Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



When Long Tianhao approached, a dozen or so figures also flashed out behind Shui Hanyan and surrounded Long Tianhao.    


"Step down!"    


However, at this moment, Shui Hanyan's ice-cold voice rang out. Instantly, the dozen figures swiftly rushed back without the slightest hesitation.    


"Hehe, Fellow Daoist, I wonder if we can have a chat?"    


Seeing that Shui Hanyan shouted that she had to retreat, Long Tianhao smiled and said.    


"Oh? What do you want to talk to me about? And who are you? "    


Shui Hanyan's face was covered by a veil, so her expression could not be seen. However, one could tell that there was a trace of astonishment in her eyes.    


"Of course it's to talk about some important things. As for my identity, I won't hide it from you, I am from the Immortal Realm, I am the great emperor of the Immortal Realm, you can call me Thunder Monarch, and you can also call me by name. Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Long Tianhao, I think it is more appropriate to call you the Demon Emperor."    


Long Tianhao maintained a smile on his face as he answered Shui Hanyan's question calmly.    


"Thunder Monarch, Long Tianhao, I know about you. I have long since heard of your achievements in the Profound Yellow Cultivation Realm, and a person like you is truly rarely seen in a trillion years. It's just a few hundred years, yet you can actually grow to such an extent.    


Since you want to talk to me, then let's talk. There's still a bit of time before the Three Realms Passage stabilizes, so there should be enough time for us to chat. "    


Hearing Long Tianhao's introduction, a hint of surprise flashed across Shui Hanyan's eyes once again. She had also heard of Long Tianhao's name.    


Actually, back then when Long Tianhao fought with the Devil Domain, the Immortal Demon Three Realms had all paid attention to it, and Long Tianhao's existence was naturally known by the important characters of the Three Realms. All of them were curious about Long Tianhao, and those characters made the important characters feel a trace of danger.    


"It's not convenient to talk about it here. I want to go to another place to talk about it, but I don't know if Fellow Daoist dares to go?"    


"Oh? Where do you want to go? "It doesn't matter where we go. Let's go."    


"Since that's the case, then please don't resist Fellow Daoist. I'll bring you there."    


"Alright, do whatever you want. I want to see what kind of cave it is. Do you think it can trap me?"    


A hint of pride flashed across Shui Hanyan's eyes. She really didn't believe that Long Tianhao could pose any threat to her. She also wanted to see what tricks Long Tianhao was playing.    


Hearing that, Long Tianhao revealed a pleased smile on his face. He released the power of the Dragon Phoenix Ring and enveloped Shui Hanyan within it.    


As expected, Shui Hanyan did not resist. Long Tianhao's mouth curved into a smile, and with a thought, he kept Shui Hanyan into his Dragon Phoenix Ring. At the same time, Long Tianhao himself also entered the Dragon Phoenix Ring.    


In the blink of an eye, the two people that were originally standing in the starry sky disappeared without a trace. They disappeared without a trace, just like that. They were extremely mysterious.    


"Where did that bitch Shui Hanyan go? "How could they have suddenly disappeared together with that kid? Strange, they didn't leave either. How could they have disappeared?"    


Seeing the two people disappear, Chi Yangzi could not believe his eyes. The two people just disappeared right in front of his eyes without a sound. It was too strange. Chi Yangzi's demonic consciousness did not discover anything and his heart was filled with doubts.    


On the other side, Ao Feng and the rest were also very surprised and did not know what had happened.    


"Don't worry, my brother brought that Shui Hanyan to a good place. I just don't know what he's planning to do. He can't be thinking of doing something to Shui Hanyan, can he? Hmph, if he dares to do something like this, he'll be in great trouble."    


"Humph," Long Huang said with some dissatisfaction. Now, they were all worried about Long Tianhao.    


At this moment, among the Dragon Phoenix Ring, Long Tianhao had brought Shui Hanyan above the 33 Layered Heavens. There weren't many people left there, only Yu Xin and Bing Xuan were still cultivating behind closed doors.    


Even Qi Yu had been sent out by Long Tianhao into the outside world to gain experience. Now that Qi Yu had an early stage Nine Heavens Divine Immortal Cultivation Level, he should go out to gain experience.    


"This place?"    


Upon entering the Dragon Phoenix Ring, Shui Hanyan's expression immediately changed. He felt that this was an independent space, and the most unbelievable thing was that she was unable to break through the spatial restrictions here. That was to say, she was unable to leave this place.    


"How is it? "What do you think of this place?"    


Long Tianhao had seen Shui Hanyan's performance, but he said it with a hint of meaning.    


"This is indeed a very special place. This should be one of your Magic Treasures, right? I never would have thought that you would have such a strange Magic Treasure. I have indeed been tricked by you. Speak, what do you want?"    


Although she knew that she had fallen into Long Tianhao's trap, Shui Hanyan was not an ordinary person. She still seemed very calm.    


"I don't want anything to happen? I just want to talk to you about something, so I don't want to be disturbed, don't worry.    


I won't do anything to you. I don't have the appetite to eat a female Demon Emperor like you, so please rest assured Fellow Daoist. Please, go inside and chat slowly. "    


"No need, it's quite nice outside. Let's walk around this garden. You can talk about what you want to talk about!"    


Shui Hanyan rejected Long Tianhao's suggestion and walked forward leisurely, as if she believed Long Tianhao's words. She knew that Long Tianhao wouldn't do anything to her, so she seemed very casual.    


Seeing this, Long Tianhao also laughed, but his heart held Shui Hanyan in high esteem. This woman was indeed not simple, she was still so indifferent even when she knew she was in danger, and the aura when she followed him into the Dragon Phoenix Ring was not something an ordinary person could possess.    


"Shui Fellow Daoist, it is rumored that you are extremely mysterious and that you are the strongest in Demon Realm. Being honored as the Demon Emperor, I am very impressed, so I will not beat around the bush.    


I want to attack Devil Realm together to deal with it. I want to attack it, but Immortal Realm alone is not enough, I need your help.    


Long Tianhao and Shui Hanyan walked side by side without any attempt to hide their actions.    


He knew that it would be useless to talk too much with such a woman. It would be better to be direct with her, as she might even agree to his request.    


"Cooperate with me to deal with Devil Realm? Are you joking? Everyone knows that other than extreme changes in Devil Realm, it is not easy to wade through muddy water. Besides, why would I help you? What benefits can I get? "    


Shui Hanyan said plainly when she heard that. However, from her tone, it could be seen that she did not want to help Long Tianhao.    


Although they were cut off from the rest of the Three Realms, as major powers of the Immortal Demon Demon Realm, they were still able to find out a bit about the situation in other realms.    


Furthermore, the great battle at the Devil Domain had let everyone know that something huge had happened to the Devil Realm. The current situation at the Devil Realm was unknown and not many people were willing to act rashly against it.    


"Of course there are benefits. If Fellow Daoist needs anything, maybe I can help."    


"Can you give me what I want? And what do I want from you? "    


"You can't put it like that. Maybe I have what you want right now. Fellow Daoist, how about you take a look at this?"    


Long Tianhao wasn't angry with Shui Hanyan's contemptuous words. Instead, he smiled lightly and handed a jade bottle to Shui Hanyan.    




Shui Hanyan was also a bit surprised. She didn't know what Long Tianhao took out, but she still took the jade bottle out of curiosity and checked the contents inside.    


"Hmm? This was the water of a Heaven Ranked Spiritual Spring. It contained yin and yang energy and was the second ranked divine spring in the world. The Yin Yang Spiritual Spring was only second to the primal chaos Spiritual Spring, but a primal chaos Spiritual Spring was only a legend.    


As such, the Yin Yang Spiritual Spring was the most mystical Spiritual Spring in the world. It had appeared in the ancient times, but it only appeared briefly.    


who would have thought that today, I would actually be able to see the spring water within. Have you obtained the Yin Yang Spiritual Spring? "    


Shui Hanyan could no longer maintain her calm. Her eyes were filled with shock. She had never imagined that such a divine item would land in Long Tianhao's hands.    


"That's right, lucky chance allowed me to obtain this Spiritual Spring, but it almost took my life. However, I never expected that you would actually have such an in-depth understanding of the Spiritual Spring in the world.    


If you even know about the matters of the Primordial Era, then it seems that you are indeed not simple. How about it, I know that you are the incarnation of a Divine Water Beast, so this Yin Yang Spiritual Spring's water should be of some help to you. "    


"You're right, this Yin Yang Spiritual Spring does have a great use for me. It can help me gain a deeper understanding of the water origin, and help me purify my own strength."    


But the amount that I need is not small. It would be best if I could cultivate within the Yin Yang Spiritual Spring. But such a precious thing, can you let me use it? "    


"What's that?" Although the Spiritual Spring is good, it still needs to be used in the right places. If it wasn't because this Spiritual Spring is also of great use to me, what about giving it to you? How about it? If I were to lend this Yin Yang Spiritual Spring to you to cultivate, would you be able to cooperate with me? "    


Long Tianhao asked again. He seemed to have expected Shui Hanyan to agree.    


Shui Hanyan did not say anything as if she was still considering.    


"Hehe, to tell you the truth, I have the key to open the inner hall of the Primordial Divinity Storage. If you cooperate with me, I can also bring you in.    


Right now, there is a chance. As long as we cooperate, you will be able to enter the inner palace of Divinity Storage and it is very possible that you will know the riddle of ascension. How about this condition? "    


Long Tianhao put forward another attractive condition at a leisurely pace. He didn't believe that he wouldn't be able to move Shui Hanyan.    


Ever since Mu Tian was brought into his body, everything that Mu Tian carried on his body had fallen into Long Tianhao's hands, including the strange key that he had previously obtained.    


It was very possible that this was the key to opening the inner hall of the Primordial Divinity Storage, and it was also a huge asset for Long Tianhao to enter into the Primordial Divinity Storage.    


Sure enough, after hearing Long Tianhao's words, Shui Hanyan was moved once again. Long Tianhao had come up with tempting conditions one after another, and even she found it hard to resist.    


If she was unable to smoothly ascend the Divine Realm, she would be in great trouble. She could reject Long Tianhao's first condition, but she could not reject Long Tianhao's second condition. This was related to the enigma of ascension; she could not help but be tempted.    


"I admit that I was moved by your conditions. Fine, I can agree to work with you, but not only do I have to enter the Inner Palace of Divinity Storage, I also need to borrow your Yin Yang Spiritual Spring."    


"No problem, I'll do as you say. I'll give you a small gift as a token of my appreciation."    


Seeing that Shui Hanyan agreed, Long Tianhao agreed with a smile on his face. At the same time, he waved his hand, and a crystal clear human-shaped fruit appeared in it. It was the Ginseng Fruit, and he waved his other hand at the same time.    


A fruit appeared in his hand as well. It was also crystal clear, but it was an Immortality Peach. After so many years, the Immortality Peach King had finally blossomed and bear fruit. Furthermore, it was ripe.    


At the same time, with the help of the Yin Yang Spiritual Spring, it could be said that the quality of the Peach of Immortality was much higher than the ones in the ancient Heavenly Court.    


"Ginseng Fruit! Ancient Heaven and Earth Spiritual Root Ginseng Fruit, you actually have a treasure like this? This is the Immortality Peach, and it's formed by the Immortality Peach King!    


How could you have both spiritual roots that are also rare in ancient times? Wasn't it already destroyed during the ancient era? How could it possibly reappear? "    


She seemed to have used up all the shock of her life. At this moment, she finally understood that Long Tianhao was truly not simple, he had countless secrets, which seemed to be more than her secrets.    


Long Tianhao was shocked to hear Shui Hanyan talk about the origins of these two Spiritual Roots. He never thought that this thing would actually appear in the ancient times and even be destroyed. However, it had actually appeared right in front of him now.    


This only meant one thing, and that was that the mysterious person had restored the two spiritual roots with his godly powers. It was hard to imagine what kind of godly power it was. Long Tianhao had never heard of such a thing.    


"It's just an unexpected gain. How is it? This small gift is still worthy of your notice, right?"    


Long Tianhao naturally wouldn't explain in detail to Shui Hanyan. He didn't even fully understand this matter yet!    


Speaking of mysteries, you seem to far surpass me. Since you gave it to me as a gift, then I will accept it impolitely. Our collaboration is a success, but there are some problems with the Yin Yang Spiritual Spring.    


Shui Hanyan did not refuse either. She waved her hand and kept the two Divine Fruit s.    


"Oh? What kind of trouble would the Yin Yang Spiritual Spring face? "    


Long Tianhao asked puzzledly. He had used this Spiritual Spring for so long, but nothing happened. He didn't know what Shui Hanyan was referring to.    


"This Yin Yang Spiritual Spring is indeed beneficial for my cultivation. If I were to use the spring water in it, naturally there wouldn't be any problems, but if I were to enter it to cultivate, I will absorb the most basic Yin Yang energies. It has to be said that solitary yin does not live, single yang does not grow, men are yang, and women are yin.    


If I enter it, there will be an endless amount of Yin Qi entering my body, no matter how strong my Cultivation Level is, it will be frozen and unable to adjust Yin and Yang.    


It will be beneficial for the Cultivation Level only if the Yin and Yang energy are compatible. Therefore, even if I am unable to enter it by myself, I still need a man to enter it with me.    


"Oh? "So that's how it is. No problem, when the time comes, you can bring your dual cultivation partners in. I have no objections on this point."    


Hearing that it was this matter, Long Tianhao immediately said generously. With such a small matter, Long Tianhao wouldn't mind if a few more people came to cultivate.    


"Do you think I have a dual cultivation Dao-companion?"    


Who knew that at this moment, Shui Hanyan glared at him and asked back with a peculiar tone.    


"Eh, I'm not sure about that. I only provided you the Yin Yang Spiritual Spring for you to cultivate. I'm not responsible for anything else."    


Long Tianhao was stunned. He looked away and said directly.    


When Long Tianhao saw Shui Hanyan's expression just now, he didn't know why, but he had a bad premonition. Therefore, he pushed away all responsibility and didn't meet Shui Hanyan's gaze.    


"You seem a little nervous."    


"Am I nervous? How could I be nervous? "You're mistaken. Since we've already reached an agreement, let's go out."    


"Don't be anxious. If I wanted you to enter the Yin Yang Spiritual Spring to cultivate with me, what would happen to you?"    


Long Tianhao was evasive and evasive. He wanted to leave the Dragon Phoenix Ring quickly, but Shui Hanyan stopped him, at the same time directly saying her purpose.    


Hearing Shui Hanyan's words, Long Tianhao's face changed and instantly turned bitter. What he was afraid of was this. He had kindly offered the Yin Yang Spiritual Spring for Shui Hanyan to cultivate, but he had never thought that he would be involved in this as well!    


"Your Majesty, you must be joking right? Don't joke with me. What is your identity? How am I qualified? You should find someone else. Let me introduce one to you, Ao Feng is not bad. "    


"Do I look like I'm joking? The things I decide will never change. Do you think I'm ugly or something? "Then I'll let you see my true face."    


As Shui Hanyan spoke, she slowly took off her veil.    


Seeing that, Long Tianhao closed his eyes and turned around at the same time.    




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