, in Shi Lei's office, he was fiddling with his newly developed gadget. This thing could be called a concealed weapon, and it was also a very interesting thing to talk about.    


However, as he was admiring himself, he suddenly felt a wave of shock. The feeling of the tremors gradually increased from small ones to large, and the amplitude and duration of the tremors gradually increased as well.    


All of this made Shi Lei feel very inconceivable and even started to worry. He was obviously in an office with such a strong defensive system, so why would someone barge in so easily?    


Shi Lei put away all the gadgets that he just developed. After all, he worked hard for a few months, so he didn't want to ruin them just because of a small matter.    


He then started to listen carefully to where this real source of energy was. He first leaned against the wall to listen, then moved his body to the ground, but after listening for a long time, he found nothing.    


"What in the world is this?" Shi Lei said in dissatisfaction.    


He stood up and patted the dust off his hands. The tremors from earlier had disappeared, allowing him to relax. However, just when Shi Lei sat down and was about to take out that little thing to play with, a laser shot over.    


The beam of light hit his beloved object. Those months of painstaking work had instantly turned into ashes before his eyes.    


Anger. Other than anger, there didn't seem to be any other emotion that could better express Shi Lei's emotions. Shi Lei stood up with a bang and stared at the hole that the laser shot out.    


"Everyone come here! Quickly go and find out who is causing trouble outside! " Shi Lei turned on his communicator and said loudly to the guard room.    


But after a few seconds, no one could answer him. All of this became unusual and suspicious, causing Shi Lei, who always had the guts, to worry.    


If the laser beam had moved a little lower to the left, it might have pierced his heart. Everything seemed to have become a lingering fear from what had just happened.    


Seeing that it was impossible to find the person he wanted, Shi Lei decided to face it himself. After all, he had fought alongside Huo Dun back then. No matter what, he had a certain foundation in strength.    


"Who the hell is sneaking around? If you really have the ability, then hurry up and come out and fight me one on one!" Shi Lei shouted with his loud voice.    


However, just as he finished this sentence, another art laser completely penetrated the steel plate in front of him and struck the small piece of furniture on the table behind him. Next came the second, the third …    


The whole house was riddled with holes, but Shi Lei was unharmed. He had been standing there in a daze. Judging from the various marks left on the scene, the other party's shooting skills were clearly very powerful.    


However, there were no injuries on Shi Lei's body. All of these injuries were caused by his beloved things.    


The small items that he had spent months trying to pull out, the gadgets on the table, the secret weapons on the cabinets, all of them had been destroyed without exception. It was as though the other party was trying to make him feel uncomfortable on purpose.    


"What the hell are you guys? Come out right now!" Shi Lei finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart. He started to crazily rush towards the cave entrance that was shot by the first laser beam.    


Shi Lei took out a round ball from his side. When he threw it forward, an extremely hard barrier immediately appeared in front of him.    


This was a type of machine that was carried on Shi Lei's body, and it was also the defense tool he was most proud of. Now that he had put this thing on the table, he didn't believe that he wouldn't be able to block the opponent's attack.    


Following that, another laser beam shot in and struck the defensive barrier, completely absorbing the light.    


"What do you guys think you are doing?" Shi Lei said angrily.    


He squatted down and peeked out through the hole left by the laser. There was a black spaceship outside, but he could not tell what was inside.    


Shi Lei took out an object the size of a thumb from behind him. With a light tap of his finger, the object turned into an exceptionally long telescope. He looked at the telescope and saw that it was Liao Xiaoduo.    


"It's actually this bastard!" If I knew earlier, I would have killed this bastard! " Shi Lei gritted his teeth as he mumbled to himself.    


It wasn't that Shi Lei didn't think about it in the past, but Lee Qing had been blocking the way the entire time, so this matter was constantly postponed.    


"Now that he has already delivered himself to our doorstep, what's more, he is taking the initiative to provoke us anyway." "If I send someone to kill him this time, Lee Qing definitely won't be able to say anything, right?" Shi Lei muttered in his heart.    


He jumped out of the defensive barrier and rushed out of the wall, leaving a huge hole in the wall.    


When Shi Lei was standing on the roof outside, his entire body was covered by a steel armor. And behind this steel armor, appeared a few more powerful looking rail guns.    


"I've been thinking of looking for you for a while, but I didn't think that you would actually send yourself over. Now, don't blame me for not showing mercy." Shi Lei pinched his fingers and said proudly.    


After saying that, the two of them flew in the direction of the spaceship. Shi Lei's palms were still aiming at Liao Xiaoduo's spaceship. Suddenly, two beams of laser light shot out, preparing to break Liao Xiaoduo's spaceship apart.    


The key point was that Liao Xiaoduo's reaction was also very fast. Just as the laser was about to touch the ship's fuselage, he quickly twisted the spaceship and dodged the fatal strike.    


"You can hide, but you can't hide from fifteen!" Shi Lei laughed at him.    


However, at this moment, Liao Xiaoduo jumped out of the spaceship and appeared in front of Shi Lei.    


All of these things happened so suddenly that even Shi Lei himself was dumbfounded and didn't react at all.    


"I'm here to avenge my teacher!" Liao Xiaoduo said word by word.    


Shi Lei quickly raised his hand and a laser beam hit Liao Xiaoduo in the chest, knocking him back dozens of meters.    


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