Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



After so many years of cultivation, Long Tianhao had always hoped that he could recover everything that happened before. And now, it was finally here.    


After receiving the mental message from the Reincarnation Channel, Long Tianhao's soul cultivation had finally reached the level of perfection. His truesoul from ten thousand lifetimes ago returned at this moment.    


The Mirror of Samsara was trembling on the top of his head, as if it knew that its master had truly returned to its master, causing it to feel extremely excited. Compared to the Mirror of Samsara, nothing else was more important than the return of a Void Divine Sovereign.    


This process continued for a long time. Long Tianhao's eyes suddenly opened at a certain moment. His eyes were calm, but it revealed an indescribable feeling. This was brought by his Eternal Samsara, which ordinary people would not have.    


"The past and the past will be swept away by the wind, and everything will start anew. Unfortunately, Cultivation Level has not recovered to her previous life, and is still one step away from breaking through to the Divine Emperor Realm. What is still lacking?"    


Long Tianhao muttered to himself in confusion the moment he woke up.    


Currently, he had already merged with the memories of ten thousand lifetimes and the truesoul from ten thousand lifetimes ago had already merged with his own body.    


He was still Long Tianhao after all, and that would not change. He just had more memories, and he had already mastered everything that happened in his previous life.    


It was a pity that he was only at the peak of the Empyrean, just like the Cultivation Level of the Kun Peng but not at the level of Divine Emperor. This made Long Tianhao a little dissatisfied, even the Cultivation Level in his previous life had not recovered, so how could he contend against the Four Sacred Saints?    


"Master, you have just recovered. You will need some time to settle down. As long as you cultivate properly, it will not be difficult for you to recover the Cultivation Level from your previous life."    


Just then, the Mirror of Samsara spoke out.    


"Really?" It's a pity that I don't have much time left. You should also know that with my current Cultivation Level, even cultivating in it would be ineffective. That kind of time distortion is useless on me. I have to think of another way. "    


Now that he recovered his memories from ten thousand lifetimes, he saw many things even more clearly. He also understood his own Cultivation Level s very clearly, it was not a short period of time for him to become a Cultivation Level from his previous life, he did not have that much time left.    


"Second brother, why think so much? You are already no ordinary person. Perhaps you can completely recover soon, and even go a hundred times faster."    


A joyful voice rang out. It was the appearance of the God Emperor Tianjun who did not like to show himself. The moment Long Tianhao recovered, he sensed it.    


"Congratulations second brother."    


"Congratulations second brother."    


Immediately after, another two voices rang out. Divine Monarch Tianqing and the Asura God's Capital had arrived, and it seemed as if they had discussed this beforehand.    


Seeing that his own brothers had all arrived, Long Tianhao also stood up. Before leaving the Reincarnation Channel, he closed the door and went into seclusion, which was a forbidden area. He was the only person who could get close, and other people could not, not even Divine Monarch Tianqing and the others.    


It was very strange, even though God Emperor Tianjun and the others had the ability to destroy the heaven and earth, none of them had the ability to destroy the Reincarnation Channel.    


Even if the world were to be destroyed, it would not destroy it. The Hall of Samsara was also born, and was not built by anyone, or perhaps, no one knew who built it.    


"Big brother, third brother, fourth brother, we haven't seen each other in a long time, no, we can be considered to be familiar with each other, it's just that I don't recognize them. Third brother, return these nine Corrosion Stars to you, don't always remember second brother stealing your things."    


As he spoke, Long Tianhao had already returned the nine Corrosion Stars that he had collected previously to Divine Monarch Tianqing. Speaking of which, Long Tianhao had these nine Corrosion Stars in his hands.    


He had not made much use of them, and with his current cultivation level, these nine Corroding Stars were of no use to him. It was better to just return them to their rightful owners.    


"Thank you, but you were the one who robbed me back then. That's true. I wasn't angered by Long Tianhao. It's good that you're back now."    


Divine Monarch Tianqing said with a smile.    


"It seems that you are very dissatisfied with me. Do you think that I am not Long Tianhao now? Then you are wrong. My consciousness right now is still Long Tianhao, so you should pay attention when you speak."    


Long Tianhao said to Divine Monarch Tianqing in an unfriendly manner.    


"Uh, I understand."    


Divine Monarch Tianqing was stunned, he didn't think that he said the wrong thing.    


"Second brother, why would you retain your personality in this life? "Then what's your name from now on?"    


Even God Emperor Tianjun felt it was strange.    


Originally, from their point of view, once Long Tianhao regained all of his memories and his truesoul returned, he would become the former Nihility God Emperor.    


Everything was the same as in his previous life, and the personality in this life would be erased. But now it seemed different, they did not know what was going on.    


"Big Brother, let him go past that. The Void God Emperor no longer exists, and the only thing left is Long Tianhao. However, no matter what, we are brothers, and that will not change. If you really want to ask, why?"    


I have too many concerns in my life, like family, lovers, friends, etc., and cannot let them go. If I were to erase my personality in this life, then what would the meaning of my eternal reincarnation be? "    


Long Tianhao casually smiled and said.    


They already understood Long Tianhao's meaning. In ten thousand lifetimes of rebirth, Long Tianhao had already changed greatly. Everything that had once happened had vanished like smoke in thin air, and everything that he had experienced in this life had disappeared.    


This was what he valued most. Whether it was kinship or friendship, they were things that Long Tianhao could not part with. He was already used to living in this world.    


Since Long Tianhao had already recovered his consciousness, he sat down and began to discuss the current situation with the others. He had to understand everything clearly so that he could make his next plans.    


It wasn't long before the two Primordial Divine Beasts arrived at the Ghostdom and entered the Hall of Samsara. Of course, Long Tianhao let them in, the two of them were once raised by Long Tianhao and had a deep relationship with him, no matter how long they were separated, they couldn't be separated.    


From the words of God Emperor Tianyin, Long Tianhao understood that the situation now was not looking good. The Qingming Star, which represented the great calamity, had already appeared. Qingming Star was a star which represented slaughter.    


Not long after that event, a great calamity had occurred as the Chaos Devil Heaven attacked this universe. It was incomparably tragic, this universe was almost destroyed, and the life forms within it were also on the verge of being exterminated. In the end, only a few survived.    


As the Four Great Saints of Chaos Devil Heaven were about to awaken, God Emperor Tianjun and the rest could feel their slowly awakening auras. It wouldn't be long before they would begin their attack once they regained consciousness, and it was hard to say if they could block it or not.    


Speaking of which, the experts in this world could not even compare to the experts in the Ancient Era. After all, the time they had experienced this was too short, and the strongest was only in terms of Divine Sovereign.    


Some of the hidden old monsters had already unceasingly cultivated to the Heavenly Dao Realm. Some of the experts who had lost their souls in the ancient war had also returned, just like Long Tianhao himself.    


Some of them had already returned to their former state, and there were a few who had cultivated to the Heavenly Dao. If not, they would not be able to cope with this great calamity.    


After pondering for a long time, Long Tianhao finally seemed to have a plan in his heart. He said to the others seriously: "Big brother, third brother, fourth brother, I have decided. I want to go into Heaven Killing Cave to challenge it.    


There is not much time left until Chaos Devil Heaven attacks. Before Chaos Devil Heaven attacks, my Cultivation Level might not be able to recover, and even if it does, it would count as a recovery.    


I need to go into the Heaven Killing Cave to investigate. I feel that it's very important to meet me there, and maybe it can help me break through the previous Cultivation Level, no matter how many opportunities there are, I must go try. I can't just sit there and wait for death. "    


Long Tianhao's attitude was very resolute, and his meaning was very clear as well. Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for him to recover all of his Cultivation Level before Chaos Devil Heaven attacks.    


After so many years of rest, they must have become even stronger, especially the four Saints. Although they were heavily injured by Long Tianhao and fell into a deep sleep, Long Tianhao knew that they must have other plans.    


It was actually a form of cultivation. Now that he had awakened, his strength was definitely stronger than before. If he couldn't become stronger than before, then he wouldn't be able to defeat them.    


Not only are we unable to absorb it, we will instead be eroded. You haven't even reached the level of the God Emperor's Cultivation Level, and entering would be even more dangerous, so the Mirror of Samsara might not even be able to protect you. "    


Although the few of them agreed with Long Tianhao's idea, after considering the dangers of Heaven Killing Cave, they still did not want Long Tianhao to take the risk.    


Hearing that, Long Tianhao smiled slightly, and said: "I understand what you guys mean. Opportunity is often accompanied by danger, and I feel that Heaven Killing Cave is extremely important to me.    


Even if I and the Mirror of Samsara are unable to resist, I still have a trump card: that Hung Meng Heaven Devouring Beast's egg, Ol 'Three. Do you still remember why I went to the Heaven Killing Cave last time? Originally, I wanted to take a look outside the Heaven Killing Cave.    


Who would have thought that the Hung Meng Heaven Devouring Beast would actually be able to swallow that purple light and purple aura, although I'm not sure if it could devour a large amount of it.    


This time, we must fight it out. If it really isn't feasible, I believe that with the protection of the Mirror of Samsara, I should be able to escape safely. "    


"Since that's the case, then let us brothers go together. If you go alone, we really won't be able to rest at ease."    


After hearing what Long Tianhao said, the few of them pondered for a moment, then decided to enter Heaven Killing Cave together with Long Tianhao, so they could take care of each other.    


"No, the situation is not good. We still need you to watch over this place, you can't leave, and I already have a plan. All of my avatars will be left behind, they are all Cultivation Level with peak Sky Sovereign cultivation.    


Even if I stay, it'll help. As for my soul incarnate, it's impossible for me to stay. Other than that, I won't bring anyone else away from here. "    


As he spoke, Long Tianhao had a thought. The nine great Exoskeleton appeared behind him, and each of them had reached the peak of the Sky Sovereign Realm. They could be considered to have reached the strength of their previous lives.    


Long Tianhao did not hold much hope either. After leaving behind these nine great incarnations, even if Chaos Devil Heaven were to attack together, they could still be compared to a god emperor. This was not a small force to be reckoned with.    


With a thought, Long Tianhao cut off the connection with these avatars. From then on, they were independent existences.    


Just like how Long Tianhao let Mu Tian and Lv Bing exist independently back then, if Long Tianhao could come back alive, they could also become his avatars again. Of course, these things could only be discussed later.    


Amongst all the avatars, Mu Tian was the most stable, and Long Tianhao was also the most at ease with him. The Dragon Phoenix Ring had a lot of Long Tianhao's family and friends, so it was absolutely impossible for them to have any mistakes.    


"Mu Tian, I'll leave the Dragon Phoenix Ring to you. If I am unable to return, then you will be me. Remember?"    


The meaning of Long Tianhao's words was very clear. If he could not come back, then Mu Tian would be considered as him and everything would be taken over by Mu Tian. In fact, Mu Tian was also him, so there was nothing strange about this.    


"Yes, benzun."    


Mu Tian did not say much and only accepted the Dragon Phoenix Ring from him. Over the years, he had completed every task that Long Tianhao had asked him to do and he had never let Long Tianhao down.    


This time, Long Tianhao did not want to tell anyone about the Heaven Killing Cave. He did not want to make everyone worry, when the time came and people stopped him, perhaps he would not be able to ruthlessly enter the Heaven Killing Cave.    


In terms of quality, they were not any worse than Universe Tripod s or other precious treasures. It was a supreme treasure that belonged to an Empyrean level expert. In this world, there were very few treasures that were considered as Divine Emperor level 1 experts.    


The three of them had one each, while Long Tianhao had three. The strongest was naturally the Mirror of Samsara, which was a high rank.    


Compared to any other precious treasure, the other two were the Heaven And Earth Profound Yellow Book and the Exquisite Pagoda. They could condense the heaven and earth, black and yellow, and had the power to set up the universe.    


Of course, Long Tianhao had another life treasure, the Primal Chaos Blue Lotus. It could be said that the Primal Chaos Blue Lotus was the number one treasure in the Primal Chaos, and its quality was only slightly inferior to Mirror of Samsara s.    


It was a pity that it was shattered in the last great battle, and now it was able to find the 24 grade golden lotus that was nurtured by its lotus seed.    


There were also some fragments that would be impossible to restore with the Primal Chaos Blue Lotus. Perhaps, the only way would be to wait until Long Tianhao's strength completely recovered and advanced further. Only then would there be hope to restore with the Primal Chaos Azure Lotus!    


Outside the Heaven Killing Cave, Long Tianhao, God Emperor Tianjun and the others stood in the air. The current Heaven Killing Cave was in a period of calm, and it did not have that kind of terrifying devouring power.    


"Everyone, take care. I hope that before the great battle begins, I can come out from the Heaven Killing Cave."    


Long Tianhao patted the shoulders of his brothers and said reluctantly. They might never see each other again after this trip.    


No one knew where the Heaven Killing Cave lead to, and no one knew what was inside, even if Long Tianhao didn't die after entering.    


However, this did not mean that he would be able to successfully exit the world. Perhaps he would forever be trapped within the world, or perhaps he would enter into a mysterious world. In short, all of this was unpredictable.    


"Take care, we will be waiting for your return. Promise us that you will definitely return."    


They knew that it was impossible to stop Long Tianhao, so they could only pray that Long Tianhao would return successfully.    


After that, he resolutely entered the Heaven Killing Cave. Without the slightest hesitation, he had already made up his mind to challenge the Heaven Killing Cave, no matter what the outcome would be, he would not regret.    




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