Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



Within the vast starry sky, millions upon millions of Immortals were kneeling and shouting, their auras causing the entire Immortal Realm to tremble. This was a day that held great significance to the Immortal Realm, and a new emperor had appeared in the Eastern Region.    


He was an Emperor who had conquered the world by relying on his martial prowess, and was also the most overbearing and brazen Emperor in all of history. His name would eventually spread throughout the entire Immortal Realm and become a legend passed down by countless deities.    


At this moment, Long Tianhao finally took a significant step forward in his life and became the great emperor of the Immortal Realm, allowing Thunder Monarch's name to spread throughout the Immortal Realm. At the beginning, Thunder Monarch dominated the world, but now Long Tianhao will also walk on this path, and he will walk longer than Thunder Monarch.    


"Eastern Monarch, Huan Monarch, I'll leave the matters here to you. Wives, let's go home!"    


Long Tianhao said to Eastern Monarch and Huan Monarch in a casual manner before hugging the four and disappearing into the starry sky. They had already returned to the Cigarette Water Palace.    


Eastern Monarch and Huan Monarch looked at each other and finally smiled bitterly at each other. They were going to deal with this mess again. Long Tianhao, the Great Emperor of the Hands, was only in his position, and he did not plan for anything.    


"We, Thunder Monarch, are really someone who can't care less. We are born to have a tough life. Even though we are no longer emperors, we still have to do these things."    


Eastern Monarch shook his head and said with a wry smile.    


"That's great. Anyway, I don't have the chance to become a great Emperor. In the past, you were always a level higher than me, but now, we are already the same.    


"In the future, it's not bad to take care of some things for Thunder Monarch. If you want to be less hardworking, it's also very simple. You can train a few successors to come out, and then you can be free."    


Compared to Eastern Monarch, Huan Monarch felt much better. He had been hiding for so many years, and was quite fond of managing the billions of immortals. Furthermore, being able to partner with an old friend like Eastern Monarch was quite good.    


"It won't be that easy to nurture a successor, not to mention there has to be a suitable successor. Let's slowly pick out the successor, we should deal with the matters here first."    


To reorganize the entire Eastern Region, and to stabilize it before the great war between the three realms arrives, or else the following matter will become somewhat troublesome. "    


You send people to take over the Star Domain that is occupied by Primordial Monarch and Purple Monarch. You must completely receive the Eastern Region as soon as possible, and the other thing is to clean up the people that Eastern Monarch and Purple Monarch arranged for. There are also those traitors from the past.    


"If you did not leave, you would have had to deal with it. You should be able to do these things better than I do. Moreover, after experiencing this incident, you should not be soft-hearted anymore, right?"    


Huan Monarch said to Eastern Monarch with a murderous look in his eyes.    


"Don't worry, I know what to do. Since Thunder Monarch has handed over the heavy responsibility to us, I will definitely place the entire Eastern Region in Thunder Monarch's hands, we can't delay this any longer. We'll split up and go act together, then report to Thunder Monarch. I'll be taking my leave first."    


Eastern Monarch's eyes flashed with a strange light. He told Huan Monarch, and began to mobilize the experts on his side, going towards the Eastern Region's bustling Star Domain to take charge of everything there once more.    


Eastern Monarch, we have been ordered by the young master to listen to your arrangements. Furthermore, according to the young master's orders, these Immortal Beast experts will listen to your orders as well, if you need to nurture the person in charge, the young master says that you can train him. He is called Zhuo Tian, and the young master is very optimistic about him.    


At the same time, Zhuo Tian was among them. From his words, it was very obvious that Long Tianhao wanted to cultivate Zhuo Tian, and with Eastern Monarch's intelligence, how could he not see what Long Tianhao meant?    


"I understand. Then, all of you, come with me."    


Eastern Monarch nodded and brought Wu Tian and the others with him. Although Wu Tian's Cultivation Level wasn't very profound, Eastern Monarch didn't dare to underestimate them.    


He knew that Wu Tian and the others were Long Tianhao's personal guards and the person Long Tianhao trusted the most. Their positions were naturally different from ordinary people.    


Originally, Eastern Monarch felt a headache, because those Immortal Beast warriors would not listen to his orders. Now, with Long Tianhao's order, these things were much easier to handle.    


In order to head to the bustling Star Domain, the fastest way was naturally to use Transfer Array s. Furthermore, if they rushed there earlier, they would be able to deal with some traitors, as this was something that Eastern Monarch had always wanted to do.    


After Eastern Monarch took his people and left, the rest of the people listened to Huan Monarch's arrangements and started to clean up the battlefield. At the same time, they sent people to take over the Star Domain that Primordial Monarch had controlled.    


As for Yan Wuyu, Xue Qi, and the others, they rushed back to Yan Shui Xing. Huan Monarch was enough to deal with things here.    


Meanwhile, Xue Tian, Zi Feng, and Zi Yun had also rushed back to Yan Shui Xing. They had all followed Long Tianhao's orders, and without Long Tianhao's order, they wouldn't have listened to Huan Monarch's orders.    


While everyone was busy with work, the results of the battle between Long Tianhao and Primordial Monarch's groups quickly spread through the Immortal Realm. The people who were observing from the shadows all returned to their own factions, passing on everything they saw back to their own factions.    


They spread it all to the Immortal Realm, and there were even people who recorded down everything that happened on the battlefield with their own techniques, engraved it on the Jade Chip, spread it over the Immortal Realm, and earned quite a bit of Immortal Stone.    


In a short span of time, the victor of the battle between the two forces had spread throughout the entire Immortal Realm.    


Even some hidden powers knew about this information. Many people were incomparably shocked about the results of the war, and what happened during that war made countless people incomparably shocked.    


Although it had only been a few days, the number of dead and wounded had reached over ten million. Countless powerful immortals had perished in the war, and many of those high and mighty deities, like Immortal Monarch, had perished in the war.    


It had been a long time since such a thing had happened in the Immortal Realm. Even when the last attack on the Eastern Region had taken place, there hadn't been this many deaths or injuries from immortals and so many grand characters.    


Both sides lost a total of more than 20 Immortal Monarch and thousands of Immortal Lord powerhouses. Among them, Primordial Monarch and Purple Monarch had lost the most, and Purple Monarch had even stolen three Wu steels for Long Tianhao and the other two women, Immortal Monarch.    


As for the Immortal Monarch under Liu Tie's command, they had already fallen. Even the five clan elders were severely injured by Long Tianhao, and the essence energy in their bodies had been swallowed up. It would take them millions of years to recover, so it could be said that they had suffered heavy losses.    


The most shocking thing was that Long Tianhao had killed three black robed experts in a row. Two of them were experts at the same level as Great Emperor, and one was an expert at the early stage of Immortal Sovereign.    


Long Tianhao directly devoured that Immortal Sovereign. How cruel was that method, it was simply hard for anyone to imagine, even an expert in Immortal Sovereign had been devoured, so Long Tianhao instantly became the object that countless people in the Immortal Realm could not afford to offend.    


There were even some who spoke a widely spread saying, which was: rather than touching Thunder Monarch, it would be better to provoke Immortal Sovereign. This was the person who listed Long Tianhao as the most terrifying person.    


Its deterrence towards many immortals of the Immortal Realm had even surpassed Immortal Sovereign. After all, its power had been forcefully devoured, so who dared to say that they were stronger than Immortal Sovereign?    


After this battle, Long Tianhao and Thunder Monarch's fame were already set in the early stages of Immortal Realm. Not many people dared to provoke him again, which also saved Long Tianhao a lot of trouble.    


He didn't want to deal with too many troubles. After all, in his opinion, he was too busy and didn't have the time to deal with those random things.    


Moreover, what caused the immortals to be shocked the most was that after the end of the war, Long Tianhao actually asked the three powers for the divine artifacts. There were a total of twenty divine artifacts, and the three powers, including the three Immortal Sovereign, didn't dare to refuse.    


Under Long Tianhao's threat, they obediently handed over their God Equipment. It could be said that this was the first time it happened in Immortal Realm and it was unbelievable that Long Tianhao wanted Primordial Monarch and Daviso to get their God Equipment as compensation.    


But it was still acceptable, but Long Tianhao did not even let go of the three great Immortal Sovereign, which made everyone shocked.    


Not only were the three great Immortal Sovereign representatives, they were also representatives of the three ancient sects that had inherited Immortal Realm. Not only did Long Tianhao lose face for the three great Immortal Sovereign s, he even gave the three great sects a slap in the face.    


He had caused the three great sects to lose face. In this way, he had basically completely offended the three great sects. The strength of the three great sects was not clearly stated, but everyone knew that they absolutely could not provoke them.    


Offending the three major sects, even if one's Divine Realm rose, one would still be punished by the three major sects. This also meant that Long Tianhao would be in a lot of trouble in the future.    


Long Tianhao didn't ask too much about the shaking of the Immortal Realm. In the end, it didn't matter to him how much trouble it brought about.    


At this moment, he was busy narrating the events that had occurred in the past few years to the four of them. At the same time, he was trying to make up for the past few years of thinking about each other and doing things that he wanted to do.    


In the Dragon Phoenix Ring, Long Tianhao held the four of them and laid on the crystal jade bed. After a while, it eased the long longing for each other. As the saying goes, a goodbye is better than a new marriage, but this reunion made Long Tianhao and the four girls even more intimate.    


The thing that made Long Tianhao the happiest was that when Nalan returned, she no longer had any resistance towards him and truly became his woman. This made Long Tianhao the most happy.    


"All of you have become stronger than me now. I am no longer your match. It seems that I won't be able to live a good life in the future."    


Long Tianhao said gloomily.    


We four sisters together aren't your match, but you beat up five other people by yourself. Originally, I thought that you would be stronger than me this time, but who knew that it would still not work.    


Long Huang wrinkled her nose, and charmingly rolled her eyes at Long Tianhao as she spoke somewhat speechlessly.    


"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about how you guys were like wolves and tigers just now. I was almost sucked dry by you guys. Now that you guys are back, you want to murder your husbands!"    


Long Tianhao said with a mischievous smile.    


"I hate you. You're going to die. That's because we missed you too much. And seeing how weak you are, are you carrying us to find another woman?" Eh? Sister Qi Ya and the others are cultivating, it's her! "    


Luxi Feier charmingly pounded Long Tianhao's chest twice before standing up. With a wave of her hand, she put on her clothes and disappeared.    


"Eh, it's not that exaggerated, right?"    


Long Tianhao's expression changed. He discovered that Luxi Feier was going to the Quiet Room where Bing Xuan was at. If Luxi Feier was to attack Bing Xuan, then it would be bad. This was also his woman, so Long Tianhao didn't want any impulses between the two of them.    


In an instant, Long Tianhao also left the jade bed. After wearing his clothes, he disappeared from the room. Seeing this, Long Huang and the others also followed closely behind.    


In an instant, Long Tianhao appeared outside of Bing Xuan's Quiet Room, while Luxi Feier also appeared outside of her Quiet Room. Immediately afterwards, the three people of Dragon Phoenix's group rushed over, but they were all stopped by Long Tianhao.    


Amongst the Dragon Phoenix Ring, Long Tianhao was a god. Naturally, his speed was much faster than Luxi Feier's group. As long as he willed it, he could appear anywhere within the Dragon Phoenix Ring.    


Facing the four girls, Long Tianhao revealed an unnatural smile, he didn't know what to say.    


"We pay our respects to royal father!"    


At this moment, a voice rang out. It turned out that Ice Wind had sensed that someone had come over to take a look.    




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