Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



Long Tianhao didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he explained to Long Huang. However, at this moment, he was riding on the back of Long Huang. After all, he couldn't fly right now.    


Long Huang did not question Long Tianhao's words at all, so he quickly landed on the ground with Long Tianhao on his back. At the same time, his body shrunk rapidly and he sat on Long Tianhao's shoulder. What happened next had nothing to do with her.    


After both sides stopped fighting, many people also appeared in the garden. They were all attracted by the commotion from earlier.    


When everyone arrived at the garden, they saw the enormous body of the dragon whale in the air. Not everyone had seen this dragon whale before; even the people in the Marshal Quarters did not have many people who had seen this dragon whale before.    


This kind of Devil Beast is even rarer than our Dragon Clan. I didn't expect the Marshal's Mansion to have one, it's interesting, no wonder this Cassius is able to shake the entire continent. It seems that other than his own strength, this dragon whale has also done well.    


When Feng Baiyu saw the Dragon Whale, he was also shocked. However, he immediately thought of many things.    


"What's going on?"    


At the same time, he was communicating with the Dragon Whale. This Dragon Whale was his magic pet and usually lived at the bottom of the lake.    


"Uncle, I'm sorry. When my companion was playing in the lake, he accidentally disturbed the Dragonwhale in the lake. That's why they started fighting. Please forgive the inconvenience they brought to you."    


Long Tianhao had an embarrassed look on his face as he spoke to Cassius. Although this matter was caused by the dragon whale, in the end, it was because the dragon phoenix had entered the lake that caused the dragon whale's dissatisfaction.    


At this moment, the garden was filled with water. Many plants had been destroyed, making it look like a complete mess.    


After listening to Long Tianhao's explanation and communicating with the Dragon Whale, Cassius understood what had happened. He also understood the temperament of his Magic Pet, so he naturally knew why the two of them were fighting.    


However, what surprised him was that Long Tianhao had such a strange Devil Beast, and Long Tianhao was also terrifyingly strong.    


He was actually able to use magic to trap the dragon whale. The dragon whale was famous for its great strength. It was evident that Long Tianhao was quite capable. At this moment, Cassius' face had also calmed down.    


I already know what happened, so I can't blame you guys for this. It was I who didn't tell you about the situation here. My Dragon Whale is very temperamental and does not like to be disturbed by others.    


"Thank you for your understanding, Uncle. There's nothing wrong with both of us. We've only caused the garden to become like this. I'm truly sorry."    


"It's alright, these servants will take care of it. As long as the people are fine, it's fine. Everyone can leave. Everyone go back to rest, there's nothing else."    


Cassius waved his hand and said to the others.    


"Huanger, go and apologize to that Dragonwhale. You were the one who caused this incident."    


Long Tianhao also caressed Long Huang as he said to him.    


Long Huang didn't dare to refute Long Tianhao's words. He could only turn his head unwillingly and stare at the dragon whale with traces of dissatisfaction in his eyes.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


However, as much as he was dissatisfied, Long Huang still growled a few times at the dragon whale, probably to express his apology.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


The dragon whale also responded to the dragon phoenix. The way it looked at the dragon phoenix also became much gentler. When the dragon phoenix heard the dragon whale's roar, its eyes revealed an excited expression without any dissatisfaction.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


The dragon phoenix happily responded to the dragon whale. After hearing the dragon phoenix's roar, the dragon whale unexpectedly directly entered the lake, no longer paying attention to the people around it.    


"Huanger, what are you guys talking about?"    


Long Tianhao saw Long Huang's excited expression and was puzzled. He couldn't help but ask in his heart.    


"Dad, that big guy said he wanted me to go to his house to play. He has a lot of treasures in his house, and I just found a shiny stone down there that's why I started fighting with him. He said that he could give me those things. Dad, can I go?"    


Long Feng excitedly said to Long Tianhao. At the same time, he was staring at Long Tianhao with anticipation. Long Tianhao couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.    


This precious daughter of his was too easily deceived. She was extremely excited whenever she gave him something. However, Long Tianhao did not stop her. Children were always playful.    


"Hehe, if you like it then go. But you have to be careful. Do you even need to get into conflict with someone else?"    


"En, thank you daddy, I got it, I'm going now."    


The dragon phoenix happily stuck out its tongue and licked Long Tianhao's face before flying away from Long Tianhao's shoulder. Its body abruptly grew larger and also entered the lake, disappearing in the blink of an eye.    


"Uncle, the conflict between them has been resolved. We can leave now."    


"Un, but what kind of Devil Beast is this? Why have I never seen it before? Furthermore, the imposing aura that I am emitting is even able to shock my Dragonwhale, and has the ability to change the size of his body. This is not something that ordinary Devil Beast can do, right? "    


"Hehe, to tell you the truth, I don't know Huanger's background either. But she's very smart, I was the one who brought her up.    


I have always treated her as my own daughter, so it doesn't matter what kind of Devil Beast she is. I just like her, that's all.    


Your thoughts are quite unique. It is her fortune that she was able to meet a master like you. If you have nothing to do, then go back and rest.    


Cassius did not doubt Long Tianhao's words at all. After all, he had never heard of a Devil Beast like Dragon Phoenix before.    


As for Long Tianhao's concern for Dragon and Phoenix, he liked it a lot. After all, the Devil Beast was his partner, and it was necessary for him to protect it. On this point, he and Long Tianhao were the same.    


"Brother Tianhao, are you alright?" My father's dragon whale is very powerful, and there's also the dragon phoenix is fine, just now the dragon phoenix looked really handsome. "    


At this moment, Qi Ya saw that Long Tianhao had pretty much explained everything to her father, so she ran over, afraid that Long Tianhao and Long Huang would be injured.    


"Girl, you're the only one who cares about your lover. It doesn't matter if your father's companion has suffered a loss."    


Seeing how concerned Qi Ya was for Long Tianhao, even he sighed in his heart. This girl couldn't be left alone, all her heart was on her lover.    


"Dad, what are you talking about? Since the Dragon Whale is so powerful, what's wrong with it? Of course I care about Brother Tianhao. "    


Qi Ya retorted in a dissatisfied manner.    


"Qi Ya, I'm fine. Long Huang is fine too. She's gone to play with the Dragonwhale. She hasn't been out for a long time. I'll let her play a bit more."    


Long Tianhao stroked Qi Ya's hair and said gently to her.    


"Tianhao is right, they are fine. But if I had come a bit later, my draconic whale would have been in trouble. It was almost beaten into a grievous injury."    


"How depressing, if I was seriously injured by someone at home, I would no longer have the face to go out and meet them. With such a big commotion tonight, there will definitely be a lot of trouble at court tomorrow."    


If he came late and let the dragon phoenix blast him down, there was no guarantee that the dragon whale would be seriously injured. If that happened, then it would be too late for him to even cry.    


"Is it really that powerful?" Did you do Brother Tianhao? "    


Qi Ya said to Long Tianhao in shock. One must know that her father's Magic Pet was well-known to be powerful, so what could injure it?    


"It's not me, it's Long Huang. She almost shot a shot at that Dragon Whale. I don't know what ability that little guy has either. I better pay attention to her from now on so she doesn't cause any trouble."    


Long Tianhao smiled bitterly and shook his head. He was a bit scared when he heard the last cannon Long Feng used. It seemed to be very powerful, even he might not be able to handle it.    


"Is Dragon Phoenix that powerful? She was still so young, and he still thought that she didn't have much fighting power? "So it's actually much stronger than me."    


"Alright, go back and rest. We still have to return to the academy tomorrow."    


"Un, then rest early Brother Tianhao. See you tomorrow."    


Qi Ya gave Long Tianhao a gentle kiss on his face before running back to her mother's room to rest with Alia.    


As for the others, they left one after the other. Even Cassius also left. There was nothing to worry about here. It was best for him to go back to sleep so that tomorrow he wouldn't have a panda eye and be laughed at.    


I admire you, Tianhao. You can even make such a big commotion while sleeping, but that precious daughter of yours is not simple at all, I can feel the most primitive dragon's might from her body. I think she has some sort of connection with our Dragon Clan.    


Everyone left, except Feng Baiyu, who brought Riley and stayed behind. However, Feng Baiyu told Long Tianhao the story of the Dragon and Phoenix with a serious expression on his face.    


"Maybe, but is it that important? Anyway, she won't go with you. "    


Long Tianhao rolled his eyes and said casually to Feng Baiyu.    


"Who said that? If she is related to our Dragon Clan, you must bring her to our Dragon Island once. This is very important to us, I am not joking around, I hope you can promise me that. "    


Long Huang is still young, and when she grows up, I will have time. I will go to the Dragon Island with her, but at that time, don't you dare not welcome me.    


"Okay, don't you have the order badge given to you by the Sovereign King Pavilion? At that time, when you take that command tablet to the Dragon Island, no one will make things difficult for you, and you will instead be welcomed by our Dragon Clan. "    


"Mm, I understand. If there's nothing else, you all should go back and rest. I will wait here for Long Feng to come back."    


"Well, you wait. We'll go back and rest. Let's go, darling."    


Feng Baiyu was in an extremely good mood after receiving Long Tianhao's promise. He hugged Riley and returned to his room, leaving Long Tianhao alone in the pavilion, waiting for Long Huang to return.    


"Why is Bai Yu so concerned about Huanger? Could something have happened to the Dragon Clan? It looks like I should take Huanger to visit the Dragon Island when I have time. After all, I am good friends with Bai Yu and Chi Yan.    


After Feng Baiyu left, Long Tianhao recalled Feng Baiyu's solemn words from before and could not help but think of many things. He also decided that if he needed help in the future, he would need to help Dragon Clan.    


Long Tianhao waited at the pavilion for a long time before the dragon phoenix flew out from the lake. The dragon whale revealed a huge dragon head from the lake and growled a few times at the dragon phoenix.    


Seeing that the dragon whale had left, Long Feng flew towards Long Tianhao. His body started to shrink, but it didn't become as small as it used to be. Instead, it was as thick as an arm and flew in front of Long Tianhao.    


"Dad, I'm back. What do you think I brought back?"    


Long Huang's happy voice sounded in Long Tianhao's heart.    


"Huanger, what's that?"    


Long Tianhao couldn't help but ask in confusion. He didn't know what kind of treasure the dragon whale could give to the dragon phoenix.    


"Father, look."    


Long Huang opened his mouth and spat out a few things. Then, he quickly shrunk and once again sat on Long Tianhao's shoulder.    


Long Tianhao looked at the table in front of him, there were a total of four items, and there were two shiny stones. Long Tianhao could tell with a glance that these were very high quality magic crystals, and the most precious ones were the Spatial and Light elements.    


As for the other two items, one of them was an ancient book. It hadn't rotted even after being in the water for so long.    


And lastly, it is actually a scepter. On the scepter, there is a resplendent crystal ball with traces of silver light circulating within it. I wonder what its use is.    


Long Tianhao picked up the Scepter and injected his spiritual energy into it. He immediately felt that it was a magic staff. However, he didn't know what kind of gem or crystal was embedded inside, but it had no attributes.    


In other words, this staff had no attributes, and could be used to release all types of magic. This kind of thing was not common, and the materials used to make this staff were unknown.    


Long Tianhao, on the other hand, felt that this magic staff was somehow familiar with the magic staff of Plysius and had a feeling that it had transcended common magical items. Long Tianhao immediately thought, this magic staff was actually a godly tool.    


And its quality was obviously higher than the one Primus had, which meant that it wasn't an ordinary divine tool. As for what kind of divine tool it was, Long Tianhao didn't even know.    


"Huanger, did the Dragonwhale tell you how to get this magic staff?"    


Long Tianhao was shocked. It was not that easy to obtain a godly weapon. If he knew about this, then he might as well give it back to someone else.    


"Well, the big guy said he got this wand before he met his current owner, and that book and those two stones.    


He has always kept these things within his body, so even his master does not know about them. But now, he has given them to me. "    


"Oh ~!" So that's how it is, this dragon whale really has the bloodline of Dragon Clan, it also likes to collect treasures, and no one will know about it. But this time, he's giving these things to you, it's pretty good for you, you should thank it properly. "    


"Yes, it said that the feeling I gave it was very intimate, so it gave it to me. No matter what, I've already eaten it. Daddy, don't blame me for this, right?"    


"Hehe, this was originally given to you by this magic crystal. These two magic crystals, you can also eat. As for this magic staff and this book, I'll keep them for you."    


"No, mine is daddy's. Huanger left these four things for daddy, I put the rest into my internal space. Dad, you don't know, just now Tall Guy taught me how to open up space in my body. Now I have my own storage space."    


Long Huang said to Long Tianhao proudly.    


"Oh? "That's good. Hehe, it seems that it is indeed very good to you. Alright, I will keep these things. If you want them in the future, just tell Father."    


Long Tianhao was touched. This precious daughter of hers, she did not forget about him. It was not in vain for him to love her so much.    


Long Tianhao kept the staff into his storage ring with a thought, along with the two crystals. There was only a simple book left on the table. Long Tianhao couldn't help but pick up the ancient book.    


Gently flipping it open, the contents were immediately reflected in his eyes. The book actually introduced light and darkness magic, and not only that, there were also introductions of other magic elements.    


Long Tianhao looked at the contents in the book in shock. He really didn't understand who wrote this book. It was basically referring to the origin of magic.    


Although it couldn't compare to the Elemental True Explanation, it was still a rare magic book. If it were to spread, it would absolutely cause a sensation.    


"Unbelievable! There's actually such a book! I wonder where that Dragon Whale obtained it. A divine book, a divine artifact, and two rare crystals. What does this portend?"    


Long Tianhao was filled with doubts, but no one could answer them.    


Suddenly, Long Tianhao seemed to have thought of something. The Spirit Power from the Sea of Consciousness flowed out and merged into the book in his hands. Long Tianhao immediately felt a large amount of information entering his brain, and Long Tianhao also knew a lot of things at that moment.    




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