Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



At this moment, Mo Lin's small courtyard was extremely lively. A few young people were laughing and playing with each other without any worries. This was their place and no one would disturb them.    


Qi Ya snuggled up to Long Tianhao with a gentle face and a happy smile. She had been holding back so much that her longing for Long Tianhao made her feel like she was living every second of her life.    


A woman is like this. When she doesn't have feelings for you, she can easily give you up. When she really loves a man, she will give her heart to him. There is no one else in her heart, and the same goes for her.    


Once a woman was heartless, she would become very scary, so she absolutely could not let a woman be hurt, or else the consequences would be very scary.    


"Qi Ya, you've gotten skinnier. Why don't you take good care of yourself?"    


"Brother Tianhao, I'm fine, I just miss you too much. I'll think about you at dinner and in a daze.    


While walking, I would think, "The one who dreams at night is still you. Brother Tianhao, I really miss you. Every minute and every second I separate from you makes me suffer greatly. I will never leave you again."    


"Silly girl, I also miss you, but looking at you like this, I will feel a great deal of heartache. Promise me that you will take care of yourself no matter what and live a good life for me. Believe me, we will be together soon."    


"Mm, I believe you. Brother Tianhao, I'm willing to do anything you want me to do."    


At this moment, Qi Ya appeared abnormally docile. This was a huge difference from her usual self. The usually lively and bold girl was currently nowhere to be seen, with only a touch of warmth.    


"Cough cough. Boss, Qi Ya, you guys should at least pay attention to this. Don't provoke us, we're still single."    


"That's right. Besides, Qi Ya, you have become so gentle and gentle. I'm really not used to it."    


Jia Si and Mo Long pretended to be hurt and joked.    


"You two guys are so jealous. If you're jealous, then go find one yourself. Why are you jealous of Brother Tianhao and me?"    


Hehe, we are not as wise as our boss, and it would not be easy for us to find a suitable partner, not to mention that we are still young and have yet to reach adulthood, so there is no need to be anxious. On the other hand, you, Qi Ya, are only one month away from sixteen, and you are already with our boss.    


"You're so annoying, Jia Si. If you want to die, you'll laugh at me. Be careful, I might tell Uncle Gabriel to take care of you."    


Hearing that, Jia Si's face turned bitter. The moment this mistress mentioned his father, he had no other choice.    


"No, no, aunt, it's my fault, okay? "It's not like you don't know that my dad likes you the most, and believes what you say the most. If you go and complain, my dad will take my life. We're best friends, so don't harm me."    


"Alright, I'm just saying it casually, is there a need to be so nervous? as if I was scary. "    


Qi Ya couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard Jia Si's words. Wasn't this too nerve-racking? Was she that hateful?    


"Hehe, it's good that you're fine, I'm afraid. I've just been locked up by dad for so long, if there's anything else, I'll just strip off a layer of skin."    


"Hehe, you guys, all of you grown men are actually so scared of Qi Ya, are you all that afraid of Qi Ya? My Qi Ya is very gentle. "    


"Boss, that's for you. We don't have the same treatment as you, Boss. Plus, she's Magician, a Fire element user. If you give me a Fireball, that would be a big problem."    


Listening to them, Qi Ya was afraid that she wouldn't be able to change her entire life.    


"Right, how much longer before your academy starts?"    


"Oh, soon. In about a week, school will start and we'll be free again. Boss, you can come to school with us."    


"Hmm, that's good. I'm rather bored every day, but I still don't know what to learn."    


"The topics in our academy are the most comprehensive. Dou Zhe, Magician, and some other special ones, such as alchemists, alchemists, etc. We will have a major, and the rest we can choose from.    


You can take other courses, such as Boss, dual cultivation of magic and martial arts, where you can learn magic and battle skills.    


"Boss, if you like alchemy and alchemy, you can also learn them. However, we usually don't put in effort to learn other things as we are not adept at anything else. Our professors require us to specialize in them."    


"That's good. I was just worried that it would be troublesome if I could only learn a single technique. Right, the academy's library is open to students, right?"    


"Un, that's right. Our academy's library is divided into three levels. The outermost level is open to all students, and it is made up of basic things. The middle level is open to those students with excellent results."    


As long as one reached the realm of Big Magician or an intermediate Dou Shi, they would be able to enter. As for the third layer, it was a forbidden area and only the most talented students of the academy would have the chance to enter.    


There are many powerful battle skills and magic, and even the forbidden spells and battle skills left behind by the God of Magic exist. Rumors have it that the existence of God's artifacts and high level pills are all our dreams, it's just that it's not that easy to obtain. "    


Speaking of the library in the academy, Jia Si's eyes were filled with yearning. That place was definitely the place that everyone yearned for in their dreams. There were many things that could not be obtained from outside — Dou Techniques, Magic, Alchemy, and even some godly artifacts.    


You simply cannot imagine it. As one of the three great academies of the continent, the Ice Blue Imperial Family's Magic Martial School has existed for countless years, and has been dominating the continent for tens of millions of years.    


"In that case, this is indeed a good place. I am actually quite interested in it."    


Long Tianhao was becoming more and more interested in the Ice Blue Imperial Family's martial arts academy. What he lacked was foundation, and this place seemed to be able to provide everything she needed. Thus, no matter what, Long Tianhao had to enter.    


"Right, the academy admissions students every year, but it doesn't depend on one's identity, but on one's talent. After passing the test, one can enter the academy, the academy's selection process is very strict, and the number of people that enter the academy every year is very few. Of course, with boss's talent, there's no problem at all."    


"Hehe, don't think too highly of us. This world is filled with water, so it's not that simple. But it's also because of this reason that living in this time will be full of challenges, and it will also be more interesting."    


Long Tianhao said meaningfully with a hint of yearning in his eyes. There were many powerful people in this world, and it was not as simple as it seemed.    


For example, the last time he bought a Demonic Beast Egg from the trading area, that old man and the old man he saw in the underground space were both extremely extraordinary.    


Long Tianhao was very happy to be able to see Qi Ya, Jia Si and the rest. After chatting for a long time, they parted again.    


There was nothing to be reluctant about. After all, they would be able to meet each other in the academy soon. At that time, they would be able to meet again. Hence, they were not in a hurry.    


Before Long Tianhao left, Mo Lin gave Long Tianhao a token. With this token, Long Tianhao would be able to successfully enter the Imperial City in the future and not be obstructed by others.    


"Ah, the Ice Blue Imperial Family's Magic Martial Academy. I wonder what kind of surprise it will bring me. Ah, just where did I come from?" And why did he need to master the Elemental Body? So annoying, Qi Ya. I wonder how she's doing, silly girl. "    


Long Tianhao was lying at the entrance with his eyes wide open looking at the sky. He was thinking about a lot of things in his heart. Long Tianhao had always cared about his background, but there was no answer. This made Long Tianhao very conflicted.    


But soon, a beloved person appeared in his heart, causing Long Tianhao to smile slightly. But very soon, Long Tianhao fell into deep thought. That was because, when Qi Ya's appearance appeared in his heart, Long Tianhao was also smiling.    


Long Tianhao couldn't help but feel the same way. A beautiful figure suddenly appeared in Long Tianhao's heart and occupied Qi Ya's position. It was a devastatingly beautiful face. However, there was an indescribable sadness that made Long Tianhao's heart ache.    


"Ah ~, who is she? Why did it appear in my heart? Why does my heart hurt so much? Why was there so much sadness in her eyes?    


Why was there so much reluctance and attachment in her eyes? Why do I feel a pang when I see her? Why? "Why do I feel such heartache?"    


Long Tianhao kept questioning with a pained expression on his face. The appearance of the beautiful figure in his heart made his heart flustered.    


He could not get rid of the sad and reluctant face in his heart. His heart was filled with reluctance and pain, causing Long Tianhao to be tormented by pain.    




Long Tianhao only felt something explode in his head before he fainted. He was too agitated and was unable to calm down, causing him to faint.    


Long Tianhao fell into a deep sleep. In his dreams, the image of that beautiful woman kept appearing in his mind, as if she was telling him something. However, he couldn't see it clearly.    


"No, no!"    


Long Tianhao woke up from his sleep with a heart-wrenching roar. It was already the morning of the second day. Long Tianhao did not wake up naturally, but he was woken up by the nightmare just now.    


Long Tianhao saw the beautiful figure in his dream. In order to become a blur, her body was pierced by someone, and she fell into a pool of blood. The person in the dream let out an earth-shattering roar, and Long Tianhao also let out an angry roar as he woke up from his dream.    


"Why do I dream of this? Who was she? What does it have to do with me? Why do I keep seeing her in my mind? "    


There was another series of questions, but still no one answered.    


"Ahh, forget about it. Since I've already come, I will take care of myself. No matter what, there will be a day when I can find the answer I want in my heart. Right now, no matter how much I think about it, it is useless.    


After pondering for a long time, Long Tianhao could only sigh helplessly. He had more and more questions in his heart and did not know when he would be able to get an answer.    


After cleaning himself up, Long Tianhao ate some breakfast and then walked out of his room. Coincidentally, he met Feng Baiyu, who also came out of his room. He couldn't help but walk over to him.    


"Bai Yu, where are you going?"    


"Tianhao, I didn't see you yesterday. I don't want to go anywhere. I just wanted to find some wine. I have nothing to do anyway."    


"Bai Yu, what are your plans after this?"    


"Eh, why did you suddenly ask about this? I haven't thought about it yet, but I have nothing to do. "    


Feng Baiyu was also clearly stunned when Long Tianhao asked him about his plans. After all, he really hadn't thought about such things.    


"The Ice Blue Imperial Family's martial arts academy is about to start. I plan on going there to study for a while. I want you to come with me if you have nothing else to do, so we can have more people so that you won't be bored."    


"This is great. I also want to go and have a look. It's settled then. When the time comes, I'll go with you. It's boring to stay here everyday and have nothing to do."    


I should go to one of the three great academies in the continent and look around. Maybe I'll even meet a few beauties there, and then I can settle a few with me.    


"Go for a stroll?" Do you think that's your backyard? and even brought back a few beauties, all having beautiful dreams. I really can't stand you. "    


"Hehe, I was just joking. Don't take it seriously. Of course, if there really are beauties throwing themselves into my arms, I won't refuse them. After all, rejecting beauties means being struck by lightning by the heavens."    


Feng Baiyu had a serious expression on his face as if it was true.    


"Hmm, you do have the ability, but you might not even have the ability to deliver it. I've discovered that you have the potential to be a pretty boy. If you don't have the money in the future, you can make money with your looks. I'm so envious."    


"Of course, I am a handsome man. Everyone loves each other. Eh, what? You say that I'm a pretty boy, but in my opinion, you're a pretty boy. With such good skin and how much more handsome you are than I am, tsk. "    


Looking at Long Tianhao's appearance, Feng Baiyu was a bit indignant. He could not help but feel depressed in his heart. He was already so handsome, but there was actually someone more handsome than him. This was simply too infuriating.    


Ke ke, I'm not joking. You should also prepare yourself. A couple of days later, you will have to participate in the test. Only after that can you enter the academy.    


"Hmm, no problem. It's just a small matter. But I will still prepare well. I'll go find some wine first. I won't be accompanying you."    


As he said this, he ran downstairs and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Long Tianhao couldn't help but shake his head. Feng Baiyu was always hard for people to see through. Sometimes frivolous, sometimes serious.    


Not caring about Feng Baiyu's business, he had already done what he wanted to do. He went out to find Feng Baiyu. Since Feng Baiyu had agreed to go with him, Long Tianhao turned around and went back to his room.    


He needed to properly meditate for a period of time. He really did not know enough about magic, and he needed to strengthen his foundation.    




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