Goddess's Personal Magical Doctor

C413 Someone Is about to Cry

C413 Someone Is about to Cry

Gritting his chicken wings, Chen Tye tilted his head and looked at Boss Ma strangely: "Boss Ma, why do you believe her? It's really not in my hands. I'm not interested in that thing. "    


Boss Ma immediately frowned, while Ren Xin twitched her mouth and shouted impatiently: "Boss Ma, the thing is in his hands. He stole it today but didn't give it to me. "    


Seeing her expression, Chen Tye had a helpless look on his face. "I treat you as a friend, but you want to go with me. Hey, Boss Ma, what do you think this is? I'll finish eating first, and we'll talk about it later. "    


"What the hell are you eating!" Boss Ma finally couldn't hold it in anymore. He stood up angrily and flipped the table. A large table full of dishes fell with a clang.    


Chen Tye stepped back with the chicken wings in his hand. He looked down at the chicken with regret in his eyes. He murmured, "What a pity. It's less than a thousand dollars."    


Boss Ma was really angry. He turned around and let out a breath, touched his bald head and tried his best to maintain a smile: "Brat, where is the thing? If you don't, I'll kill you both! "    


Chen Tye completely ignored him, hurriedly eating the chicken wings in his hands as if he was afraid that someone would try to snatch them away from him. Ren Xin stood up with a pale face and bit her lips as she stared at Chen Tye, "Boss Ma, believe me, he really did take it."    


Boss Ma's expression was cold as he stared at Chen Tye, "Brat, tell me where the thing is. Otherwise, don't blame me."    


With a gentle wave of his right hand, the two bodyguards behind him immediately went up to Ren Xin, trying to take off her clothes. Ren Xin screamed and struggled, "Let me go! Chen Tye, save me! "    


Chen Tye turned a deaf ear and vaguely bit the chicken wing, finally spitting out the bone. He swallowed it down and looked around while licking Boss Ma's shirt: "Someone's helping you wash it anyway."    


"You …" Boss Ma was so angry that his face turned green. He stared at Chen Tye with a murderous look on his face. This time, he didn't even put her in his eyes. This was too arrogant!    


Tightening his teeth, Boss Ma let out a cold snort: "Are you planning to not say? Oh, very well, I'd like to see how capable you are! The nail! "    


Chen Tye was innocent and smiled bitterly, "I really don't know where the thing is. It's just a thousand-year Agarwood, what's the use of an ancient tomb, in the end it's all about money and not life. Furthermore, you don't lack money, so why must you steal a tomb?    


"What do you know!" Jack bellowed, his eyes red, his emotions particularly agitated.    


However, he quickly suppressed his anger and forced a smile. "Tell me, where is it?" If you tell me, I promise I'll let you go unscathed. I'll give you a lot of money, three million for one person... No, five million. It's more than that, you know. "    


Chen Tye nodded his head, "I admit this, even a thousand-year Agarwood is not worth much. Although it was huge, it was useless now. If he kept it by his side all this time, he might get sick. The price is reasonable. Hey, Ren Xin, just tell him where the thing is hidden. "    


Ren Xin's face darkened. She really wanted to charge forward and beat him to death. What was wrong with this bastard? He refused to help at all!    


Boss Ma's cheeks were trembling and his eyeballs were about to pop out. Chen Tye turned around and looked at him innocently: "Boss Ma, I really have nothing to do with this. The thing is in her hands. But I'm curious, what exactly do you want? "    


"He wants the elixir of life!" Ren Xin bit her lips as she replied, "That's a legend. There's an immortal medicine in the ancient tomb, he wants to give it to his wife."    


Grab the grass and believe in the elixir of life?    


Boss Ma took a deep breath and sneered, "Now that things have come to this, I will tell you what exactly is inside." Actually, the fact that there was no elixir of life was just an exaggeration. "Your teacher and I studied this tomb together. What is hidden inside is a type of medicine that can bring the dead back to life …"    


Chen Tye could not stand listening to it any longer, "Boss Ma, you even believe this? "Fine, take your time. I still have to drive the carriage, so I'll be going back first."    


"F * ck, brat, you are f * cking courting death!" Boss Ma was furious, he roared with all his might, "Even if there's only a sliver of hope, I want it! "F * ck, if you don't f * cking say it, I'll f * cking stab you to death!"    


Looking at his furious expression, Chen Tye actually let out a smile: "Your relative is sick? Died? "    


While speaking, Chen Tye sat down and crossed his legs, "Speak slowly, I might have some medicine. "What do you mean, come back from the dead? Not as good as a good doctor."    


Ren Xin immediately reacted and shouted, "He's a doctor, he's very powerful! "Boss Ma, if you want him to see a doctor, he can cure anything."    


"Don't give me a high hat." Chen Tye rolled his eyes in disdain, "I am a human, not an immortal. However, Boss Ma, I kindly remind you to sit down and talk, we still have to talk. Wait a minute, I'll have to drive back. "    


Boss Ma gritted his teeth as he stared at the medicine box. Only then did he notice that Chen Tye had been carrying the medical kit with him all this time. However, this was only on the surface. Who knew what tricks this brat was playing?    


Immediately, Boss Ma sneered: "Even if you are a doctor, you can still be cured …"    


Before he finished, Chen Tye stood up: "Then there's nothing much to say, I wish you good luck. Ren Xin, I sympathize with you. However, there are some things that you should know how to let go since they are not within your capabilities. Giving it to him was no big deal. Unless you also want some Life Recovery Medicine. "    


"We can't give it to him!" Ren Xin bit her lips firmly. "My dad risked his life to protect it, so I definitely can't let him open it. That is a national cultural relic, what right do you have to take it for himself! "    


"That's your problem." Chen Tye shrugged indifferently, then smiled at Boss Ma, "Now, it's none of my business. I have to go to the station. You guys play slowly. "    


He really didn't want to help. National cultural relics and ancient tombs were of no interest to him. He wasn't someone who cared about everything, so why would he need to live his life?    


Unfortunately, just as he turned around, there were two bodyguards blocking his path. This made Chen Tye feel helpless. He turned around and looked at Boss Ma with a wry smile, "Boss Ma, you still don't understand? I really didn't take it. It's in her hand. "    


Boss Ma didn't say anything. He stared at him and asked after a long while, "Are you really a doctor?"    


"I am." Chen Tye nodded, "I have to say this. I'm Chen Tye, a military doctor, but now I'm a school doctor." If you need to see a doctor, please do so as soon as possible. But, I want to charge a fee. " As he said that, Chen Tye took out his ID and handed it over.    


After a glance, Boss Ma gritted his teeth and said, "Then help me look at my son. As for money, no problem. "    


Chen Tye hesitated for a moment and looked at Ren Xin. He nodded helplessly, "Alright then. Otherwise, someone will cry." Tell me, what happened to your son? "    


Boss Ma didn't explain and just led the way. Ren Xin, on the other hand, was pressed outside the door. If Chen Tye couldn't see clearly, she would probably be beaten to death. Of course, Chen Tye was also having a hard time.    


The room was lavishly decorated and very bright. He followed Boss Ma up to the second floor and into the room. There was a strong smell of Chinese medicine.    


Under the light, there was a boy lying on the bed. He was probably only ten years old. There was a servant taking care of him. Seeing Boss Ma come in, the servant went out.    


Standing at the head of the bed, Chen Tye frowned as he looked at the boy. After a long while, he sighed: "A car accident, sort of a vegetable, with his brain in a deep sleep." It seems like a year or two. Well, you took good care of him.    


Seeing through it with a glance, Boss Ma was a bit surprised. He quickly asked, "Then do you have a way …"    


Before he finished his sentence, Chen Tye already shook his head: "Don't say anything. You'd better not say anything before I ask you."    


He sat on the bed and gently lifted the bedsheet. The boy was wearing a thin nightgown. Chen Tye grabbed the boy's hand and carefully checked his pulse. His face became darker and darker.    


He let go of Boss Ma and felt around his body again, which made Boss Ma anxious. Whether you have a solution or not, let's talk about it.    


After a full ten minutes, Chen Tye asked in a low voice, "When we were in a car accident, was there anyone else?"    


"Yes, his mother sat in front of him and died …" Boss Ma lowered his head and replied.    


"Sigh." Chen Tye couldn't help but sigh, causing Boss Ma to feel disappointed. Turning his head to look at him, Chen Tye said softly, "Your wife is a good mother. If I'm not wrong, she protected your son with her own body. But that's exactly how your son turned out to be … There is hope, but the process is complicated. "    


Hearing that, Boss Ma was stunned. He just watched in a daze, unable to believe it. He didn't hold much hope, but to think that this lad could really be saved!    


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