Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



With a flash of light, Xue Qi transformed back into her human form, but her devilishly beautiful face was as cold as ice, causing people to be terrified. Previously, she had transformed into her original form to remove the seal on her own body, but now the seal had been removed.    


She was already in her strongest state, so it would be more convenient for her to maintain her human form if she wanted to fight. After all, it was very difficult to use magic treasures in her original state.    


"Hmph, you aren't really at the Mysterious God, it's just that you've been instilled with power by a strong practitioner, so you temporarily have the strength of the Mysterious God. Let alone this fake Mysterious God of yours, even if it's the real Mysterious God, I can still kill it."    


"That's right, I am indeed not really a Mysterious God, but as long as I capture you, I can naturally become a true Mysterious God. So, you should just obediently surrender.    


"That will depend on whether you have the ability to do so, battle form."    


Xue Qi didn't want to waste her breath on him. With a shake of her body, she changed into her battle form, a layer of golden scales covering her entire body.    


She appeared majestic and awe-inspiring at the same time, giving her a wild beauty. And the most peculiar thing was that four dragon heads appeared at the back of the school, looking extremely strange.    


A pair of God's Punishment Whip appeared in Xue Qi's hands. Her purple hair fluttered behind her, giving her a valiant look, as if she was the terminator of the gods.    


"That is a true Spiritual Artifact, how can that be? Why would a true Spiritual Artifact appear? "    


Seeing the God Slaying Whip in Xue Qi's hand, the cold and arrogant man instantly revealed a terrified expression, his face full of disbelief.    


"Are you afraid? Aren't you Mysterious God? Then let's see if you can escape from my pair of God's Punishment Whip. "    


"Not good, she actually has a True Spiritual Artifact. With just a True Spiritual Artifact's power, her strength completely surpasses mine, and she's a super Divine Beast, born strong. I have no chance of winning when fighting against her, damn it, how can something like that happen?    


Why didn't the Divine Realm sense her existence? Not good, the space here had been frozen, blotting out the world as they made their move here.    


Divine Realm were not able to perceive the situation in the lower realms, so who was the one who did it? "No, I have no chance of winning. I must immediately retreat, and there are still powerful people hiding in the shadows. Why don't the higher ups have any methods to deal with this?"    


For a time, many thoughts flashed through the man's mind. Fear finally rushed to his heart, and he felt the urge to retreat.    


You want to leave, but it's too late. Don't expect me to let you escape, from the moment you appeared, your fate was already sealed. You are just a cannon fodder, your master will not do anything for you.    


As if seeing that the arrogant man wanted to retreat, Xue Qi suddenly made her move. Relying on the God Slaying Whip in her hand, Xue Qi also displayed a strange domain, the same domain that Shui Hanyan and Emperor Qing displayed.    


The difference was that this God Slaying Domain had endless majesty. As long as a god entered, they would be greatly suppressed and unable to avoid their fate. This was the land where gods perished.    


When the arrogant man saw Xue Qi unleash the God Slaying Domain, he became even more frightened. He waved his hand and an extremely condensed saber light slashed out. But when it struck the God Slaying Domain, it fell like a stone into the ocean without any reaction.    


The arrogant youth didn't want to accept this, so he chopped out yet another blade light. This blade light was even more powerful than the previous one, but it still wasn't able to break through the Death God Domain.    


"You don't need to waste your strength. It's impossible for you to break through the God Slaying Domain that was created with the God Slaying Whip. Fight me and show your dignity as a god, the judgement of god!"    


Without wasting any time with that arrogant man, Xue Qi immediately used the Deicide Conjuration to sentence that arrogant man and exterminate all the evil gods. It was as if no matter how powerful a deity was, it was impossible for them to escape their fate.    


At this moment, the arrogant man finally gave up on breaking through the God Slaying Domain. A pitch-black Divine Sabre appeared in his hand as he faced Xue Qi's attack.    


It would not be easy for Xue Qi to defeat him. Moreover, it was time for him to risk his life and maybe even escape. As long as he cultivated to such a level, no one would be willing to die so easily.    


If one wanted to take advantage of this moment, it could be said that they had truly entered into a bitter war.    


There were even more billions of warriors with Devil Realm. It could be said that their Devil Realm were filled with blood, wanting to take down the opponents' Demon Realm.    


At this moment, all of the experts in the Demon Realm were being restrained, and it was impossible for them to allocate any of their strength to activate the Demon Realm. The Demon Realm was already in danger, and if this continued, there would definitely be heavy casualties.    


Then that would be even more troublesome. Right now, Demon Realm no longer had any extra strength to deal with even more Devil Realm experts, and the continuous battles had exhausted the Demon Realm and practitioners. If this continued, it would only be Long Tianhao's side who would lose.    


Putting aside the fact that there was still a fight between god level beings in the Emperor Profound Realm, at this moment, within the Demon Realm, almost twenty billion people were being slaughtered everywhere. The Demon Realm had already become a purgatory of the human world and many planets were being destroyed.    


Countless Demon Clan experts had fallen, of course there were many dead and injured, but there were just too many Devil Realm experts. Even if they were left there for you to kill, they would at least have to go soft.    


Even Immortal Monarch had to retreat. After all, the combined forces of so many deities were more than enough to kill Immortal Monarch. A single immortal lord posed no threat to Immortal Monarch.    


However, if there were a hundred, a thousand, or even ten thousand, even if you were Immortal Monarch Zhong's supreme expert, you would still be blasted to ashes! There were so many ants, yet they were biting the elephant to death!    


All of them were experts in the art of Demon Clan up to one in a hundred thousand. Unfortunately, when faced with the assault of the ten billion strong army of Devil Realm, they collapsed in an instant. Ten billion warriors activated their powerful magic treasure techniques at the same time and attacked.    


In just a single exchange, tens of millions of Demon Clan experts had fallen, and the remaining experts fled while defending themselves. Even so, only a small portion of them managed to escape, and over seventy million of them died.    


Even the experts of the Dragon Clan had lost a hundred thousand clansmen. The Dragon Clan was different from the other Demon Clan s, it was relatively fewer in number, and the total Dragon Clan of the entire Demon Realm s added up to not more than a million. This is equivalent to losing a tenth of the clansmen.    


This was something that had never happened in all of these years and was not something Dragon Clan could endure. The Dragon Clan had suffered such a loss before, who knew how many years it would take to recover.    


At this time, under the guidance of the Heavenly Spirit and the Jin Ling, Thunder Guard and Blood God Guard were tightly followed as they protected them. Everyone in Thunder Guard turned into their original forms as they used their strongest powers.    


They were wantonly slaughtering anyone on the battlefield. As long as they were people of Devil Realm, they would not hesitate at all to kill all of them.    


Just like them, their Blood God Guard was the same. They cultivated the Blood God Codex, a cultivation technique that increases their strength in battle, the stronger their killing power, the Blood God Codex could absorb the enemy's Blood Essence s and increase their own strength.    


This was because Blood God Guard would not run out of power and did not tire. They would only become more and more powerful as the battle went on, and their strength would continue to increase.    


The Thunder Guard had two sets of Medium Grade immortal artifacts, and under their combination, their strength was incomparably terrifying. Their Thunder Guard had been compatible with each other for so many years, and the degree of compatibility was extremely high.    


It was unknown how many armies they had killed with their Devil Realm, but their bodies were completely drenched in blood. The only difference was that this blood was not their own, but the blood of the Devil Realm's army.    


Blood God Guard were originally dressed in blood-red robes and their bodies were currently drenched in blood. Combined with the power of the Blood God Codex, it was as if they had all turned into blood gods, created specifically for the kill, even though they were once warriors of the Devil Realm.    


But now, they had all submitted to Long Tianhao, and the only thing in their heart was to listen to Long Tianhao's orders. They would not hesitate to protect whoever Long Tianhao told them to kill, and they were like killing machines, constantly absorbing Blood Essence s from Devil Realm Warriors into their bodies.    


As they strengthened themselves, no matter what injuries they suffered, they would not care. As long as they had endless Blood Essence s, it was as if they had an immortal body that could heal any injuries.    


They would not die, unless they were completely wiped out. Otherwise, they would continue to fight on, and could be considered the most terrifying cultivation method, a cultivation method specially passed down for slaughter.    


"Ha ~" "All of you, go to hell."    


The dragon was over a thousand miles long, with golden dragon scales all over its body and five dragon claws beneath its belly. As its body turned and turned, it entangled hundreds of Devil Realm warriors and twisted its body.    


Crushing all the Devil Realm warriors into bloody mist, the Sky Spirit Demon had watched as Demon Realm continued to fall, especially when there were corpses of Dragon Clan at many places.    


The Jin Ling s at the side also transformed into their original forms, opening their mouths and shooting out hundreds of tiny golden beams. Every single golden beam of light entered into the body of a Devil Realm Warrior, and immediately exploded, causing the hundreds of demon warriors to turn into ashes.    


The Devil Realm army neared twenty billion, and after battling for so long, they had only killed a few hundred thousand devil soldiers, so more than half of their strength had already been used up.    


At this rate, before they could kill all of the Devil Realm warriors, they had already collapsed from exhaustion. This was a tragic war, they were raised from bottom to bottom, and had never experienced such a tragic war, even though they hated blood and slaughter.    


But they had no choice. They had to muster the courage to face it and surround their home. It could be said that this was their first time killing someone.    


They were already numb to it. They didn't even understand why this war would happen. Perhaps after experiencing this bloody slaughter, they would truly grow up.    


"Young master, I'm here to help you."    


Just as the Heavenly Spirit and the Jin Ling were killing with all their might, a rough voice sounded out, and following that, three human figures appeared on the battlefield, directly killing hundreds of demon experts.    


The people who had come were the King of Beasts, Yan Xing and the other two King of Fierce Beasts. After the Immortal Realm had dealt with all the Devil Realm experts, they had followed Luxi Feier and Nalan into the Demon Realm and originally wanted to help Eastern Monarch and the others.    


However, they were called over by Long Huang to help Tian Ling's group. After all, the Sky Spirit's forces were still too weak, so Long Huang was worried too. If they had Yan Xing and King, the two vicious beasts, they would be much more at ease.    


With the help of these three, the strength of their journey had become even more tyrannical. An army that could sweep away Devil Realm, could even retreat safely if they were to encounter an encirclement from the Devil Realm.    


"Dusk of the gods, nothing!"    


Xue Qi's voice rang out in the air. The God Slaying Domain instantly disappeared, revealing Xue Qi's figure. The man she was battling disappeared.    


All that was left was a pitch black Divine Sabre and a ring. Xue Qi kept it, and after a long battle, Xue Qi ended the life of that Mysterious God.    


"Traceless Dark Water, Clear Heaven Dao."    


"Eternal Evergreen, and the Wood Emperor is eternal."    


After Xue Qi finished with her Mysterious God, the voices of Shui Hanyan and Emperor Qing resounded throughout the world. Following that, the Water Emperor's Domain and the Wood Emperor's Domain disappeared without a trace. Shui Hanyan and Emperor Qing appeared in the starry sky, while their opponents disappeared without a trace.    


They had all been killed, but they were not injured at all. It was as if nothing had happened.    


Not a single one of them were left alive. Devil Realm had paid such a huge price, but the outcome of the battle was not as good as they had expected.    


If there were no other moves, even if the Devil Realm had heavily injured them this time, they would still not be able to take over the Demon Realm. Furthermore, the price they paid was even greater than the Demon Realm.    




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