Goddess's Personal Magical Doctor

C323 It Is Worth the Price of Upbringing

C323 It Is Worth the Price of Upbringing

After lunch, Chen Tye drove out with Zhong Yi and Lilly Jack.    


The car did not enter the city, but headed for the suburbs. Not long after, they arrived at the foot of a mountain. Surprisingly, three big words were written at the entrance: Green Dragon Mountain!    


After getting off the car, Chen Tye held Zhong Yi's hand while she let Little Ming grab her sleeve and walked in. The scorching sun hung high in the sky, but the neat tombstones on the mountain were particularly eye-catching.    


It had already been five days, it was time to visit Zhong Yan …    


"Daddy, Mommy is here, right?" As they walked up the stairs, Zhong Yi couldn't help but whisper as tears welled up in her eyes.    


Although he was young, his thoughts had grown up.    


Chen Tye stopped, squatted beside her and whispered, "Yiyi, mom told you before, right?"    


Zhong Yi nodded with tears in her eyes. "I dreamed of my mother. She said that when people die, they will lie down here. Daddy, Iyi won't cry. " As he spoke, he firmly wiped away his tears.    


Chen Tye didn't say anything and continued walking with the three children.    


Most of the tombstones were actually facing the west. After all, the sun in the west meant that people would pass away just like the sun in the west. However, according to Chen Tye's instructions, Su Meiqing arranged for Zhong Yi to head east, so that they could see the sunrise.    


Chen Tye remembered that in high school, Zhong Yan had said that if she died one day, she would die facing the east. Even if he died, he would be the first one to see the morning sun!    


Zhong Yan's smile was especially eye-catching on the tombstone. There were flowers in front of the tombstone. They were withered and withered.    


"Mom, I've come to see you." In the end, Zhong Yi couldn't hold back her tears and said, "Mom, Yiyi is very obedient. Yiyi is very obedient now." Dad, Auntie Su, Auntie Gu, and Auntie Zhou all treated me very well. "    


With that, Zhong Yi let go of Chen Tye and walked to the side of Xiao Faang and Little Ming, "Mom, this is Aunt Xiao Faang, Uncle Little Ming. They have treated me well."    


Xiao Faang was very sensible and took a step forward, bowing deeply. No one had asked her to do this, but a six-year-old girl knew how to do this!    


Zhong Yi walked forward and squatted in front of the tombstone. Her tender hands trembled as she touched her mother's photo. Her tears were still flowing uncontrollably. She missed her mother very much every day, and she still had nightmares at night. However, Gu Rou being here for the past two days had made her feel much better.    


Chen Tye just watched silently. Even now, he still couldn't believe that she would commit suicide.    


However, now that she was dead, everything was called the past. There was no longer any need to pursue the matter. What should be put down, must be put down in the end …    


What was beautiful, what was not, was the past. Maybe it was just a dream, just waking up now.    


After a long while, Chen Tye took a deep breath and whispered, "Don't worry, I will bring Yiyi with me. Rest in peace."    


Saying so, he bowed slightly. This bow meant that everything was over …    


After stopping on the mountain for a while, Chen Tye left with Zhong Yi and the other two. In the car, Zhong Yi stopped crying while Xiao Faang consoled her.    


Actually, Xiao Faang was very smart. She knew that the reason Chen Tye brought her here was to let her know that Zhong Yi was also strong. Although the living conditions were good, Zhong Yi was strong as well. Her mother had just left not long ago, but she was still smiling. Wasn't it a kind of maturity …?    


They were both children who had lived a miserable life. Chen Tye hoped that they could support each other, especially in the heart and soul, and fuse together.    


It was only a few minutes later that the car drove back to the noisy district and entered the city center.    


After the car was parked, Chen Tye and his three children got out. They were going to buy two clothes for Xiao Faang and Jack, and they were going to find a place to cut their hair in an instant. Jack in particular, with his long hair, always looked a little unkempt.    


For a man to bring along three children, this inevitably caused people to feel strange and attracted many people's attention. At the barber shop in particular, the other Barbers all had strange looks on their faces.    


Before long, all three children had their hair cut. Zhong Yi had been shortened. Xiao Faang still had long hair, but it looked a lot better. As for Little Ming, he was even more neat and handsome.    


After taking the three children to the shop, Zhong Yi was happy again, but Xiao Faang was a little nervous. This was the first time she had entered a clothing store like this. There were so many new clothes that she didn't even dare to think about them.    


Chen Tye knelt down and said softly, "Xiao Faang, don't be afraid. Say what you want when you see it, understand? "Also, choose for your little brother. Don't worry that your brother won't have money."    


"Mm, I understand, brother." Xiao Faang nodded, feeling a lot better. She would do whatever her brother said.    


There were quite a few people in the store, and a few parents brought their children over to buy clothes. There were too many styles. Chen Tye didn't know much about this either. He just chose two sets for Little Ming, asking Xiao Faang and Zhong Yi to wait outside while he and Little Ming went into the locker room.    


Just as he was changing Little Ming's clothes, the sound of a child's crying came from outside, followed by a woman's blaming voice, "Why are you so uncultured? How did your parents teach you? You only know how to bully your little sister. Where are your parents? "    


Xiao Faang's voice sounded, "Auntie, what you're doing is wrong. "We didn't try to steal from her. She fell down on her own …"    


Before Xiao Faang could finish her sentence, the woman shouted angrily, "You're the ones who stole her toy! Do you think I'm blind?!"    


Hearing the shout, Chen Tye frowned as he got up and opened the door. A slightly obese woman was holding a four-year-old little girl. The little girl was crying loudly. The other shop assistants were very embarrassed. They squatted beside Xiao Faang, not daring to refute her.    


Xiao Faang stood in front of Zhong Yi, holding her head high without the slightest fear. "We didn't steal her toy, we were just looking at her clothes," she said firmly. She walked over herself and fell. "    


The little girl burst into tears as she listened. The woman coaxed in heartache before cursing at Xiao Faang, "Where did this wild girl come from? Being so young and knowing how to lie, no wonder she doesn't have a hand in this …"    


"Say that again!" Chen Tye, who was standing at the back, coldly snorted. His murderous aura spread.    


Hearing the voice, the woman turned around and saw Chen Tye standing behind her. The corner of her mouth slightly twitched. Clenching his teeth, he scolded forcefully: "You are her parents? Do you even know how to educate a child? Your daughter stole my daughter's toy and lied and wouldn't admit it. "    


Chen Tye coldly snorted: "That sure? If I bring out the video, will you cry? "    


The woman was not very confident, but she gave a cold laugh. "You've changed your attitude, I'm afraid of you. Your daughter bullies people. "    


Xiao Faang couldn't help but retort, "We didn't bully her. She fell down. Yi Yi still wanted to help her up."    


"Bullshit, you guys are clearly trying to steal her toy." The woman did not give in, her voice loud and clear, "My daughter's toys are limited edition, hmph, don't think that I don't know what you little kids are thinking."    


Combined with his arrogant and disdainful look, even the shop assistant felt disgusted. It sounded like money was everything, but this woman was sick!    


Chen Tye was too lazy to waste words with her, he turned around and whispered to the cashier: "Could you please play the video from earlier …" If you don't, I will. "    


The cashier hesitated for a moment, but still nodded and let Chen Tye pass. Very quickly, the video appeared. Even the TV was showing it.    


Xiao Faang and Zhong Yi were looking at their clothes when the fat girl suddenly walked over and bumped into Zhong Yi. The toy fell to the ground and both children fell. Zhong Yi quickly stood up and ignored the toys. She took the initiative to go forward and support the fat little girl. Then the woman went over to pick the girl up and started cursing at Zhong Yi.    


The 40-inch TV screen kept playing the video, making the woman's cheeks burn. Everyone in the store started to look down on her.    


Wasn't it just a fall? Why did he have to scold me so harshly? Wasn't it normal for children to stumble and stumble?    


Gritting her teeth, the woman refused to admit it and continued to curse: "I told you it was her, what about it! Your child was uneducated and only knew how to steal toys. He even broke one of our toys. "    


When these words came out, the crowd felt even more contemptuous. She was already at this level, yet she still remained so stubborn. This woman was truly too shameless.    


Chen Tye walked around the cash register and narrowed his eyes at the woman. He did not argue with her, but squatted down and whispered to Xiao Faang, "Xiao Faang, you did the right thing. Yi Yi, it wasn't you who did this. You must not admit it, understand? "    


"Un, dad, I understand." Zhong Yi was initially a little scared, but when Chen Tye said this, she immediately raised her head.    


Lifting his head and staring at the woman, Chen Tye slightly curled his lips: "How much are the toys? I'll compensate you."    


The woman's eyes lit up as she eagerly responded, "A thousand!"    


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. It was clearly a lion's mouth. Such a small number of toys was only worth a few dozen yuan.    


However, Chen Tye didn't mind. He stood up and took out his wallet and actually took out a thousand yuan. This action made everyone present smile bitterly. These days, people have a lot of money.    


With a smirk, Chen Tye handed over the money and snorted: "One thousand dollars, right? I wish your daughter would be like you! "Your daughter's upbringing is only worth this much …"    


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