Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



Within the Cigarette Water Palace, Long Tianhao returned to his own Quiet Room. Not long after, Eastern Monarch and Huan Monarch both walked in. When Long Tianhao left, he told them to wait a while to find him.    


It made Eastern Monarch and Huan Monarch impatient, but there was nothing they could do about it. Especially the tremor in the sea earlier, it made them feel even more shocked. Although Long Tianhao told them not to ask, they still checked it with their celestial consciousness.    


They also saw Xue Tian's real body. That shocked them quite a bit. They were all knowledgeable people so they naturally knew Xue Tian's original body. The shock in their hearts were simply indescribable.    


Long Tianhao knew that the two of them cared a lot about what happened before, so he explained what happened to Xue Tian to let them know that Xue Tian was on his side. As for the rest, there was nothing much to say.    


"Thunder Monarch's methods are indeed extraordinary. The two of us are incomparable to each other, to the point that we can make the natural born royalty submit to us."    


"Also, taking him in as a disciple can be said to be a great help to our battle with Primordial Monarch. At least the pressure from the Fierce Beasts side will be a lot less."    


After hearing what Long Tianhao had to say, Eastern Monarch sighed with emotion. He was now more and more impressed by Long Tianhao, and the variety of methods he used were beyond his imagination. He could not imagine who could teach such a freak.    


"That's right. Primordial Monarch relied on a lot of peak experts. He joined hands with Purple Monarch and there are also some mysterious experts. At the same time, there are even some Fierce Beasts. They are indeed difficult to fight against.    


In terms of top powerhouses, we don't have to send them, and they are even stronger than us. Now, there are even natural born royalty of the berserk beasts, Primordial Monarch won't be able to be arrogant for long.    


At most, you guys can use a portion of your strength. When the time comes, we can completely destroy it, and let their vitality suffer greatly, seizing the opportunity to occupy a position in the Immortal Realm. This will allow them to reap sufficient benefits in the upcoming great war between the Three Realms. "    


Huan Monarch also had a proud smile on his face. His eyes flashed as if he was calculating something.    


"I've always been very curious as to what secrets are hidden within this great war of the Three Realms. What did you mean by saying that you can hide from the great war of the Three Realms with sufficient benefits?"    


I once heard that there is a huge secret behind the great war of the Three Realms that is related to a single Divinity Storage. What exactly is going on here? Which one of you will explain it to me? "    


When Long Tianhao heard about the Three Realms War, he couldn't help but recall the secret behind it. He had always wanted to ask about it, but he had forgotten about it many times.    


Eastern Monarch and Huan Monarch were both big shots of Immortal Realm, so they were definitely aware of the secrets within, especially Eastern Monarch. He had controlled the Eastern Region for more than a hundred million years and participated in ten big battles.    


Seeing Long Tianhao look at them, Eastern Monarch and Huan Monarch couldn't help but look at each other as if asking for the other's opinion.    


"Why don't you tell me more about it? You know more about it."    


Hearing this, Eastern Monarch could not help but smile bitterly and shook his head: "You, always leave this kind of difficult problem to me. Forget it, I'll tell you what I said. I don't have so much scruples right now anyway."    


"From your tone, it seems like you can't casually reveal the secrets within. What kind of secrets would need to be so secretive?"    


Seeing the two of them like this, Long Tianhao became even more interested. What secret could it be that even the two peerless Immortal Monarch were afraid of?    


The reason why the Three Realms are fighting is simply because we want to compete for a placing in the Divinity Storage. Whoever is stronger, the number of spots we can obtain will only grow. In these past few years, the number of places our Immortal Realm has won is practically all the smallest.    


It's all because our Immortal Realm is not united enough, and our strength is not comparable to that of the Demon Second World. Adding the fact that the Demon Second World has often teamed up, it's naturally because we're pressured by our Immortal Realm.    


Our Immortal Realm is only a quarter of it, and with the four great powers distributing the resources among us, the number of slots we can get is even less. Thus, the great war of the Three Realms is only important to us. "    


After all, Immortal Realm was the weakest, and this matter was already decided long ago. Everyone knew that fighting with the Demon God Realm was practically never a win, and this could be said to be a type of sorrow and humiliation.    


"What Divinity Storage is this important? Even if it is Divinity Storage, there is no need to start a war between the Three Realms.    


Although divine artifacts were precious, it was not enough to make the experts of the Three Realms go crazy. Although there were not many Divinity Storage in the world, there were still some that would attract many people every time they activated, but it was still impossible to cause a war between the Three Realms.    


"This Divinity Storage is called the Primordial Divinity Storage and is the most mystical Divinity Storage in the world. No one knows where it came from and no one knows who left it behind.    


This was the tenth time it had been activated. Every time it was activated, it would maintain a duration of a hundred years and let people enter, but there was a strict number of people that could only enter three hundred at a time. This was equivalent to one hundred people in each world.    


The reason the Primordial Divinity Storage are so highly regarded by the Three Realms is not because of the divine artifacts within, but because of a secret. "    


"What secret?"    


"Thunder Monarch, you should know about the secret of flying Divine Realm. It has been over a hundred million years since someone has been able to pass through the divine tribulation and ascend into the Divine Realm. This caused everyone in the three realms to be terrified.    


And just at this moment, the Primordial Divinity Storage appeared. Rumor has it that it contained the secret to raising Divine Realm, but it was opened nine times in a row, allowing many people to enter.    


This is our last chance, and our Cultivation Level have already reached their limit. If we do not find a way to fly up, we can only brace ourselves and activate the divine tribulation. "    


Eastern Monarch said with a serious face. His and Huan Monarch's Cultivation Level could be said to have reached their peak and could no longer be suppressed.    


"Is there such a thing? Then, after you have entered it so many times, you should have some clues right? "    


Long Tianhao was also shocked when he heard this. There was actually a secret hidden within this. No wonder the important figures of the three realms were taking this seriously. This matter was related to their fate.    


Long Tianhao also knew that at least two hundred million people had yet to ascend Divine Realm, including the three people from the Immortal Sovereign. They were also unable to sense the existence of Divine Realm, as though Divine Realm had disappeared, causing them to lose the place to ascend.    


But if the Cultivation Level was unable to pass through the divine tribulation, it could be said that they would definitely die. Which one of the hegemon of the Three Realms was not a genius among geniuses?    


Therefore, finding a way to raise their Divine Realm was something that they were most concerned about, and they could pay any price to do so.    


"After a few explorations, we did indeed have a clue, but there was nothing we could do about it. We suspect that the secret is hidden in the area, but there is an unbreakable door in that area. We have paid a huge price to enter.    


We did everything we could to open the door, but we couldn't. It seemed like we needed a key to open the door, but we didn't have a key.    


I hope that we can think of a way to enter this place. We can't wait any longer, and I believe that the hegemons of the Demonic Second World can no longer wait. "    


"Key? The Divinity Storage actually requires a key to open a door, a key, huh? "Right, could it be …"    


Long Tianhao muttered a few times. Then, he suddenly thought of something and a peculiar expression appeared on his face.    


"Thunder Monarch, what's wrong?" What did you think of? "    


Eastern Monarch and Huan Monarch asked with doubt. At the same time, they also had a trace of expectation that Long Tianhao knew about the key.    


"Perhaps I know of the key that you are talking about. You should still remember the Annihilation Temple of the lower realms. I had entered it before as well, during the final challenge."    


I was very angry at the time, but the owner of the shrine said that it was a Divinity Storage key. Now that I think about it, maybe that key is the key to that area. "    


Long Tianhao said this. He was naturally talking about the key from the Annihilation Shrine. Back then, he was still very angry about it.    


He could not help but curse the mysterious man a few times. He was almost punished, but he did not expect that the key was actually a treasure. It seemed that the mysterious man was not lying!    


"Really? "Then Thunder Monarch, can you take out that key and let us take a look?"    


They had all been to the Divinity Storage and roughly knew the shape of the key that they needed. If Long Tianhao really had the key, then they would have hope.    


"I can't do anything about this, that thing isn't on me, it's in Demon Realm. Looks like I'll have to make a trip to Demon Realm this time."    


"So that's how it is. I guess that's the only way."    


Hearing this, Eastern Monarch and Huan Monarch were both a little disappointed, but in the end, they couldn't see anything.    


"Hehe, don't be anxious, you will all see it. Oh right, there should be many treasures in that Primordial Divinity Storage, how dangerous is it inside?"    


Noticing their slightly disappointed expressions, Long Tianhao could not help but smile and said. He was not worried about them as that thing was still on Mu Tian's body. There shouldn't be any problems.    


"There are indeed a lot of treasures within Primordial Divinity Storage. There are all kinds of divine tools, divine pellets, as well as some rare materials, and even some cultivation methods. The treasures we use and the cultivation methods come from within.    


There would always be many treasures that would be brought out, if not the Immortal Realm would not have so many divine artifacts, but the degree of danger was truly terrifying. Every time three hundred people were brought out of there, more than half of them would die.    


It was already good that several tens of people could come out, which was also why the Divinity Storage was being hidden. If the truth of the war between the three realms were revealed, it would cause chaos in the three realms, and the impact would be too great.    


Furthermore, if we were to speak of the dangers within, I'm afraid not many people would be willing to enter. This is also an agreement between all the hegemons of our three realms, and it will not leak news of what happened in the Divinity Storage.    


Speaking of the dangers of Primordial Divinity Storage, even Eastern Monarch and Huan Monarch's faces changed. That place was not a good place.    


Every time they entered and saw Immortal Monarch fall one by one, they would also feel terrified. It could be said that the number of people who could exit were very few. In fact, in one trip, there were only a dozen or so out of the 300 people.    


Even an overlord of Devil Realm had died in the midst of it, which showed how terrifying it was. But for the sake of raising the secrets of Divine Realm, no matter how dangerous it was, they had to charge in.    


"This is too exaggerated! This is simply letting so many Emperor level powerhouses throw their lives away!" I didn't expect it to be like this, a strong person like you.    


They would also be very wary of the Primordial Divinity Storage. Oh right, how are the spots divided after the competition between the different realms? "    


"Our Immortal Realm only normally gets seventy-five spots, which are divided among the four great forces. According to the different forces' strengths, we can get different spots, and other than Immortal Monarch, who we have under us, these spots are also different.    


As for the powerhouses from Ethereal Sky and some strong ones, they will also ask for a placing. They will usually owe us a favor because of this and we are willing to accept it.    


"So that's how it is. If we defeat Primordial Monarch and Purple Monarch, won't we be able to obtain the majority of the slots? That's not bad."    


Furthermore, we may not only be able to bring so few people with us when the time comes. I seem to be quite experienced in this kind of thing.    


Long Tianhao said meaningfully. With the existence of Dragon Phoenix Ring, it might be possible to sneak in a large number of strong warriors.    


After understanding the situation of the Primordial Divinity Storage, Long Tianhao finally had some idea in his heart. He already had some plans for what he was going to do next. In his opinion, this was a rare opportunity.    


Then, Long Tianhao told Eastern Monarch and Huan Monarch a few things, and gave almost all of the Masters to them to take care of. That way, he could save a lot of trouble, but Purple Lightning Family and those Immortal Beast s could not be managed by Eastern Monarch and Huan Monarch.    


Especially the Immortal Beast s, they were extremely hostile towards humans, they would only listen to Long Tianhao's orders, and Purple Lightning Family was even more so.    


They would never listen to anyone else. They only had Long Tianhao in their eyes, and only Long Tianhao's words could make them obey.    


Because of this, Long Tianhao was also a bit depressed. This was something that couldn't be helped, just like Xue Qi and Xue Tian who only listened to Long Tianhao. No one else was able to command them to do anything and could be considered Long Tianhao's trusted aides.    


However, there were still a few years until the day of the war with Primordial Monarch. Long Tianhao was also urging Eastern Monarch, Sun Tie, and the others to continue gathering strong people.    


The stronger they were, the better it would be for them, especially those at Immortal Monarch's level. It would be better to say that it would directly decide the victory or defeat for all of them.    


After arranging the tasks for Eastern Monarch and Huan Monarch, Long Tianhao planned to use this time to enter the Dragon Phoenix Ring to refine some immortal equipment. At the very least, he would have to improve the equipment on his side, especially the powerhouses of these Immortal Beast.    


Although they were powerful, they did not have any good immortal equipment. Although they were powerful, if they had powerful immortal equipment, they would be able to unleash even more power. The stronger they were, the better.    


"Let the war of the three realms begin quickly. I can also go to the Demon Realm and have a look at what kind of world it is. I'm really looking forward to it!"    




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