Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



"The young master has been waiting for a long time. Rain has washed up and dressed up, so I came late."    


This goddess named Yu Luo was very courteous, and her voice was pleasant to listen to. It was like a heavenly song, captivating.    


"It doesn't matter, as long as I can see Lady Yu Luo. Come, sit down!"    


Long Tianhao smiled and extended his hand to invite Yu Luo to sit.    


That Yu Luo didn't say much as she sat down. She happened to be opposite Long Tianhao and wasn't shy at all. After all, everyone here was a godly person. If she acted like a little girl, it would be a bit strange.    


"How does young master know this little girl? I heard that Young Master wants Rainfall to accompany you when you mentioned him by name, why might I know? "    


"Well, I didn't know Miss Rain either, but I saw her not long ago, so I came looking for her."    


Long Tianhao said with a faint smile. At the same time, he was leisurely drinking this divine wine from the Exquisite Pavilion. He seemed very satisfied.    


"Oh? "Yurou has been staying in the Immortal Fusion Pavilion. I'm guessing you must have recognized the wrong person?"    


That Rain didn't panic at all as she casually asked. At the same time, she reached for her wine pot and poured a glass of wine for Long Tianhao.    


"Good wine, the wine Lady Rain has poured is even more delicious, I have always remembered Lady Rain's valiant and valiant attitude in Snow Moon Palace, I never thought that with her delicate body, she would actually be so straightforward when killing people, I am truly impressed!"    


Long Tianhao held up a glass of wine that had been poured by the rain, carefully tasting it while speaking at the same time.    


Hearing that, a ray of light flashed across Yuro's eyes. Her body trembled slightly as if she did not expect Long Tianhao to discover her identity. However, she hid it well and did not reveal it.    


What Snow Moon Palace? Who should he kill? Young Master, you must have made a mistake. I am just an ordinary goddess of the Yi Xian Pavilion, how could I have that kind of ability? "    


"If you don't lie in front of others, when you attacked and killed that Wang family's young master, I was also there. Otherwise, why would you think that I had nothing to do with you?"    


Long Tianhao suddenly said to Rainfall in a serious tone.    


"How did you find me?" With my speed, there shouldn't be anyone who can catch up, right? "    


At this point, Yurou knew that she couldn't hide it anymore, so she admitted it. However, she was curious how Long Tianhao found her.    


Just as Yu Luo finished speaking, a figure emerged from the shadows. His entire body was enveloped in a black robe. It was the Dark Sky.    


"There's actually someone hiding in my shadow. Amazing. Speak, why are you looking for me?" I'm sure you won't come looking for me for no reason at all. "    


This was the first time she had encountered the existence of the Dark Sky. For a killer, the thing they were most skilled at was hiding their own bodies, but she did not expect that she would be followed. If the Dark Sky suddenly launched an attack, she would also be in great danger.    


After all, Rain only had Cultivation Level at the late stage of Mysterious God. The dark sky seemed to be mysterious and she couldn't figure it out either, so she didn't attack Long Tianhao and the other two.    


She wanted to know Long Tianhao's purpose. She knew that Long Tianhao would not inform her, otherwise, he would not come looking for her. The person who came looking for her was probably one of the strongest people in the family.    


"To be honest, I'm very curious. An assassin like you would actually stay in a place like this. If someone did anything to you, would you kill that person?"    


"No, I will kill him after he leaves. I cannot break the rules here."    


"In other words, if I do anything to you now, you won't kill me?"    


"There's no need to say all this. You're not that kind of person. Say it, what is your purpose in coming to find me?"    


At this moment, Yu Luo's expression was very cold. The true color of her killer was revealed on her face. She was like an iceberg, and no one dared to get close to her.    


"Since Miss Yu Luo said so, then I won't beat around the bush anymore. I only have one goal, and that is for you to help me join Shenji Hall. I want to become a member of Shenji Hall to train myself.    


I ascended from the lower realms, so it has nothing to do with any force or Divine Realm. I only joined the Shenji Hall to temper myself and earn some Divine Stone at the same time.    


Seeing that Rain was so serious, Long Tianhao also stopped laughing and said very seriously. From his eyes, it could be seen that every word was serious and not the slightest bit fake.    


"You won't let anyone casually join Shenji Hall, but I'll help you."    


After pondering for a moment, Yu Luo said.    


"Oh? "Why are you willing to help me?"    


Long Tianhao was a little surprised. Why did Rainfall agree to help him so easily?    


"I won't misjudge you, I know you aren't lying, and that you have a way to find me. With this, you can also enter the Shenji Hall, of course I will only bring you to see the manager, as for whether or not you can succeed, I cannot guarantee."    


"In that case, thank you very much. I will definitely return the favor in the future."    


Long Tianhao also cupped his hands towards Rainfall. After all, he was helping him, which showed that his luck was pretty good.    


"Three days later, outside of the Divine City, I will take you to see the Head Supervisor. Now, you can leave."    


Ever since she had made her identity known, the smile on her face had disappeared. She was like an iceberg that had been frozen for billions of years, keeping people away from it. No one could truly understand her.    


"Eh, I spent a lot of Divine Stone just to meet you. Won't I be at a disadvantage if I leave this quickly?"    


"Then sit here slowly, I don't have time for you."    


"Fine, I'll go. No matter what, I'm your guest, but I'm actually so fierce. I'll come find you next time. Oh right, I'm Qing Yuan."    


As he spoke, Long Tianhao stood up and walked out. Behind him, Yan Tian and Yin Tian also followed. However, Yin Tian entered Long Tianhao's body all at once. After all, there were only two people when he entered, so it was impossible for him to turn into three.    


Looking at Long Tianhao's leaving figure, a strange expression appeared on his face. Long Tianhao was a mysterious man.    


She didn't know where she came from nor what she wanted to do, but Rain could tell that Long Tianhao was no ordinary person. Her heart was also filled with curiosity as she wanted to solve the mystery behind all of this.    


"Clear and flowing springs, with a long history. What a good Qingyuan. I wonder where it came from. Truly an interesting person."    


Long Tianhao naturally did not know of Yu Luo's evaluation. At this moment, he had already left the Invisible Immortal Pavilion and was preparing to leave the area.    


Speaking of which, Long Tianhao was also a bit depressed. Consumption in this kind of place was still precious, in just a short while, he had spent over a thousand pieces of Medium Grade Divine Stone.    


This was truly a place where money was burned. If it wasn't for the fact that he had just obtained a few Divine Stone, he really wouldn't dare to come to this kind of place.    


After leaving this area, Long Tianhao went to a special residential area of the Snow Plains' Divine City. There were a lot of Divine Palace manors here.    


It was the main place for the god to live. Of course, the manor was not built by himself nor did he live in vain. Instead, he used Divine Stone s to buy it or to stay temporarily.    


Since Long Tianhao had come to the snowy plains, he also planned to stay there for a long time. It was impossible to not have a place to stay.    


Even if it was a little, it didn't matter. Fortunately, he still had over five hundred thousand Medium Grade Spiritual Stone s on him, so he should be able to buy a small manor. If not, he would have to buy a small palace.    


In this sort of place, there were naturally people who were in charge of this sort of thing. Anyone who wanted to visit this place would have to show great enthusiasm.    


Once you have made your choice, you can bring me to the real palaces and manors to have a look. Only after being satisfied can I hand over the Divine Stone.    


Only after he understood the real price of the residences in the Snow Field Divine City did Long Tianhao realize how scary it was. The big manors, shrines, there were at least millions of high-grade Divine Stone, which made Long Tianhao dizzy.    


This reminded him of when he was still a mortal. Back then, it was very expensive to buy a house, almost millions of dollars. At that time, his family was poor, and if his grandmother didn't leave him a small house, he would have to live on the streets.    


He felt a bit like that time, who would have thought that the place where they would buy living in Divine Realm would actually be so expensive.    


After some selection, Long Tianhao finally chose a rather remote small manor. It wasn't small at all, even if it was a few hundred people, it wasn't a problem, but compared to those magnificent palaces.    


He was too far behind, but Long Tianhao was satisfied. To him, as long as he had a place to stay, it didn't matter to him.    


However, such a small manor had cost Long Tianhao a hundred thousand Medium Grade Immortal Stone.    


The Divine Stone he painstakingly earned for himself had almost been completely used up. Only now did he finally understand how important Divine Realm and Divine Stone were.    


Now that he was almost poor again, he had to desperately earn Divine Stone s. He could also build his own shrine in Divine Realm, but it couldn't be built inside the Divine City.    


Rather, it was built in the Wasteland, without strength, one couldn't even think about it, and Cultivation Level s that were strong wouldn't lack Divine Stone s either, so most of the time they were helpless in this way.    


I finally have a place to stay at the Divine Realm, but because of this, I became a poor person. I hope that I can smoothly enter the Shenji Hall and do a few more missions, I should be able to get quite a few Divine Stone.    


Sitting in the manor that he had just bought, Long Tianhao started to calculate what would happen in three days. If he could successfully enter Shenji Hall, then everything would be fine.    


With a thought, Long Tianhao released Wu Tian, Long Jing, Demon Spirit, as well as a portion of the Thunder Guard and Blood God Guard people. Originally, he wanted Xue Qi and Bing Xuan to come out as well, but since they were currently cultivating in seclusion, Long Tianhao didn't want to disturb them.    


Since he had bought the Villa, he naturally needed a few people to protect it. This kind of thing was most suitable for Thunder Guard and Blood God Guard.    


This time, Long Tianhao summoned all of the Cultivation Level s that had broken through to the later stage of the Spirit God Stage.    


Long Tianhao's plan was to have them cultivate in the Dragon Phoenix Ring s instead. The rest of the time, they would walk in the Divine Realm, which would benefit them quite a bit.    


The conditions for cultivating in the divine city was also quite good, especially since the divine energy was very gentle and could be absorbed. This was also the difference between a divine city and a wasteland. If it wasn't so, then the houses in the divine city wouldn't be so expensive.    




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