Supreme Magic Doctor In City

C126 Planting Medicinal Material

C126 Planting Medicinal Material

On the way back, Lin Qing pondered over the arrangements of the various personnel. The accountant was Li Xiaoxiang, but for the two factories, Li Xiaoxiang would definitely be busy. As long as she was the accountant manager, she would have to find two assistants for her; after all, the winery needed an accountant, and the pharmacy also needed an accountant.    


In addition, the car office director can choose from the village, the general manager position can be made by Zhao Menglu.    


As for the overseer of the medicine factory, Lin Qing planned to let Mu Nell do it. After all, she was already familiar with these matters, so she was the most suitable and the most relieved to Lin Qing.    


He just didn't know if she had the time. In addition, there were all kinds of technical staff, as well as the core ingredients. All of the drug refiners needed to trust her.    


After all, this was his first time starting such a large company, and he was still lacking in certain areas.    


After some thought, Lin Qing gave Zhao Meng Lu a call.    


Lin Qing told Zhao Meng Lu about this matter, and Zhao Meng Lu naturally agreed.    


Mu Nell was fine as well, as the medicine business was not doing well recently, and so was she.    


After chatting for a while, Lin Qing hung up the phone and went to Li Xiao Xiang's house.    


Li Xiaoxiang had just woken up and was cleaning up in her room.    


"Brat, what are you doing here in the day?"    


Li Xiaoxiang's face was rosy and her charming eyes were filled with a smile. She looked quite charming.    


It was the first time that Lin Qing had seen Li Xiaoxiang's enchanting appearance, and he felt an impulse in his heart.    


"Sister-in-law Xiao Xiang, why do you think you're so beautiful?"    


Lin Qing laughed mischievously as he held Li Xiaoxiang in his arms. His dishonest hands wandered over her body.    


Not long after, Li Xiaoxiang's face turned red and her seductive eyes were full of spring.    


"Smelly brat, don't act recklessly in the middle of the day. It would be bad if others see this."    


Li Xiaoxiang said with a red face, but she did not fight over Lin Qing's embrace.    


"I know.    


Sister-in-law Xiang, I'm getting ready to start work. You're an accountant, so just be an accountant director.    


"In addition, I'll arrange for two people to be in charge of the pharmacy and winery for you."    


Speaking of proper business, Lin Qing also turned serious.    




Li Xiaoxiang's eyes lit up with excitement.    


Before, she had said that she didn't want to make a vase and that she wanted to help Lin Qing with his work. Now that she had heard Lin Qing's arrangement, Li Xiaoxiang was very satisfied.    


"Of course, why would I lie to you about something like that?"    


Lin Qing said with a smile.    


"Brat, I didn't let you bully me for nothing."    


Li Xiaoxiang smiled and offered her a kiss.    


After a kiss, Li Xiaoxiang said again, "Qingzi, are you looking for two accountants? I know a few over here, so I can help you find them.    


"Don't worry, it's absolutely reliable."    


"Sure, it's even better if we can find it.    


For wages, everyone will get three thousand yuan per month and will be able to work in a few days. "    


Lin Qing said with a smile.    


"So many? They're only a thousand and eight hundred a month in the county. "    


Li Xiao Xiang said in surprise.    


"You won't treat anyone unfairly here. Just tell them that the salary will be as I say.    


There would also be various benefits in the future.    


As for you, you can set it at ten thousand every month for now. If you do, I'm afraid the villagers will gossip.    


However, I will give you a year-end bonus when we have to organize the profits each year. "    


Looking at Li Xiaoxiang, Lin Qing said with a smile.    


"So many? "Qingzi, just give me a few thousand dollars, it's too much."    


Li Xiaoxiang quickly shook her head.    


"You are my woman, how can I treat you wrongly? "Then it's settled."    


Hugging Li Xiaoxiang in his arms, Lin Qing said with a smile.    


"Alright, then I'll listen to you."    


Li Xiaoxiang smiled sweetly and leaned against Lin Qing's chest.    


After finishing their business, the two of them got bored for a while. Only then did Lin Qing go home and tell his parents about what had happened.    


"You are just so kind-hearted, giving me so much money."    


His mother, Tian Xiao'e, smiled as she spoke, but she was not angry.    


After all, when Lin Tengshan was in trouble, the villagers did not miss out on their help. Tian Xiao'e always had a grateful heart.    


"Son Qing did the right thing. I support him.    


However, we need to find reliable people for this crucial step, such as finding medicinal wine. "    


His father, Lin Tengshan, said thoughtfully.    


After all, this medicinal wine was a breast boosting medicine, and beauty medicine was Lin Qing's starting point.    


"How about this, dad and mom. You two elders work hard first and are responsible for selecting the medicinal ingredients and making the final concoction."    


I will arrange for some people to gather the medicinal herbs here, but I won't tell the outsiders how to concoct them.    


"Wait till we choose some people we trust to do this. We'll trouble you two elders for now."    


After thinking for a moment, Lin Qing said with a smile.    


He was worried about other people. His parents were not that old, and they were in their forties, so doing such a thing was not a problem.    


Hearing Lin Qing's words, Mom and Dad nodded one by one. "Alright, leave this matter to us for the time being. We can still live on for a few more years."    


"You will definitely live a long life."    


Lin Qing said with a smile.    


As for Lin Yun and Xu Yue, they still had to go to school, and the school would begin in a few days, so they couldn't stay here any longer.    


After having lunch at home, Lin Qing called Sun Qun Gang, Zhang Shijie, and Wu Quan to look for the winemaker. After all, this thing could be randomly found.    


Wu Quan had connections in the city, so when he heard Lin Qing's request, he agreed and left the matter to him.    


After the conversation, Lin Qing sat under the tree and continued to ponder to see if he had missed anything.    


For the time being, General Manager Zhao Menglu, there was Mu Nell at the pharmacy, and Wu Quan at the winery also helped find someone, so it should not be a problem.    


The accountant had Li Xiaoxiang, as well as her friends. This was not a problem.    


"We need to find a honest and reliable one from the warehouse, but we're not in a hurry. We'll check it out again in a few days."    


As he pondered, Lin Qing drove his car and brought his family up the mountain.    


It was only 12: 30 P.M. when Lin Qing arrived on the mountain, but even so, the eighty-eight villagers were already waiting here with shovels and pickaxes.    


After all, it was two thousand yuan a month. Everyone wanted to come earlier and leave a good impression on Lin Qing.    


Seeing that everyone had arrived, Lin Qing was also somewhat surprised. He then laughed, "Everyone, let's begin. Carry this cart of medicinal plants up the mountain, and then I will know how to grow them."    


The villagers all agreed in unison. Father, Mother, Lin Yun, and Xu Yue also helped carry the medicinal herbs to the desolate mountain.    


Naturally, Lin Qing would not stay idle. He followed everyone and began to busy himself.    


It was six o'clock in the evening when he finished digging, filling in the soil, and watering the plants.    


"Everyone, today's mission is over. From today onwards, I will calculate the salary for all of you.    


However, you still need to rest for a few more days before you can officially go to work. Everyone, rest assured.    


When it's time for work, I'll explain the company's rules and regulations to everyone.    


Now, everyone can go back and wait for my news. "    


Lin Qing said with a smile.    




Someone in the crowd answered and left with three to five groups of people.    


"It's time to start the formation tonight."    


Looking at the finished herbs, Lin Qing thought with a smile on his face.    


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